Do people who support Obama REALLY know where he stands -- or are they just blindly voting for "change"?
Lady Wildcat
2008-10-10 08:12:09 UTC
SOURCE: Zogby, Bloomberg, and other pollsters; results compiled on .



61% of Americans oppose tax increases on fossil fuels. Obama supports them.

54% of Americans support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Obama opposes it.

73% of Americans support increased drilling for oil and natural gas offshore. Obama opposes it.

59% of Americans want as much energy generated from nuclear power as possible. Another 12% want 20% of our energy generated from nuclear. Obama opposes ALL nuclear-generated power.

60% of Americans think developing new energy sources is more important than protecting the environment. Obama thinks the opposite.


66% of Americans oppose tax increases on returns earned by stock holders. Obama supports such tax increases.

55% of American taxpayers oppose increasing the death tax for income over $1 million. Obama supports it.

85% of Americans, and 88% of taxpayers, oppose raising the top tax rate on the self-employed from 37% to 55%. Obama supports it.

85% of Americans and 87% of taxpayers oppose raising the tax rate on small companies. Obama wants to raise the rate from 35% to 50%.

Obama wants 55% to be the top individual tax rate. Only 12% of Americans support this.

53% of American taxpayers feel that raising taxes and increasing trade barriers will worsen the economy. Obama supports both.

Only 35% of Americans believe they will be personally better off if taxes are raised for businesses and the wealthy. Obama supports such tax raises.


70% of Americans oppose voting rights for convicted felons. Obama supports it.

82% of Americans feel it should be illegal for convicts on probation or out on bail to have contact with street gangs. Obama disagrees.


Only 14% of Americans feel firearm manufacturers should be sued for criminal acts involving guns. Obama supports such lawsuits.

77% of Americans support firearm ownership for those who pass a background check and take a gun-safety course. Obama opposes this.

87% of Americans feel that we have a right to use deadly force as a means of self-defense in the home. Obama disagrees.


56% of Americans feel that Homeland Security should not need a federal warrant to conduct searches on non-citizens suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees.

63% of Americans feel that HS should not need a warrant to search a US citizen suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees.

64% of Americans oppose extending constitutional rights to non-citizens being held under suspicion of terrorism. Obama supports it.

62% of Americans oppose negotiating with Iran without preconditions. Obama supports it.

Obama believes US troops should be withdrawn from Iraq within 18 months. 51% of Americans favor gradual withdrawal over a longer timeframe.


65% of American taxpayers oppose spending $65 billion on taxpayer-funded universal health coverage. Obama supports it.


68% of Americans, split right down the middle along gender lines, agree that doctors should give medical care to babies who survive an abortion attempt. Obama disagrees.

82% of Americans, and 87% of women, oppose abortion based on the sex of the fetus. Obama has no problem with such abortions.

77% of Americans agree with parental consent being required before an underage girl has an abortion. Obama disagrees.

59% of Americans feel that human life begins at conception. Another 17% feel human life begins when the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb. Obama says he doesn’t know; only 7% of Americans give the same answer.

63% of Americans favor at least some restriction on abortion. Obama favors unlimited abortion on demand.

67% of Americans oppose legalized “partial birth abortion.” Obama supports it.


54% of Americans oppose preferential treatment in public housing, education and employment based on race, sex, ethnicity or national origin. Obama supports it.

84% of Americans would give financial help to a half-brother living in an African slum on $300 a year. Obama actually does have a half-brother in that situation, but does not financially aid him.

78% support workers’ rights to cast secret ballots when deciding on whether to unionize. Obama opposes it.
38 answers:
Reagan '12
2008-10-10 08:17:44 UTC
Wow, excellent information. This goes a lot further than what I found which I posted in a question early this morning:

About half of those who were polled reported that they are concerned that Obama would change Bush's policies too much, including 30 percent who are "very concerned."

Here is a comparison of Obama's voting record with Senate Leader 9% Harry Reid in 110th Congress.

Total Votes: 635

Not Voting: 289

Yea: 214

Nay: 132

Total Votes: 346

With Reid 318

% with Reid 92%

Obama was "Not Voting" 55% of the time and when he voted it was with Reid 92% of the time. This means that not only does Obama not put his country first, but he doesn't do his job. How can he refute the experience attacks when 55% of the time he didn't vote? What kind of leadership qualities does that prove besides the fact that Obama is the status quo of a failed Congress?

