McCain described the middle-class as those making less than $5 million/yr, is he out of touch?
2008-08-17 22:01:47 UTC
I think this really shows how out of touch he is with the struggling middle-class. His plan to increase payroll taxes and decrease corporate taxes will decimate the working class even further.
24 answers:
2008-08-17 22:12:59 UTC
Did you watch the show? Right after he said that he started laughing. It was a joke.
PS: McCain and Cindy do not combine their money. They file seperate. This is why he released his tax records, but hers were not included. Just a little fact check for those of you who say he has millions because of Cindy.
2008-08-17 22:57:15 UTC
I like the way he thinks. My husband works 16 hours a day 7 days a week right now why should he have to pay more in taxes to pay for someone else that don't work or just wants to work 40 hours a week and let the government pick up the slack? Look at the people having kids right and left and the government paying for them to be born, for child care, free lunch and now Obama wants the government to pay for them all to go to college. We could only afford to have and raise one child why should so many have the right to have as many as they want and expect the government to pick up the tab? The government needs to stop paying everyone way except the old and the sick. If a person works hard enough to make $5 million a year that is no body's business he can do what ever he wants to do with it there would be a lot more making that if they stopped waiting for the government to take hard working peoples money to give to them. If the government paid for you to have one child maybe that should be your limit maybe you can tell me why the struggling middle-class keeps having kids if they can't afford them? Why does the struggling middle-class think they can afford to live in a million dollar house? Why does the struggling middle-class think they can and should be able to live like John and Cindy McCain? I am not dumb enough to think I can live that way and I don't think the government should take from those that have that kind of wealth to provide my lifestyle that is up to all adults to decide how hard they want to work for the lifestyle they want to live. There is something sick about looking at rich people and thinking you deserve what they have. What has already decimated the working class is the biggest part of them think they can live like the rich. The rest of us have worked hard and lived within our means and now we should not have to help others live better than we do.
2008-08-17 22:19:52 UTC
Well, you've gotta understand. Compared to McCain's lifestyle, $5 million is poor. Ever since he threw his first wife under the bus to cheat with, and then marry, his rich young trophy heiress, John McCain hasn't had much reason at all to think about how much money people are making or what it costs to live.
Do you really think someone who has 8 homes, wears $520 Italian leather shoes, and flies around on a private plane owned by his wife, can possibly understand the struggles of working people in this country? That's why his health-care plan, for all those people who can't afford insurance even with the tax deduction he has promised, is to get a second job.
2008-08-17 22:15:13 UTC
I doubt that McCain even knows what a middle class working income is . He is -has always been most of his life -PRIVILEGED out of touch with most Americans . I think that he should live just two months paying rent and working at a minimum wage job. Just a thought. May be at a fast food restaurant -if he is not too old to be president then he should handle that ok.
2008-08-17 22:15:04 UTC
Well, McCain obviously has much more than that as his wife owns that beer company. Everything politicians say is taken out of context. McCain certainly is not like your average American. He doesn't spend time with average people. All the people in Washington are disconnected from the real America.
2008-08-17 22:12:17 UTC
McCain didn't want to give a dollar amount because he said he's not interested in raising anyone's taxes during a slow economic period.
He just threw out $5MM as a hypothetical number, but then stated that he was sure to get some flack for saying that.
In less than a second he envisioned the response of the left-wing kooks/Obots.
McCain '08
2008-08-17 22:18:54 UTC
He was doing that gutteral laugh-like thing when he said it, so I guess he meant it as a joke. I don't get it, though.
If you read the transcript, you find that whenever he told a "joke" or regurgitated one of his anecdotes, he then gave an answer that had nothing to do with the question -- or no answer at all. This provides a clue as to why he is trying to squirm out of the standard debate format -- because with a moderator keeping him on track, he won't be able to use humor to hide his ignorance.
2008-08-17 22:15:51 UTC
YOU are the one who is out of touch.
When McCain was asked how much a person had to earn to qualify as "rich," he said, facetiously, $5 million.
McCain has a sense of humor. Obama does not. In fact, Obama has no sense at all.
2008-08-17 22:30:48 UTC
Did he really say that?
Regardless, he is so out of touch it's pathetic.
susan k
2008-08-17 22:08:50 UTC
That is not what he said. His answer was about income related to wealth. How much does an American have to make to be considered rich or wealthy? He said "oh I don't know" then facetiously said, "five million." Don't twist what was said or its intent. That is just plain dishonest.
2008-08-17 22:10:30 UTC
Get off your lazy a.s.s.s and Stop playing Mr. Victim. Get a job and make your own millions, you Obama Cry Baby. Should I get out my Harpsichord and play Southern Man for You.
2008-08-17 22:07:30 UTC
McCain was quoted as saying he wants NO tax raises. McCain himself makes nowhere even near that per year
Go ahead and lie a little more ;)
EDIT: Alex True; lol
2008-08-17 22:06:43 UTC
I watched the forum with a fine tooth comb twice, he never said that. What were you interpreting?
His exact words were, "if a small business owner financially has the money, but works 16 hours a day to keep the business a float, what is her wealth, it cant be measured."
2008-08-17 22:08:01 UTC
Well compared to his wifes 300-500 million dollars wealth, private jet and 8 homes. People making 5 mill a year are middle class. In his defense he said the 5 million as a joke. The not so funny thing is that he does not know what number is the middle class income.
2008-08-17 22:11:09 UTC
It's ironic how he joked that his quotes would be distorted last night.....and then people like you do it.
2008-08-17 22:09:51 UTC
So if your making 1 million does that make you lower middle class? Or poor? McCain is crazy.
2008-08-17 22:10:16 UTC
I would hope he was joking but that too would probably just be a smoke screen.
2008-08-17 22:20:57 UTC
oh puleez...... reaching
2008-08-17 22:06:42 UTC
It was a joke. If you can't figure that out, please don't vote in the election! He said that he does not want to raise ANYONES taxes as opposed to Barry the Liar.
why be normal
2008-08-17 22:08:35 UTC
It was a joke....Like Obama.
2008-08-17 22:07:05 UTC
No, you are.
2008-08-17 22:06:28 UTC
He didn't say that.
Destiny's child
2008-08-17 22:06:16 UTC
Yes. McCain just wants to maintain the status quo.
2008-08-17 22:05:24 UTC
Yup....that's the plan...stupid plan.....but a plan....
my god we are in trouble...
Yeah he also said that smear commercial about Obama was a joke to
I don't believe that either....
to the poster below I do not have to get off my *** I work and take care of my responsiblities myself
I have never looked for or asked for a handout
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