John McCain supporters:1 What bad things will obama do you are concerned about?
2008-10-23 16:30:05 UTC
2 What bad things will obama do that bush has not done?
3 What bad things will obama do that John McCain won't?
21 answers:
2008-10-23 16:48:53 UTC
because he will make a good president,fix the economy,filter corruption,alleviate the bad reputation worldwide,save lives and money and secure the country without using the fear factor,waging preemptive costly and counter productive wars to please the religious radicals and weapon SEOs,corrupt networking,being a sellout to big corporations

to put it brief,they are afraid that the American people in 4 years from now will say "Wow,he is doing good,we are good"

and that will open the door for minorities to become daring to run for US presidency.
2016-05-29 01:53:01 UTC
Well, obviously you're not going to vote for a Democrat no matter what. So I don't see any point in debating with you. Your take on Colin Powell is a dead giveaway. You're going to focus like a microscope on everything Obama says, with or without its proper context while conveniently ignoring every gaffe that McCain's ever made. I'm surprised that a man can run for President of the US in 2008 after admitting not once, but twice that he really doesn't know anything about economics.
2008-10-23 16:37:03 UTC
I am not worried about the Presidency, I am worried about the Congress and a veto proof majority,. One Party Rule.This has been tried, it leads to more corruption. One good thing about one party rule. The people in control have no one to blame. They have to accept responsibility. That is what happened in 2006. No one to blame so the Republicans have to take responsibility for their spending. Democrats took over sat around for 2 years knowing if nothing was accomplished George would take the blame. It worked.
2008-10-26 20:40:47 UTC
1. Obama will pull out of Iraq probably (read: 99% chance) way too early and it will become infested with terrorists again. Obama will also raise taxes, and for those who say "Only people making over $250,000" well a) Poor people don't start businesses and b) that's not entirely true

2. Same as question 1

3. Same as question 1

McCain/Palin '08
2008-10-24 21:17:19 UTC
increase welfare, increase taxes on everyone with a paycheck, run with a foreign policy even biden criticized, increase gov spending by 1.4 trillion, make his racist wife part of political power, make lucrative deals for his half brother in china (already planned), please lobiests like he did with freddie mae for campaign financiers and kick backs when he was part of the senate.

About 2 years ago, the democrats took control of the hosue and senate, and since having 2/3rd power have pushed all sorts of new policies... and now look where our economy is... What would complete democratic control of house, senate and president do to this country? I pray I dont find out.
2008-10-25 19:18:09 UTC
well first of all every middle class person is being brain-washed by obama, i am even below middle class at this point in my life while im going to college. but if u look at it this way he wants to tax the wealthy even more they already pay most of our taxes middle and lower class get tax breaks and returns, i already know people who are holding off on better job offers to see if obama will become president because they will make more money staying at a lower paying job this is wat many many people will do leading people to not make over 250 a yr and then how will we even get tax breaks? i do not want to take anyones money they have worked hard for theyr whole lives, why should people sitting on the azzes collecting welfare get hard working peoples money, its pure socialism pretty much communism. lol and did anyone take into consideration wat joe biden said along the lines of MARK MY WORDS 6 MONTHS AFTER OBAMA IS ELECT OUR COUNTRY WILL GO INTO A MAJOR CRISIS! wat is wrong with people to so easily be decieved??
2008-10-23 16:46:16 UTC
Obama is socialist, if u work hard he'll tax you more and take your money and give it to the poorer.

Where's the justice in that?

Obama believes that the government should control everything: what your kids are taught, where your money goes....etc.

Do you want the government in charge of every aspect of your life?

Obama even said that the government should be like a father.

All these things he wants to do will make america more and more in debt, we just don't have that kind of money.

Obama will kill millions of babies, even allow late term abortion, which means you can kill your baby when it's born!!!!!!! That is heartless and cruel.

Did you know there is a case going on with Obama showing that he may not even be a U.S. born citizen!!!!!!!! Do some research.

He is also a citizen in Kenya, which is why he won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, or wear a flag. I believe that the president should have expressed in his life time a love for his country in order to serve her better, that is something that John McCain has done.

Keep in mind neither candidate can fix every problem, but Palin and McCain have the experience to do a thing or two. 4 years ago Obama wasn't even a senator yet! just merely a community organizer. And if you hate McCain he'll probably die after a year or 2 and Palin will take over.

