Different polls show that the number of birthers are growing by leaps and bounds. Will Obama's ratings?
2009-08-01 15:46:32 UTC
keep nose diving as the number of birthers keep rising?
Seventeen answers:
2009-08-01 16:13:29 UTC
This isn't just a republican thing anymore, the more evidence that keeps coming out is causing people to question what is going on. His numbers have already started to fall and this issue isn't helping him.
good guy
2009-08-01 16:58:37 UTC
lol....lmao.....sorry, couldn't help myself.

You know when every congressional representative votes in favor of the recent house resolution accepting the rightful citizenship of obama, it tells you something: NOT ONE republikan voted against the resolution. And when gop head michael steele and billo both claim obama is legit, it gives one pause; maybe these birthers are just like the "government has roswell aliens" crowd and the "fake moon landing" crowd, and the "elvis is alive" crowd. Maybe, juuuuuust maybe, the birthers are wrong. As in separated-from-reality-wrong. Delusionally wrong. Laughingly wrong. And not vetted? Seriously? so now you wish us to believe hillary never looked into these "allegations? And neither did john mccain? Now show us a graph showing birthers are growing "by leaps and bounds". Lol @ your "cold hard fact", sorry.
2009-08-01 16:28:26 UTC
Regardless of where your loyalties rest, there are some valid concerns and contradictions, the resolutions to which even Obama's supporters are starting to insist be produced.

(BTW, party-loyalty is the most driven, voracious predator in the hunt to kill all Liberty. I'll not side with either face of this disingenuous coin. In fact, I'd be even more vigilant if a candidate I'd come to trust were so evasive on this issue).

The State of Hawaii released a statement insisting they'd seen, touched and verified the original birth certificate (not a COLB).

Later, Hawaii claimed the original had been discarded 8 years earlier as records were imaged.

I have a copy of my birth certificate as do most people I know.

Solve all those and here's another one: Does the term "Natural Born Citizen" as used in the original text of the Constitution, Article II (and applicable bases of law as the framers intended) refer specifically to persons whose father had no allegiance to any other nation at the time of the child's birth?

The looming catastrophe of a nation whose Citizenry is divided - with those who blindly discredit the president and those who, just as blindly, support and defend him - is that this Citizenry has devolved from Conscientious Defenders of Liberty into throngs & mobs of people demanding a return to monarchical rule.
wendy c
2009-08-01 21:45:24 UTC
Please spare us the false indignation, and claims of "protecting" the Constitution. The Constitution just happens to be based in law, the same system of justice and law that PROTECTS a citizen from his civil rights and privacy being invaded.

With all your words, it is still confusing to you as to the distinction of "being vetted", and WHO GETS TO DO THE VETTING. Or.. what do you think "vetting" legally involves? The cold hard fact is NOT that Obama has not been vetted. The cold hard fact is that birthers falsely think that they have the power to create their own universe and their own laws, or create their own irrational standards as to who can or cannot demand what. DEMAND is the operative word in that sentence.

That makes birthers DANGEROUS in their own arrogance.

Birthers want to be a vigilante group that goes around, spreading that "they have the RIGHT to anyone's private records" (nope.. false).. that "it takes two citizen parents to be a natural born citizen"..(Orly's favorite delusion).. but the most dangerous of all..

"If the sob does not do what I demand.. I want him out of office, by force if necessary". That is mob mentality. That isn't the law.

The LOSS is of your own fantasy and creation, and gullibility as to your own capacity to understand plain, simple English.

Birthers claim they want proof of Obama's birth. They have proof of his birth. The state of Hawaii"s confirmation is the only proof that is needed, you have that, and no one is going to break the law to make you happy.

Let PolariK (who is a fake in his own right) convince you that his pixels make him an expert. My cat is as much of an expert as he is. My cat knows more about legal ethics than Taitz.

What part of "NO.. YOU CANNOT HAVE THE VAULT COPY" is so hard for you to understand?
2009-08-01 16:04:31 UTC
The vast majority of Americans know that questioning Obama's citizenship is opening oneself up to ridicule. An answer above points out that, outside the South, there are few birthers--and their number is not growing at all--much less by "leaps and bounds"--in other regions of the country.

I am at a loss to understand why so many people dedicate so much energy to personal attack rather than to issues and policy An informed populace is the strength of a democracy. Skills in food fighting do not contribute to that strength.
Joel M
2009-08-01 16:18:15 UTC
A. You show no facts or sources to indicate that the so-called "birthers" are growing at all.

B. Even if they were, they already don't support the President, that is why they refuse to accept the cold hard facts that he WAS born in Hawaii. Despite the REPUBLICAN governor who campaigned for McCain verifying that President Obama was indeed born in Hawaii. The fact that they didnt already support him wouldnt change so it wont change his ratings.

C. President Obama's job approval ratings are at 54% according to which is pretty darned high.
2009-08-01 16:26:43 UTC
Growing birthers growning by leaps and bounds only shows that people have nothing better to do with their time. A bunch of tea bagging idiots.
I am KING Obama!! BOW TO ME
2009-08-01 16:58:34 UTC
what obama is doing by "not" showing it is a "marxist" planned strategy.

In Marx's book he says to let a controversy come up and then ignore it, it will grow bigger, just keep ignoring it, then there will be masses out there that will think the people are just loons then and then seperation of the people can be determined at that point of who will always believe you and be trained because of lower will power.
Joseph the Second
2009-08-01 15:56:04 UTC
Nope. In FACT- the MORE "birthers" there ARE, the BETTER the Chances are that Obama will win Re-Election in 2012 !!! Why ? -Because the birthers are SPLITTING the Republican Party- & turning it into a JOKE that NOBODY is going to "laugh at" -except the Democrats- in 2012 !!!!! :)
Rush Limbaugh
2009-08-01 15:53:40 UTC
The birthers are only high in southern states (where most of the crazy is hosted)
2009-08-01 15:52:10 UTC
As the number of birthers grow, the population if the insane asylums grow.
2009-08-01 15:50:19 UTC
Do you think that birthers or even newbie birthers supported Obama in the first place?

Keep wasting your time on this idiotic issue while the rest of the world passes you by...
2009-08-01 15:52:58 UTC
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

Martin luther king jr
2009-08-01 16:01:46 UTC
Unlike most polls done by the Liberal Media that poll a cross section of the Whitehouse staff this one is of real people, check it out.

If you are a Democrat, I would be afraid, very afraid.
Hater Police
2009-08-01 15:50:48 UTC
Hahahahahahahaha. Yeah, right. Just like the tea baggers. What ever happened to the July 4th revolution?
2009-08-01 15:50:20 UTC
More birthers? Like my mama always said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
2009-08-01 15:52:48 UTC
He will still be President .*

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