Bush's approval rating was as high as 90% in 2001 right after 9/11 and was steadily between 70% and 50% up until about 2006 when it dropped. Are people really too naive to see that the 110th Congress is failing us more than the President and both Obama and McCain are part of it? However, McCain voted with Bush who once had a decent approval rating but Obama voted with his left wing democrats in the Congress and look where we have arrived.

We can't afford Barack Obama. He is actually more of the same, not the change he claims. Don't let BO stink up the white house, vote McCain/Palin.
2008-10-10 08:24:41 UTC
Your stats come from a biased survey site (that conservative Obama-survey) site which isn't exactly scientific. I like how you don't cite sources for these claims.

At least 51% of Americans voted for Bush in 2004 which means at least 51% are complete idiots. The reason all these people oppose most of these policies on surveys is because they're greedy. The environment SHOULD come first. I don't care how much "discomfort" it causes your "average" Joe. Rich people should have tax increases because during Bush's reign the fastest growing industry has been the "service" (servant) industry.
2008-10-10 08:23:41 UTC
it seems to me it is primarily about CHANGE. His outlook is horrifying to me and I pray that enough people vote this time around. The most horrifying is the Life Birth Abortions. These babies are capable of surviving outside the womb and he is ok with delivering the baby and then literally- murdering it. It's sickening!
2008-10-10 08:29:12 UTC
Is that supposed to be negative towards Obama? All I got out of that is Obama is supporting the right causes and opposes things he considers unethic (ex: global warming, not allowing people to have freedoms to do what they want, giving tax-cuts to the wealthy, etc.)
2008-10-10 08:28:38 UTC
Take a long hard look at what you got.McCain / Palin

An old man with a illness history and that pit bull in a Pollyanna custom. Those people can not even stick to the issues instead they like to attack personally cause they have no plan they prefer to go to the hate card & 'he's not like us' card.

Well either am I.
2008-10-10 08:36:29 UTC
I think that it's actually the people that don't vote for him who really know where he stands. It takes an educated person to be bold enough to research and check out a candidate before voting so blindly for someone like Obama. But, also.. thanks a lot for the account above.
2008-10-10 08:31:11 UTC
i agree with you! i have several cuban friends and they say that alot of what obama does reminds them of castro before he came to rule.

People like Obama because he says he wants change and he's a good speaker with presence. But if i recall correctly many people liked Castro too because he promised change and he was good with the people. What about Hitler? He was very good with leading the people to believe in something that was horrible, and he promised change as well! People need to wake up to whats going on! they say we need to study history so it wont repeat itself but i see people making the same mistake that many people have made that has costed them many years of struggle!
Spay or Neuter Libs
2008-10-10 08:22:36 UTC
Blindly voting for "change"

I'd be willing to wager 80% of Obama supporters have no clue about his policies nor what he propses. They see a great speaker promising the world, a "tax cut for 95% of workers", and follow him not unlike a flock of sheep.

The scary thing is, some of these people can actually vote.
Debra E
2008-10-10 08:19:28 UTC
I don't believe they look at the issues at all. Most Obama supporters don't know where he stands. They follow him blindly. They are definitley misinformed if they believe he is going to give them the change they want. After listening to the debate with Senator McCain last Tuesday , economic experts have called him a typical tax and spend Democrat and said under Obama the average working American will be worse off 2 years from now. They call McCain a warmonger. The "misinformed" haven't listened evidently. Obama will be sending troops into Afghanistan.
2008-10-10 09:57:47 UTC
They just want a change from Bush.

Yes, they are voting BLINDLY for change.

If you all think Bush is bad, Obama is going to be heck of a lot worse.
2008-10-10 08:19:19 UTC
You give us all that great information and Sen. Obama supporters have "member of Keating 5." I guess they have changed some because they no longer accuse him of any wrongdoing they just ommit the fact that he was CLEARED of breaking any laws by a Democrat led ethics committee.

Sen. Obama's camp has been extremely good at painting Sen. McCain as a die hard conservative that is a President Bush supporter. Anything but the truth and this is why true conservatives have never liked the man.

Sen. McCain is one of the most liberal Republicans, often voting with Democrats on issues. His defense voting is the only thing that BARELY keeps him to the right of center.

They forgot that once Sen. Obama blindly accused him of being conservative, anything but fact.

Democrats should be happy as heck because no matter what a Democrat is getting into the Presidency. Don't believe me than why was Sen. McCain going to become a Democrat in 2001?
2008-10-10 08:22:22 UTC
Shouldn't that indicate something profound to you? If Obama is split with America on all those issues perhaps America has finally started to realize that the people really have no clue what is best for themselves. If most Americans agree with Bush he should, in theory, have a higher approval rating. It may be time to save America from itself. People are voting for Obama because he plans to do what no one else has had the guts to do before.

