2008-09-14 16:51:16 UTC
SPEFICALLY which of his policies you agree with and wich of Mccains you disagree with. Simply saying 'mcsame' makes you look ignorant. Tell me which specific obama proposals you like and which specific mccain proposals you don't.

Before you ask, here are my reasons for supporting mccain (note they are specific):


1. Comprehensive energy: i.e. drilling + nuclear power + alternative energy + hybrid engines.

2. Health care paid for by tax deducation rather than the massive government debacle Obama suggests.

3. Reduced govt spending on all fronts.

4. School vouchers so parents can choose

5. NOT punishing people who succeed with higher taxes.
25 answers:
2008-09-14 16:56:54 UTC
1. same thing

2. Obama may be using Hilary's plan

3. I highly doubt that McCain will do that. He'll increase govt spending because he WILL go to war against Iran and Russia if Georgia and Ukraine goes to NATO

4. Don't know

5. Well taxing the rich and lower taxes for the middle class may be the only way to stop the budget deficit and I highly doubt McCain will ever decrease $1 on it.
2008-09-14 17:11:35 UTC
Well to tell you the truth is McCain's idea's are the same old idea's from the pass.

Let's take the Drilling at home. Guess who wanted to do that--Carter

Lets take the nuclear power -- Cause NO state wants the waste

Lets take alternative energy -- Because McCain voted No on this for over 10 years.

Health care--Economist said it will cost more to the middle class families cause they have to pay taxes on earn income. "Will cost the middle income family about 3 thousand more dollars then they get".

Reduced gov't spending--lets see how he will do this. take money away for the poorest of the poor or the elderly, or some other group that needs help (if Churches was the answer then why are their more homeless on the steets to day then eight years ago)

School vouchers (will I have a problem with that--My friends did that and their kids didn't learn a thing--They home school only because the gov't give them a check) But OBAMA IS FOR IT.

The people making the most money has gotten more tax breaks laws written in the past seven years and most don't pay any income tax.
2008-09-14 17:09:17 UTC

Obama: Actually supports alternative energies. Even willing to consider offshore drilling (note: this means he actually LISTENS to the people)

McCain: while he says alternative energies, his record is completely against him. I must base my vote on facts. He will ONLY drill, and maybe throw some chicken feed to the other sources.

2. Education

Obama: will support teachers, fund the NCLB act, encourage science and math competition, assist with higher education in exchange for community service.

McCain: wants to blame the teachers and make them the target of parents (it sounds all well and good to say teachers should report to parents only, but parents ONLY care about their own child. The system fails). Wants 'competition among schools' which is good, but would punish already underfunded schools for not being able to compete with rich schools. Also, he threatens teachers during a severe shortage. Fail.

3. War

Obama: wants peace, but will finish the job. This is what it means to support our troops.

McCain: would be ok with "100 years of war." I am not. He's also already lumping together "Iran, Iraq, and Russia" in his speeches. Great, just great.

4. Taxes

Obama: Has a plan that may work. I won't say it's perfect, but it's a change that has a good chance. We need to try something new, and if it doesn't work, we can always kick him out in 4 years and try someone new.

McCain: Has a ridiculous "plan" that even Greenspan says won't work, and is nothing new.

I'll stop there. There are more, but that's a start.
2008-09-14 17:04:28 UTC
Finally, an excellent question. I'm giving this a star, it's actually about the issues.

1) Both say they're for comprehensive energy, but McCain and conservatives have a bad record in refusing to support alternative energy programs, because generally they don't want the government involved in anything. In other words, alternative energy is great, so long people do it on their own. No subsidy there. Obama promises government involvement to make it a matter of national security.

2) Ditto above, just change "energy" into "health care". Republicans are not interest in true health insurance reform of any kind, because the insurance companies don't want it.

3) Here's where neither has the edge, because both will continue to spend, just on different things. In general, democrats will prefer to spend on domestic programs, while republicans will prefer to spend it on the military.

4) Both candidates say they're in favor of competitive education systems, but they have a different idea of what are the good alternatives. Obama favors home schooling, as do conservatives, but unlike McCain, Obama does not favor vouchers to fund private schools, because that is taking money out of badly needed funds for public education. Under McCain's program, even the wealthy that can afford private schools will be getting these funds from the general education funds.

5) Obama is from the old liberal school of thought that wealthy people should be taxed. McCain is following Friedman's theory which amounts to a "trickle down" theory, where it's the wealthy people that provide jobs for folks that need it. What has changed this equation is that America is no longer insulated from the increasingly fierce global market, having to compete with other nations that heavily subsidize their own industries. In other words, Reagonomics is now suddenly old school, it badly needs to be updated.

