a survey for woman ages 30-50 : who are you voting for and why ?
grumpy girl
2008-10-16 12:38:21 UTC
what is your age ? marital status ? are you a parent ? what is your view on the following : capital punishment , abortion , gun control , hunting , rape , incest , and freedom of the press.
i am pro-gun , pro-life , and for capital punishment. capital punishment for rape , incest , child molestation , and murder. just wanting opinions please , and if you want to give me your religion , i would like that also. i am baptist. thank-you for all / any answers.
26 answers:
2008-10-16 14:42:38 UTC
Hey, I'm in the correct age range, why didn't you include me? Ok, I know I'm a bloke and live in England, and can't vote in your election, but I do have feelings you know!
~Tankers Wife~
2008-10-16 15:36:24 UTC
my age is 33, I am married and have three children. My views are as follows.....

1.I believe in capital punishment

2.I don't believe in abortion

3.I believe that I have the right to bear arms

4.I am a hunter and I enjoy it.

5. I believe that capital punishment is to good for rapists and child molesters I think they should be tortured and then put to death publicly

6. I am not really overly religious but I do believe in God

and last but not least I am voting for McCain/Palin
2008-10-19 17:09:54 UTC
57 married, parent, grandparent,

Capital punishment yes, for rape of children, incest , murder, pro-gun

pro- choice up to a point, Southern Baptist Ministry Assistant.

2008-10-16 12:46:37 UTC
I am in my thirties, I am married. I am a mother of 2, stepmother of 2. I think that the death penalty is way too lenient and underused. I am pro-life to the extent that Abortion should not be used for birth control and should really only be used if there is danger to the mother's health. There is enough birth control out there, and if it happens to fail, then you're a mother. My son was conceived while I was on birth control, so I am no hypocrite. There is no justification for partial birth or infanticide type abortions unless the mother will die without the procedures. Every American has the right to bear arms. That should not be taken away, but we should have better control over who gets these weapons. I don't like hunting, so I don't hunt. I don't hold it against those who do. I am Christian but I do not attend church regularly. My relationship with God is between he and I. The church has a lot of rules meant to control people. I answer to God, not a church.

Rape? Any man who rapes a woman should have his balls cut off and fed to him. Any man who rapes a child should be put to death. Freedom of press is crucial.

I am voting for John McCain
I'm back...and this still sucks.
2008-10-16 12:55:00 UTC


I don't have strong feelings about capital punishment either way.

Abortion: Personally, I'm strongly anti-abortion but in certain circumstances I'm pro-choice

gun control: I think it only keeps the law abiding from getting guns. People who are criminals are not likely to follow the law.

capital punishment for rape, etc.: honestly, I think a life spent in prison is more of a punishment than death. I do believe that child molesters should have a mandatory 20 year sentence and should not be put in protective custody, rather, they should have to stick it out in general population.

2008-10-16 12:52:10 UTC
I'm 43, married with two kids and one grandchild. I believe in capital punishment, I am pro-choice but do not believe that women should use abortion as a form of birth control. The live birth abortion issue that Obama supports is disgusting to me. I believe in our second amendment and therefore the right to bear arms. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Should obese people blame the spoon? Just my opinion. I love to hunt (dove hunt) - it's a blast. Rapist and child molesters should be incarcerated for life. I am for victim's rights not the criminals. A criminal doesn't deserve any rights. I love that Sherrif in Arizona. Freedom of the press is a necessary evil. You can't censor them without creating an issue with my own right to express my opinion. They are idiots most of the time and have no idea what journalism is anymore but there's nothing that can be done about that.

