Who REALLY won the 2016 election?
2017-01-06 15:10:14 UTC
Who REALLY won the 2016 election?
479 answers:
2017-01-07 16:02:30 UTC
Donald J Trump won the election. Our system was designed this way for a reason. To protect the minority from the majority. You've also got to remember that the United States isn't a democracy, it's a republic. Just because a majority of the nation feels a certain way doesn't mean that things should be that way. Think back towards the civil rights movement. There was a time when a majority of the nation felt that blacks did not deserve to be considered a full person when voting. Under a democracy, a majority of the nation feels that blacks are only 3/5 of a person, therefore that's what it'll be. A majority feels that blacks are 3/5, so blacks will only be 3/5. In a republic, there's a chance that blacks can be considered a full person, even though a majority of the populous feels differently. This is where the whole concept of Donald Trump winning without the popular vote comes in. Whether or not you think Trump is a good election result is up to you, but it's to protect the minority and ensure that they have a voice as well. In relevance to your question, Trump supporters are the protected minority.
2017-01-08 21:45:27 UTC
"Donald J Trump won the election. Our system was designed this way for a reason. To protect the minority from the majority. You've also got to remember that the United States isn't a democracy, it's a republic. Just because a majority of the nation feels a certain way doesn't mean that things should be that way. Think back towards the civil rights movement. There was a time when a majority of the nation felt that blacks did not deserve to be considered a full person when voting. Under a democracy, a majority of the nation feels that blacks are only 3/5 of a person, therefore that's what it'll be. A majority feels that blacks are 3/5, so blacks will only be 3/5. In a republic, there's a chance that blacks can be considered a full person, even though a majority of the populous feels differently. This is where the whole concept of Donald Trump winning without the popular vote comes in."

First of I can't quote because well not correctly because yahoo.. -_- doesn't seem to have this in place, which yahoo should have many nice new features but it doesn't why I am betting it may be because of our country who knows why YAHOO.. doesn't. Anyway. I agree, I think that a person is a person is a person. Height weight etc.. (Notice how I am not putting in a certain word.. because that is the least of or should be anyone's worries.) So that the can vote. I am sure he would win regardless. Many people of different walks of life agreed he and now because of him and many other thing, others are coming to ...dare I say to LIGHT.

As he wanted; Those that were shrouded now have no hiding place/s.

I'm completely content that he has become your president; and that he will continue to do so.

Also there are those wishing to keep or hid things from this man, people like I those in his own or even really a lower rank of division than he, or his because those official should be reporting their findings to Trump but it seems they would rather think it best not to... this is a mistake our their part and it has been noticed.

Those that do will find it hard not to tell this man what it is they are hiding from him.

Keeping dangerously important info from the one person who can take real action .. isn't good.

That's called betrayal, I hope those in those division know this and see it, for their sake correct it.
2017-01-12 10:24:54 UTC
Donald J Trump won the election. Our system was designed this way for a reason. To protect the minority from the majority. You've also got to remember that the United States isn't a democracy, it's a republic. Just because a majority of the nation feels a certain way doesn't mean that things should be that way. Think back towards the civil rights movement. There was a time when a majority of the nation felt that blacks did not deserve to be considered a full person when voting. Under a democracy, a majority of the nation feels that blacks are only 3/5 of a person, therefore that's what it'll be. A majority feels that blacks are 3/5, so blacks will only be 3/5. In a republic, there's a chance that blacks can be considered a full person, even though a majority of the populous feels differently. This is where the whole concept of Donald Trump winning without the popular vote comes in. Whether or not you think Trump is a good election result is up to you, but it's to protect the minority
2017-01-10 19:51:11 UTC
Donald Trump REALLY won the 2016 election.
Mr. Knowledgeable VI
2017-01-08 00:21:48 UTC
Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential Election and the Republican Party has control of both the House of Representative and the United States Senate.
2017-01-10 00:28:11 UTC
The Russians won the 2016 American election
2017-01-08 14:28:12 UTC
The States have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates . In the modern era each state has decided to hold a State election to determine who will receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different States and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model. Some States like California have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors. In the past States sent electors to vote in the Presidential election without having even held a State election. That is a brief summary of our system that Trump clearly won.
James M.
2017-01-08 02:35:28 UTC
USA Election is popular in the world. Without doubt we tell Donald Trump won the 2016 election.
2017-01-06 20:13:07 UTC
The United States does not now and has never had national elections for the office of President in which every citizen gets a vote. We have a system that provides each State with one vote for each of it's two Senators and House Representatives. The States have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates . In the modern era each state has decided to hold a State election to determine who will receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different States and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model. Some States like California have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors. In the past States sent electors to vote in the Presidential election without having even held a State election. That is a brief summary of our system that Trump clearly won.
Rick N
2017-01-08 13:38:46 UTC
Donald Trump won because only the electoral vote counts. Most likely he lost the popular vote, which means that Hillary won more total votes. But most of her votes were in California. Her votes were concentrated in a few large states, but Trump won the majority of the states, thus he won the most electoral votes. If a third party had won a few states the election most likely would have gone to the House of Representatives - but that did not happen. The vote was very close in several states. Voter turnout was very low. There were a lot of factors which were at play in this election of which I don't really want to get into or name any names, but the word stupidity keeps coming to mind... ...
2017-01-07 15:24:48 UTC
The United States does not now and has never had national elections for the office of President in which every citizen gets a vote. We have a system that provides each State with one vote for each of it's two Senators and House Representatives. The States have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates . In the modern era each state has decided to hold a State election to determine who will receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different States and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model. Some States like California have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors. In the past States sent electors to vote in the Presidential election without having even held a State election. That is a brief summary of our system that Trump clearly won.
2017-01-08 12:28:03 UTC
We may never know who really won this election. It unfortunately was an election that was tampered with turns out by outside sources and possible inside sources my guess by members of the republican party. I think Trump and other republican members had an involvement in fixing this election. Trump may be sworn in as president but we may never know who really would have won. The sad part is America lost, and those that voted for this nut case are delusional that he cares about them. He will destroy this country both in human rights, and put our country at risk from foreign bodies. Hilary was right when she said a good portion of Trump supports are deplorable's. Anyone who would support and vote for a fascist, racist nut case like Trump are as crazy as he is. We are clearly a nation divided and now we are seeing all the crazy people come out of the wood work. There is no place for racism, and sexism ever. Hilary would have made a great president, and we went from the chance to move forward in a positive way in this country and now we could be doomed.
2017-01-08 13:21:26 UTC
The States have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates . In the modern era each state has decided to hold a State election to determine who will receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different States and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model. Some States like California have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors. In the past States sent electors to vote in the Presidential election without having even held a State election. That is a brief summary of our system that Trump clearly won.
2017-01-11 00:11:55 UTC
Donald J Trump won the 2016 US election. Whether it was rigged by Russia or not is completely irrelevant at this point.
2017-01-09 16:40:49 UTC
Depends what you are implying by the word "REALLY".

Are you implying that Russia won?

Are you implying that Hillary won because she does not have to deal with all the negative media that Trump does?

Are you implying that the Conservatives lost because they now have to hear years of Liberal whining and name calling?

I would say that no matter which candidate won, the people lost this election. Too much political corruption was exposed with no solution to fix it. Both parties are broken and no good third alternative.

We cannot go on like the last 8 years and no acceptable leadership to move us ahead. Liberals will never accept Trump even if his policies are correct. Party Politics at an all time high.