While generally I've always disagreed with the liberal view, in fact it's time now to change the conservative view as well. McCain is not at all willing to change anything about the old conservative standbys on these issues, so I want to give Obama a shot at it.

Addendum: It was interesting to see that all the lengthy answers here exploring each of the points 1 to 5 are all pro Obama. Does that suggest that McCain fans really don't have any good ideas or even understanding of the issues?
2008-09-14 17:02:42 UTC
Looking at your points

1. Obama agrees with

2. Obama does not advocate a massive government program no matter how much Republicans refuse to talk about his real plan. Giving tax deductions for health care will simply result in most individuals paying more for health care as thier employer provided healthcare is taken away. It is simply a tax hand out to corporations.

3. Isn't that what Reagan and Bush promised us - the fastest growth in government spending since WW2 came under a Republican president and Republican congress.

4. School vouchers again are a taxpayer handout to the rich. They remove money from the public sector to subsidize lifestyle decisions by the wealthy. Undermining the system by which most people are educated is not going to improve education. You can increase school choice in many ways without vouchers.

5. This argument is based on three patently false premises - so much so it astounds me anyone would want to demonstrate the sort of ignorance required to make it. First McCain does not propose the elimination of progressive taxation. Second, to measure "success" solely as wealth accumulation is dismissive of and insulting to a great many hard working Americans. Third to define contributing back to the country that gave you your opportunities as "punishment" but then to pretend to be the more patriotic of the options is hypocrisy beyond recognition.
2008-09-14 17:01:04 UTC
1. Comprehensive energy: i.e. drilling + nuclear power + alternative energy + hybrid engines.

McCain has changed his position on all of these technologies in his desperate bid to be President before he dies. He's missed vote after vote on alternative energy. He couldn't explain "cap and trade" if he had a gun to his head.

2. Health care paid for by tax deducation rather than the massive government debacle Obama suggests.

He's going to tax your healthcare benefits for the first time in history. Why the hell are you in favor of more taxes for *everyone*?

3. Reduced govt spending on all fronts.

He has offered absolutely no specifics on what he'll cut, and given his tax policy of giving more tax cuts to the rich, he'll add $4 trillion to the deficit.

4. School vouchers so parents can choose

Great, let's abandon people who can't afford private schools.

5. NOT punishing people who succeed with higher taxes.

I'm 99% certain I make more money than you, and I know that I was blessed with native intelligence and got great schooling. I also got a lot of breaks by knowing the right people.

Folks like you conveniently forget that you had advantages -- like McCain, who was able to get into an elite private school because his family was rich, got into Annapolis because he was the son and grandson of Admirals, and then divorced his crippled wife to marry a rich heiress.

Selfish people like you make me sick.
2008-09-14 17:21:45 UTC
Drilling is pointless it will give a 2% IF they do any drilling at all.

Ok so you want more nuclear power? Where is the nuclear waste going to be stored? NV says no so where are we going to put it?

Ending the Iraq war sending what is spent there for a few months can fund health care for us all for years.

Republicans never do that they have never ever made the government smaller.

School vouchers are an effort to destroy the public school system and to keep kids ignorant of science. Why not read up before embarrassing yourself?

And punishing people who are unsuccessful with higher taxes is better? If you tax the center how can they save enough to go into business for themselves?
2008-09-14 17:06:09 UTC
Its not Punishing people who are successful with higher taxes, its restoring the value of the dollar. America already had the lowest tax rates in the industrial world under President Clinton, and the budget was balanced, we were not borrowing huge amounts of money from Communist China. The value of the dollar was high then, the dollar was strong, prices were stable. Now, with the rich not paying enough in taxes, the economy is in deficit, the value of the dollar is going down, meaning prices are going up. Thats a tax, too.

Where do you want to cut the budget? The war? Thats $10 billion a week and we are getting absolutely nothing out of it, its a total fiasco. Or would you rather quit repairing the roads, keeping your drinking water safe, and just go ahead and fire all the teachers and turn the schools into prisons? Seriously, where do you want to cut. Be specific. Eliminate social security? People paid into it, its their money, its in their own accounts, you can't take that away from people.

National health care works just fine in Canada, France, England, Japan, it would work fine here, too. 40 % of the money spent on health here goes to paperwork, insurance companies denying claims and then doctors or patients filing appeals and then insurance companies appealing, its ridiculous, its way too expensive, and 70 million people have no health coverage, the cost of their illness is paid for by everybody else's insurance rates because they show up at emergency rooms, or die and drop out of the tax pool.

Vouchers. Great idea. I do not want a doctor who has gotten his science and biology education in home schooling. These people will be at a big disadvantage in finding employment. But it has a catchy ring. Thats no way to base real policy with real impact.

