Seriously. No hater answers please.?
2008-06-18 10:07:24 UTC
I'm just curious. So many people are against the war in Iraq and I'm not sure why. I know we have lost 4101 of our troopers so far but we lost something like 400,000 in WWII. I understand that many people say that we shouldn't have gone into Iraq because there were not weapons of mass distruction. What I don't understand for whatever reason we went in there in the first place, it appears to me that the Iraqi people (the non terrorists) want us there, they are asking for help, they spent over 20 years with the threat of death, torture and rape under the Saddam Hussein regime (the terrorists that we are still fighting) WHY is this a bad thing? If I could I would be there in an instant and every other country that is experiencing genocide. Would everyone be pissed if we went to help Darfur too? Or Armenia? How are we helping our fellow people if not by helping them create a government that allows them to live? Seriously I just don't comprehend how people can be against this.
23 answers:
2008-06-18 10:17:25 UTC
Very well said, We over turned their Government, which was a good thing, now it is our responsibility to finish what we started and repair their country. I don't understand these people anymore than you do, Do they expect us to just leave them high and dry to be slaughtered.
rev ricky
2008-06-18 10:34:25 UTC
If you really want an answer here goes. Iraq is a fake country that was created in 1921 by Winston Churchill so that England could dominate it's oil reserves. he flew in a King Faisal who had never ever been to Iraq. A military coup ensued. Saddam and the Bathists murder the Colonel that took over.

After the first Gulf War, a no fly zone was created South and North. The Kurds have been ruling themselves since 1991. Now that Iraqi Freedom is Mission: Accomplished; it's obvious that these people have no intention of living together in peace. In the old Ottoman Empire, they were three different provinces. That's what they want now. There are two plans for separation of "Iraq" into thirds.

As someone earlier stated, this fighting has been going on since time began. It's a fault line in history where the Persians(Iraninans) and the Arabs meet and fight. The Shia are ethinic Persians. The Sunnis are ethnic Arabs.

We have already lost so we should leave. When we held elections, the Iraninan government was ready and fielded a slate of candidates. Maliki and all of the elected officials belong to Iran. Their president is the only one I have seen walk around without a flak jacket on, because Iran is in charge. The Sunnis or the Arabs have revolted against the take over by Iran through the elections. Give the Arabs/Sunni their land; the Shia/Persians their land and the Kurds theirs and let's get out.

Of course, we'll have to negotiate this plan but this is inevitable. The only question is how much treasure and lives are we willing to continue to waste.
Sheldon P
2008-06-18 10:31:44 UTC
In World War II, there was a clearly defined goal. The elimination of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan who threatened the freedom of the entire world.

In Iraq, there is no goal. The American troops are waiting for their turn to be blown up and killed in vain for no reason.

Whether the USA stays in Iraq 7 more weeks, 7 more months, 7 more years, or McCain's 100 years, a Shiaite dictator from the Iraqi Army the USA "created" will take over and sweep the country.

The ignorant who advertise their stupidity say Al Qaeda will be strengthened by the USA leaving Iraq. That is a foolish lie. The Shiaite dictator who takes over Iraq will hunt them down like dogs and kill them all.

What did Bush think would happen when he invaded Iraq? Bush wanted the "majority" to rule? Well, thats Shiaites. If Bush don't like it he should have not invaded.

I am tired of the talking head fools on TV and elsewhere talking about how a minority Sunni extremist group such as Al Queda will flourish in the absence of an American presence in Iraq.

Absolutely on the contrary, Al Qaeda in Iraq will be exterminated by the new Shiaite dictator whoever he may be. Because the new Shiaite dictator will not be soft on Al Qaeda like the Americans are now. The new Shiaite dictator will destroy them all without impunity, mercy, or remorse. Judgement at last. And that is all those Al Qaeda types understand.

It is past time America gets out of Iraq and let Iraq solve their internal problems in a more appropriate, "forceful" way that will actually and finally win the peace.