So I guess my answer is that there are no REAL winners.
2017-01-07 22:15:44 UTC
Trump obviously. He won the electoral college votes, which are the only votes that matter--and for GOOD reason. The electoral system prevents a few populous areas to have a political monopoly. The only reason why Hillary won the popular vote was because a few big cities with large populations voted for her. However, everyone else living in like 90% of the surface area of the usa supported trump. The electoral system allows them to be heard too. Hillary lost because she was a weak candidate and didn't make an effort to appeal to rural America. Also, black turnout for her was low. Russians didn't hack the voting machines as many of her supporters claim, and no expert claims that. What experts have said was Russia hacked into the dnc emails, exposing the dnc's and Hillary campaign's sabatoging of bernie's campaign and in essence rigging the democratic primary for Hillary. Both trump and Hillary knew that the objective of the election was to get electoral votes, and both ran campaign's for
2017-01-07 23:09:41 UTC
Vladimr Putin won the 2016 election of the USA.
XS Jakir
2017-01-11 16:34:22 UTC
Donald Trump won the election- 2016.
2017-01-08 18:10:37 UTC
According to the CIA and the FBI Russians hacked our election to favor the winner which is deeply disconcerting to me as an American- But as of now unless some new evidence pops up- It appears that Trump did. Hillary certainly won the popular vote and I would say the majority of country is not enthusiastic about Trump. (I don't think too many were very enthusiastic about Hillary either frankly.) Sometimes we just end up with awful options in these elections. It sucks, but that is how the cookie crumbles. Russia seized the opportunity to try to tilt things in Trump's favor though. That should really tell you all you need to know. They sure as heck didn't do that to HELP the USA. They did it to help themselves! Now the only question you need to figure out is how does it help them? The implications of that are pretty scary.
2017-01-08 11:24:55 UTC
The States have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates . In the modern era each state has decided to hold a State election to determine who will receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different States and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model. Some States like California have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors. In the past States sent electors to vote in the Presidential election without having even held a State election. That is a brief summary of our system that Trump clearly won.
The Great One's Wife
2017-01-07 21:39:25 UTC
I can answer for all americans. Yes. Because he will be sworn in this month and will be president. Simple. Does not mean you personally accept that but that is the law. We have to abide by it just like we did all the presidents. To do differently interferes with democracy and will cause quagmire in the country when trying to get business done and social issues settled. As a military person I support and defend the constitution, the president, and all those appointed over me. Should I do different and there is no country. Working together is the solution, not destroying america with subversive rhetoric, inaction, and liberal media demons. The riots and murders of the 60's is what they want to bring back along with the cold war and another vietnam (i.e. an enemy that is impossible to defeat .....isis) Get tough on the right issues and get over the campaign loss issues. America is bigger than a campaign.
2017-01-09 12:31:42 UTC
Donal Trump is the 2016 election
2017-01-08 04:46:39 UTC
Hillary hugely won the state of California with over a three million vote margin over Donald Trump. Eliminating both candidates' total votes in just California, Trump won a NET popular vote in the other 49 states combined. Shall we let California only decide presidential elections by eliminating the Electoral College ? I think not.
2017-01-07 13:24:04 UTC
Donald J. Trump REALLY won the election. You may not like it but that's the reality. YOU don't get to make the rules about elections. He's not the first US President to win without the majority popular vote. Most recently, Bill Clinton did before Trump. Live with it and move on.
2017-01-11 03:54:26 UTC
Donald Trump won the election
2017-01-09 03:37:21 UTC
President-Elect Donald Trump
2017-01-10 01:19:51 UTC
Trump won. No matter what the liberals say or try to do...nothing will ever change that. The liberals / globalists can't seem to get that through their heads. It's basically like mass form of denial. And on top of that, their reaction to Trump's victory is so unfair, compared to how the right wingers reacted during Obama's victory. Liberals have threatened to start protests and riots because of Trump. You know how many right wingers started protesting and rioting when Obama won? None. Now don't get me wrong...if Hillary would've won, I definitely wouldn't have been thrilled. In fact, I would've been downright terrified, on some terms. But still...liberals are acting straight up childish about all this. Trump won. Get over it!
2017-01-11 01:38:57 UTC
Donald Trump won the election.

Hilary won the popular vote but it's the electoral college that determines the winner and Donald won that.
2017-01-14 05:33:45 UTC
the united states does not now and has never had national elections for the office of president in which every citizen gets a vote... we have a system that provides each state with one vote for each of it's two senators and house representatives... the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-01-18 21:43:35 UTC
the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-01-16 06:01:14 UTC
the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-01-10 15:44:06 UTC
Donald Trump.

There is a situation your may or not be aware of. Before the election, people got tired of satatillte televisions propagandism against Trump. It got so shameful and overbearing to digest that celebrities, CNN, and the morning news all hated 1 man so much that they talked dirt on him till it got depressing. Instead of people following like lazy zombies, they decided to go without satillite tv till the election was over. About 43% of Americans were for Hillary Clinton. The rest were for Donald Trump. Have you ever been on the Price is Right. The room is tiny like the size of a mini movie theater. Most of Hillary Clintons stages were just of that size till the primaries.

She paid people to be there. How much though? She had all the shameful sell out media on herside, they and she spread so much hate which most Americans through common sense got mad about in which made them question "what is so bad about Trump?" They looked into him and liked him. They noticed the media
2017-01-09 02:22:42 UTC
Trump won and Hillary lost under rules that have been around since 1804. End of story.

The election is won by winning individual STATES. Getting "extra" votes in a state already won is pointless.

The national popular vote is meaningless if a candidate does not succeed in winning enough individual states.
2017-01-07 14:05:57 UTC
Donald Trump won the election, under the Electoral College system.

Stop crying!
2017-01-08 21:52:29 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-06 15:26:13 UTC
The People.
2017-01-07 15:06:57 UTC
Trump won the electoral vote, but Hillary won the popular mandate of the people - by a lot. This is a responsibility liberals take seriously. We now have a Constitutional mandate to oppose and obstruct Donald Trump wherever possible.
2017-01-18 14:16:08 UTC
depends what you are implying by the word "really"...

are you implying that russia won?

are you implying that hillary won 'cause she does not have to deal with all the negative media that trump does?

are you implying that the conservatives lost 'cause they now have to hear years of liberal whining and name calling?

i would say that no matter which candidate won, the people lost this election... too much political corruption was exposed with no solution to fix it... both parties are broken and no good third alternative...

we cannot go on like the last 8 years and no acceptable leadership to move us ahead... liberals shall never accept trump even if his policies are correct... party politics at an all time high...

so i guess my answer is that there are no real winners...
Md. Ariful
2017-01-08 10:40:33 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-08 13:02:53 UTC
I think it is ridiculous the amount of democrats saying donald trump did not win the election. The results were clear and final, and personally i think people need to accept the fact that, Hilary LOST and Trump WON fair and square.

and personally i think trump COULD be good for Americia, obviously he will not kill all muslims like he said he would, as that was just extreme and ridiculous, but it was just hypertoria which means purpose exaggeration to get ones point across.
2017-01-09 04:30:01 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-10 12:27:23 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-07 15:17:59 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-07 03:27:20 UTC
Since the birth of our nation, the "popular vote" has never meant anything. It's something the Media uses to make people angry, but in a sane system of government, majority rule is meaningless--and dangerous. What if we went by majority rule, and a majority of people voted to kill everyone with red hair?

The system is in place for a reason, and Trump was elected using that system the same as the previous 44 Presidents.
2017-01-08 04:40:52 UTC
Donald Trump won the election. Despite him losing in the majority popular vote, He won the election through the electoral college majority vote. Winning the popular vote does not ensure a win in the election. ironically, bill Clinton didn't win the popular vote but won the election.
2017-01-09 22:57:08 UTC
Donald Trump won the election.
2017-01-09 16:45:25 UTC
Donald Trump for United States
2017-01-09 17:38:11 UTC
Hard working Americans won the election.
2017-01-08 20:41:57 UTC
President-Elect Donald J. Trump. Hillary was elected President of California.
2017-01-08 04:04:16 UTC
Donald John Trump.
Dave the Wave
2017-01-08 00:53:28 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-06 15:14:13 UTC
Nearly 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton to become President than voted for Donald Trump.

