Do most people think free masons are good?
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2012-10-03 17:44:06 UTC
The Masonic religion is deeply rooted in satanism, but it seems like a lot of people think masons are good people and patriots or something. Do you know this to be true? Thoughts?
Six answers:
2012-10-04 10:25:34 UTC
Freemasons do NOT have anything to do with Satan. The only people that believe otherwise are the uneducated, ignorant, hate filled. religious bigots and those that are gullible enough to believe them. Both groups have lost touch with reality and they hate it when people like me point that out to them. They can't handle the truth. Those two websites you pointed out to James K are perfect examples of the religious bigots I mentioned and you are one of the gullible people I mentioned.
2012-10-04 11:48:24 UTC
Freemasonry is a fraternal order of men which derives from the medieval fraternity of Freemasons. We adhere to many of the Ancient Charges, laws, customs and legends of operative Freemasonry. We are loyal to the civilian government under which we exist. We inculcate moral and social virtues by symbolic application of the operative stonemasons' working tools and by allegories, lectures and charges.

Freemasonry obligates its members to obey the principles of brotherly love, equality, mutual aid, secrecy and confidence. We have secret modes of recognition which permit members to recognize each other as brothers. We require a through examination into the mental, moral and physical qualifications of a petitioner and we admit men into the fraternity by secret ceremonies based in part on legends of the Craft.

Once a person has decided to apply for membership he fills out a petition signed by two members of the Lodge he desires to join. He gives the petition to one of the men along with the required initiation fee. The petition is read at the next stated ( business ) meeting at which time the Worshipful Master ( head person of the Lodge ) will appoint an investigating committee ( usually consisting of three members ) who will contact and interview the petitioner in person. The investigating committee will report back to the Lodge at the following stated meeting at which time all members present will vote on the petitioner. One accepted the petitioner becomes a candidate and who will receive the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and then will be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.

There are certain requirements a candidate must meet before he is allowed to proceed from one Degree to the next.

One must obtain the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason before he is allowed to wear any Masonic Jewelry or insignia.

One must have a Belief in a Supreme Being.

There is always a Holy Book placed upon the Alter when Lodge is open.

Tenets of the Masonic Fraternity are " Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. "

The Masonic Fraternity is NOT a Secret Society but rather a Society With Secrets such as other Fraternal Organizations including but not limited to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Eagles, Elks, Moose, Druids, American Legion, Etc.

The Masonic Fraternity is not " Satanic " in Nature and is based upon teachings which are moral and upright before BOTH THE DEITY and mankind.

Suggest if you are a male and of legal age in the jurisdiction in which you reside and are interested in joining the Masonic Fraternity then you can contact a man whom you know is a Mason and ask him for further information. In case there is no local Masonic Lodge available you can contact the Grand Lodge of Masons for the jurisdiction in which you reside for assistance. The Grand Lodge Officers will be more than happy to assist you in any way possible.

If you are under the legal age and are still interested in becoming associated with the Masonic Fraternity then you can inquire about the DeMolay Organization for young men.

Please do NOT rely upon all information which can be obtained via the Internet in regards to the Masonic Fraternity and their Affiliated Organizations. There are many people who may have a wrong impression about what Fraternal Orders are all about in general terms and about the Masonic Fraternity in particular.

Although there are now " Co - Masons " in the United States these " Co - Masonic Lodges " are NOT recognized by ALL of the Masonic Grand Lodge Bodies. If you join a " Co - Masonic Lodge " and travel to another jurisdiction which does NOT recognize the " Co - Masonic Lodge " you will be unable to attend any Masonic Lodges in these jurisdictions.

Also there are some minor differences from one Lodge to another even in the same jurisdiction in their work. There are also differences in the Ritual from jurisdiction to jurisdiction especially between countries. Although all Masons will recognize the Ritual Work performed.

No matter where one travels in the world there are Masonic Lodges where a Brother can find relaxation and companionship. There are no strangers in a Masonic Lodge only a Brother we haven’t met yet.
2012-10-04 13:49:46 UTC
Looks like someone needs a primer:

To explore the organization that some (very few, actually) so vehemently protest, we must first explain what Masonry IS! Here are some key points:

Freemasonry is the world's oldest and largest Fraternity. While its traditions look back to earliest history, Masonry in its current form appeared when its public events were noticed by the residents of London, England in 1717. Although Masonry - particularly in its earliest days - had some elements of secrecy, the first 'exposure' of the supposedly highly-secret Masonic ritual actually appeared in 1696! Since that time, there have been tens of thousands of books published about this 'secret organization'. And for over three hundred years, despite the good works done by its members, Freemasonry has continually suffered the slings and arrows of those who seek to use it's quiet nature against it.

Freemasonry's singular purpose is to make good men better and its bonds of friendship, compassion and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place of worship. It is not a religion nor does it teach a religious philosophy. For nearly three hundred years it has attracted men of high moral character who support the tenets of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.

Today, the more than four million Freemasons around the world come from virtually every occupation and profession. Within the Fraternity, however, all meet as equals. In fact, one of the most fascinating aspects of Freemasonry (and an obvious source of irritation for those who thrive on the seeds of discontent) has always been: how can so many men, from so many different walks of life, meet together in peace, ignoring political or religious debates, to conduct their affairs in harmony and friendship and to call each other "Brother!" It's truly a conundrum which perplexes those outside the fraternity. Laying aside petty jealousies and agreeing that issues of politics and religion are not proper for discussion within a lodge, the 'bones of contention' that so often divide are removed thereby making it possible for men of varying religious and political interests to meet on common ground.

