Lady Wildcat
2008-10-10 08:12:09 UTC
61% of Americans oppose tax increases on fossil fuels. Obama supports them.
54% of Americans support drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Obama opposes it.
73% of Americans support increased drilling for oil and natural gas offshore. Obama opposes it.
59% of Americans want as much energy generated from nuclear power as possible. Another 12% want 20% of our energy generated from nuclear. Obama opposes ALL nuclear-generated power.
60% of Americans think developing new energy sources is more important than protecting the environment. Obama thinks the opposite.
66% of Americans oppose tax increases on returns earned by stock holders. Obama supports such tax increases.
55% of American taxpayers oppose increasing the death tax for income over $1 million. Obama supports it.
85% of Americans, and 88% of taxpayers, oppose raising the top tax rate on the self-employed from 37% to 55%. Obama supports it.
85% of Americans and 87% of taxpayers oppose raising the tax rate on small companies. Obama wants to raise the rate from 35% to 50%.
Obama wants 55% to be the top individual tax rate. Only 12% of Americans support this.
53% of American taxpayers feel that raising taxes and increasing trade barriers will worsen the economy. Obama supports both.
Only 35% of Americans believe they will be personally better off if taxes are raised for businesses and the wealthy. Obama supports such tax raises.
70% of Americans oppose voting rights for convicted felons. Obama supports it.
82% of Americans feel it should be illegal for convicts on probation or out on bail to have contact with street gangs. Obama disagrees.
Only 14% of Americans feel firearm manufacturers should be sued for criminal acts involving guns. Obama supports such lawsuits.
77% of Americans support firearm ownership for those who pass a background check and take a gun-safety course. Obama opposes this.
87% of Americans feel that we have a right to use deadly force as a means of self-defense in the home. Obama disagrees.
56% of Americans feel that Homeland Security should not need a federal warrant to conduct searches on non-citizens suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees.
63% of Americans feel that HS should not need a warrant to search a US citizen suspected of terrorism. Obama disagrees.
64% of Americans oppose extending constitutional rights to non-citizens being held under suspicion of terrorism. Obama supports it.
62% of Americans oppose negotiating with Iran without preconditions. Obama supports it.
Obama believes US troops should be withdrawn from Iraq within 18 months. 51% of Americans favor gradual withdrawal over a longer timeframe.
65% of American taxpayers oppose spending $65 billion on taxpayer-funded universal health coverage. Obama supports it.
68% of Americans, split right down the middle along gender lines, agree that doctors should give medical care to babies who survive an abortion attempt. Obama disagrees.
82% of Americans, and 87% of women, oppose abortion based on the sex of the fetus. Obama has no problem with such abortions.
77% of Americans agree with parental consent being required before an underage girl has an abortion. Obama disagrees.
59% of Americans feel that human life begins at conception. Another 17% feel human life begins when the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb. Obama says he doesn’t know; only 7% of Americans give the same answer.
63% of Americans favor at least some restriction on abortion. Obama favors unlimited abortion on demand.
67% of Americans oppose legalized “partial birth abortion.” Obama supports it.
54% of Americans oppose preferential treatment in public housing, education and employment based on race, sex, ethnicity or national origin. Obama supports it.
84% of Americans would give financial help to a half-brother living in an African slum on $300 a year. Obama actually does have a half-brother in that situation, but does not financially aid him.
78% support workers’ rights to cast secret ballots when deciding on whether to unionize. Obama opposes it.