I will be voting for McCain/Palin.
2008-10-16 13:01:54 UTC
I am 34, married with 3 children. Voting for McCain/Palin, I am for capital punushment for the same reasons, pro gun because only the bad guys would have them if i didmt support it, a Christian, abortion in extreme cases, i am for hunting, and believe in freedom of the press even if they only give half truths.
2008-10-16 12:55:16 UTC
I am 28 so please excuse my ignoring your age standards. I am married and we have two, soon to be three, children. I agree with Capital Punishment for those guilty of truly heinous crimes, I am Pro-life, I believe in moderate gun control (meaning I don't think felons, terrorists or the clinically insane should be allowed them), I don't hunt myself but I understand the necessity of it for some to feed their family, and I support our constitution in regards to freedom of the press. As far as rape and incest, I think those two abominable acts are grotesque violations of humanity and should be appropriately punished as such. I am a Christian and will vote for McCain/Palin.
2016-12-03 04:21:19 UTC
sure gay Marriage is okay in case you're gay solutions on your record one million. it rather is that in case you're gay 2. provided that they are gay in the 1st place 2.striking around tall human beings will make you tall.-- So why are there dwarfs to tall mom and father and so forth 3.loopy habit isn't only for gay individuals--loopy is ever the place 4. So have gays, women are only belongings in the event that they desire to be, Black and whites marry in maximum locations ,divorce is legal in maximum locations 5.provided that they marry a same intercourse companion additionally 6.Many instantly marriages don`t end with little ones ,and all and sundry has the main magnificent to marry anybody they desire regardless of the rationalization. 7. So why are there gay young little ones to instantly mom and father, if instantly mom and father only enhance instantly little ones then there at the instant are not any gays around. Or are gays from gay mom and father whom you're saying can`t produce young little ones. 8. No by using fact the church homes spend plenty time protecting up the gay relationships the preists are having. 9. there are hundreds of little ones from one determine familes that do o.k. for them selves ,and why then do greater gays look to have greater paying jobs and greater funds than assorted instantly individuals 10.Gays have been around an extremely long term ans society foundations are nevertheless good what is going to replace the society foundations would be bigots, racists, And the un counseled like your self. and that i think of sometime get out of your ego and bypass out component and notice that the international is replaced alot considering which you recognize little or no of the international and the well-known chages that have occurred whilst you have been so busy looking basic tactics to rubbish others that stay their lives in yet differently
2008-10-16 12:51:28 UTC
In my 40's


yes I am

I believe in Capital punishment.

I also believe I have a right to decide if I want an one has a right to tell me otherwise...NO ONE.

I am pro-gun I hunt and have a right to bear arms...

I love hunting...deer season is here and I love venison....pheasant.etc.

Raping someone to me is horrible and I think punish the fullest extent....if death is it so be one forgets rape.

Incest again is inconceivable I cannot fathom it and believe they need to be punished with life in better yet..why should our tax dollars be spent on them if proven guilty....get rid of them.

Freedom of the press...I also think has a right to speak the truth...I do not like the stories they cannot prove..or add words that have no meaning. But, if it was not for freedom of the press we would never know what is going on in this country.
cross-stitch kelly
2008-10-16 12:48:07 UTC
I'm 45, married, and only have a dog. I believe capital punishment is sometimes a necessary evil, that a woman should be able to decide whether or not she should carry a child to term, and that gun control is necessary because of all the crazies out there. Hunting is OK, as long as you're not just wasting animals, but need the meat (although I still believe in the right to arm bears). Naturally I'm against rape and incest, and for freedom of the press, because once that goes, all our freedom of speech is in danger. I believe in a loving God, but I'm not really affiliated with a church. I'm voting for Obama because I think he's going to help this country more, and not force people to conform to his ideal of what life should be.
Jeannie Out of the Bottle
2008-10-16 13:01:28 UTC
Age 47


Mother of 3 adult children

Capital punishment: Pro

Abortion: moderate...should not be used as form of birth control, be limited to medical to prevent unwanted pregnancy is necessary

Gun control: NO

Hunting: Take away deer season and I'll revolt.

Rape: Toughen the penalties, but not to capital punishment, reserve capital punishment for murder

Incest: committed by in a child against child...intensive therapy for both...prohibit consensual between adults as most states already do...genetic disaster waiting to happen

Child molestation: LIFE without parole

Murder...death penalty when done in commission of another felony, for profit, serial killers, gang-related...vehicular homicide when driving intoxicated should carry severe penalties...deaths of children caused by neglectful parents should carry penalties...sickened me when in this area a man went to prison for neglecting a dog, but a woman was not charged when she left a 2 month old in her SUV while she went in to take a nap.

Freedom of the press: fully support, however I would like for the media to exercise responsibility and give unbiased reports and not favor one aspect over another. Less sensationalism, more fact.

Baptist who will be voting McCain.

I took the test at this link.

96% in disagreement with Obama.
tin type
2008-10-16 12:47:32 UTC
Thirty-year-old single, non-parent, and a Christian - and don't let the personal photo fool you; I'm not a guy. Pro-gun, pro-life, pro-hunting (even if I don't do it myself), definitely for capital punishment for murder, rape, incest, and child molestation. And I am most definitely voting for John McCain.
Maureen L
2008-10-16 12:47:32 UTC
I am 47 yrs. old, married mother of 3 adult children, grandmother of 4.

