Truckers ‘going broke’ and threatening to strike, would you join them?
2008-03-30 19:07:10 UTC
At issue is the rising cost of diesel fuel, which has reached or exceeded $4 per gallon in at least 17 states. But Little does not expect his strike to bring down the per-gallon price of gas, nor does he expect to have any effect on the oil companies.

“What I would personally like to see is our federal and state governments, until our economy recovers, suspend federal and state fuel taxes,” the 49-year-old said. “The second thing I’d like to see is an oversight committee for truck insurance, which is part of what’s taking us down.

My question how effective would a strike such as this be? Would it elicit pandering by Hillary and Obama? Would they even care?

Do you think the oil companies are guilty of price fixing? How is it that one groups buy Saudi/middle east oil, others buy American or Mexican/central American oil and the price at the pumps are within a few cents of each other...

Do you think they set the prices among themselves, should our justice department step in?
23 answers:
Mark T
2008-03-30 19:43:37 UTC
This answer might piss alot of people off, in that it's alot easier to say Exxon or the government or someone is to blame, but sorry to say, but we're kinda running out of the stuff.

The government definitely saw this coming and should have done a better job preparing truckers for the end of the road - so to speak, the taxes on US fuel are trivial in comparison to other states.

The problem is the open "world" market. Oil is set - remarkably consistently, (if not in fact fixed), so 3dollars of gas is 3 dollars of gas everywhere in the US and Australia, (which have the lowest taxes on fuel anywhere).

The use of oil by China and the rest of the world's developing economies has now equaled (in the last 2 years US consumption), the growth is about 2-3 percent on demand every year.

The problem is that the supply is actually declining, for light-sweet crude (the easiest form of oil to refine to gasoline/diesel).

The problem is we've married ourselves to oil, and inefficient use of oil, so the next few years will be quite painful, as we transition away from trucks and such and back to rail , I give it another 10-15 years before we're "through the ringer" moving alot of our long-haul stuff back to rail, but there will still be local "short-run" truckers out there.

It's gonna suck for a few years if you're a trucker, as they will have to transition to another job, perhaps engineer or conductor on the new railways.

1000 Barrels a Second - GOOD book - without being alarmist, the author shows what's going on in the marketplace .

The End of Oil - A really good introductory book for this topic.

The Long Emergency - I read this book and was a little pissed in that I thought (and would like to think still) that it's too pessimistic and alarmist, so while it is dismally pessimistic the problems the author predicts in the book, keeps happening and that keeps giving me pause.
2008-03-31 02:19:02 UTC
The cost of gas/diesel effects everything we buy. One thing that comes to mind, laundry detergent. The price has quietly gone up almost 50% since the first of the year. and milk and fresh vegetables. Here's my point: truckers are in business, when the cost of doing business goes up, they should be raising their charges to haul (and many are). If they are locked into a contract for a certain price, then they gambled the wrong hand and are paying the price. The trucking industry already has so many controls, more would just be so much more paper, not a solution. I wouldn't suggest a strike but you know, if truckers quietly didn't fill their trucks one day a week, wonder what would happen to the price then?
2008-03-31 02:58:20 UTC
Whether you want to believe it or not the trucking industry is the backbone of America. If you did not have truckers you would not have the clothes on your back or the food in your mouth.

Some of the independent guys are going broke that is for sure, and if some of you on this forum thinks that funny then you are idiots.

The federal and state taxes are a big part of the cost of fuel and a suspension of them would indeed help the independent truckers. Unfortunately those taxes are also used to repair bridges and roads so it is almost certain not to happen.

I don't know what the outcome of a strike would be but I do support it and I only hope that another solution comes to pass before they are forced to do it.

