No, I am not happy that California has joined many other states in denying gay citizens fundamental rights.
Marriage is a civil institution which allows spouses many rights that are not available to couples in domestic partnerships or civil unions. All people deserve to have the same government-protected rights whether they are in a life-long committed relationship with a man or a woman. Also, civil unions or domestic partnerships are not sufficient to ensure that people of all sexual orientations are guaranteed the same civil rights. The Supreme Court wisely decided that separate is inherently unequal, thus civil unions/domestic partnerships cannot be equal. The fact that they are separated is a badge of inferiority. Many religions recognize marriage as a religious institution in addition to a civil one. However, churches may choose which couples to marry. Also, straight couples are able to marry in a civil ceremony even if they are not religious. This is because the United States does not have a national religion; there is a separation of church and state.
Furthermore, allowing gay marriage protects families. It ensures that partners, who in some cases have lived commited to one another for decades, can visit one another in the hospital, make critical medical decisons, secure healthcare benefits and adoptions by gay couples would allow the children the same security as those children placed in the homes of straight couples.
Lastly, labeling one's sexual orientation as a "sick phase" is demeaning and inaccurate. There is a lot of evidence that sexual orientation is biologically determined (including wild animals who live their entire lives in committed, same-sex relationships). Many people who are gay struggle with hating themselves for who they are. People have been subjected to insults, threats, even physical violence and murder just for being gay. Why would anyone "choose" that? Sexual orientation is as unchanging as eye color, race, or gender. It's time to stop the discrimination.