Funny, I was just about to say the same thing the other way around.
But in my case, I can prove it.
McCain accuse Obama of getting good press, which is not true. I say it is not true because someone actually studied and found that although Obama got more press, 3/4 was negative and only 1/4 was positive. You can look it up.
McCain accuses Obama of bad judgment on Iraq, when the list of McCain errors in Iraq is atrocious. He bought that Saddam had WMD, that there were ties to Al Queda, that the war would pay for itself, that we would be welcomed as liberators, that it would be over fast etc...
McCain accuses Obama as 'Elistist', even though it is McCain who is married to the heiress and part of the corporate elite that run the country. Obama is highly educated and liberal, but it is nonsense to define that as 'elite'.
I could go on, but this should suffice for the time being. Note that I have given examples to prove a point, something McCain-ites should try doing once in a while.