Please spare us the false indignation, and claims of "protecting" the Constitution. The Constitution just happens to be based in law, the same system of justice and law that PROTECTS a citizen from his civil rights and privacy being invaded.
With all your words, it is still confusing to you as to the distinction of "being vetted", and WHO GETS TO DO THE VETTING. Or.. what do you think "vetting" legally involves? The cold hard fact is NOT that Obama has not been vetted. The cold hard fact is that birthers falsely think that they have the power to create their own universe and their own laws, or create their own irrational standards as to who can or cannot demand what. DEMAND is the operative word in that sentence.
That makes birthers DANGEROUS in their own arrogance.
Birthers want to be a vigilante group that goes around, spreading that "they have the RIGHT to anyone's private records" (nope.. false).. that "it takes two citizen parents to be a natural born citizen"..(Orly's favorite delusion).. but the most dangerous of all..
"If the sob does not do what I demand.. I want him out of office, by force if necessary". That is mob mentality. That isn't the law.
The LOSS is of your own fantasy and creation, and gullibility as to your own capacity to understand plain, simple English.
Birthers claim they want proof of Obama's birth. They have proof of his birth. The state of Hawaii"s confirmation is the only proof that is needed, you have that, and no one is going to break the law to make you happy.
Let PolariK (who is a fake in his own right) convince you that his pixels make him an expert. My cat is as much of an expert as he is. My cat knows more about legal ethics than Taitz.
What part of "NO.. YOU CANNOT HAVE THE VAULT COPY" is so hard for you to understand?