Who do you think will make a better president Obama or McCain and why do you believe that?
2008-06-15 13:30:51 UTC
I believe that Obama is a better president... do you adree?
28 answers:
2008-06-15 13:38:56 UTC
I don't believe that John McCain has the stamina or energy for the job. He is old, jaded and set in his ways. He offers nothing but business as usual.

I believe that Obama recognizes the serious issues facing our people and will fight with all his strength to solve the problems facing us as individuals and as a nation.
Polilical conundrum...
2008-06-15 20:39:19 UTC
Between those two, McCain Because Obama has too many unanswered Questions about his shady associations with people like William Ayers, Faracon, Rev Wright, his Ex business partner & on... plus he is backed by America's top two socialsts George Soros & both anti-American & both with agendas to socialise American culture.

Plus His voting record is very liberal even more so than the average Dem.

He has said some very worring things about his opnion on gun control & religion, he is I believe a puttet for the far left in this country who are pushing for & towards a new world order, just look in Europe, the "Lisbon Treathy", which basicaly gives European rule of law over each individual country, Little by little Europe is being made in to one nation & the countries will become "states" or "teritories".
D Uncle
2008-06-15 20:47:39 UTC
I feel we have a better chance with Obama. because I honestly feel that McCain is (acts) senile. He seems to have memory lapses between his thought patterns.

And, I have seen most if not all his (McCain's) TV appearances, when he gets in a car, his wife has to direct him in his side of the car and then go around to the other side and get in. Also she guides him when he walks down stairs. --- The thought of him being President scares the heck out of me. -- sorry for rambling, but that reminds me. When McCain gets cranky and criticizes Obama, he (McCain) starts to ramble (during town hall meetings). Also. When he forgets what he is about to say he has catch phrases to cover his senility (like a nice old man in Nursing Home) he starts saying 'my friend" or " let me tell you my friend" - he tries to act nice so that the Nurses will treat him nicely. ---- McCain also tends to whine a lot - which is another cover up for senility.

source: I am 65 years old. And, I notice when some old people act senile. Cause, I feel like I am beginning to act that way. -- chagrin
2008-06-15 20:34:36 UTC
John McCain.


Foreign Policy Credential #1: "Life Of Living Overseas" For 4 Years ...

In Elementary School: Obama Lived Overseas From Ages 6 To 10.(Linda Matchan, "A Law Review Breakthrough," The Boston Globe, 2/15/90)

Foreign Policy Credential #2: Took Some College Courses In

International Relations: In January, Obama Noted His Degree In "International Relations" When Discussing His Foreign Policy Credentials. Obama: "[M]y experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. ... You know, I majored in international relations." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 1/24/07)

Another Obama Exaggeration?: On His Official MySpace Webpage, Obama Lists His Major As "Political Science." (MySpace Website,,

Accessed 4/10/08)

Foreign Policy Credential #3: Has Passed Only One Bill As A Senator ...

It Dealt With A Foreign Country: In The 110th Congress, Obama Is The Lead Sponsor On 55 Bills. (S. 114, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 115, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 116, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 117, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 133, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 433, Introduced 1/30/07; S. 453, Introduced 1/31/07; S. 674, Introduced 2/16/07; S. 692, Introduced 2/27/07; S. 713, Introduced 2/28/07; S. 737, Introduced 3/1/07; S. 767, Introduced 3/6/07; S. 768, Introduced 3/6/07; S. 795, Introduced 3/7/07; S. 823, Introduced 3/8/07; S. 906, Introduced 3/15/07; S. 976, Introduced 3/23/07; S. 1067, Introduced 3/29/07; S. 1068, Introduced

3/29/07; S. 1084, Introduced 4/10/07; S. 1151, Introduced 4/18/07; S. 1181, Introduced 4/20/07; S. 1222, Introduced 4/25/07; S. 1271, Introduced 5/2/07; S. 1306, Introduced 5/3/07; S. 1324, Introduced 5/7/07; S. 1389, Introduced 5/14/07; S. 1430, Introduced 5/ 17/07; S. 1513, Introduced 5/24/07; S. 1574, Introduced 6/7/07; S. 1713, Introduced 6/27/07; S. 1790, Introduced 7/16/07; S. 1811, Introduced 7/18/07; S. 1817, Introduced

