Why do people think obama is a socialist?
Raspberry heaven I'm coming back to you!!
2009-01-11 14:36:41 UTC
what would happen in a social goverment?
39 answers:
✔ The Eurasian Cutie ✔
2009-01-11 15:30:57 UTC
Simple: They don't know what socialism means. They (Republicans) like to throw the word around, just like the term 'terrorist' without even knowing what it means.
Jacob W
2009-01-11 17:27:59 UTC
There were no programs like Social Security or Medicare or Welfare for over a hundred years in America and thousands of years throughout the world. What do you think poor people did back then? They strove to improve their lot in life through hard work, education and good decisions. Eventually, they were no longer poor.

For those who were needy, there were charitable organizations. The good thing about charitable organizations is that they did not have unlimited funding. Their goal was to help the person get back in the game. They served as a social safety net. Now that the Government has taken over the process, they have unlimited funds, a massive bureaucracy that is dependent on a steady load of "needy" people to keep themselves employed. There is not incentive or even attempt to help them get back in the game. The social safety net has now become a social hammock.

If we are to believe what Obama has written in his own books and the things he has said on the campaign trail, he is, indeed, looking to make America much more Socialist than it has ever been.

If he and the Democrats succeed, you will be more dependent on the government, have less personal freedom and be that much less of an individual and that much more of just another cog in a massive machine.

That is not what has made America great. What made America great is the culture of the Rugged Individualist. Ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things.

Veritas et Aequitas ()
2009-01-11 18:38:08 UTC
The common folk need to make their own money. I am one of those common folk. And if you can't take care of your own damn kids why have them? It's a simple concept.

He's a socialist, and everything you just said is socialism. What you just said creates people who are dependent on government or want to rely on government to solve all their problems. I don't want government solving my problems, I can solve them myself. My freedoms are more important than getting a piece of another American's wealth that they worked hard to attain.

If you look up the definition and then look at what's happening now, that is being realized. And to Obama's defense, it was started before he came along. However, the building blocks for outright socialism is existent now and that's what I fear. He has the ideals of a Socialist. You can find this throughout his college days up to his current platform.
2009-01-11 17:59:44 UTC
Fact # 1 = In 1996 Obama ran for the Illinois State Senate on the " New Party " Ticket which was the Chicago Branch of the Democratic Socialists of America

Fact # 2 = In his 2008 Campaign for POTUS Obama was endorsed by the Socialist Party USA & the Democratic Socialists of America

Fact # 3 = In his 2008 Campaign for POTUS Obama was endorsed by " Marxists/Socialists/ Communists For Obama "

Fact # 4 = In his 2008 Campaign for POTUS Obama was endorsed by the Communist Party USA & it's leader/chairman Sam Webb

Fact # 5 = For over 20 years Obama was a member of the Black Liberation Marxist Based Trinity Church which was based upon the Marxist writings of James Cone
2009-01-11 18:36:14 UTC
Obama wants worse then just American Socialism Obama wants globalization, socialism for the whole world.

Obama also endorsed at least one rabid murderer John Brown in his book the Audacity of Hope.

Obama is scary and the more I read the scarier Obama gets.
2009-01-11 17:01:42 UTC
Obama wants everyone to be like Obamabots and excepts everything Obama says as the truth. Obama wants to control everything we do and think. Obama is not and will not be giving you or anyone else money except his family and himself, Obama does not give a Rats A** about the little folk and he will cause more pain to the little folk just like in a socialist country. Before you Obamabots call me names, give proof that he will not do this. Remember his lies and deceits are starting to surface so make sure when you start typing the lies Obama has spoken have not yet surfaced.
2009-01-11 15:00:30 UTC
I do not understand why they think that. I suppose they like being controlled by ceos and insurance companies who could care less if they die, as long as they make their profits off them. Some things are just basic human rights, like safety, security, and the right to health care. Without those, I wouldn't dare call us civilized.

We already have before Obama begins his term-

Social Security



Public School

Public Libraries

Health Clinics

Who can honestly say those are bad things? Certainly, we need to make sure the right people are able to utilize them and make them as efficient as possible, for example abolishing Medicare and Medicaid and setting up one system for all of us to utilize if our private insurance premiums are unaffordable.

People against such things: Go ahead, homeschool your kid while holding down that great paying job, send back that social security check, deny those grants for college, don't step foot in a public library, pay that $1,000 monthly premium on private health care when you're 80.

