How much money did Obama get from Fann.Mae Fred.Mac.?
James M
2008-10-06 17:09:11 UTC
And those other Bankrup institutions???

I know Hillary got the most but how many millions did Obama get and is the public tax payer going to get paid back by Obama as a good and honest gesture.

How about McCain he paying it back to too?

Why the silence on this stuff?
Eighteen answers:
2008-10-06 17:12:31 UTC
So. Are McCain hands not dirty. He has connections to Fannie Mae and Freddie . How much did John McCain? You neo-CONS act like McCain is an angel his hands are dirty too and both of them had dealing with these companies. Stop just putting everything on Obama. (=


Fact-Checking the Fact-Checker

By Jimmie on Sep 19, 2008 in Johnny Mac, Oh, THAT liberal media., The Economy and Your Money, The Obamessiah

The Washington Post has weighed in, in its “Fact Checker” column, on a John McCain ad and manages to make a hash of the whole thing. Whoever wrote this didn’t pay much attention to McCain’s ad and seems completely oblivious to the fact that they effectively proved the reporter who wrote the original Raines article was wrong.

Which is pretty much what I said yesterday.

The column calls John McCain’s ad “particularly dubious”, the evidence for the connection between Obama and Franklin Raines “flimsy”, and accuses the campaign of “exaggerating wildly”.

Strong words. Does it have the proof to back them up? Well, no. Actually, Fact Checker makes some dubious and exaggerated claims of its own. As it happens, Fact Checker requires some fact-checking of its own.

First, Fact Checker says the Raines profile was in the Style section. It wasn’t. It was on the front page of the Financial section. There’s a decided difference between a profile in the Style section and one in the Financial section.

Second, Fact Checker claims that the McCain ad calls Raines a “close adviser” of Barack Obama. It doesn’t. You can check that for yourself by reading the transcript of the ad that sits right on top of the Fact Checker article. Take a look for yourself. The word “close” never appears in the ad.

Third, Fact Checker checked with the reporter who wrote the Raines profile who said she asked “if he was engaged at all with the Democrats’ quest for the White House. He said that he had gotten a couple of calls from the Obama campaign. I asked him about what, and he said ‘oh, general housing, economy issues.’ (’Not mortgage/foreclosure meltdown or Fannie-specific,’ I asked, and he said ‘no.’)”

So even though, according to the reporter, Raines never mentioned mortgages, she saw fit to put that in the article. She also conflated “a couple calls” to “seeking his [Obama's] advice”. The reporter got it wrong, not John McCain. You can hardly blame him for trusting the reporting of a professional journalist with an article on the front page of the business section of one of the most-read newspapers in the world.

Well, the Fact Checker folks certainly can blame him for it. But they are wrong to do so, just as they were wrong in other details of their supposed fact-check. I’d say a rather large correction and an apology are in order, both to Raines for misrepresenting what he said, and to John McCain, for lying about his ad and for betraying his trust with a shabby news article.

I don’t think you’ll see either one, which is a sign of how far the Washington Post has sunk as a reliable news source.

Obama's campaign also has gone after McCain over campaign manager Rick Davis, who has worked as an influential lobbyist and whose firm reportedly worked for Freddie Mac, another major mortgage firm that was taken over by the government.

Are John McCain hands clean? No.

CNN did a fact check today on McCain's ad claiming that Obama was one of the largest recipients of funds from Freddie and Fannie.

This is another distortion of the truth.

It is true Obama received somewhere around $130,000 from Freddie and Fannie employees.

However, McCain received $169,000 from Freddie and Fannie executives and lobbyists. Obama received $16,000 from executives and lobbyists.
2008-10-06 17:19:11 UTC
Over the course of 2 years, Barack Obama is the 2nd highest receiver of money from Fannie Mae, only behind Christopher Dodd and John Kerry, although recently he had surpassed Johnny boy.

Christopher Dodd is head of the housing committee in the senate btw, who with all other democrats voted no on legislation 3 times that would've regulated Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, all republicans voted yes on the committee.

Affordable housing for all!

