You make an excellent point. The Republicans have made a huge mess of this economy. It is going to take someone with experience at fixing a bad economy to correct this economy.
I served in the Carter administration. We had the Nixon economy to deal with. The Republicans had mismanaged that economy about as badly as they have mismanaged this one.
In the Carter administration we had large numbers of people including myself, with outstanding academic records but little or no experience.
The result is that we were not able to figure out how to fix the mess that the Republicans had made of the economy.
That economy did not get fixed until Bill Clinton was elected President in 1992. ( Ronald Reagan and George Bush the first did not fix that economy, they actually made it worse)
Bill and Hillary not only fixed that economy, but also created the best economy that we have had in the history of the United States.
Like those of us in The Carter Administration, Barack Obama has an excellent academic background and about as much experience at dealing with this economy as we had in The Carter Administration.
A Barack Obama Presidency in 2008 will be as disappointing as the Carter administration with the economy.
With the kind of disappointing result that Barack Obama is likely to have with the economy, he will probably be voted out of office in 2012 after one term the way President Carter was voted out of office after one term in 1980.
One thing about the American People is that they will vote for hope and change but if you do not live up to those often unrealistic expectations, they will vote you right back out of office your next term.
The Repuiblicans will give us another Ronald Reagan in 2012. Those of us who are old enough to have lived through that disaster that was the Ronald Reagan administration do not want a repetition of that.
If we elect Hillary Clinton as President in 2008 and Barack Obama Vice President in 2008, Bill and Hillary have already demonstrated that they have the ability to clean up the mess that the Republicans have made of the economy and create a good economy that provides opportunities for everyone and not just the privileged few.
We will have two terms of Hillary Clinton as President. Barack Obama will be easily elected President in 2016 and will be easily reelected in 2020. We will have 16 years of a tremendous economy and 16 years to really transform the United States into the wonderful country that it can become.
Vote for Hillary Clinton for President in 2008 as if your life depended on it (because it does)
The home that you save may be your own.