I have done a lot of research on the subject and frankly after reading Assault on Reason and researching whether or not global warming is true (it is by the way, stop looking at popular media and go to a library and pick up scientic journals), I could not forsee a better candidate. He is a moderate dem, but I think he might run independent due to personal feelings toward party system politics. Here is the wrap up.
Clinton, Edwards, Guliani --Pride comes before the fall
Thompson- Wasn't a popular Senator (law & order hype)
Romney and Thompson - Flipflop Flipflop Flipflop
Ron Paul- an idealist with no real practice (Go for Gov. 1st)
Obama - idealistic, naive, but a strong VP slot-(Obama 2016)
McCain- needs help $$$$ and isn't going to get it
Big Presidental Hopefuls for 08
Ex-Rep. Newt Gingrich - rally conservative base, attracts some Dems
Ex-VP Al Gore- Moderate Dem, attracts some Rep. Climate crisis, 2000 pop vote winner, and more importantly anti-Iraq war in 2002, offers solutions to carbon and economic problem, offers solution to failed No Child left Behind Act, for more info on what Gore or any politican really stands for go to www.ontheissues.org