The truckers are unsung heros and people should learn to respect them and the job they do.
2008-03-31 02:38:46 UTC
The gas prices are controlled by all the oil rich country's that are living like kings from our hard work . I cant see suspending the tax that's whats keeping our roads together and as we all know trucks do more damage then a car can ever do . what it has to do with Obama or Hillery i have no idea but i guess reps have to have some one to blame cheap shot though . As far as the strike goes these are independent truck drivers and i just cant see to many independents getting together especially when there rent is due or the kid needs new shoes . There independent for a reason . Independent means they are there own boss and listen to no one simple as that.

I will not back them they sure don't back the teamster truck driver . They are independent so let them be independent that is there choice another reason I'm not is that i know for certain there is an alternative fuel that will be marketed this summer bringing freedom to all of us from the oil rich country's and company's living off of our sweat . Just counting the days for this to all take place but i promise you it will be this year
The Judge
2008-03-31 03:56:45 UTC
Diesel has always been cheaper than gas until the last couple of years.....Diesel as I know it is a by product of gas.....the wasted leftovers...Bush and Cheney are quite proud of themselves "Mission Acomplished"

Will I support your the CB in 2000 and 04 all I heard was Bush a patriot and DEmocrats were cowards and traitors.....Justice Department works under the President and won't/can't do anything.....start a revolution maybe that will the Boston Tea Party.......I think I could get behind that
2008-03-31 02:33:03 UTC
most americans do not have a clue as to how oil pricing is established...with OPEC setting priuces at say $100. per barrel..that means that undelivered and unrefined crude oil is 2.39 a ship it halfway around the world and send it thru a refinery...and what do you suppose that costs...and since you cannot refine an entire barrel into one product you do not get a whole barrel of gasoline from a barrel of crude...and then add additional products to make it burn clean and then add all those taxes to it and maybe a 9% profit....lower than most industries...and there is is 3+ a gallon. and if you do not buy it...china and india will be happy to...oil companies do not have to sell here you know
Fedup Veteran
2008-03-31 02:16:49 UTC
They should have joined the strike last year when they had it. It was for high diesel and the fact that Mexican Truckers were entering the US highways...along with NAFTA.

I would say it is a day late and dollar short for anything to be done now. People have been warning them time and time again.

No, Clinton, Obama and McCain could care less because it is all planning of the Council of Foreign Relations.

The only hope is by writing Ron Paul in. He was warning people 3 years ago that this was happening.
2008-03-31 02:21:56 UTC
i think it's a simple law of supply and demand, flood the market with supply and the price goes down,, open up drilling in the gulf and anwar, quit buying oil from Saudi, and have the government lower the amount of taxes they put on fuel, and by the way they get more per gallon than the oil companies
2008-03-31 02:17:15 UTC
I think it's a good idea. Diesel fuel cost less to make than regular gas but cost almost 75 Cents a gallon more at the pump. The oil companies are making huge profits by gouging truckers. Everything sold in a store was on a truck at some point and not having the truckers around would really get some attention when wal-mart's shelves get empty. I would join them in not driving my car for aslong as I could.
Judy M
2008-03-31 02:14:02 UTC
This is basic Economics 101. Gas costs way too much and the higher the gas prices, the more it costs to ship our goods and then the more it costs to buy these goods. Trickle down effect. A strike might cause a major breakdown in shipping but it won't solve the gas price problem. The only way to fix that is for us to lose our dependency on foreign oil and the only way we will do that is to release our oil reserves., start drilling and refining our own oil again.
Tommie Truthteller
2008-03-31 02:53:41 UTC
Oil is a world market, the price is set by global trading, it does not matter where the oil comes from. Variations in price of crude are due to the quality of the oil and how much refining it needs. There is little that our government can do to affect the price of oil in the long run.

The Federal government does not set insurance rates, the States regulate insurance companies.

As for taxes, if the government stops collecting the revenue from fuel taxes, what other taxes will be raised to recoup the lost revenue?

As for the truckers, when aren't they complaining about something?
2008-03-31 02:16:23 UTC
Sadly, fuel prices are only one of the many things that are breaking our backs. My truck pays over $16,000 every year in taxes and permit costs.

