John McCain.
Foreign Policy Credential #1: "Life Of Living Overseas" For 4 Years ...
In Elementary School: Obama Lived Overseas From Ages 6 To 10.(Linda Matchan, "A Law Review Breakthrough," The Boston Globe, 2/15/90)
Foreign Policy Credential #2: Took Some College Courses In
International Relations: In January, Obama Noted His Degree In "International Relations" When Discussing His Foreign Policy Credentials. Obama: "[M]y experience in foreign policy is probably more diverse than most others in the field. ... You know, I majored in international relations." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 1/24/07)
Another Obama Exaggeration?: On His Official MySpace Webpage, Obama Lists His Major As "Political Science." (MySpace Website,,
Accessed 4/10/08)
Foreign Policy Credential #3: Has Passed Only One Bill As A Senator ...
It Dealt With A Foreign Country: In The 110th Congress, Obama Is The Lead Sponsor On 55 Bills. (S. 114, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 115, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 116, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 117, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 133, Introduced 1/4/07; S. 433, Introduced 1/30/07; S. 453, Introduced 1/31/07; S. 674, Introduced 2/16/07; S. 692, Introduced 2/27/07; S. 713, Introduced 2/28/07; S. 737, Introduced 3/1/07; S. 767, Introduced 3/6/07; S. 768, Introduced 3/6/07; S. 795, Introduced 3/7/07; S. 823, Introduced 3/8/07; S. 906, Introduced 3/15/07; S. 976, Introduced 3/23/07; S. 1067, Introduced 3/29/07; S. 1068, Introduced
3/29/07; S. 1084, Introduced 4/10/07; S. 1151, Introduced 4/18/07; S. 1181, Introduced 4/20/07; S. 1222, Introduced 4/25/07; S. 1271, Introduced 5/2/07; S. 1306, Introduced 5/3/07; S. 1324, Introduced 5/7/07; S. 1389, Introduced 5/14/07; S. 1430, Introduced 5/ 17/07; S. 1513, Introduced 5/24/07; S. 1574, Introduced 6/7/07; S. 1713, Introduced 6/27/07; S. 1790, Introduced 7/16/07; S. 1811, Introduced 7/18/07; S. 1817, Introduced
7/19/07; S. 1818, Introduced 7/19/07; S. 1824, Introduced 7/19/07; S. 1873, Introduced 7/25/07; S. 1885, Introduced 7/26/07; S. 1977, Introduced 8/2/07; S. 1989, Introduced 8/3/07; S. 2030, Introduce 9/6/07; S. 2044, Introduced 9/12/07; S. 2066, Introduced 9/18/07; S. 2111, Introduced 9/27/07; S. 2132, Introduced 10/3/07; S. 2147, Introduced 10/4/07; S. 2202, Introduced 10/18/07; S. 2224, Introduced 10/24/07; S. 2227, Introduced
10/24/07; S. 2330, Introduced 11/8/07; S. 2347, Introduced 11/13/07; S. 2392, Introduced 11/16/07; S. 2428, Introduce 12/6/07; S. 2433, Introduced 12/7/07)
None Of The Bills Sen. Obama Has Introduced In The 110th Congress Have Been Signed Into Law.
In The 109th Congress, Obama Was Lead Sponsor On 61 Bills. But Only One Of These (1.6%) Has Passed The Senate (The Bill Went On To Become Law). S. 2125, a bill to "promote relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo" became law in December 2006. (S. 2125, Became Law 12/22/06)
Foreign Policy Credential Number #4: Visited Pakistan For Three Weeks While In College:
"To Counter Opponents' Accusations That He Lacks Experience In Foreign Policy, Senator Barack Obama ... Has Added A New Personal Detail To That Resume: A Trip To Pakistan While A College Student." "To counter opponents' accusations that he lacks experience in foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois often cites his ties to relatives in poor villages in Kenya and the years he spent growing up in Indonesia. Now he has added a
new personal detail to that resume: a trip to Pakistan while a college student." (Larry Rohter, "Obama Says Real-Life Experience Trumps Rivals' Foreign Policy Credits," The New York Times, 4/10/08)
Obama Spent "About Three Weeks" In Pakistan. "According to his campaign staff, Mr. Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. He spent 'about three weeks' there, Mr. Obama's press secretary, Bill Burton, said, staying in Karachi with the family of a college friend, Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, but also traveling to Hyderabad, in India." (Larry Rohter, "Obama Says Real-Life Experience Trump s Rivals' Foreign Policy Credits," The New
York Times, 4/10/08)
Foreign Policy Credential #5: Member Of Foreign Relations Committee ...
"Listening To A Bloviating Colleague At His First Meeting Of The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama Slipped A Three-Word Note To A Member Of His Staff: 'Shoot. Me. Now.'" (Ben Wallace-Wells, "Destiny's Child," Rolling Stone, 2/7/07)