Obama opposes the summer cut of federal gasoline tax based on what Greg Mankiw, a former chairman of Bush’s council of economic advisers, said “In light of the side effects associated with driving ... gasoline taxes should be higher than they are, not lower."
Obama is for increasing taxes and borrowing more money. His programs will increase the US budget from 3 Trillion to 5.5 Trillion a 95% increase in government spending in one term.
It is apparent with Obama’s additional government spending of 840 billion for all of his new programs of “Change” and the 1.7 Trillion funding for Africa in one terms will have to be paid for. Him reducing taxes in any area will be out of the picture and he has made NO proposals for curbing inflation.
Obama has not even considered effective alternative fuels. Brazil's sugar cane ethanol program has them completly independent of foriegn oil imports. Obama has ignored this proven successful program.
The CEO of GM was on PBS recently and was asked why could GM build cars that would run so efficent in Brazil and not in the US. His answer was simply "The government would not allow it".
Obama supports corn ethanol and it will not work. Look at Mexico and it's complete failure and the price for corn food products. MPG with 35% corn ethanol decreased and the price went up.
Brazil does not have these problems because thy spent years of research and then made a self funding sugar cane ethanol program not paid for from tax increases or any tax dollar at all and does not compete with commercial cane growers that is highly efficent.
Then GM built the cars for them that would run on it. The technology is already there.