I don't remember wide spread terrorism under Saddam, do you? The American presence in Iraq is tearing the country apart. Most Iraqis would take the quiet Saddam Hussein regime over the Quagmire that exists now. Iraqis knew not to cross the regime and they could live in peace and harmony. Now. Iraqis do not know every morning if they will live to see the end of the day because of the threat of terrorist violence.

The Americans must go now.
Confused Republican
2008-06-18 10:28:10 UTC
I have always been against the war in Iraq.

I don't think it is the duty of the United States to rescue every other country in the world every time it is mismanaged or has a vicious dictatorship. The cost would be astronomical--in both dollars and American lives. I really don't understand why people think it is acceptable to spend trillions of dollars to help people in other countries when people in our own country still need help.

And I think it is ironic that some of the people who complain the loudest about spending a few million dollars to feed U.S. families or help the people of New Orleans are among the ones most in favor of spending trillions to help people in other countries. And these same people say they oppose government spending?

But the real reason I oppose the war is that I believe helping the Iraqi people was never its purpose. The United States will look the other way when a repressive dictatorship happens to support U.S. interests. Just look at Saudi Arabia. It is a repressive dictatorship, but our President likes to hold hands with the dictators.

The real purpose of the war was to persuade the American people to believe the President was doing something about terrorism, even though the Iraqis--even its repressive leaders--were not the actual terrorists. We forgot about Osama Bin Laden and focused on Sadam Hussein.
2008-06-18 10:24:04 UTC
If the war had been handled correctly and done the way that had been proposed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it would have gone totally different. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld did it "their" way and here we are.

The biggest mistake made, was Rumsfeld wanted the old Iraqi Army, totally disbanded, which they did. This created the greatest problem we have today.

The war is never going to be "won" and will continue for many years to come.

And now the Iraqi leader, is threatening military action against Pakistan..............not a smart move.

A "war" should be quick, surgical and decisive. Not involving "police" type actions.

None of the candidates will find a solution, because there is none without serious consequences.

We need to withdraw, somehow.
2008-06-18 10:40:47 UTC
The American public has been deceived by the mass media in regards to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. The media only show the tragedies that take place instead of all the good that is coming out of it. Both Iraq and Afghanistan are better places to be since we began helping them. The media and some political parties have been using the lives of American soldiers for their gain in ratings and their rise to power. A travesty. Yes, there are casualties. But everyone of those men in uniform deserve our thanks for the job they are doing. They signed up for that job, and now they are doing it. The politicians and media are making a mockery of our men in uniform. We can't leave until the job is done, and IT IS NOT DONE.
Ex Chemist
2008-06-18 10:21:30 UTC
1) The objectives of the war were never made clear or even understood. How will we know when we're successful?

2) A majority Iraqi people don't want us to be in their country.

3) It's against international law to invade a sovereign nation without provocation.

4) We broke it, so we own it and it's going to cost a fortune to fix. The expense of turning Iraq into a secure country is making the economic situation in the US worse.

5) The continuing operations in Iraq have stretched the US military to its limits. This is making it impossible for to exert influence in areas where our influence is needed and could do some good -- Darfur an excellent example.
Raina H
2008-06-18 10:19:06 UTC
Against the war in Iraq at first but the war in Iraq is the war on terror because we are fighting Al quada now and if we do what Obama want we would withdraw so we can reploy our troops in our countrys to fight Al quada ,does not that sound stupid,,plus we will have to turn around and go right back in Iraq when they get over run by terrorist and we will have to go back and how many more America will we lose this time..

Darfur if Bush would have try to do anything about that ya would be doing the same thing ,,,booo whoo will you make up your mind if you got one..