7/19/07; S. 1818, Introduced 7/19/07; S. 1824, Introduced 7/19/07; S. 1873, Introduced 7/25/07; S. 1885, Introduced 7/26/07; S. 1977, Introduced 8/2/07; S. 1989, Introduced 8/3/07; S. 2030, Introduce 9/6/07; S. 2044, Introduced 9/12/07; S. 2066, Introduced 9/18/07; S. 2111, Introduced 9/27/07; S. 2132, Introduced 10/3/07; S. 2147, Introduced 10/4/07; S. 2202, Introduced 10/18/07; S. 2224, Introduced 10/24/07; S. 2227, Introduced

10/24/07; S. 2330, Introduced 11/8/07; S. 2347, Introduced 11/13/07; S. 2392, Introduced 11/16/07; S. 2428, Introduce 12/6/07; S. 2433, Introduced 12/7/07)

None Of The Bills Sen. Obama Has Introduced In The 110th Congress Have Been Signed Into Law.

In The 109th Congress, Obama Was Lead Sponsor On 61 Bills. But Only One Of These (1.6%) Has Passed The Senate (The Bill Went On To Become Law). S. 2125, a bill to "promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo" became law in December 2006. (S. 2125, Became Law 12/22/06)

Foreign Policy Credential Number #4: Visited Pakistan For Three Weeks While In College:

"To Counter Opponents' Accusations That He Lacks Experience In Foreign Policy, Senator Barack Obama ... Has Added A New Personal Detail To That Resume: A Trip To Pakistan While A College Student." "To counter opponents' accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia. Now he has added a

new personal detail to that resume: a trip to Pakistan while a college student." (Larry Rohter, "Obama Says Real-Life Experience Trumps Rivals' Foreign Policy Credits," The New York Times, 4/10/08)

Obama Spent "About Three Weeks" In Pakistan. "According to his campaign staff, Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent 'about three weeks' there, Mr. Obama's press secretary, Bill Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India." (Larry Rohter, "Obama Says Real-Life Experience Trump s Rivals' Foreign Policy Credits," The New

York Times, 4/10/08)

Foreign Policy Credential #5: Member Of Foreign Relations Committee ...


"Listening To A Bloviating Colleague At His First Meeting Of The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama Slipped A Three-Word Note To A Member Of His Staff: 'Shoot. Me. Now.'" (Ben Wallace-Wells, "Destiny's Child," Rolling Stone, 2/7/07)
2008-06-15 20:39:17 UTC

Larry Sinclair will be speaking at the National Press Club 6/18. Larry will reveal the corroborating evidence for his allegations regarding Obama
I'm Jerry
2008-06-15 20:47:40 UTC
McCain of course.Obama isn't even an American.He will open our boarders just to get votes.The bad in Obama far outweighs the good in McCain.Look at each of their records.Obama will destroy our country.He is more like Bush than McCain is. While your at it look at their wives and which one would be the best first lady? Obamas wife has only been proud of America one time in her life.
Ð4MÃN!™ (End the Fed!)
2008-06-15 20:42:07 UTC

John McCain is a liberal.

Barack Obama is a socialist.

and now that Dr. Ron Paul(A constitutionalist) is no longer running(as of 06/13/2008), our country will go down the same bumpy road.
Dick H
2008-06-15 20:35:33 UTC
I don't adree or agree either. I think McCain is a little bit better but not by much. They are awful candidates.
2008-06-15 20:49:31 UTC
Obama because McCain is a vile women hating deceptive sack of sh*t
2008-06-15 20:40:27 UTC
McCain, hands down. Reason ? Just look around the world and you'll see the answer.