Nuclear Power...this country is riddled with powerful earthquake faults, even right in the middle of the country, that could easily knock down nuclear power plantS and make Chernobyl look like a picnic. Drilling, great. But let the oil companies drill on the millions of acres they already have leases for. Why do they want more leases when they aren't even using the leases they already have??? Hint--supply and demand--keep supply tight, the price is higher, so their profits are higher. That is so obvious, it is very basic economics. Hybrid engines, a good idea. Yes indeed. Too bad Detroit killed them off over the past decades. What great shape Detroit & the American economy would be in if they hadn't. But that expanding alternative energy and hybrid engines are Obama policies.

Thanks for the opportunity to answer your intelligent question. Please vote wisely. You do not want an angry confused elderly old man with a bad temper having his finger on the nuclear trigger, or a religious extremist who thinks Armageddon is the nuclear battle prophesized in Revelations and thinks it will bring back Jesus. Please vote wisely.
2008-09-14 17:01:49 UTC
I'm only 16 but I will try to do my best for I hate McCain's policies and McCain's out of touch ignorance.

1. Obama is with you except he puts more emphasis on RENEWABLE energy and not polluting oil.

2. Leaves thousands of people uninsured as many are at this moment (that is where McSame comes in)

3. Way to vauge. Don't bullshit yourself.

4. Again 16 not sure I think your being to vauge again.

5. If you think taxes are punishment go work on a government that survives without them. Please I'm a junior in Highschool and I know better than that. Obama wil tax people who CAN AFFORD TO BE TAXED! Not the middle/lower class who can barely survive as it is. (More McSame Stuff)

And all around I just don't trust Republicans. You can forgive me the only president I have actually seen is Bush and he has the vocab of an eight year old.
2008-09-14 16:59:40 UTC
McCain's comprehensive energy plan keeps adding to our problem by relying on oil.

McCain's healthcare plan gives "deducation" below the amount insurance costs.

Government spending has skyrocketed so much under Bush, cutting spending will be inevitable for the next president.

School vouchers eliminate options for public schools systems, don't solve the basic problems in the system and would doom America to an ever declining value of education compared to the rest of the industrialized world.

People who make more money should not be given breaks, while people who work and don't make much should have to suffer.

Obama's plan will get us off oil and onto renewable energies that will create jobs and help clean the planet.

Obama wants all U.S. citizens to have the chance to buy insurance the Congress gets.

Obama will spend less money than Bush has to provide solutions to a host of problems right here in America.
2008-09-14 17:00:47 UTC
1. Leaving Iraq sooner rather then later, let the Iraqis deal with their own political problems.

2. Supports public transportation. Anyone who have lived in a country with high gas prices knows that a good public transportation system is part of the solution.

3. Realistic budget plans. Financial experts have compared both McCain's and Obama's plans, and found Obama comes closer to balancing the budget.

4. Obama supports veterans, McCain has voted against veteran benefits time and again. As a veteran (and having a father who is a disabled veteran), I'd be voting against me and my families interests by voting for McCain.

5. Obama picked an experienced political expert to succeed him should something happen to him. McCain picked an inexperienced religious wingnut who is worse then Bush in every way that matters from what we can glean from she has done in the short time on the job.

There are more, but I'd thought I'd just give five since that is all you put down.
2008-09-14 17:27:11 UTC
Tax relief for workers who need it. Obama's plan gives the biggest cuts to the vast majority of working Americans at the bottom and middle, while McCain would give the largest cuts to the very wealthy.

McCain's plan is too costly, according to Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who had previously supported the Bush tax cuts. McCain plans to pay for the cuts mostly by going after social security and medicare.
2008-09-14 17:12:20 UTC
1. This is a very good policy and Obamma now agrees with it as well. Many details must be resolved but go for it.

2. Socialized medicine, as Obamma sees it, is well established in the EU and they are all working to try and make it actually function. It is an enormous money pit with taxes in the EU averaging 55% of income. Socialized medicine has also proven to be a massive failure for efficiency, the lives of the patients, mortality rates, etc. The reports are all available on the the internet and they are all scary.

3. Reduced government spending. in America we get all of our services for 12% of the GDP. In China that figure is 33%. In America we are near the top for the efficiency of our tax money, the Chinese are near the bottom. I really do not think our system is so bad at all, but improvements are always welcome, if they are actually improvements.

4. This system is available to parents in many countries and a few states. It seems to work well but American school teachers unions are against the idea because it would make the teachers actually have to perform.

5. Everyone punishes success, this is the reason for tax shelters and tax fraud. The only difference is that once you get enough money you can hire the tax lawyers to let you keep more of your money.
2008-09-14 17:04:23 UTC
I am going to start with your last statement - most wealthy people that I know of were born that way. They went to good colleges and drove sports cars to high school . They got great corporate jobs .