It is not a good idea to thwart the will of the people.
2017-01-07 15:29:59 UTC
Trump won the election and it is rediculous to me that so many liberals are angry because he lost the popular vote.... the reason he lost the popular vote was because he didn't campaign in California.... he was using strategy to win the election he wasn't trying to win the popular vote... all that matters is he won the electoral college and he will be appointed into office on January 15
2017-01-07 18:34:07 UTC
Well, Trump did of course. After weeks on end of debate about election legitimacy and hacking, Wikileaks and Russians, all of it is officially of no consequence as of Friday afternoon when Congress met to certify the results of the Electoral College vote. Spoiler alert: Donald Trump won.

Now I suppose we will have to live through more of this:
2017-01-09 08:12:37 UTC
Donald Trump.
2017-01-07 17:03:59 UTC
Trump won the election.
2017-01-06 15:11:49 UTC
Clinton won the actual election by @ 3 million votes. Trump won the electoral college.
2017-01-09 00:00:07 UTC
Hillary. Donald Trump cheated
2017-01-07 06:46:12 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-08 07:50:47 UTC
According to the rules of our republic, Trump won. Hillary may have gotten more votes but they were all in California or New York. Do we want the dimwits of California and the criminals of New York running our country? I don't think so, and our votes proved it. Now if the Democrats could just sit down and shut up.. all would be well@
2017-01-07 13:32:17 UTC
Trump might be going in lame duck having lost historic votes by three million but Russia has installed a puppet. It was the most devastating attack on the States in its history. Only attacked once by another nation on its homeland in war of 1812 but Russia takes the States from within just as it said it would do in 1960.
2017-01-09 15:03:06 UTC
Hate, bigotry, white supremacy, and insecure old white guys won the 2016 election.
2017-01-08 22:33:49 UTC
Donald Trump.
2017-01-09 02:33:14 UTC
Hillary won the popular vote and Trump won the vote that matters. America is not a democracy it's an oligarchy.
2017-01-11 16:20:12 UTC
It all depends on what you mean by "REALLY won," doesn't it? Once he's sworn in, Trump will have won the Presidency, whatever anyone wants to say about the election.
2017-01-08 16:00:14 UTC
Donald J Trump
American Patriot
2017-01-07 05:05:36 UTC
Trump won the election, he got 306 electoral votes and Hillary got 232, and No liberals California does not dictate who the majority of the other states chose.
Weasel McWeasel
2017-01-08 09:31:17 UTC
Who won? Trump obviously.

Who got more votes? Hillary.

The presidential race is the only race, where the person with FEWER votes can actually win.

This is the second time in 16 years, the person with fewer votes won the presidency......cheating the people out of their clear choice.........yet cons were the benefactors both not like they want to push to change the system.-
2017-01-07 18:42:14 UTC
Trump, people were tired of the left, more specifically modern liberals calling everything discriminatory and putting feelings above facts. Blaming white males for society's problems when alot of it comes from the greed of the establishment. People wanted a non-establishment candidate who would represent the needs of the people for once. Hillary tried her best to rig the media against Trump, rig primaries against bernie, and tried to rig the election but she failed
Seaside Roses
2017-01-10 00:35:57 UTC
/to me, it's a joke that people say clinton "won he popular vote". They somehow either don't know, or are in denial that that "majority" was comprised of the populous, mostly liberal states of california, washington, and new york. Don't they care that the whole country could be forced to go along with what 3 states want? I though liberals were supposed to be about fairness and representation of less powerful people, which is what the electoral college is meant to do; it causes the entire country to cast their ballots and be heard, rather than the majority of people, which conceivably could be all in just one state. That would be considered unfair by all, but somehow, they overlook the sheer low ratio of states for clinton vs the states for trump. Of course, they didn;'t have a problem with that when obama won thanks to the electoral college.
2017-01-07 17:50:26 UTC
Donald Trump obviously won!
2017-01-10 00:28:34 UTC
Donald trump undeniably won the presidency, easily securing 306 electoral votes, way past the 270 votes needed to be president, and did excellent in the popular vote if you exclude the state of California.
2017-01-10 16:46:40 UTC
Clinton won the popular vote, but our system is so screwed up that Trump the Oompa Loompa is now our president elect. Congrats America.
2017-01-09 01:03:58 UTC
Let's see. There was a reborn again muslim named H. Clinton & A Billionaire Businessman named Donald J. Trump & I asked the American people to vote for Donald J. Trump & in my opinion they did & Donald J. Trump is America's choice as President of the United States of America.
2017-01-09 07:01:38 UTC
Trump. He played to the rules. It's like when an illiterate person wins at scrabble by taking all the triple word spaces. Games are played to be won, and the winner isn't always the most obvious, but they know the rules. Hillary had plans, but she didn't play to the rules.
2017-01-07 04:06:13 UTC
Listen up unhappy Hillary supporters, like it or not, the popular vote doesn't matter, Donald Trump won the election. As much as the Hillary supporters hate to hear it, it's the truth.
2017-01-09 19:57:25 UTC
Clinton. She had the hearts and minds of the American people, but the stupid electoral college took the victory out of her hands and gave it to the most hated man in America and the most hated rich man in the world, period. Clinton will always be the TRUE winner of 2016, and the majority of Americans agree.
2017-01-07 15:47:19 UTC
Trump, Liberals need to get over the fact that the Popular vote does not determine the outcome of the election.
2017-01-06 19:42:32 UTC
Most people with whom I speak the choice was an anti-Clinton. It would seem Trump REALLY won the election. For what its worth so many more people would have had another candidate from either party for whom to vote.
2017-01-09 22:02:23 UTC
Donald Trump.
2017-01-07 15:53:09 UTC
Donald Trump.
Stacie Smith
2017-01-08 20:25:41 UTC
Donald Trump.
2017-01-07 13:07:11 UTC
The majority states of america the people chose donald trump as there new president.The democrats are bad losers as well as creative liers.The extra votes were all from demicrat california si the democrats who keep saying hilary got more votes really want California to dominate the other states.
2017-01-08 19:55:28 UTC
Sadly Donald trumps on but Hillary won the most votes
JDK Answers
2017-01-09 04:33:22 UTC
Well, Donald Trump technically won, but a lot more wanted Hillary

The electoral college is great but needs to be reformed
2017-01-09 18:24:26 UTC
The Duopoly, as usual. No one else stands a chance.

The Elected are only the Face. The Government is really run by a Board of Directors, that no one in the public knows, let alone sees.

Who "wins" is of no matter.
2017-01-09 09:44:50 UTC
Donald J Trump
2017-01-07 13:43:49 UTC
Trump won and republicans have the political mandate of gaining over 1000 seats since 2008.
Stan Dalone
2017-01-08 21:19:29 UTC
Hillary won the popular vote, but Trump won the electoral college vote. That means he won the election, for better or worse.
2017-01-06 15:15:53 UTC
My wild guess is that the person they currently call president-elect, won the presidential election.

Of course with Hillary and Trump as our two choices, it was pretty clear from the outset that the US was not going to "win".
2017-01-08 16:53:16 UTC
Trump won the election. Fair and square. Thankfully.. Crooked sry didn't win!
2017-01-08 11:34:57 UTC
Hillary fortunately won the popular vote, but the Electrical Vote went to Donald Trump.