Take other things in to account, don't just believe all the adds and crap you get in the mail. Do your own research before voting for the next president.
2008-10-23 16:33:07 UTC
I'm not as worried about Obama as I am about not having a Republican in there to veto a Democrat majority.

Check out these two articles from reputable sources:
2008-10-23 16:52:22 UTC
1. There is a good chance the next president will appoint as many as three new Supreme Court justices. With total control in congress, he would be free to put the most liberal kooks he could find in without a fight. This could very likely result in more gun control, and more abortions, two issues I am very much against.

2. His energy policies are totally un-realistic. This country will never be rid of oil dependency in 10 years, especially when he wants the government to control what is to replace it.

3. His health care plan, and tax plan will do too much damage to small business. I know what he says, but I don't believe it. I happen to be involved in a small business and I know enough about it to understand the real effects his policies will have.

4. He has a very ambitious agenda for the country. I have read it from his website. What is very unclear is how he expects to pay for it. One simply cannot accomplish all his goals without having to come up with a large amount of money. Knowing the past history of his party, I think it's quite likely we will all be asked to do the "patriotic thing" and pay more and more taxes.

5. I don't trust him as a Commander In Chief of America's military. He doesn't understand that you can't simply talk to some of the kooks who are in power in some of these countries. They don't want to negotiate, some just want us destroyed. Biden will be of little help because he is even more likely to instigate trouble because his mouth moves too much faster than his brain.
2008-10-23 16:34:31 UTC
Oops...... :P

In 1987, John McCain cast several votes in an attempt to force the Reagan administration to meet with RENAMO1, a guerrilla organization in Mozambique that State Department officials at the time described as a "terrorist group," 2 without requiring that the group meet any preconditions.
2008-10-23 16:39:01 UTC
Obama will pull us out of Iraq before the job is completely done.

Obama will raise our taxes.

Obama will redistribute our wealth to all the lazy deadbeats that don't want to work for a living.

Obama will try to put Liberal judges on the bench that like to legislate from the bench.

Obama has absolutely no experience with foreign policy.

Obama attended a racist church for 20 years.

Obama started his political career in the living room of an unrepentant terrorist.

Obama and his wife are ashamed of America.

Edit- That's more than you asked for, but that's a list of things that scare the crap out of me when it comes to Obama.
Smooch The Pooch
2008-10-23 16:34:44 UTC
1) make sure that democrats control congress, thus giving full control to wacko liberals like Nancy Pelosi more rope, hand us over to the U.N. and disarm us, make us solely dependant upon our government, in turn opening the floodgate for socialism and then the next step...communism. Anarchist is how Bill Ayers likes to refer to himself.

2) refer to number 1
John Qu
2008-10-23 16:34:44 UTC
he will invade pakistan (he said so in the second debate) a nuclear country who has been our ally

he will spread the wealth around=everyone is poor and the american dream lost

he will put strict laws on fire arms... disreguarding the second amendment (the right to bear arms

neighther bush nor mccain will or have done this
2008-10-23 16:34:45 UTC
You are very biased and you make John McCain supporters look bad. I'm not very surprised though.
2008-10-23 16:34:35 UTC
He will raise taxes & throw up protectionists tarriffs which will destroy an already very weak US economy and will throw it into the debts of a major depression. Other than that I think he'll do a great of giving speechs.
2008-10-23 16:38:23 UTC
if you read his first 4 tax plans he talked about this year it was taxing 40K and over. that's just one. socialized medicine is BAD. Paying off terrorist to be peaceful is just stupid.

Bush never wanted to change our flag or our anthem.
2008-10-23 16:35:35 UTC
plenty...everything he does will be a concerted efforts toward destroying America as we now know it...utter ruination is near...God, please don't let this happen to America! HAVE MERCY ON US, FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!!!!! McCain/Palin08

Has anyone not seen the McCain supporter with the "B" carved into her face... here it is...
3rd parties for REAL CHANGE
2008-10-23 16:33:26 UTC
1. Carve a B into my face

2. Carve a B into my face

and 3. Carve a B into my face
2008-10-23 16:33:29 UTC
he will be black, and that is all they care about

they know he isn't a terrorist, or a muslim, or a liar

what does that leave?

they don't like harvard law grads?
2008-10-23 16:32:57 UTC
2008-10-23 16:33:29 UTC
Show up to work ( assuming he wins ).

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