There is not one, not a single country, or major city anywhere in the world under the complete control of a Black person or persons that is peacful, without major hunger problems, self supporting, and not having the majority of it's people suffering because of disease and filthy living conditions, plus being in the midst of major corruption.

Is this what we desire for our nation?
Mr. Know It All
2008-06-15 20:36:21 UTC
McCain; Speaking from the point of view of the difference in 'MY' life, Obama will be a terrible financial far as all the war business, that has little to no effect on most people's 'daily' lives.

McCain 08
techno j
2008-06-15 20:40:32 UTC
Obama because his campaign is about making people have faith in him and his beliefs.

McCain's campaign is just about making people hate Obama. Beware any man who uses his blind love for the nation as an excuse to be in charge. Didn't we learn anything in the last eight years?
2008-06-15 20:34:49 UTC
McCain because obomba is a very bad man!

This guy wants to be our President and control our government.

Pay close attention to the last comment!! Below are a few lines from

Obama's books ' his words:

From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: ; 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on , to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
2008-06-15 20:34:05 UTC
Obama brings a form of participation that is new to this nation.

The world wants Obama for diplomacy and shuns McCain because he wants war.
2008-06-15 20:34:56 UTC
Yes Obama is against Corporations.

And genetically engineered food which is poisoning Americans.

Tomates are a man-made plant/fruit, and look how salmenella has been in the news.

Sorry but Coporations should not be trying to create foods outside of nature.

Leave our food alone!!!

Obama 08
2008-06-15 20:38:36 UTC
McCain, he wants whats best for the country. Obama wants what best for his own agenda, ie lining his pockets at our expense
michael p
2008-06-15 21:15:16 UTC
Neither. The best candidate just lost the nomination due to:

the DNC practicing favoritism and the unrelentless attacks by the media (CNN/MSNBC).
Twinkie Thief
2008-06-15 20:42:28 UTC
Nobama.... he doesn't even promise to hunt bin laden....i bet he is email buddies with bin laden.... and many more terrorist

mccain is going to hunt bin laden to the end of the earth.....

mccain 08
2008-06-15 20:48:18 UTC
I personally feel that McCain would make a better president. I am a conservative, so for obvious reasons, but politics aside, I would still rather have Mccain. Obama is young, and has already shown that he doesn't always think through his actions. I would expect Obama to make a mistake somewhere along the lines, and cause a huge international problem, and weaken America's security. If you didsagree, think of already all of the things Obama's had to amend. This year he's already had to change his statement on meeting with enemy leaders, and leave his church. Do you really want someone constantly changing his mind in the oval office? McCain, on the other hand, has shown that he thinks things through. Name one thing McCain has changed in his campaign. He doesn't rush decisions, and isn't easily influenced by people. Remember when everyone was saying Mccain's campaign was dead less than a year ago? Well he ignored them, and he's currently running for president. He is determined not to give up, and to hold fast to what he believes. You will get what you expect from Mccain, and what is promised, but Obama is liable to change his positions, and not hold to what he said he would do when running for president.

Now, returning to politics (but not taking a side) I would like to make a few points.

1. Obama claims he will help the economy. It's one of his big selling points. However, democrats ALWAYS raise taxes. No exceptions. So let me ask, how does he plan to fix the economy if he's going to cut off the amount of money people have to buy with? Buying will fix the economy, and our incomes are being limited enough without taking more money away from them. McCain will almost certainly let the economy fix itself, which will work better. The hardest points of the depression were under FDR, not Hoover. Trust me, Hoover would have ended the depression sooner. FDR just got lucky that Hitler came along, and so we could work on the military and make money. WW II ended the depression. Not FDR. Obama will be the same way.

2. Obama rarely states his stance on things. He just says the word "change" over and over. Democrats historically are inactive. It was a Republican (Abraham Lincoln) who ended Slavery, a Republic (Teddy Rosevelt) who made the first national wildlife preserves, it was a Republican (General Eisenhower) who made the interstate, it was a Republican who ended the Vietnam war (Richard Nixon), and it was a Republican (Ronald Reagan) who ended the cold war. Reagan, incidentaly, also was pro-amnisty. McCain is much more liekly to bring about any kind of liberal change than Obama is.