Hope this helped! :)
2017-01-07 11:30:20 UTC
Donald Trump.
2017-01-08 16:06:41 UTC
The United States Lost no one won !
2017-01-08 21:28:36 UTC
2017-01-09 13:47:38 UTC
Hillary Clinton
2017-01-07 10:16:48 UTC
hilary won the popular vote but Trump won the electoral college. Our founders set it up so the electoral votes would win. Donald Trump won and will be inaugurated January 20
2017-01-06 22:49:31 UTC
2017-01-07 13:20:33 UTC
In our system such as it is, Trump won. With candidates we had, Killary and Chump, no matter who won America lost. That's the only thing I can say for sure. America lost the election.
2017-01-08 19:20:30 UTC
Gary Johnson
2017-01-07 02:30:00 UTC
It's an election, not a popularity contest folks. Trump won the election fair-and-square with the system that our founders put in place. Now you must learn to accept it, liberals.
2017-01-09 01:43:21 UTC
Donald Trump unfortunately
2017-01-09 08:08:38 UTC
Malcolm Turnbull, Leader of the Australian Liberal Party, was re-elected as Prime Minister of Australia.

However he has a reduced majority in the House of Representatives, and independents and minority parties hold the balance of power in the Senate. So it is a victory, but not a great victory.
Rony Parkar
2017-01-09 12:24:07 UTC
Donald J Trump
2017-01-07 23:47:04 UTC
Michelle Obama
2017-01-10 22:16:44 UTC
The contest was for electoral votes, both candidates campaigned for electoral votes. Donald J Trump won. Hillary tripped over her own incompetence. Weakest candidate ever fielded by the DNC, what were they thinking?
2017-01-08 18:52:36 UTC
The republicans. The house, the senate, the majority of state governorships and the Whitehouse and soon will get a conservative into the Supreme Court. The communists days in the sun are over and no amount of protesting and rioting will change that..
2017-01-07 17:58:00 UTC
Donald Trump. He got 306 electoral votes, Hillary got 232.
2017-01-10 01:18:21 UTC
Donald Trump (as much as it pains me to say it) Won the electoral college which has proven itself to be more important than the popular vote. Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. But Trump has already shown himself to be completely UNqualified. God help us all🙏
2017-01-08 04:41:07 UTC
Crazy Trump!
2017-01-10 03:13:39 UTC
2017-01-08 20:27:20 UTC
Donald Trump obviously
2017-01-09 06:17:31 UTC
Who "really" won the 2016 election? Don't let any of the Trumpkins kid you; RUSSIA won!!!
2017-01-07 06:58:43 UTC
306 electoral votes to 232, and 30 States out of 50 states says Trump won.
2017-01-08 18:05:33 UTC
The one whos accepting the election results
2017-01-09 15:01:46 UTC
Under our current election laws, Donald Trump won the presidential election.

Weather this is a good or bad system, normally depend on if you won or lost.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-01-07 14:30:35 UTC
We The People won.
2017-01-08 23:05:52 UTC
Donald trump
2017-01-10 21:55:46 UTC
It is obviously Donald Trump in the United Stated. LOL
2017-01-08 09:43:01 UTC
Clinton won more votes, so she is the peopled choice. True democracies choose leaders this way. The US uses rigged electoral college rules, gerrymandering, voter suppression and outright voter manipulation. Trump was appointed by the FBI and Russia.
2017-01-08 05:08:44 UTC
Vladimir Putin, Julian Assange, Bashar Al-Assad, Steve Bannon, Newt Gingrich, the CEO of Exxon, and the rest of pure evil everywhere.
2017-01-08 03:30:35 UTC
2017-01-07 13:57:00 UTC
Donald Trump won because America has the worst voting system....Hillary got more votes but Trump won..
Kitty 2
2017-01-08 16:48:22 UTC
2017-01-07 00:39:24 UTC
The People Won and George Soros Lost .
2017-01-07 12:50:39 UTC
Like another answerer pointed out, and I agree. In the end, the PEOPLE won!!

We banded together to finally snuff out the people who were running their own agenda, not for interests of the citizens of this country, like Donald Trump wants to do.
2017-01-07 23:06:19 UTC
popular vote says it all.

one of the electoral colleges purposes is not leaving it up to cities or overly populated areas to determine the president.

ridiculous how the electoral college has come down to letting 5 states with an semi-decent amount of people determine the president (swing states). all of the candidates campaigning should revolve around these states. 1 person = 1 vote, as it should be. as trump once said, "the electoral college is a disaster for democracy."
2017-01-07 23:59:25 UTC
The vote was counted and confirmed in the House this week. Donald Trump won, and will be sworn in Jan. 20.
2017-01-08 07:51:49 UTC
2017-01-10 16:16:52 UTC
No, one won the election because I did
2017-01-10 04:50:00 UTC
2017-01-08 14:47:13 UTC
Trump won
2017-01-12 00:09:26 UTC
Donald Trump obviously!
2017-01-10 02:30:08 UTC
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Trump himself stated that the electoral college is a disgrace and we need rid of it. Bet he is happy for it now.
2017-01-07 14:41:41 UTC
Who REALLY won the 2016 election?

LOL > not the LOSERS !
2017-01-06 15:17:41 UTC
Trump won according to the rules
2017-01-11 03:13:15 UTC
Trump won obviously... And yes he is your president... No you can't say he isn't your president... He is and he is everyone's president thank god for that, if Hillary won america would be 10 times worse before her first term was over
2017-01-11 00:58:44 UTC
2017-01-06 21:49:29 UTC
Trump. Even if you want to make the popular vote count more, it would take an entire recount. Hillary cheated in Detroit (we would not have found out if it were not for Jill Stein; thanks Jill!) and got At Least 45,000 voted too many . Imagine what a nation wide recount would turn up?
2017-01-09 12:55:53 UTC
2017-01-10 16:53:27 UTC
2017-01-08 06:19:48 UTC
2017-01-08 18:49:56 UTC
I believe it was Libertarian Gary Johnson. But Alex Jones hacked the election so that Hillary would come in second place
2017-01-10 06:46:02 UTC
2017-01-09 03:47:21 UTC
2017-01-08 02:29:11 UTC
2017-01-09 20:33:25 UTC
Donald Trump...obviously?
2017-01-09 02:23:58 UTC
Trump lost by 3 million votes.
2017-01-07 18:04:57 UTC
The Rotschild Family of Trillionaire Bankers won...they need to be removed from top power position ASAP otherwise we get WW3.
2017-01-07 05:00:32 UTC
Deez Nuts
2017-01-10 01:30:24 UTC
2017-01-08 18:54:27 UTC
2017-01-10 16:05:08 UTC
Peter Parker
2017-01-09 05:09:15 UTC
2017-01-08 05:52:10 UTC
Trump 304

Hillary 227

Though you can bring up the popular vote, but I just counter with illegals and dead people
2017-01-09 12:40:59 UTC
2017-01-07 22:45:49 UTC
Hillary Clinton because she won the popular vote, The electoral college is the dumbest thing ever
2017-01-09 07:07:28 UTC
Donald Trump...
2017-01-09 04:06:56 UTC
2017-01-07 02:26:21 UTC
2017-01-10 02:27:57 UTC
Solo te digo una cosa que muerte a donald trump y viva México cabrones :v
2017-01-08 23:49:52 UTC
Ankita, first off, you need to prove that "States like California have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there". This is Trump hogwash. Where is the evidence of such "huge" errors in vote count?

Secondly, the people of California are Americans. Each and every one of whom deserves to have their vote count.

Due to the Electoral College, as presently constituted, CA needs seven times as many voters for each electoral vote as low population state.

The population of CA is 39,250,017 according to the census bureau. The state has 55 Electoral votes. That of Wyoming is 585,500 but the state gets three EC votes.

