Obama is socialist, if u work hard he'll tax you more and take your money and give it to the poorer.
Where's the justice in that?
Obama believes that the government should control everything: what your kids are taught, where your money goes....etc.
Do you want the government in charge of every aspect of your life?
Obama even said that the government should be like a father.
All these things he wants to do will make america more and more in debt, we just don't have that kind of money.
Obama will kill millions of babies, even allow late term abortion, which means you can kill your baby when it's born!!!!!!! That is heartless and cruel.
Did you know there is a case going on with Obama showing that he may not even be a U.S. born citizen!!!!!!!! Do some research.
He is also a citizen in Kenya, which is why he won't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance, or wear a flag. I believe that the president should have expressed in his life time a love for his country in order to serve her better, that is something that John McCain has done.
Keep in mind neither candidate can fix every problem, but Palin and McCain have the experience to do a thing or two. 4 years ago Obama wasn't even a senator yet! just merely a community organizer. And if you hate McCain he'll probably die after a year or 2 and Palin will take over.
Take other things in to account, don't just believe all the adds and crap you get in the mail. Do your own research before voting for the next president.