Age 47
Mother of 3 adult children
Capital punishment: Pro
Abortion: moderate...should not be used as form of birth control, be limited to medical to prevent unwanted pregnancy is necessary
Gun control: NO
Hunting: Take away deer season and I'll revolt.
Rape: Toughen the penalties, but not to capital punishment, reserve capital punishment for murder
Incest: committed by in a child against child...intensive therapy for both...prohibit consensual between adults as most states already do...genetic disaster waiting to happen
Child molestation: LIFE without parole
Murder...death penalty when done in commission of another felony, for profit, serial killers, gang-related...vehicular homicide when driving intoxicated should carry severe penalties...deaths of children caused by neglectful parents should carry penalties...sickened me when in this area a man went to prison for neglecting a dog, but a woman was not charged when she left a 2 month old in her SUV while she went in to take a nap.
Freedom of the press: fully support, however I would like for the media to exercise responsibility and give unbiased reports and not favor one aspect over another. Less sensationalism, more fact.
Baptist who will be voting McCain.
I took the test at this link.
96% in disagreement with Obama.