You wouldn't let your kid play with a gun just because 96% of kids think guns are cool (a stat I pulled out of my butt by the way). If 100% of America actually understood any of what those issue truly mean the numbers may be different. Obama understands those things enough to go against the grain of public opinion. He is being rewarded for his intelligence and willingness to do this - just look at the polls. What a Maverick he is! (That's for all you Republicans that can't stand him)

ps I'm a Republican voting for Obama.
2008-10-10 08:48:59 UTC
Sorry for the book. A look from the other side Jen,


61% of Americans oppose tax increases on fossil fuels. Obama supports them. Me to pay to play. I cannot afford gas at any price.

We need more taxes to pay for the country.

54% of Americans support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Obama opposes it. Me too. Leave it alone look elsewhere

73% of Americans support increased drilling for oil and natural gas offshore. Obama opposes it. No he doesn't

59% of Americans want as much energy generated from nuclear power as possible. Another 12% want 20% of our energy generated from nuclear. Obama opposes ALL nuclear-generated power.

60% of Americans think developing new energy sources is more important than protecting the environment. Obama thinks the opposite.

No, Obama wants to first find something to do with nuclear waste before we make more.


66% of Americans oppose tax increases on returns earned by stock holders. Obama supports such tax increases. Rich buy stock they can pay taxes.

55% of American taxpayers oppose increasing the death tax for income over $1 million. Obama supports it. Me too another way to get more money to fix stuff. Dude should have given you the coin before he croaked.

85% of Americans, and 88% of taxpayers, oppose raising the top tax rate on the self-employed from 37% to 55%. Obama supports it.

Either that or take away all their tax write offs. They pay nothing for everything we have to pay for. I have no insurance, lunch, or new car But if I become more capitalist and learn how to rip people off I can have a business and cheat my way out of paying for my new car.

85% of Americans and 87% of taxpayers oppose raising the tax rate on small companies. Obama wants to raise the rate from 35% to 50%.

How much should they pay. Give me a good number.

Obama wants 55% to be the top individual tax rate. Only 12% of Americans support this. I will pay it if I have to. Nobody wants to pay taxes.

53% of American taxpayers feel that raising taxes and increasing trade barriers will worsen the economy. Obama supports both. No it will put money into the country instead of in the pocket of the jerks.

Only 35% of Americans believe they will be personally better off if taxes are raised for businesses and the wealthy. Obama supports such tax raises. Me too take at least half of their ill-gotten gains.


70% of Americans oppose voting rights for convicted felons. Obama supports it. Lets find a penal colony for them. If they are citizens they have rights like... voting.

82% of Americans feel it should be illegal for convicts on probation or out on bail to have contact with street gangs. Obama disagrees.

Can I pick your friends? Okay, you can no longer associate with anyone who wears a tie. They will corrupt you and make you steal from the poor.


Only 14% of Americans feel firearm manufacturers should be sued for criminal acts involving guns. Obama supports such lawsuits.

Police and military need guns. Why do you?

77% of Americans support firearm ownership for those who pass a background check and take a gun-safety course. Obama opposes this.

A food finding gun is good, a human killing gun is bad (AK-47)

87% of Americans feel that we have a right to use deadly force as a means of self-defense in the home. Obama disagrees. Murder is murder.


56% of Americans feel that Homeland Security should not need a federal warrant to conduct searches on non-citizens suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees. If I knew there were no crazy republicans in Homeland Security I would disagree with Obama. since they are crazy I have to agree.

63% of Americans feel that HS should not need a warrant to search a US citizen suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees. Take away my rights by calling me names. If you call someone terrorist then you can do whatever you want to them. In Muslim countries if they call you apostate you can be killed or sold or stoned or whatever.

64% of Americans oppose extending constitutional rights to non-citizens being held under suspicion of terrorism. Obama supports it. Nope human rights... You are still human until a court decides you are not:)

62% of Americans oppose negotiating with Iran without preconditions. Obama supports it. Stop that. If you refuse to talk... You cannot fix a problem.

Obama believes US troops should be withdrawn from Iraq within 18 months. 51% of Americans favor gradual withdrawal over a longer timeframe. Why don't we just keep Iraq? We won it fair and square, right?


65% of American taxpayers oppose spending $65 billion on taxpayer-funded universal health coverage. Obama supports it.