Now some debunking:

'The Cutting Edge' is another of those one-man 'ministries' that proclaims:

"We PROVE that Freemasonry is occultic, Satanic, from their own writings! Blah...blah...blah

On closer examination, one finds that 'The Cutting Edge' and its owner (who has given himself the title of "Director"), David Bay seems to hate Freemasonry and a lot of other things. His rants include religious intolerance always linked with a 'pitch' for his many tapes as well as a whole panoply of books, videos, and most anything else he can sell including a subscription so you can read his pearls of wisdom on his website. He is clearly consumed by conspiracy theories and devotes a whole section of his site to proving that secret scientists control our weather, all part of the 'New World Order' Illuminati which he trumpets as running world events! (Update: Developing theories in order to keep the seminar crowd coming have apparently been hearing that it's now the 'US military' who's doing that controlling of the weather - and Bay is convinced that they can and do use it at will against whomever they want! No proof of any of it, of course, but what the heck....)

The methodology by which he seeks to 'prove' his claims is most frequently through tossing together a lot of unrelated quotes from a variety of sources taken completely out of context. This methodology is often described as 'cherry-picking'. It is also an excellent example of the 'shoot the arrow - draw the target' approach.

'The Cutting Edge' indicates their reference material about Freemasonry is from a 'Freemasonry Publishing House' (and, more recently, an 'Illuminati Witch' whose books, incidentally, he'll be happy to sell you!). Want to know the truth? Here it is: many long-out-of-print Masonic works are still sought today, simply for scholastic purposes, just as are the works in many fields, including mysticism. Religious intolerants like Mr. Bay seem to find something inherently evil in reading about the past as if somehow the words on the page will stain the mind of the reader. It seems obvious to these folks, based on their reactions, that reading books they deem 'evil' means that the individual is up to no good. While their discernment capabilities usually are on the level that would make a scavenging animal look discriminating, they've set themselves up as the judge and jury of what YOU should not read.
2012-10-04 01:54:09 UTC
As a Freemason and Chaplain of Freemasons, I know us to be the best of men.

It seems that we must apply Biblical admonishment to this person's words: Flee from the presence of the ignorant man when you perceive not the spirit of wisdom on his tongue.

Or to update, let's ignore his words.
2012-10-04 11:42:53 UTC
The Masonic Fraternity is NOT a Religion. Here is a description of what a person believes a Mason to be.

“Born in Kiel, Holstein Germany, brewer and hotelier, Otto Klotz, immigrated to Preston, Ontario in 1837. Within a year, he was elected to the Board of School Trustees where he served as secretary-treasurer, almost without break, from 1839 to 1891. In 1845 Preston’s school became Ontario’s first “Free” school.

He also served as Chief Engineer of the Preston Fire Brigade in 1850, Justice of the Peace in 1856, and, among other offices, was the President and long time director of the Waterloo County Agricultural Society.

Highly regarded by Ontario Freemasons, he was made an Honourary Past Grand Master in 1885. Excerpts from an article he wrote, published in The Canadian Craftsman on 15 March 1868, entitled “The History of Freemasonry” have been incorporated into the ritual of most lodges in Canada as The Ideal of a Freemason.”

The Personification Of A Mason

“If you see a man who quietly and modestly moves in the sphere of his life ; who, without blemish, fulfills his duty as a man, a subject, a husband and a father; who is pious without hypocrisy, benevolent without ostentation, and aids his fellowman without self-interest; whose heart beats warm for friendship, whose serene mind is open for licensed pleasures, who in vicissitudes does not despair, nor in fortune will be presumptuous, and who will be resolute in the hour of danger.”

“The man who is free from superstition and free from infidelity; who in nature sees the finger of the Eternal Master; who feels and adores the higher destination of man; to whom faith, hope and charity are not mere words without any meaning; to whom property, any, even life, is not too dear for the protection of the innocence and virtue, and for the defense of truth;”

“The man who towards himself is a severe judge, but who is tolerant with the debilities of his neighbor; who endeavors to oppose errors without arrogance, and to promote intelligence without impatience; who properly understands how to estimate and employ his means; who honors virtue, though it be in the most humble garment, and who does not favor vice though it be clad in purple; and who administers justice to merit whether dwelling in palaces or cottages.”

“The man who, without courting applause, is loved by all noble-minded men, respected by his superiors and revered by his subordinates; the man who never proclaims what he has done, can do, or will do, but where need is, will lay hold with dispassionate courage, circumspect resolution, indefatigable exertion and rare power of mind, and who will not cease until he has accomplished his work, and who then, without pretension, will retire into the multitude because he did the good act, not for himself, but for the cause of good.”

“If you, my friend, meet such a man, you will see the personification of brotherly love, relief and truth; and you will have found the ideal of a Freemason.”
2012-10-04 02:58:52 UTC
if you assume that the catholic church dictates what Christianity is..then you will buy in to that however....

Christianity is correct ONLY when CHRIST is the forfront which is different then the catholic church that thinks its church is the only way...the question is are masons all depends on your perception and beliefs in the very word that tells ALL of us about GOD and HIS righteousness.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.