Who else is tired of hearing Obama supporters saying they are only voting for him because of CHANGE?
2008-09-06 08:24:38 UTC
I mean come on people. Whenever you ask an Obama supporter why they are voting for him what are you going to hear? HES GONNA BRING CHANGE!!!!

My god. Who else is tired of hearing Obama supporters saying this?
39 answers:
2008-09-06 08:32:48 UTC
Well he can't use that word anymore, because McCain has delivered the Change of all Changes!
Michael F
2008-09-06 08:56:22 UTC
The Republican Party apparently is not tired of it. They like the word so much they've started using it too.

The real question now is: who do you believe will bring about positive change - the same party (and many of the same people) who brought you the last eight years, or the party that has opposed most of the disastrous policies of the Bush Administration?

Oh, and with regard to the alleged consequences of the candidates' income tax proposals:

>> This is an erroneous interpretation of federal income tax rates based on the premise that Senator McCain favors extending the temporary tax cuts instituted by the Bush administration in 2001 and 2003, while Senator Obama does not. However, both senators said they would favor extending those tax cuts; the difference is that Senator Obama said he would not favor extending the tax cuts for households with incomes of $250,000 or more per year. Since none of the tax tables listed above applies to that income level, their inclusion is irrelevant and misleading. As noted at the head of this article, taxpayers in the brackets covered by these tables would likely see a greater reduction in taxes under Senator Obama's proposals than under Senator McCain's, an outcome reflected in the Tax Policy Center's estimate of how the average tax bill could change in 2009 under each candidate's proposals:


Over $2.9M -$269,364

$603K and up -$45,361

$227K-$603K -$7,871

$161K-$227K -$4,380

$112K-$161K -$2,614

$66K-$112K -$1,009

$38K-$66K -$319

$19K-$38K -$113

Under $19K -$19


Over $2.9M +$701,885

$603K and up +$115,974

$227K-$603K +$12

$161K-$227K -$2,789

$112K-$161K -$2,204

$66K-$112K -$1,290

$38K-$66K -$1,042

$19K-$38K -$892

Under $19K -$567

The previously posted crap has been discredited as inaccurate months ago.
2008-09-06 17:54:17 UTC
It is funny. Change is coming if Obama or McCain wins, President Bush will no longer be the President. So, he is sort of right. But the kind of change he is talking about is the change of America's strong prominent position in the World!! God helps us if he wins.

The change he promises he cannot provide. A tax-cut on 95% of Americans with increased government spending!! Mr. Obama, where's the beef?? Most Americans are not too bright so he gets away with saying that unchallenged. I guess maybe Hilary didn't even think voters were that stupid!!

Isn't change always the slogan when a President is leaving who has served two terms?
2008-09-06 08:38:10 UTC
I am an Obama supporter, but I find that I'm getting sick over this overuse of the word "change" in his campaign, despite it being the entire platform. I believe that some supporters of either candidate usually are not fully educated on the issues, and give their support based on what they see on tv, not the facts. So maybe some Republicans aren't really ecstatic McCain as a candidate, but because he's a Republican in name, they feel obligated to vote for him anyway. Same goes for Democrats.

Now McCain is trying to build and enforce that he's going to bring change. Are you going to get sick of that anytime soon?

I know that whichever candidate gets into the White House will bring change, but its the matter of it actual being effective and long-term that counts.
2008-09-06 08:52:39 UTC
No. But I do find it funny that the McCain camp is mysteriously using that SAME word often.

I can tell you the change that I see him bringing is to our health care system( the closest thing to universal health care between the two), the educational tuition help($4,500) a year per college student that needs it as long as they do some community service, put more of a tax burden on the upper class(5%) of the population....ect..

Now I have said what Obama has outlined as changed in his speeches. PLEASE tell me ANYTHING McCain and Palin has outlined in any speeches. -- Oh yeah, whatever happened to that gas tax holiday he promised everyone this summer?