Of course people think Socialism is bad, the kind we just saw with the bailouts is counter to what true socialism is about, and it has NOTHING to do with giving large companies billions of dollars. More socialism in the right way, allowing all Americans to receive preventive care, being properly educated regardless of income, no hunger for any reason when we have a surplus of food, etc. are what would make this nation prosper. For some reason they seem to think more poor, uneducated, sickly people are the answer to our problems. Not so, not in a civilized country. We need more, BETTER socialism than what we have right now and less corporate welfare.


To those of you saying he wants "your" money, no one wants "your" money, unless you are obscenely rich. Are you? In that case, you should be thankful for what you have instead of bitching like a greedy 5 year old. The world does not revolve around you and your wants, sorry you can't have it all. And if you're not rich, you will benefit from this also. Honestly, we need to go back to the days where the top tax bracket was 95%. There's no need for hoarding our nation's wealth.

FRED M- We can't prove or disprove something that does not exist yet. That's something we'll have to find out in time. I am going to optimistic about him, just like I was about Pres. Bush all this time until the past year.
2009-01-11 18:36:41 UTC
I understand your logic.

Yes, socialism is a noble idea at heart. It is good and pure.

HOWEVER, economic policy should be dictated with a brain, not with a heart. This is because:

The higher % we take from the people moneywise, the less they want to work. so we end up having to tax MORE and MORE in order to feed all the hungry...

so eventually EVERYBODY is poor... together! look at the ussr, cuba, russia, china, chavez territory, etc
2009-01-11 18:23:12 UTC
Cause they're sore losers. He's like an old flame that they just can't get over.
2009-01-11 14:44:21 UTC
Because he is talking about 'spreading the wealth around'. A socialist government is one in which everyone gets a piece of the pie -- everyone gets the bare bones of life, food, clothes, shelter, and healthcare. They don't get the state-of-the art, high end quality of these things - just a 'marginally livable' standard. So you could say that everyone starts with at least a level playing field...but it is a very dangerous thing to the human spirit. There is no point in being entrepreneurial or working terribly hard -- there is no point in striving for excellence. Because the fact is that if you earn more and work harder -- you will just have to pay it to the government so that they can give it to others to keep that playing field level. That's not how American became great and we will not succeed in earning back our economic stability and then our strength and superiority by shifting to a social system...It didn't work for the USSR and it won't work for America...
just me
2009-01-11 14:52:06 UTC
Just rhetoric. They don't KNOW what they are talking about. America will NEVER come close to socialism.

The Republican voters that are republicans because they want YOU to know that they are TRUE AMERICANS.

What they are saying is that they will lie for you, point a finger and have someone die for you, preferably the other race. Traditional values DO NOT mean no sex before marriage. Traditional values have to do with the overtaking of this country & the Super World Status that it gained and what was done in order to HAVE THAT!

List of Socialist Countries with Individual Details

September 01, 2006 by Z. Perry Z. Perry Published Content: 364 Total Views: 656,158 Favorited By: 6 CPs Full Profile | Subscribe | Add to Favorites Recommend (42)Single page Font SizeRead comments (16) People often make lists of different types of countries in the world on the basis of their official names, ruling parties, or other indefinitive characteristics. The most realistic way to devise a list of Socialist countries is to base it upon which nations have substantial amounts of state-run industry, numerous govt. social programs, or other traits which make them actually Socialist.

The following is a list of such countries with reasons for including them. Keep in mind that this information is as of 2006, some countries may eventually need to be added or removed from the list.

Cuba: Cuba is one of the most Socialist nations, as it has a mostly state-run economy, universal healthcare, government-paid education at all levels, and a number of of social programs. It does not have a stock exchange.

North Korea: The same is true of North Korea, which has an almost entirely state-run economy, as well as the same social programs mentioned for Cuba. Like Cuba, North Korea does not have a stock exchange.

Venezuela: Economy has more private ownership, but the government social programs are quite extensive and the foreign policy is very left-wing. Cuban doctors and teachers have been brought to Venezuela to provide some medical and educational services.

China: A substantial part of the economy is still state-run, although there are not as many social programs as there once were and universal healthcare has been eliminated. Still has a Socialist-type foreign policy, for the most part.

Vietnam: A significant part of the economy is state-run. Close ties with Cuba, Venezuela, and Belarus.

Syria: Although not commonly referred to as Socialist in the West, Syria has a mostly state-run economy and universal healthcare, along with a left-wing foreign policy.

Belarus: Much of the Belarussian economy is state-run and some govt. social programs are available. Belarus has close ties with Venezuela, China, and other Socialist countries.

Sweden: Mostly private industry, but many well-funded govt. social programs are offered. Universal healthcare and government-provided education at all levels is made available.

Laos: A large part of the economy is state-run, and the government has close ties with most other Socialist countries.