3. Obama will make the tactical mistake of ending the war in Iraq. Agree with it or not, it would be imature to leave Iraq now. If you think violence in Iraq is bad now, I can promise, no, guarantee, that it will be worse if we leave. Saddam was holding Iraq together 9through opressive violence), and removing him destroyed a great deal of that unity. But we are the only force still holding anything together in Iraq, and if we leave now, nothing will hold the country together, and mark my words, it will destroy itself. Currently, we are wining the Iraq war by a great deal. Many compare it to Vietnam. Let me compare Iraq to Vietnam, as they acctually compare.

1. 65,000 americans died in Vietnam in ten years. 4,000 Americans have died in Iraq in seven years. That's about .6 percent of the casualties in 70% of the time.

2. The Vietnam war spread into neighboring areas, such as Laos and Cambodia. The Iraq war currently has not spread, unless claims that Iran is assisting can be counted.

3. In Vietnam, the American army was drafted. In Iraq, all american forces are volunteers.

4. Vietnam was ended satisfactorily with North and South vietnam divided as North and South Korea are, by Richard Nixon, suing the same sort of tactics employed by Bush, and this could have been maintained if Congress had allowed President Ford to send troops back when North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam. In Iraq, there is no North Vietnam to invade, and as such, this time the results of the peace would hold.

5. In Vietnam, casulaties were rising until Nixon began "vietnamization". In Iraq, since 2007, troops casualties have seen low levels lower than the initial invasion, and May 2008 was the most peaceful month since the invasion.

6. In Vietnam, the Viet kong were defeated militarily in the tet offensive. In Iraq, the insurgency has never militarily won a battle.

Quote Ho Chi Mhin "Vietnam was won in America's living room". It was our media that reuined Vietnam, by questioning its validity. The same is occuring in Iraq. The leftist media is a stronger force in the Iraq war than the insurgency is. Also, many people complain about how we will be in Iraq for a long time. Yes, of course we will. It's called reconstruction, and all responsible people do ti when they win a war. For example, we are still in Germany from World War II. We still have military bases there. Expecting to not be in Iraq for a long time is to not understand the military process, which Obama clearly doesn't. Can you trust a man who doesn't understand how the military works to be our commander in chief? McCain, on the other hand, fought in Vietnam, and was tortured by the North Vietnamese. He wouldn't be involved in a war unless he knew it to be necisary, as he knows what it's like for soldiers put in the worst case scenario.

So those are my reasons for prefering McCain to Obama.


I hope this doesn't have typos, I'm a terrible proof reader, and I sometimes type too fast, and make typos without noticing it, so if it does, I tried to do my best, and I apologize for any difficulty reading it.
akiko h
2008-06-15 20:39:09 UTC
Obama all the way. Mccain is old skool and this country has lost it basic foundation! Need something new and different!
2008-06-15 20:37:15 UTC
Barack Obama will be better because if people didn't like Bush they won't like McCain. Bush and McCain are exactly alike.
Smarter than most.
2008-06-15 20:41:23 UTC
yes i adree witchu. (lol)
2008-06-15 20:33:30 UTC
McCain because he's not Obama.
2008-06-15 20:33:41 UTC
I dont adree

Obama is an ultra liberal. I dont vote for liberals

That being said think McCain would be the countrys best choice just for the mere fact that he is our best hope for bipartisanship in congress.
2008-06-15 20:43:07 UTC
Obama because Mcain is just like that Bush. URGHH! I can't take another eight years with one of them!
2008-06-15 20:38:25 UTC
macain. obama talks about change but doesnt have actual plans! macain, because he is old, he has more experience that obama.
2008-06-15 20:34:29 UTC

because ........

There are still a lot of INSANE Republicans still around .

one of them is

a madman named

John McCain who loves Singing " Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran "
2008-06-15 20:34:52 UTC

He loves America; the other guy doesn't

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