I thought Obama did exceptionally well and came across as an extremely intelligent gifted lawmaker.
I was surprised by how well McCain spoke for himself, given all his missteps and odd things he's said and flip-flops that I don't believe he intended to say just exactly how he said. My expectations were a lot lower for McCain so when he did so well, it seemed even more impressive than how well Obama did. Know what I mean?
McCain also did not put out the Harvard demeanor that Obama did. McCain was more the guy you would go have a beer with. On a personal level, McCain's personality (at least in that interview) was more likeable than Obama's.
McCain also was able to squeegee in his P.O.W. anecdotes to hit the right emotional buttons with the American viewing audience. If this had been a real journalist conducting the interview, he might have opened the door for some severely embarrassing challenges but this was not that kind of interview. This was an opportunity for the candidates to promote themselves.
Americans love to be emotionally manipulated by politicians. They demand it. When politicians do not push the emotional buttons, they are defined as "cold" or lacking personality. I think that was Obama's problem. He was simply on message and didn't play too much to sentiment. McCain wallowed in it.
And so I think the night goes to McCain because he delivered what the viewing audience really wanted to hear.
The only downer for McCain is that he looked like a slightly disheveled old grandpa that needed looking after. Truly, he looked ill. His skin tone was very pale and dry.
But, the most distracting thing about the event last night were both candidates' obviously fresh haircuts. You could see Obama's scalp through his haircut because it had been cut too close. And McCain NEEDS TO FIRE HIS BARBER. OMG, the guy left a long sideburn on one side and almost no sideburn on the other side. It is just a nitpicking little detail but it was very visually distracting. Like somebody who has something important to say but they're picking their nose. You just can't help seeing the detail that's out of place.
Aside from all the talk, the concerns remain the same. Obama came out the winner on the economy and domestic issues and McCain came out the winner on national security. And that's how they stood before last night.
NOTE: I am copying and pasting this response to be reposted whenever another new thread pops up asking the exact same thing. I expect a lot of those.