Divide that out to get the number of citizen voters each state has per EC vote.

That works out to 1.369,636 citizens per EC vote for California

Wyoming's 585,500 citizens divided by three is 195,166. Each citizen of WY has SEVEN TIMES the influence on presidential elections as that of an California voter.

Does that seem fair to you? It doesn't to me.

Unlike many I don't want to see the EC go away in favor of direct voting. As you fear, low population states would have virtually no effect on election outcomes. That would be throwing out the baby with the wash water.

Instead the system needs to be reformed so that each American voter has an equal say in the election result. Proportional allocation of state EC votes would do that.
2017-01-11 00:58:22 UTC
Trump won the electoral vote but Hillary one the minority vote
2017-01-08 08:19:31 UTC
2017-01-09 21:08:54 UTC
Donald trump
2017-01-07 09:33:00 UTC
Hillary Clinton, but it's too bad the electoral college picked trumps because of the Constitution and that he carried most electoral votes.
2017-01-08 01:50:36 UTC
Based on the long-established rules, Trump REALLY won.
2017-01-06 21:06:29 UTC
Popular vote:Clinton

Electoral College:Trump
2017-01-07 20:40:24 UTC
Electoral votes: Trump, with assistance from Russia.

Popular votes: Clinton, by nearly 3 million votes.
2017-01-06 18:46:01 UTC
The Russians
2017-01-08 08:10:55 UTC
Donald J Duck won.
2017-01-08 06:02:13 UTC
Putin won the election,
2017-01-11 03:17:46 UTC
The American people won
2017-01-09 01:37:10 UTC
2017-01-08 04:06:35 UTC
Hannah Yang
2017-01-08 18:45:21 UTC
2017-01-06 16:35:21 UTC
2017-01-07 12:50:41 UTC
2017-01-09 01:39:57 UTC
Putin won and Trump is just the puppet, Behind the hacking is putin. So really putin won
2017-01-07 15:23:02 UTC
Who CARES what's done is done I'm sick of hearing you Americans babble on about it months after the election ended Trump is YOUR president whether you like it or not.
2017-01-08 01:28:16 UTC
2017-01-08 00:42:59 UTC
2017-01-07 11:40:09 UTC
Trump won thank god! We the WORKING people are fed up with what Obama and the dead weight Libtards have done for the lazya$$ people that want free handouts!
2017-01-12 18:16:27 UTC
2016 election...
2017-01-09 21:20:34 UTC
Gary Johnson Libertarian Party. He missed debates by 2% ( had 13%). He had more than 25% of public support.
2017-01-07 00:32:46 UTC
Check Jill Stein's recount in Michigan to actually understand what happened. Haven't you wondered why the recount wasn't followed up on mainstream news?
2017-01-07 06:09:08 UTC
according to the Standard rules Trump won
2017-01-08 04:09:23 UTC
We may never know. Officially Trump won.
Big Mouth
2017-01-09 01:34:00 UTC
Hillary apparently won the "popular vote" but lost the war. The system definitely isn't rigged and your vote counts. BAHAHAHAHA!! I haven't been convinced for some time now. Can anyone even explain how one wins the "popular vote" and still loses?
2017-01-07 17:05:03 UTC
An orange spray tanned potato that thinks he's the best. Btw his name is Donald trump
2017-01-10 04:55:55 UTC
The American people. We did not have to put up with 4 years of Hillary Clinton
2017-01-07 23:38:33 UTC
Hillary did. In any sane and rational society, receiving (and, to be clear, accepting) illegal aid from a hostile foreign government would be immediate grounds for disqualifying a candidate and having said person arrested and charged with treason.
2017-01-07 22:49:38 UTC
2017-01-09 09:00:00 UTC
I don't know. It just feels weird how he won; one moment he's like the election is rigged, but I guess it's not rigged when you win??? Especially after the Russian hackings.
2017-01-07 23:52:56 UTC
2017-01-07 06:08:59 UTC
Donald J Trump.
2017-01-09 12:17:33 UTC
Trump that's why he is the president elect
2017-01-07 14:20:13 UTC
Vladimir Putin!
General Chaos
2017-01-09 14:18:32 UTC
technically trum won the election.

obama did not succeed at hijacking the election thats the problem imao .

obama probably didnt paid enough for hijackers or trum paid more who knows but somehow they failed.

sad for losers :D

and sad obama lost control of the war he started ower the world which continues to kill peoples automated :/

sad for obama the worlds ... well last centurys only one war lord who has a nobel peace prize and indirectly killed uncounted people :D
2017-01-07 23:38:06 UTC
A culture of white supremacy and authoritarianism won. The people, especially the oppressed, lost.
2017-01-10 06:19:35 UTC
Trump won, get over it. It's time for Americans to have real leadership and get stuff done.
2017-01-08 20:38:20 UTC
2017-01-09 15:56:30 UTC
Hiliary Clinton. The Russians hacked us and made Trump win! #Imstillwithher
2017-01-07 23:52:01 UTC
2017-01-07 03:17:21 UTC
2017-01-08 09:51:20 UTC
According to the law, Trump
2017-01-09 21:01:07 UTC
2017-01-07 02:44:16 UTC
Who really won it? The people who stayed out of the politics altogether
2017-01-08 06:44:06 UTC
I truly don't think you are looking for the truth to your question just some BS that you want to hear. You already know the truth TRUMP but ypu are not willing to admit it. Why do you people continue to lie to yourself and play denial?!
2017-01-07 10:41:31 UTC
2017-01-08 08:56:57 UTC
Trump won get over it
2017-01-06 15:12:01 UTC
Making no difference who won or who you wanted to win we all know the loser. If you don't know look in any mirror and you will see. That would be true if Donald or Hillary won.
2017-01-06 15:17:54 UTC
Just Ask
2017-01-10 06:28:39 UTC
The USA Citizens were the real winners in this election.
2017-01-07 17:47:36 UTC
If you mean the US presidential election, it was Donald Trump.
Keep It Real
2017-01-09 19:05:45 UTC
Easiest question today, Donald Trump REALLY won.
2017-01-07 13:32:26 UTC
The election in which country?
2017-01-07 19:19:44 UTC
2017-01-09 06:15:29 UTC
2017-01-09 11:04:27 UTC
Trump absolutely won with LEGAL voters. Illegals and dead people don't count, unless, of course, it's the loser doing the counting.
2017-01-08 20:15:02 UTC
Donald Trump. Alien and dead people votes in Commiefornia and Chimpcongo do not really count.
2017-01-09 03:19:53 UTC
2017-01-07 20:11:29 UTC
Good old American 'Common Sense' . It ain't common, it never did have any sense, and as a result America got exactly what it deserved. God save the World.
2017-01-08 15:08:34 UTC
Donald Trump,

The American people lost though 😦
2017-01-09 15:22:24 UTC
Trump win
2017-01-06 15:46:01 UTC
The man with the most electoral votes. The simplicity of this fact is extremely elementary.
2017-01-09 12:26:42 UTC
Y are people still asking this question? Stop doubting the system and get behind president trump. He can do the most for us if we support him
2017-01-07 14:37:43 UTC
The legal American citizens. Hey.....what's that noise I hear? By cracky, I think the wall is going up. I gotta go get my 50 cal gun out so I get a good spot on the wall. Happy hunting, y'all!
2017-01-06 15:19:41 UTC
2016 Presidential Election Results:

270 electoral college votes are needed to win the presidency.

--- Donald Trump (R) ---

> Electoral vote... 306 votes.

> Popular vote... 62,979,879 votes.

--- Hillary Clinton (D) ---

> Electoral vote... 232 votes.

