I think it should not be INC and i pray for change. I DONT WANT INC but unfortunately there are 80% chances in favour of INC.
1-- INC is well known in villages in comparision to BJP because of its old history.Near about 50% election is decided by villages only as a large part of population resides over there.
2-- People in villages cast votes for ELECTRICITY,WATER,MID-DAY MEAL etc where INC AND BJP are equivalent.People in villages dont know about the A RAJA,KALMADI,ADARSH.
3--Names such as GANDHI -- NEHRU are associated with INC which are supposed to be great ones in villages as they are marketed pretty well by INC.
4-- Our EDUCATION SYSTEM has been hijacked by INC and disguise children and people with chapter including glory of INC like NEHRU,GANDHI,RAJEEV. No one in education system talks about SUBHASH CANDRA BOSE,BHAGAT SINGH ETC.this make a large difference people think that INC has done much for country which is obviously not true.
5-- Votes of 25% minorities DONOT GO TO BJP including 30% majority.
6-- All regional parties dont want to stand along with BJP for the sake of muslim vote bank.
7-- INC could do anything for votes.............................