Ex Chemist ,,GOOD ENOUGH didn't they break the UN Security Council Resolution 17 time that enough by itself
2008-06-18 10:32:28 UTC
The majority of evidence that was compiled about Saddam's WMD's took place during the Clinton administration. They along with most world leaders all believed he had them so much so that they handed out sanction after sanction against Iraq in which Saddam thumbed his nose. Liberals who say Bush suddenly made up lies(both in the U.S and around the world) in order to start a war are naive to say the very least. Bush would have to be Houdini to make up a boat load of air tight lies that NO ONE in the world could dispute in order to invade Iraq. The fact of the matter is Congress had access to the same information he had and they overwhelmingly said we have to go in. Now that public opinion has swayed these cowards are pretending they had no information or background about what was transpiring over 12 years of investigation into Iraq's WMD.

BTW, didn't the liberals say we only went into Iraq and Afghanistan to steal their oil? How's that theory working out?

$4.10 a gallon?????
2008-06-18 10:35:22 UTC
What makes you think that who they have now is less a dictator then Saddam. You forget that Saddam was also put into power by the united states. And believe me it has nothing to do with the plea of the people of Iraq. Its American corporate intere$t that is the only thing propelling this war. And the world on terrorism is just a marketing ployed packaging.

My grand father was one of the victims of one of this dictators, he lost all his assets and was left with only his house and business debts, and almost lost his life. Because he was accused by someone who made a loan to and later didn't want to pay up of being communist. A man who to the very end of his years refused to depend on anyone, and worked in his business to the very end of his life. Another uncle of mine who is still rich in his homeland was another one targeted several times to the point they had to pay in to that government to keep them off their backs. The number of people this dictator killed and women he raped I need not mention. All thank to the good U.S. of A corporate interest to control foreign resources.

Read the below article and be informed.
Maggie G
2008-06-18 10:19:07 UTC
Me neither, but I blame the liberal media for creating this image of the United States. Most people who live here and criticize the Bush administration have never experienced an oppressive government and really have no clue how desperate people are to get out from under the heavy hand of the government. As far as weapons of mass destruction go, I absolutely believe they were there, but the terrorists were given way too much time to move or destroy them. Also, the majority of the troops killed in Iraq were killed by the insurgents who want us out so they can continue killing their own people when they feel like it.
2008-06-18 10:14:55 UTC
I don't think so. I mean, sure, from time to time there's silence or near silence, but the violence will never end. Those areas have been fighting since Biblical times and to think we can stop it, is stupid.

As for progress...when a family of four can book a vacation, let their kids run around wild and alone, go to the malls, theme parks, etc. That's when I might actually see some progress. But if you have to walk around with 100 guards/military, guns, tanks, helicopters, etc. to get down the road, it's not really progress. Big deal, you made it down the street in Iraq with security!!!!!! Stop the lies. When I can go to Iraq and walk down the road alone, then I might say yes, there's progress.

Since the Bible...that's biblical times, the fighting will not have to understand the story. That's just to say, we will not be as successful as we think we're going to be. And how long is it going to take, another 2,000 years? We need to get our American people back to America. And we need to take care of our American people first.

All the flooding, bridges collapsing, displaced Americans (still from Katrina), crime in our own country, etc. I think we need to focus on our country, the USA.
2008-06-18 10:19:44 UTC
Imagine that the English thought our system of government was dictatorial and decided they should come over and rescue us from oppression. That's what we did in Iraq. What I don't comprehend is where we got the kahones to think we had the right to do that.

When we didn't want the kind of government we had, we had our own revolution. WE started it, and some other countries had troops come to help us, like Lafayette from France, but it was our war and we were the ones who wanted it. The US decided Iraq's government was wrong, and we went in to change it. We were the aggressors, hiding under the cloak of the 9-11 terrorist attacks.

The US has tried to help Darfur in humanitarian ways, and the government there blocked our efforts.
2008-06-18 10:21:39 UTC
We have involved ourselves in a tribal civil war that has a history for hundreds and hundreds of years. They were killing each other before we got there now they are killing us. Our sons husbands daughters friends and relatives, citizens of America who joined the military to help our country be free.

If we are there for the oil why are the prices of gas insane?

