Its not Punishing people who are successful with higher taxes, its restoring the value of the dollar. America already had the lowest tax rates in the industrial world under President Clinton, and the budget was balanced, we were not borrowing huge amounts of money from Communist China. The value of the dollar was high then, the dollar was strong, prices were stable. Now, with the rich not paying enough in taxes, the economy is in deficit, the value of the dollar is going down, meaning prices are going up. Thats a tax, too.
Where do you want to cut the budget? The war? Thats $10 billion a week and we are getting absolutely nothing out of it, its a total fiasco. Or would you rather quit repairing the roads, keeping your drinking water safe, and just go ahead and fire all the teachers and turn the schools into prisons? Seriously, where do you want to cut. Be specific. Eliminate social security? People paid into it, its their money, its in their own accounts, you can't take that away from people.
National health care works just fine in Canada, France, England, Japan, it would work fine here, too. 40 % of the money spent on health here goes to paperwork, insurance companies denying claims and then doctors or patients filing appeals and then insurance companies appealing, its ridiculous, its way too expensive, and 70 million people have no health coverage, the cost of their illness is paid for by everybody else's insurance rates because they show up at emergency rooms, or die and drop out of the tax pool.
Vouchers. Great idea. I do not want a doctor who has gotten his science and biology education in home schooling. These people will be at a big disadvantage in finding employment. But it has a catchy ring. Thats no way to base real policy with real impact.
Nuclear Power...this country is riddled with powerful earthquake faults, even right in the middle of the country, that could easily knock down nuclear power plantS and make Chernobyl look like a picnic. Drilling, great. But let the oil companies drill on the millions of acres they already have leases for. Why do they want more leases when they aren't even using the leases they already have??? Hint--supply and demand--keep supply tight, the price is higher, so their profits are higher. That is so obvious, it is very basic economics. Hybrid engines, a good idea. Yes indeed. Too bad Detroit killed them off over the past decades. What great shape Detroit & the American economy would be in if they hadn't. But that expanding alternative energy and hybrid engines are Obama policies.
Thanks for the opportunity to answer your intelligent question. Please vote wisely. You do not want an angry confused elderly old man with a bad temper having his finger on the nuclear trigger, or a religious extremist who thinks Armageddon is the nuclear battle prophesized in Revelations and thinks it will bring back Jesus. Please vote wisely.