The rest of us just worked and payed our bills -and now in the last almost 8 years this is getting much harder to do every week.

School vouchers didn't work in the past and will not work now . Rich parents send their kids to any private school they please.

Government spending has INCREASED DRAMATICALLY under Republican rule.

Tax for Health care is a joke and how in the world is a one time a year tax credit going to help pay over inflated Doctor and Hospital bills with a tax credit ?

Energy -Green energy is safe clean and cheap and will provide millions of new jobs . Remember Chernobyl Russia ? No one lives there to this day -want a nuclear power plant in your yuppie neighborhood ? I bet you would not mind seeing one in a poor neighbor hood .
Darling J
2008-09-14 17:04:05 UTC
Reasons for supporting Obama:

1. I believe the government should do a better job of spending the money I give it, unlike it has under a Republican administration. And Obama is looking to cut A LOT of unnecessary spending.

2. I believe that even if global warming is not "man made", there’s nothing wrong with NOT trashing our planet out of convenience and arrogance. Plus, Obama's energy plan puts the focus on investing in renewable energies, which would create thousands of jobs.

3. I believe that businesses should succeed, but not take advantage of tax loopholes that essentially means they’re not pay their fair share.

4. I’d like our government to actually find Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. (Remember him?) And Obama has consistently said that our focus, which I agree, should've been on Afghanistan.

5. I believe that if you pay taxes in this country, two consenting adults should be free to marry whomever they damn well please.

6. Like Obama, I believe multinational oil companies earning $11 billion in a quarter while taking advantage of $18 billion in subsidies is wrong.

7. I believe government should stay the hell out of a woman’s uterus and that programs promoting birth control is NOT a bad thing.

8. I believe in equal pay for equal work, something which McCain has consistently not supported.
2016-10-16 13:24:29 UTC
If I could desire to flow with one concrete occasion, i assume that's probably the greater advantageous: because of the fact whilst Bush's wiretapping situation got here up, he curiously did something unusual. He stated as up an affiliate and stated all aspects of the issue in the past choosing the place he could stand. what number politicians do you recognize that actual make an effort to study an argument they get to chosen a place on? not many. Plus i do in comparison to Clinton's ideas-set to getting well-known votes. My television grew to become into full of hate classified ads paid for by ability of Clinton the week in the past the well-known in my state. And McCain hasn't discovered yet that we gained't stability the funds and pay for the conflict in Iraq at its contemporary point.
2008-09-14 16:57:05 UTC
1. no new drilling especially in environmentally sensitive areas, our dependence on oil is going to kill us. We have to make the hard decision and stop it.

2. universal health care, the current private system with its inefficient mish-mash of bureaucracies is not good enough

3. McCain wants reduced gov't spending on all fronts? even military? I doubt it. Nice talk but its BS.

4. Public Schools.

5. Not punishing people who work hard but were not born rich.
2008-09-14 16:57:08 UTC
Your reasons say it all. Nothing controlled by government and all paid for by the people. Those "people who succeeded' are big business who pay hardly any taxes at all. I would go for 10% across the board for everyone.
Mushroom Jesus
2008-09-14 16:55:12 UTC
Iraq war, starting a war with russia over some bs little puppet country that was the aggressor in the first place... and having some fundie phoney Christian turd hypocrites up there wrapping themselves in the flag and telling us all how to live.

Also I'm ok with drilling if you want to create a National US Oil Company, but if you want to let some corporate turds rob you blind and sell your oil to Asia while we pay out the *** for it, then you go ahead and vote for McSame.
2008-09-14 16:57:27 UTC
I like that fact that both McCain AND Palin have already proven they can do things to help this country. Obama... well he hasn't really done anything for people, just tells people what he WOULD do, not what he has.. because he hasn't done much of anything.
2008-09-14 16:57:13 UTC
6. Sarah Palin is awesome! :)

Obama is like, "change! change!" but does any Obama supporter actually know what change he's going to make? Mostly not. He' s just going to raise taxes and increase the power of the government. He also is going to put a HUGE amount of tax dollars into socialist programs.

And about this whole thing with Russia and Georgia-- I guess it'd be better to just passively disagree with what Russia is doing and hope that they don't be mean to us. It's not like our national defense system is there FOR A REASON. Better to just sit back like ******* and whimper so that they don't come close and bother us.
2008-09-14 16:55:34 UTC
More government cheese.

Bigger wic checks

More hud housing
2008-09-14 16:55:00 UTC
i agree with lowering taxes and mccain we are winy americans answer mine......
2008-09-14 16:55:18 UTC
There's only one reason to vote for him...HE'S NOT A REPUBLICAN!!!!!
2008-09-14 16:53:37 UTC
they hate white people

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