Wow, you Republicans are a joke this year. Is this another Star Wars episode-- Return of the Republican Clones?
2008-09-06 08:34:53 UTC
Not me and I what I hear is Obama supporters wanting to change the fact that the NRA, oil lobbyists, right-to-lifers, Halliburton, and social conservatives have had our government by the balls for the last 8 years. With McCain/Palin you get more of the same.
2016-10-15 06:50:59 UTC
I do get the effect whilst somebody is a Democrat who became balloting for Hillary interior the primaries and is no longer balloting for Obama yet McCain is a racist. Hillary and Obama had extraordinarily much the comparable ideas and regulations. And whilst Hillary did no longer win, 22% of her voters mentioned they could vote for McCain who's against ALL OF HILLARY'S regulations. i do no longer understand the way in case you vote for Hillary who stands on women human beings's rights, abortion, who's in comparison ridiculous conflict and whilst she did no longer win could turn around and vote for McCain who's clueless on women human beings's rights (whilst asked how come Viagra is over-the-counter and beginning administration pills are not, he could no longer answer the question), who's a conflict monger, and easily clueless on the methods the known American lives. so as this is I say they are racists because of the fact they do no longer desire to confirm a black guy with the comparable ideas as a white women human beings interior the White abode. now you won't be in a position to stand to chat for each individual once you're saying the PUMA democrats/republicans at the instant are not balloting for Obama in line with race. You individually probably at the instant are not balloting for him for his race yet others are.
2008-09-06 08:30:54 UTC
Why are you tired of it. You know it's the truth. This country does need change. Barack Obama has consistently said that he wants to restore the rights that we have lost in the past eight years. For instance, under the Military Commissions Act of 2006, President Bush was given the power to place anyone in jail without charging them with a crime. These people only need to be labeled terrorists.

Barack Obama believes in Universal Healthcare as a basic human right. If you are diagnosed with cancer and do not have insurance, your medical bills will be a burden for your entire family. Over a million families will declare bankruptcy due to high medical bills in 2008. McCain's plan gives an annual $4000 tax credit to individuals to make up the cost of insurance. The fault in this plan is that you must not have a pre-existing condition and you also have to be able to pay the premium. How do disabled people pay health insurance premiums?

Just look at the reporters that were rounded up and thrown in jail at the Republican convention. And Palin, she tried to ban books.

Go to
2008-09-06 08:34:30 UTC
I agree. Especially the ones that don't know what kind of change he is going to bring, but are just contented that the word "change" is involved.

I don't support either side, because it's not only the Obama voters that are ignorant.
2008-09-06 08:32:17 UTC
Change= Better environment as in cleaner fuels and resources,stop spending money over in China...(we owe them a huge load of money now) Taxes that makes sense that will try to help our economy, pull our troops out when the time is up, look for the real evil which isn't even in Iraq. That is Change I can believe in!!!!
2008-09-06 08:32:46 UTC
What I find interesting is that McCain is taking up "Change" which was all over his speech and now both candidates are claiming to be the "Change candidate". SO now you are going to hear that McCain/Palin are the ones who can bring real "Change" although all they are offering is a continuation of failed Republican policy.

As you can see by the answers they are already doing this. LOL
2008-09-06 08:34:47 UTC
And McCain, knowing how tired it is, just had to steal the word "change" for his speech. I guess we now know who changes to suit his needs.
2008-09-06 08:31:43 UTC
Here is his change and these are verifiable facts.

Remember his tax cut. Yes he will cut your taxes AFTER raising them by letting the Bush tax cut expire then implement his tax cut that is less than half of Bush's. There fore your taxes WILL go up! EVERYONES!!!!

28% on profit from ALL home sales. (How does this affect you? If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)

McCains tax plan

Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K- tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $31,250

Obamas tax plan after letting Bush's tax cut expire

Single making 30K - tax $8,400

Single making 50K - tax $14,000

Single making 75K - tax $23,250

Married making 60K - tax $16,800

Married making 75K - tax $21,000

Married making 125K - tax $38,750

Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!

Restore the inheritance tax

Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.


Obama08, you call us stupid and you can't even write. Well yes you can. You write like my 12 year old. LMAO
2008-09-06 08:35:37 UTC
You know one thing you can say about Obama and "Change" is he is not lying. The plans are to change America from a Capitalistic society to a Socialist one (that is a short step down from Communism).

America is by no means perfect, but I do not want to live in the USSA!
Sassy One
2008-09-06 08:29:35 UTC
I believe I heard that word hundreds of times at your convention.

Obama used change.

McCain change we can believe in.

I will vote for Obama, because he will bring change.