Yes. it is cheaper than to expect everyone to just go to the emergency room.


68% of Americans, split right down the middle along gender lines, agree that doctors should give me
2015-06-02 19:46:19 UTC
I won't be here, don't have kids, WHO CARES....they wanted O, they got him...wait until these types turn 60, OH are they in for it.!
2008-10-10 08:20:01 UTC
These are just an example of thousands upon thousands of different policies.

I may not agree with everything he says, but obviously I agree with more of what he supports with rather than what McCain supports.
2008-10-10 08:23:33 UTC
Simply a shepard and his blind sheeple. Good thing they can smell.
2008-10-10 08:17:32 UTC
Yeah, who wants change? Lets give the republicans another 8 years to get of out of this mess.
2008-10-10 08:19:53 UTC
There are plenty of idiots out there. Kind of like someone who tries to convert voters on Yahoo answers.
2008-10-10 08:21:57 UTC
thanks for the info. a lot of my friends are voting for obama just because hes black but have no idea what any of his policies are. I don't agree with a lot of it.
Sassy Redhead
2008-10-10 08:21:14 UTC
No they really don't. They only see what the media wants them to see....the new "messiah". Its really scary. Its like Obama supporters have blinders on and don't want to hear anything bad....Picture little kids with their fingers in their ears and eyes closed going "la la la la la" while you try and tell them anything. Pretty much the same.

Good work girl!!
Jack X
2008-10-10 08:16:14 UTC
"56% of Americans feel that Homeland Security should not need a federal warrant to conduct searches on non-citizens suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees.

63% of Americans feel that HS should not need a warrant to search a US citizen suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees.

64% of Americans oppose extending constitutional rights to non-citizens being held under suspicion of terrorism. Obama supports it.

62% of Americans oppose negotiating with Iran without preconditions. Obama supports it.


That is some powerfully scary stuff from a majority of Americans. You just solidified my vote for Obama.
2008-10-10 08:15:48 UTC
Do McCain supporters know where he stand considering he changes various positions on issues within the course of 24 hours? Wait, he doesn't even talk about issues, he just concentrates on slanders.
2008-10-10 08:17:04 UTC
No, I'm not blind, but you may be. I have read about Obama and McCain, and I am not going to make an uneducated decision for the future of the US. I have studied both of them, and Obama should be president.
fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)
2008-10-10 08:16:57 UTC
i think they are just voting for change...regardless of who it is...the hatred of Bush has moved from him to Palin which translates onto the McCain ticket...
2008-10-10 08:16:23 UTC
Obama has fooled the fools but then again so did Chairman Mao and Hitler.
2008-10-10 08:18:43 UTC
Sorry dude, but your boy McCain doesn't stand a chance. Have fun crying in your soup :)
**Georgia Peach**
2008-10-10 08:15:09 UTC

Member of the Keating Five

Votes with Bush 90% of the time

Sings about bombing Iran

Wants to cut Medicare

Supported Deregulation

Palin said "There is a place reserved in HELL for Women who don't support other Women."

"Suspended" his campaign, but continued to run attack ads

Cheated on his first wife

Wants to keep troops in Iraq for 100 years

"Fundamentals of our Economy are Strong." The same day banks began to fail

72 years old and picked Palin

Wants to overturn Roe V. Wade

We deserve a change

Vote Barack Obama
2008-10-10 08:16:28 UTC
The percentages that you quote must be all republicans that were polled. The national polls do not support what you have written.
2008-10-10 08:16:59 UTC
They are blind and dumb, however, they can't shut their mouths uttering their adoration for a charlatan..
Agent Smith
2008-10-10 08:16:19 UTC
Was it McSame or McBush who said we need to do the right thing and not worry about polls?

Rethink your question and try again.
2008-10-10 08:16:03 UTC
Unfortunately, I have not heard a reason, based on his policies, of why his supporters support him.

I don't get it.
2008-10-10 08:18:10 UTC



2008-10-10 08:16:34 UTC
Nicely done.

There's a reason they are called Obamabots!
2008-10-10 08:16:17 UTC
do we really know where anyone stands these days....
2008-10-10 08:16:05 UTC
They are in a trance .
2008-10-10 08:15:32 UTC
"Cocaine is helluva drug", say Cindy Mccain. Obama 08
2008-10-10 08:16:49 UTC
Whatever... then don't vote for him. I will.
2008-10-10 08:15:20 UTC
Blind as bats

All they hear is "change" and "hope"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.