I am voting for the McCain/Palin ticket because I agree with them on both political and moral issues. I agree that each American has the right to bear arms, I am pro-life, I have mixed feelings about capital punishment.
2008-10-16 13:32:40 UTC
I am voting for Barack Obama. we need change and new faces in the white house. I am very tired of looking at white men who hide behind close doors and laugh at us middle class and poor people. I want to know that someone else can to the job. I am 46 years of age and i'm married. I have a 21 year old daughter. I am against capital punishment, I believe a woman's body is her temple and she should have the right to choose her own destiny. i am against gun control, for hunting, rape is a sin, if the person forcing them-self on another than they are a coward and a sick person, they need to be put on Alcatraz island, so they can't ever get out. incest is a sin before your lord a savior, and i feel that freedom of the press is ok but i strongly feel that they go to far and a limited should be opposed on the press. to me the press is a danger to the public and whom ever they are covering and or protecting. no, problem in giving you my religion, i was raised in the AME Zion church which is African Methodist Episcopal, you as i started growing up i began to explore the difference between my childhood faith and Baptist. to me there is no difference. i now belong to Word Assembly Baptist Church in Oakland, CA Thank You for your question.
2008-10-16 12:47:43 UTC
50-Married-Yes, one daughter-capital punishment under certain circumstances-Abortion be left up to the states-no automatic assault weapons, handguns and hunting rifles OK-I live in an area of the country that hunts, I have no taste for it but am not going to try to prevent it-of course against rape and incest-I am for true freedom of the press--I have no religion but my parents are for McCain/Palin
2008-10-16 12:46:28 UTC
I am 32, I am married, I have 2 girls, I agree with you on capital punishment, pro-life, Christian (who doesn't go to church really, shame on me), hunting is fine ONLY if you eat it...I am voting for McCain.
2008-10-16 12:47:02 UTC
I am over 40; I am a baptist; divorced; 2 minor children; I am against capital punishment; I am pro choice; I am in favor of gun control; I dislike hunting with guns but like fishing; I am for freedom of the press and respect every ones first amendment right; I think capital punishment is unfair because of the large number of incarcerated people who have later been found innocent. Once their dead it's too late to overturn a death. If our justice system were infallible, I would favor the death penalty to anyone who murdered another.

I'm for Obama for president because I am a democrat and he is my candidate.
Passenger (wow widow)
2008-10-16 12:47:59 UTC
That's a lot of questions, I'll try to answer them all.

Age 34

Married, mother

Capital Punishment - against

abortion - pro-choice

guns - don't take away my guns

hunting - I don't but others should if they want to.

rape - ummm... I'm against it (is there another position on this?)

incest - see above

freedom of the press - the more freedom the better

religion - Wiccan, a Pagan religion

I am voting for Obama. I am a republican but I do not like McCain's views on the economy and foreign policy. I also do not trust his judgment since he believes Sarah Palin is the best choice for VP. I am not crazy about Obama but I think he will be a better president than McCain - he seems more level-headed and rational and I trust his judgment more.
2008-10-16 12:52:34 UTC
45/married/3 sons

Non practicing Catholic

I'm voting Obama / Biden

First and foremost I agree with their approach on many of the issues that are important to me.

The Environment/Alternative Energies

Row v.s. Wade/Pro Choice

Foreign Policy/ For Afghanistan war, against the war in Iraq, in favor of diplomacy unless war is absolutely warranted

The Economy/In particular bringing business and jobs BACK into the country

just for starters.

Secondly.... I do not believe, trust or like John McCain or Sara Palin.
2008-10-16 12:44:38 UTC
I am 42, Hispanic voting McCain/Palin.

Married with a son. Tend to be conservative.

capital punishment - for

pro life

child advocate, so yes to capital punishment for rapists, murders, child molesters. I am a christian.
2008-10-16 12:47:17 UTC
I'm 47, married for 20+ years, parent of 2, pro capital punishment, abortion, gun control. I'm voting for Obama as McCain is a hot tempered, liar that has moved through life because of his family and connections and has not done an honest days work ever.

Read this.....
Nancy M
2008-10-16 12:46:57 UTC
32 years, marriage, parent, pro capital punishment to incest, child molestation and murder, pro choice, againts guns, AGAINST HUNTING!, pro freedom of the press, cristian
2008-10-16 12:42:18 UTC
Grumpy women and I am a Baptist TOO..and a PIg farmer TOO

but I vote for Sarah Palin and John McCain
Beatle Band Aid
2008-10-16 12:43:08 UTC
I'm 53. I feel insulted that I can't be in your survey. Do you think that people over 50 don't have valid opinions?
2008-10-16 12:44:07 UTC
30-Obama, definitely not pro rape~

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.