> Popular vote... 65,844,954 votes.
2017-01-10 13:34:55 UTC
Donald J Trump won it for Russia #IYKWIM
2017-01-10 14:10:15 UTC
Donald trump one those were the rules we agreed to play by. If you want to change the system then try to but it can't act retroactively.
2017-01-07 20:37:08 UTC
The Russians?
2017-01-10 05:37:38 UTC
Mickey Mouse.
2017-01-07 06:49:05 UTC
Hillary won

now it's all

a comver up
2017-01-09 15:34:00 UTC
The people won this election & we are stuck with the results.
2017-01-08 04:10:51 UTC
must of been trump seeing that as far as I know he's going to be sworn in in about 13 days from now
2017-01-09 07:15:58 UTC
Trump. Each state votes and votes are given to candidates
2017-01-09 17:07:44 UTC
Ghetto Siri
2017-01-09 07:22:56 UTC
2017-01-08 17:24:09 UTC
2017-01-10 20:56:39 UTC
2017-01-06 15:18:36 UTC
Clinton did. i bet Trump bought his way to the white house by paying the electoral college.
2017-01-09 05:55:44 UTC
2017-01-08 19:59:40 UTC
Trump, of course . . .you don't think the American People could endure another four years of Obama with Hillary in-charge?
Frank O.
2017-01-08 14:44:46 UTC
The American people ,after eight years,with the fake,phony,fraud,the product of a useless media,we are finally liberated from plastic,zombies running our government.
2017-01-09 09:28:15 UTC
can I ask the settle ment of Israel back in there lands from which they came from. its not right to bomb or kill jews or isreals people.the solution for Palestine and isreal is eductation . I ask jews there is a way to offer to Palestine without there terror build both cities .I don't believe in hate but iseal being educated means a lot .offer palestine eduction
2017-01-10 17:53:29 UTC
What kind of question is that? Trump won, obviously.
2017-01-08 20:40:25 UTC
2017-01-07 18:23:08 UTC
We, The People. All American's that love this country and want it to get better and be great for all people.
2017-01-09 00:26:55 UTC
Trump won, fair and square. Get over it.
The Patriot
2017-01-09 12:31:14 UTC
Hillary got 2.9 million more votes than Trump
2017-01-08 14:20:31 UTC
well have you been hiding under Hillary's skirt look at the news the Donald won.
2017-01-08 05:32:45 UTC
2017-01-06 15:17:59 UTC
Trump, he has more electoral votes. The election is based on the most electoral votes, not votes
2017-01-07 22:01:00 UTC
For president Mr. Trump of course. But you knew that.
2017-01-10 16:52:12 UTC
Hillary Clinton should have/deserved to win since she had more of the popular votes and for more reasons than that alone. My opinion.
2017-01-08 23:49:08 UTC
2017-01-08 23:26:01 UTC
Your future president Trump did!
2017-01-08 11:38:37 UTC
Chester Steele
2017-01-08 23:06:42 UTC
The russins hail king putin soon to rule the USA
2017-01-06 15:18:47 UTC
The American People:)
2017-01-09 21:24:42 UTC
If you go by votes then Clinton won by a 2.9 million voter lead.
2017-01-10 02:27:59 UTC
Smokies Hiker
2017-01-07 00:26:56 UTC
The middle class people of the USA!
2017-01-08 10:07:15 UTC
2017-01-09 18:22:45 UTC
Trump but only cause of the outdated electoral vote
2017-01-08 16:31:17 UTC
Trump by a mega majority.
2017-01-09 08:48:21 UTC
In the UK it was the British public when they decided to ditch the EU. You did not stipulate WHICH election.
2017-01-09 14:35:36 UTC
Hitler won the election
2017-01-09 08:39:55 UTC
Everybody who was told it was RIGGED

before and after we had a President Elect.
2017-01-09 23:14:11 UTC
Donald J Trump, he is the president.
2017-01-08 11:15:07 UTC
Hello Everyone
2017-01-07 07:05:02 UTC
2017-01-09 03:11:58 UTC
Trump. If you don't believe me look at an electorial map.
2017-01-07 11:35:00 UTC
If Hillary Clinton wins, USA will be the United States of Latinos.

Hillary needs blacks, Latinos, Asians, refugees, illegal immigrants to support her.

Hillary will give all illegal immigrants a citizenship.



1) Population

White population was about 1/4 of the world population.

Now it is about 10%.

In the near future it will be only 7%.

2) Demographics - America, Europe, Australia

2.1) UK

In 1990, white population was 80% in London.

In 2000, white population was 70% in London.

In 2010, white population was 60% in London.

In 1950, there were 10,000 British Pakistanis. Now there are 1.2 million British Pakistanis.

2.2) USA

Latinos have passed whites as the largest ethnic group in California in 2015.

As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white.

The Majority of American Babies Are Now Minorities (2015) - Bloomberg

America will a white minority country before 2050.

In 2050, white population will be less than 50% in USA.

In 2100, white population will be 1/3 in USA.

In 1950, white population was about 90% in USA.

in 1980, white population was about 80% in USA

in 2000, white population was about 70% in USA

Now, white population is about 60% in USA

2.3) Australia

Chinese buyers are snapping up 1 in 5 new homes in Sydney and Melbourne。

2.4) Russia

Analysis: Russia's Far East Turning Chinese.

Peter Zeihan

2.5) Germany

Germans will be a minority in Germany by 2030.

The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.

Green politician Dr. v. Berg: Germans will be a minority in Germany, this is a good thing!

2.6) Canada

1870- 1970, white population was 95-98% in Canada.

In 1980, white population was 90% in Canada.

In 2010, white population was 60% in Canada..

European Canadian, - Wikipedia

In 2031, White population will be under 40% in Vancouver,

Asian population will be over 40% in Vancouver.

Demographics of Vancouver - Wikipedia

Over 10 years, Canada accepted over half million Muslim immigrants in "a deliberate act of social engineering" .

3) Demographics, Asia

In China, 90% of the population are native Chinese.

Demographics of China - Wiki

In Japan, 98% of the population are native Japanese.

Demographics of japan - Wiki

In Korea, almost 100% of the population are native Korean. South Korea is a homogeneous society.

Demographics of South Korea - Wiki
2017-01-08 00:38:34 UTC
The voters won.
2017-01-08 18:09:38 UTC
The American people won. America's real red-blooded CITIZENS won. And we all won bigly.
2017-01-08 07:01:41 UTC
Donald J. Trump