That got us in this.
Kerbachard! -El Wapo™ ©
2008-10-06 17:18:11 UTC
Acorn, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Barack Obama’s Finance Chair-Penny Pritzker, All Tied To The Sub-Prime Meltdown

Now, this criminal is Barack Obama’s campaign adviser. Only one member of Congress, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, received more kickbacks from Raines’s Fannie Mae cronies than did Barack Obama–over $120,000 in bribes.
2016-10-16 06:56:18 UTC
Why shouldn't he help undesirable islamic human beings? Why does their faith/race count? this is like asserting the U. S. could desire to in basic terms deliver funds to England.. etc.. no longer all Islamic human beings inevitably consider Hamas. and not all Islamic human beings stay in Gaza.. Muslims are around the international, from Malaysia to the U. S.. no longer in basic terms interior the middle EAST undergo in strategies! right here's a fact...: Indonesia is the country with the biggest Muslim inhabitants. i'm beneficial Obama is assisting others too around the international. Your in basic terms being choosy that its harmless Muslims he has sent component of money too. And after all Obama's father is Muslim too. no longer all Muslims base their financial help on Saudi Arabia you comprehend - that's in basic terms yet another stereotypical view (wealthy oil funds..). everyone could desire to be assisting the harmless Gazans in Palestine who's properties and lives are devestated by the Israeli military and now and lower back Hamas too. the persons of Gaza and Hamas are 2 countless issues.
2008-10-06 17:17:29 UTC
Alot, he also hired some of the people who ran them into the ground. McCain has gotten some, but substantially less. It would be interesting if they decided to pay it back, and politically prudent. Since McCain got so much less, he'd be smart to suggest they give back the donations.
2008-10-06 17:15:14 UTC
Yes we will have to pay it back. Well, depending on your age, either your chilldren or grandchildren will pay that back.

And with them, Dodd was the #1 with the most money from them and Obama was #2. Franklin Raines was with Fannie Mae before the collapse took place and of course he is the advisor for Obama's campaign currently.
2008-10-06 17:16:18 UTC
Because the Bailout helped the Republicans. The middle class still needs help. Mortgages, jobs, gas prices, the economy is in Danger.

The Debate is tomorrow night, In a Town Hall for McCain's benefit.
2008-10-06 17:15:54 UTC


Man this guy is something else. And why isnt the media talking about any of this. John McCain is right.

I think Obama is the biggest fraud we've seen in a long, long time.


HELLOOOOOO! LOL John McCain sure did have his hands in this. He WARNED about Fanny/Freddy and pushed for REFORM. What did Obama do? Nothing. What did the Democrats do? Ignored warnings and even got mad about it. Watch the video tape
2008-10-06 17:14:28 UTC
YES! thank you, and im pretty sure Obama recieved $80,000 if not 800,000$ from them... Im not 100% sure, when McCain got 9,000$ or so... These aren't the exact ones and i think the 800,000 is extreme. But i do know what you're talking about. The silence is there to keep everyone from knowing about what they do... Corruption is in the government and we need to take it back with torches and pitchforks.
Alfredo Garcia
2008-10-06 17:12:31 UTC
He got something like $130,000. Dodd got the most, followed by Obama. Dodd's father, Thomas, had Hitler's gun control laws translated into English and then introduced them into Congress. We now call them the "Gun Control Act of 1968".
2008-10-06 17:12:28 UTC
This should help.

Notice: Obama has gotten more money from Fannie Mae then senators that have spent decades in office.
2008-10-06 17:14:50 UTC
he got millions from fannie mae and the ceo the ******* bastard. mccain got some money too but i dont know how much. neither is a great candidate for the presidency but i know who is the better of he two
2008-10-06 18:08:44 UTC
NOWHERE near as much as cheney's cronies at halliburton made off of dumbya invading iraq.
2008-10-06 17:12:57 UTC
These videos explain the source of our financial troubles.
2008-10-06 17:12:35 UTC
almost $190,000 #2 on the list
jo P
2008-10-06 17:13:02 UTC
They gave him 10 trillion dollars.
2008-10-06 17:13:19 UTC
$0 and O cents.
2008-10-06 17:12:02 UTC
zero dollars

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