We want to help but it seems the regions involved need to deal with their own issues.

As a country the war is bleeding us dry just like terrorists intend.

We need to take care of our own, make sure everybody has access to a good healthcare system and a safe place to live.

I am no whiner just a realist. I live close to a major air force base and I know where our money is going. Into the air full of supplies for the terrorists to steal.......
2017-01-02 00:58:25 UTC
i will understand Cindy Anthony's attesting the way she did. i did no longer desire the death penalty for Casey, yet I did desire to work out justice that she proceed to be in detention center. there grew to become into sufficient info for that. The "while" the "Why" and the "How" have been responded. i've got accompanied this occasion for the previous 3 years. i've got listened to each courtroom day there grew to become into. i've got self assurance incredibly that Casey used to chloroform her daughter interior the situation of a sprint one sitter while she went out to occasion. This time it accidently killed her and Casey did no longer be conscious of what to do. She buried Caylee the way her father and mom buried her canine.
2008-06-18 10:17:51 UTC
You did not even mention the 1 million Iraqis who died under this American invasion, (because you do not think they are people too?)

Nor did you mention that fact that GWB used illegal means to cause the murder of the ruler of a country that did NOTHING to him or us.

How would you feel if China and Japan decided that Bush is a weasel scum liar and Americans (Democrats) don't like him and they invade America and killed GWB?? Huh???

Well, that's what really happened, Sherlock.

Do you understand now??????
Mirriam M
2008-06-18 10:18:56 UTC
Because while we are fighting there, the Taliban (and by default Al Quaida) are winning in Afghanistan.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, but Afghanistan did. I supported that effort and have to wonder why, when we actually had Bin Laden close to capture there, we took our eyes off the ball and turned to Bush's tired old dream of getting back at Saddam.

We couldn't afford to split our efforts, and it makes one wonder about the motives of the administration.
2008-06-18 10:16:39 UTC
I agree 100%. it is not the Iraqi people killing us over there- it is the terrorist insugents from all over. It's better to concentrate them there and kill them than to have to search all over the world for them.

According to Allstate's commercial, just over 6000 teenage drivers won't come home this year. If this is true, teens have more of a chance dying THIS YEAR than American soldiers do any year in Iraq

you almost have to be "lucky" to get killed in Iraq.

you dem. butt plugg i dar eyou to read this

1 day ago


CIVIL WAR- people per/HOUR died in action, injured, or of disease- 4years time

-UNION- 21.267 ppl/hour

Confederate- 13.926 ppl/hour

for at total of roughly 35 ppl/hour for 4 years str8!

World War 2- 4years time of our involement

Americans- 11.64 ppl/hour for 4 years str8!

Vietnam- 19years

Americans- 2.2 ppl/hour for 19years str8!!...this does not include 2,400 M.I.A. as of '73

Iraq War- 5years time

Americans- .09 ppl/hour ( so 10 hours for almost 1 death)when you add injuries and diseases its - 1.23 ppl/hour

These numbers are dropping now due to our recent successes in Iraq. 6/15/08

Sept.11---1 DAY

deaths and injured= 387.125 ppl/hour

WW I - Started by Democrats

WW II - Started by Democrats

Korea - Started by Democrats

Vietnam - Started by Democrats

2008-06-18 10:15:06 UTC
Its just that haters are out there.. they are against the cause. We should focus our efforst on eduction. FOR the CHILDREN!

Don S
2008-06-18 10:14:16 UTC
So many people are against the war in Iraq because they are selfish. They are from the "ME" generation. Whinning little cry babies who want everything for themselves and the rest of the world be damned.
2008-06-18 10:30:05 UTC
Watch this and you will understand! I for one don't like being lied to!
2008-06-18 10:25:55 UTC
i agree with vegas,but i also believe we should support our military at all times no matter where they are.
2008-06-18 10:13:36 UTC
If the Iraqui people want us there, why are they killing our soldiers?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.