WELL Mr Howard is the biggest loser !!!!!!!!!!!!
How can WE all better off ???
Wel some say everyone has short memories of the past ...OMG grow up people!
NOW Mr RUDD you can win hand over fist...
Howard says or education system is just simply brilliant,OMG come to the schools and look at the answer to that. Many of the state schools literacy and maths are falling very behind the standards they should be.
They have even continued to change how to do subtraction! WTF ..
MR Rudd has said it perfectly for our students and for the upcoming students to get a better education then they are getting now...They are illiterate and composing of brawls in the playground using mobile phones...lets utube it...thats what they do best..NOT excelling like they should be!
Tax breaks,our education system OH the KYOTO Agreement(for the one who said he didnt do anything for it) RUDD WILL!
Now the government has shunned the " WORKERS" of Australia,made intrest rates too damn high,many cant buy now because of the LIBS...
How will the people who make THIS country turn and grow be appreciated on Howard back...no we will not...we will be in the gutter and howard will say
"Australians heve never been better off"
*extends my middle finger above all other and says BYE HOWARD..
(why did the libs have the WORM cut the other night? Dont they like to see the truth of how the country really thinks of his POOR stratergies nad lack of agreements OR CARE! )
The Kids of today are our tommorows caretakers...what will we have ..illiterate ill mannered and all they can do is answer in TXT message forms....
*shakes head...libs killing Aust....