Did you not vote?
2017-01-11 04:34:36 UTC
Trump did
2017-01-09 15:12:23 UTC
Donald Trump did if you didn't hear. Do you live in a cave or something?
Pac Man
2017-01-08 20:01:56 UTC
2017-01-10 01:24:48 UTC
I think we all lost. Even those angry white men that voted for Trump. They just don't it yet. Sadly they will soon find out.
2017-01-08 18:40:05 UTC
2017-01-08 22:00:46 UTC
No one
2017-01-09 05:35:34 UTC
Russia, racist, trump and his swamp monsters stole the election
2017-01-08 19:33:50 UTC
Not America
2017-01-06 15:20:21 UTC
Hillary Clinton if votes from the people mean anything at all.
2017-01-08 06:08:17 UTC
Donald trunk
2017-01-06 15:19:33 UTC
Mr. Trump.
2017-01-07 12:19:14 UTC
I think it would have been Libertarian Gary Johnson if the Russians would not have hacked the paper ballots.
Darth Vader
2017-01-08 06:05:04 UTC
Trump won, get over it.
2017-01-07 09:57:37 UTC
2017-01-09 02:36:22 UTC
The people lost
2017-04-18 09:36:34 UTC
we may never know who really won this election... it unfortunately was an election that was tampered with turns out by outside sources and possible inside sources my guess by members of the republican party... i think trump and other republican members had an involvement in fixing this election... trump may be sworn in as president but we may never know who really would have won... the sad part is america lost, and those that voted for this nut case are delusional that he cares about them... he shall destroy this country both in human rights, and put our country at risk from foreign bodies... hilary was right when she said a good portion of trump supports are deplorable's... anyone who would support and vote for a fascist, butterynut case like trump are as crazy as he is... we are clearly a nation divided and now we are seeing all the crazy people come out of the wood work... there's no place for racism, and sugarism ever... hilary would have made a awesome president, and we went from the chance to move forward in a positive way in this country and now we could be doomed...
2017-04-14 18:40:34 UTC
trump obviously... he won the electoral college votes, which are the only votes that matter--and for good reason... the electoral system prevents a few populous areas to have a political monopoly... the only reason why hillary won the popular vote was 'cause a few big cities with large populations voted for her... however, everyone else living in like 90% of the surface area of the usa supported trump... the electoral system allows them to be heard too... hillary lost 'cause she was a weak candidate and didn't make an effort to appeal to rural america... also, black turnout for her was low... russians didn't hack the voting machines as numerous of her supporters claim, and no expert claims that... what experts have said was russia hacked into the dnc emails, exposing the dnc's and hillary campaign's sabatoging of bernie's campaign and in essence rigging the democratic primary for hillary... both trump and hillary knew that the objective of the election was to get electoral votes, and both ran campaign's for
2017-03-19 08:50:29 UTC
the united states does not now and has never had national elections for the office of president in which every citizen gets a vote... we have a system that provides each state with one vote for each of it's two senators and house representatives... the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-03-07 05:46:08 UTC
depends what you are implying by the word "really"...

are you implying that russia won?

are you implying that hillary won 'cause she does not have to deal with all the negative media that trump does?

are you implying that the conservatives lost 'cause they now have to hear years of liberal whining and name calling?

i would say that no matter which candidate won, the people lost this election... too much political corruption was exposed with no solution to fix it... both parties are broken and no good third alternative...

we cannot go on like the last 8 years and no acceptable leadership to move us ahead... liberals shall never accept trump even if his policies are correct... party politics at an all time high...

so i guess my answer is that there are no real winners...
2017-02-25 11:51:06 UTC
depends what you are implying by the word "really"...

are you implying that russia won?

are you implying that hillary won 'cause she does not have to deal with all the negative media that trump does?

are you implying that the conservatives lost 'cause they now have to hear years of liberal whining and name calling?

i would say that no matter which candidate won, the people lost this election... too much political corruption was exposed with no solution to fix it... both parties are broken and no good third alternative...

we cannot go on like the last 8 years and no acceptable leadership to move us ahead... liberals shall never accept trump even if his policies are correct... party politics at an all time high...

so i guess my answer is that there are no real winners...
2017-02-15 21:55:49 UTC
the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-02-06 13:52:19 UTC
the united states does not now and has never had national elections for the office of president in which every citizen gets a vote... we have a system that provides each state with one vote for each of it's two senators and house representatives... the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-01-27 07:26:34 UTC
the united states does not now and has never had national elections for the office of president in which every citizen gets a vote... we have a system that provides each state with one vote for each of it's two senators and house representatives... the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-01-25 02:40:47 UTC
the united states does not now and has never had national elections for the office of president in which every citizen gets a vote... we have a system that provides each state with one vote for each of it's two senators and house representatives... the states have the power to decide how those votes are allocated among the candidates ... in the modern era each state has decided to hold a state election to determine who shall receive it's electoral votes but the election rules and regulations vary widely between different states and some have decided to award electors proportionately while most have a 'winner takes all' model... some states like california have huge margins of error in their voting systems so accurate vote counts aren't even expected there but that is their prerogative and the most important factor to the fairness of the national election is that they are allowed the proper number of electors... in the past states sent electors to vote in the presidential election without having even held a state election... that is a brief summary of our system that trump clearly won...
2017-01-10 16:00:45 UTC
2017-01-09 19:56:01 UTC
2017-01-07 19:03:44 UTC
Wizard Fro profile is open
2017-01-07 13:24:00 UTC
The person who winds up president. It kind of goes without saying. It's like asking if something was illegal. Well.... are you in prison?
2017-01-07 13:00:46 UTC
Donald J. Trump. Period.
2017-01-06 15:23:20 UTC
The American people.

Thank God for Trump.
2017-01-07 10:30:36 UTC
I am a secret Trump supporter but to answer your question... Putin
2017-01-11 03:09:25 UTC
Me I won it

have you something to say about it
2017-01-06 23:21:26 UTC
2017-01-07 16:19:01 UTC
The people - they always win, no matter whom they elect to power.
2017-01-09 07:48:08 UTC
Trump I guess
2017-01-10 21:46:20 UTC
Bernie sanders
Jimmy C
2017-01-07 16:08:31 UTC
Putin won.
2017-01-09 11:55:08 UTC
Kayne west
Sacra Veritas
2017-01-07 19:54:24 UTC
The American people.
2017-01-07 16:03:59 UTC
I'd like to think it was Bernie sanders... But it was Trump.
2017-01-07 22:58:36 UTC
AMERICA! Because we were rescued from the prospect of a Hillary presidency.
2017-01-10 23:48:03 UTC
The USA - we are out from under the oppression of Socialism.
2017-01-09 22:57:22 UTC
If you're delusional and you know it clap your hands! C'mon, all Hillary supporters can join in. Sing along.
2017-01-07 04:56:37 UTC
2017-01-08 19:07:22 UTC
The American people!
2017-01-09 17:36:16 UTC
The American people. Or at least the ones that voted.
2017-01-08 04:04:35 UTC
Not the people of America lmao
2017-01-09 19:05:08 UTC
2017-01-07 05:40:26 UTC
The American people.
2017-01-09 04:57:45 UTC
Donald Trump + KGB (as people say)
2017-01-08 11:48:02 UTC
We all lose. Mr Trump got his ego bid and inflated, and all that's left now for he and all of us is...discovery
2017-01-08 02:52:06 UTC
Do you need glasses hun? Donald Trump is YOUR president. Suck it up buttercup👏
2017-01-06 15:11:49 UTC
2017-01-09 00:43:28 UTC
2017-01-09 04:32:06 UTC
Personal interest, division, disillusion, 1%, underground media.
2017-01-07 11:56:51 UTC
2017-01-09 17:33:07 UTC
Well, when you put it that way...still Trump. He won, plain and simple.
2017-01-08 03:39:01 UTC
Trump is our president
2017-01-09 18:43:13 UTC
the 1%ers
2017-01-09 13:01:32 UTC
Watch the inauguration and you will know who won..
2017-01-09 00:58:58 UTC
Liberals in denial
2017-01-09 16:15:14 UTC
basically if you didnt know it was some cheeto that won with kanye west just behind
2017-01-07 05:04:55 UTC
Clinton by A LOT
2017-01-09 14:38:17 UTC
I don't think anybody won in this scenario.
2017-01-09 15:42:02 UTC
2017-01-08 03:22:49 UTC
Don't care
2017-01-09 08:16:56 UTC
No one the country is deeply divided
2017-01-10 02:09:16 UTC
Deez Nuts deserved to win and I will always believe that he did.
2017-01-08 20:48:43 UTC
Trump grabbed it by the...and won.
2017-01-08 20:16:22 UTC
I think Hillery clinton
2017-01-06 15:56:25 UTC
Don did
2017-01-08 09:26:14 UTC
The comet that's going to crash this year
2017-01-07 03:09:26 UTC
Trump won, like it or not.
2017-01-09 17:30:13 UTC
Marco Rubio, but they didnt give it to him because he's hispanic.
2017-01-08 01:23:47 UTC
3 MILLION VOTES,... don't lie. The "PEOPLE" have spoken and they did NOT select Trump.
2017-01-09 22:06:10 UTC
Trump. Get over it.
2017-01-07 21:25:16 UTC