McCain will not, as he has all of Bush's people currently working for him, starting with Karl Rove.

How is that change.

If you don't want change, you don't want to hear change, vote for McCain, and then you will be just fine in your little pea brain.
2008-09-06 08:34:19 UTC
Oh my! I totally agree. They have no actual facts to back that up with. But you know that is the kind of people Barack Osama is targeting. Many of these people are uneducated and will follow him because he is a Democrat and African American. They have absolutely no idea of any issues. Now that is scary.
Angela Q
2008-09-06 08:33:53 UTC
Pretty funny. McCain is definitely not change we can believe in. Because McCain represents more of the same. More war, more fiscal irresponsibility, more foreclosures, and more tax cuts to the ultra-rich.
2008-09-06 08:29:16 UTC
I am voting for Obama because I think he is more likely to listen to the people. That is the change.
2008-09-06 08:30:50 UTC
I bet you get tired of asking the same questions again and again and getting the same answers don't you ?

Like I bet you keep on asking whats 2+2 ? And you get tired of hearing "4".

I also bet you are clueless to my point. Idiot.
Tim J
2008-09-06 08:29:27 UTC
No doubt Obama would bring change... Just not the type of change I would prefer... :)

So you know... The Obama camp put this marketing slogan together before McCain picked Palin. It is largely showing to be ineffective because of Palin, so I suspect they will eventually change it before the end of the campaign...
2008-09-06 08:29:42 UTC
Well with the past 8 years, I think it's time for the Democrats to get back in. John Mccain is just four more years of the same. No economic plan, no plan to get us out of war, no nothing!
2008-09-06 08:34:23 UTC
wow, i love the poster who still didn't define the change, yet screamed it at the top of her lungs.

hahahahahaha. well maybe in four more years when anyone but Obama is on the dems ticket, you can win, but not this year fools.
2008-09-06 08:29:03 UTC
Obama will bring change. After taxes, high prices, inflation, and no jobs thats all we'll have left from our paychecks. Remember Jimmy Carter? Obama's policies are very similar.
2008-09-06 08:33:57 UTC
Yes, with Obama many people who say "What will we eat tonight?" will CHANGE to "Will we eat tonight?".
2008-09-06 08:31:57 UTC
Nobody because I've never heard anyone saying that.
2008-09-06 08:29:59 UTC
well mccain just stole that theme,just think can we take another 4 yrs of the last 8?
2008-09-06 08:31:08 UTC
I think it is pitiful when they can't effectively site just which "change" their for otherwise it's just a campaign chant.
2008-09-06 08:29:33 UTC
Oh, make no mistake about it, he wants change. And the change he wants is to change us from a captalist government to a socialist government. He wants to bankrupt our corporations and turn everything over to the government. He wants us all working for him and he wants to take away our voice. Make no mistake. He wants change all right.
2008-09-06 08:29:42 UTC
Yes.. What is scary and sad is they don't even know what change he is going to bring.... People need to get a clue......
2008-09-06 08:28:15 UTC
lmao mccain stole his mantra.......why are mccain supporters now voting for change.
Real Grit
2008-09-06 08:29:15 UTC
May be they can say ChingChong instead, a little change from change. Sorry, Chinese may not like that though.
2008-09-06 08:28:34 UTC
Actually, with McCain's woman VP pick, he offers more 'change' than Obama.
2008-09-06 08:28:30 UTC
what else have they been told even obama cant tell you anything but change and higher taxes
2008-09-06 08:28:09 UTC
I am, change isn't always good. He says he wants to bring change but at what price?
2008-09-06 08:27:46 UTC
How is choosing an " angry, wrinkled old white guy" and 40 year Washington insider for VP "CHANGE"??

Palin is REAL change

McCain/Palin 2008!
Rob M
2008-09-06 08:27:38 UTC
These are the same people who buy vegetable oil because it says "No Cholesterol" on the label. What do you expect?

PS: Cholesterol is animal fat.
Jennifer Lynn
2008-09-06 08:28:18 UTC
Right on girl! I completely agree.

CHANGE, is that the only word that he can articulate?
2008-09-06 08:28:11 UTC
I agree with you. Change he has yet to show; his change is from their pockets to his.
2008-09-06 08:27:56 UTC
Ask what he will change, they can't answer.

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