With fuel out here in the west at $4 per gallon, it won't be long until I join the unemployment lines, say nothing to the strike lines!
2008-03-31 03:21:14 UTC
Those people that voted for George W. Bush are getting exactly what you voted for...crap and shoved in it! George W. Bush was in oil and has several friends in oil, did you really believe he would want cheap oil prices? Come on...if you were that ignorant, do the nation a favor...never vote again, your not smart enough to elect good government!George W. Bush had tragedy written all over him! He has let the economy go all to hell, he started a war that has shed the blood of our nations youth, spent enough money to fix the roads and bridges in America on bombs that will accomplish absolutely nothing! George W. Bush stands up for Mexican Killers, against his own country and citizens, including his own state of Texas, which will soon put them to death as they deserve! It took the U.S. Supreme Court to tell the President of the United States to keep his his nose out of each states judicial business, he has no authority what so ever over state rights and judicial law! Those of you who voted for George W. Bush owe each and everyone of us that did not an apology, we have suffered and endured under his inept and bonehead lack of real leadership, the man is clearly dysfunctional and a legend only in his own mind! For those of you that still support and back George W. Bush, your swimming in your own ignorance, but your destroying the world for everyone else in the process! Way to go! Fuel prices may reach $10.00 a gallon, with Oil man Bush at the helm of this nation! What does he care, he can afford $100 a gallon! George W. Bush is so disconnected from average Americans, he has no idea of what it is like to do without! The only good thing about George W. Bush is he cannot be elected to a Third-Term! The bad news is those that voted for him are going to be voting again shortly and America will more than likely end up with more of the same!
Jay J
2008-03-31 02:20:42 UTC
It's called the fleecing of America. When Exxon reports $40 Billion net profit for last year, an all time record, you know they are fixing prices. If truckers would strike, the economy would never recover. The Dems don't want to drill in Alaska so we have to suffer the consequences. I would like to see the costs of refining Diesel vs Gasoline. Hillary and Obama would run for cover.
2008-03-31 02:17:01 UTC
Yeah, that's really going to work: let's help our economy to recover by decreasing taxes, which decreases the amount of money the government gets to do its job, which is to make sure the economy recovers.

Now are these truckers threatening to stop driving? because that will really hurt the economy, and hey, then diesel prices will go up even further as the dollar decreases in value.
Internet Troll
2008-03-31 02:20:06 UTC
Yep all I heard in 2000 and 04 Bush is an American...Kerry a traitor. Bush is what you wanted you got him....The truckers didn't stick together 30 years ago.....never have except in beginning union days....Everyone said all for themselves...I sold my truck n trailer last year.....In the 80's my step Dad said he made more in 60's than per cent mile in 80's......Everyone signed up to these big trucking companies they screwed it all up....Then bringing in foreign drivers to work even cheaper.......The goverment period is all for big business, can't do nothing now but vote in new blood or revolt.
2008-03-31 02:15:17 UTC
Everyone loves making money when they can, then once things change and their business can't make it in our capitalist economy, they want other people to bail them out.

Just like big companies who lose profits because they can't keep up with the times, just like companies who can't look to the future and change with technology and commerce, just like failed businesses who rake in millions of dollars then expect the taxpayers to bail them out when they go in the red...

Sometimes I wonder if we're really living in a capitalist or a socialist country.
2008-03-31 02:19:41 UTC
Its a known fact that if people would boycott the pumps for one full day, the price of gas would fall by over a dollar, but because we are too greedy, and unable to organize ourselves nothing will happen.
Reba K
2008-03-31 02:15:23 UTC
A can of tomato soup will be $7 now.
2008-03-31 02:17:36 UTC
Dang were is all that oil we went to war for?
No More Abuse
2008-03-31 02:11:21 UTC
indeed gas prices are too high and transportation costs are expensive..something needs to be done..
2008-03-31 02:12:29 UTC
Sorry too busy dealing with my own Bush related problems. I wish you luck though.
2008-03-31 02:12:20 UTC
of course im one of the many io/oo out their and they are breaking us

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