You millienals are so whiny!
2017-01-08 02:37:22 UTC
popular vote, Clinton by a mile.
Thunder Thunder
2017-01-07 22:02:53 UTC
No one, the world lost as whole.
2017-01-09 00:32:44 UTC
the people won :)
2017-01-06 15:17:36 UTC
The USA.
2017-01-07 13:53:17 UTC
No one.
2017-01-07 23:15:12 UTC
I wish I was Clinton
Warren T
2017-01-07 23:52:26 UTC
2017-01-07 19:46:19 UTC
One thing is for certain: NOT the American people.
2017-01-07 19:47:48 UTC
Degnatually not tump
Paul Preston
2017-01-08 23:41:36 UTC
Trump, whether we like it or not
the one and only
2017-01-07 23:42:09 UTC
Who the phuck do you think won????? It's obvious lol
redd headd
2017-01-07 22:23:34 UTC
the American People lost.
2017-01-08 04:27:41 UTC
2017-01-08 03:21:03 UTC
2017-01-07 20:59:51 UTC
It does not matter TRUMP is in charge now..
2017-01-09 00:26:49 UTC
2017-01-09 19:31:45 UTC
Who knows who gives a **** eh?
White Locust
2017-01-07 22:32:01 UTC
Every vote counts

if you count every vote
2017-01-09 01:58:07 UTC
Don't care **** them both didn't vote for none
2017-01-09 14:39:13 UTC
Me i am a king
2017-01-08 07:04:24 UTC
trump did
2017-01-08 15:58:45 UTC
2017-01-10 17:45:00 UTC
IN MY HUMBLE OPINION HILLARY DID.Now look at what we have in there a jackwagon
reza s
2017-01-07 18:03:36 UTC
2017-01-08 06:29:05 UTC
trump obv and unfortunetly
2017-01-10 04:44:03 UTC
The establishment won......AGAIN...& AGAIN
2017-01-09 07:13:46 UTC
trump,didnt you know he won?
Joseph hola
2017-01-10 02:18:57 UTC
2017-01-07 03:26:11 UTC
you said it baby. the liberals believe all the bullshit hookline and sinker
2017-01-08 23:17:34 UTC
2017-01-10 10:34:37 UTC
wow...people really feel the need to copy and paste?
2017-01-06 15:21:38 UTC
Give it a rest.
2017-01-08 01:55:22 UTC
2017-01-09 03:34:25 UTC
I did
2017-01-08 17:58:36 UTC
Duhh! I don't know.
2017-01-07 10:14:57 UTC
2017-01-08 22:57:16 UTC
2017-01-09 15:13:30 UTC
Vinegar Taster
2017-01-08 15:20:41 UTC
Sanders .
2017-01-08 22:12:26 UTC
I don't know
2017-01-08 22:31:31 UTC
2017-01-08 02:30:12 UTC

there and no such thing as Putin.
2017-01-08 03:11:20 UTC
The money.
2017-01-07 20:47:01 UTC
Tru. P
2017-01-09 23:39:44 UTC
You should know by now
2017-01-08 18:24:27 UTC
fred farkle
2017-01-08 15:08:34 UTC
Trump who do u think ?
2017-01-09 00:50:25 UTC
jiiiim carby
Greg Toolson
2017-01-08 14:26:43 UTC
2017-01-07 02:46:38 UTC
helary cleenton
2017-01-08 02:53:14 UTC
Trump you idiot
2017-01-09 17:45:26 UTC
Which one? Brexit, Canadian, American etc.
2017-01-09 19:55:39 UTC
2017-01-09 13:48:37 UTC
2017-01-08 22:45:32 UTC
unbreakable kitten
2017-01-08 11:52:20 UTC
2017-01-07 12:03:41 UTC
2017-01-09 00:04:50 UTC
Who the **** do you think
2017-01-07 16:56:54 UTC
the masturbators
2017-01-09 03:14:04 UTC
Anyone who ever said ^&** you you *&^* piece of (**^ (*&* bucket about a politician?
2017-01-07 06:21:37 UTC
2017-01-09 13:52:00 UTC
ahahahaha; trump.
2017-01-11 01:08:24 UTC
2017-01-08 00:22:48 UTC
Why shall I tell you, peasant e.e....
2017-01-10 17:25:18 UTC
2017-01-07 09:47:09 UTC
2017-01-11 11:03:28 UTC
people, in theory
Jess C
2017-01-07 03:30:59 UTC
My Mother
2017-01-09 12:09:36 UTC
2017-01-09 17:07:30 UTC
The devil
2017-01-10 06:13:29 UTC
2017-01-07 20:03:20 UTC
2017-01-10 19:33:01 UTC
2017-01-07 18:21:08 UTC
No one . We are all losers .
2017-01-07 06:43:39 UTC
2017-01-09 09:31:04 UTC
2017-01-08 00:35:45 UTC
2017-01-11 04:33:55 UTC
2017-01-07 06:47:54 UTC
not america
2017-01-07 02:19:17 UTC
me, of course
2017-01-11 01:33:15 UTC
the death of american dream
2017-01-08 01:14:25 UTC
I did.
2017-01-06 15:10:49 UTC
All I Do is WIN
2017-01-08 03:42:15 UTC
All I know is we ALL LOST.
2017-01-10 03:23:32 UTC
Maybe nobody did...
2017-01-07 13:52:35 UTC
i guess clinton
2017-01-07 03:40:18 UTC
It was USA.
2017-01-08 20:10:25 UTC
simpsons did it
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2017-01-09 17:50:31 UTC
The Beast.
2017-01-08 22:12:37 UTC
not hillary
2017-01-08 00:48:57 UTC
2017-01-07 23:22:59 UTC
2017-01-08 13:26:46 UTC
employed white people.....
2017-01-07 05:52:02 UTC
A ****
2017-01-08 18:33:55 UTC
literally nobody.
2017-01-11 19:24:56 UTC
2017-01-08 04:31:59 UTC
2017-01-10 08:25:21 UTC
We are not happy.....Let it go.....Move on.
Linda R
2017-01-07 17:32:27 UTC
Marc Gritz
2017-01-09 22:39:59 UTC
2017-01-07 01:47:39 UTC
2017-01-08 07:29:42 UTC
fay v
2017-01-07 03:53:29 UTC
2017-01-06 15:17:50 UTC
TRUTH -------------- nobody won.
2017-01-09 00:53:00 UTC






2017-01-08 18:19:43 UTC
chev varann
2017-01-10 08:15:26 UTC
2017-01-09 03:20:06 UTC
2017-01-09 13:58:15 UTC
2017-01-07 01:53:58 UTC
are people really this STUPID?????????
2017-01-09 02:12:14 UTC
2017-01-08 14:48:14 UTC
2017-01-08 14:41:09 UTC
2017-01-08 05:17:20 UTC
2017-01-09 14:13:21 UTC
2017-01-08 04:33:32 UTC
2017-01-08 04:39:20 UTC
2017-01-08 19:37:30 UTC
Donald Trump duh.
2017-01-07 02:23:36 UTC
Hillary Clinton! Duh!
2017-01-09 02:29:56 UTC
Trump duh
2017-01-08 20:51:28 UTC
2017-01-08 12:21:24 UTC
Trump duh
2017-01-08 09:30:15 UTC
2017-01-07 20:03:18 UTC
Trump did duh !

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.