Keep reading past the preface, foreword and introduction and you'll see a REAL, relevant, honest, up-to-date website posted, okay?
It seems that this whole Obama birth certificate hullabaloo is a moot point, or a non-issue / non-starter only pursued by possibly *cough* well-intentioned but more probably loser wacko nutjob lalalala bananas off-the-wall punkyflannelsneezyjeaner loony-toon cuckoo neener-neener ga-ga wingnutters like Berg, Donofrio and Keyes.
Honestly: don't you think that the FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security and even Intelligence Agencies Without Names would have 'outed' Obama before this IF there had a been even a hint of something fishy? Especially given the fact that a Republican president would LOVE to have a reason to negate the election?
And if there had been, you KNOW that someone would have leaked it to those paragons of truth: The National Enquirer, Hannity, O'Reilly and Limbaugh, all of whom would STILL be in the throes of journalistic orgasm? Hey: if even FOX won't touch it, what does that tell you? It's time for the flat-earth, Tinfoil Beanie Brigade to give this one up.
Face it, it's a dumb rumor that 'sounds' good, replete with some erroneous legalese and a few dates thrown in, but is completely, totally, wholly, incontestably, unquestionably, guaranteed to be without a scintilla, drop or speck of merit. Kinda like the "he's a Muslim / anti-Christ / Marxist / socialist / fascist / communist / radical / Manchurian Candidate" etc etc etc., rants. Too bad that so many people believe it, but it seems like a time-waster, a waste of THEIR time and effort, but not mine.
The following is a McCain supporter / McCain campaign exchange:
"I heard... he's...he's not a ... he's not like US... he's a A-RAB!!!!!!"
"No, ma'am, he's not, he's a citizen and a fine American."
"He... he IS??????????"
Sorry, but if that's typical of Palin/McCain supporters....... then it's typical of the desperate folks who cobbled this p.o.s. together, but it's not fit for human intellectual consumption. It's 100% bullcrap, PERIOD.
Lemme put it another way: This rumor is like what some people describe Bush as: "all hat and no cowboy." There's no THERE there!
Title 8, U.S. Code, Section 1401, quoted at the U.S. Customs-Immigration Service website "' in which it delineates between natural-born and natural-ized citizens AND states that the U.S. has no prohibition about U.S. citizens having dual citizenship/dual passports, just that the citizen has to use his/her U.S. passport when re-entering the U.S.; it also states that the Panama Canal Zone is/was NOT considered 'sovereign U.S. soil' AND further states that a parent CANNOT renounce their child's U.S. citizenship.
There is NO requirement that a President be born ON U.S. soil: Mitt Romney was born in Mexico, but is eligible by reason of at least one (both were) parent having been an American citizen.
Here's a hypothetical: suppose McCain had been born in a Japanese commercial airliner flying across the Pacific at 35,000 feet? American parent(s) = American citizen = Prez-eligible.
Time to give this haggard abused dogeared argument up: it's baseless. Period.
However: be prepared for guffaws of laughter when the SC refuses to hear this 'case.' Then pull up a chair, light up a smoke, grab a beer and enjoy the inauguration on January 20,2009.