Zambia: Some elements of the economy are state-run, including most of the media. Universal healthcare and primary education are available. Zambia has a left-wing foreign policy and is friendly with China and North Korea.

Turkmenistan: Mostly state-run economy, various free and subsidized services are provided by the government. Housing and transportation are subsidized, natural gas and electricity are provided to citizens free of charge.

Other countries which might be considered Socialist, depending upon the interpretation of different factors, include Norway, Libya, Algeria, and Namibia.
y n
2009-01-11 17:53:45 UTC
socialism is the government taking care of all your needs. it is like utopia. one problem though . it doesn't work . think about it . better yet read about it.
2009-01-11 16:12:09 UTC
Obama is sounding a little like G W Bush selling fear to pass his own bailout.

He is now saying that government is the only hope.
2009-01-11 14:55:53 UTC
Obama believes in "redistribution of wealth"; the wealth you have not earned. It is unfair to those who have worked their entire lives making their lives and this world more productive. I do not believe that the successful people should be providing for those unwilling to work or who just feel as if they are entitled to someone else's earning. Don't forget that the rich already pay a very high percentage of their earning in taxes. Capitalism works; providing welfare and medical care, basically a government handout to those who don't even pay any taxes is a bizarre way of dealing with anything. Obama is a believer in the Government taking over everything; he thinks we are too dumb to make decisions so wants to make them for us. This is very, very dangerous. He also feels as if everyone should be a part of his "youth program" and even his "adult "volunteer" program"/ it sounds too much like Hitlers Youth group. This is something I want no part of. Do your research before you fall in love with something which could be the downfall of a Nation that had freedoms and which is losing them fast. Be sure you are educated about what is taking place. I prefer freedom and democracy. I want to make the choices for myself. Socialism is the downfall of many nations and I don't want us to be next.
damond h
2009-01-11 14:47:20 UTC
Because he keeps talking about income re distribution... A common tenant of the socialists. Then there is his socialized health care package. It's all right there if you would listen to what he says, you would understand. You have to listen to every word though... Don't get the warm fuzzy feeling and forget to listen... That mistake is what got us into this situation.
Julie S
2009-01-11 14:40:24 UTC
Because they're scared the essence of "capitalism" is dead.

But this is wrong in two ways. The deregulation of U.S. financial markets did not reflect only the narrow ideology of a particular party or administration. And the problem with the U.S. economy, more than lack of regulation, has been government's failure to control systemic risks that government itself helped to create. We are not witnessing a crisis of the free market - but a crisis of distorted markets.

The new capitalist model that emerges from this crisis must operate according to more consistent principles. The Fed should set interest rates with the long-run value of the dollar in mind. Government must be more selective about manipulating markets; over the long term, business works best when it is subject to market discipline alone. In those cases -- and there will and should be some -- in which government intervenes on behalf of social goals, its support must be counterbalanced with taxpayer protections and regulation. Government-sponsored, upside-only capitalism is the kind that's in crisis today, and I say: Good riddance.
2009-01-11 16:07:07 UTC
O'bummer himself is the source. He signed a contract to be a member of a socialist party.
2009-01-11 16:28:46 UTC
They don't know what the word means. They just hear a phrase, namely "redistribution of wealth", and run with it.
2009-01-11 14:55:37 UTC
Where do you think the people making less money are going to get more money from? The people who are making more money! Textbook socialism!
Angela Q
2009-01-11 16:13:00 UTC
They need something to blame our troubles on, so they don't have to look inside and see that they have twice voted in a president who declared outright that he was going to work against their interests.
2009-01-11 14:47:47 UTC
Money should go to those who earn it. If you have children, it is your responsibility to care for them, not wait for a government hand out or wealth redistribution. Obama's plan has socialist policies and will diminish the free market system that a capitalist economy is based on.
2009-01-11 14:47:58 UTC
ok apparently people don't even understand what a socialist is. People are calling him a socialist because he's having the government step in to try and help by spreading wealth to people. Now, spreading wealth to people correlates somewhat with socialist beliefs, but threes a difference. Especially in a time like this.
100% ♥Creole♥
2009-01-11 17:18:10 UTC
because they like to name-call and that's all!!
2009-01-11 17:39:16 UTC
look at his radical views on everything...... what he wants smacks of Socialism and not Democracy!
2009-01-11 14:44:34 UTC
Because they don't know what socialism is, or what Obama stands for. They buy into the fear tactic by the right wing extremists. I'm kind of tired about hearing about how democrats want big government. They only want it in cases where it protects us. What do they think restricting gay marriage and abortion is? And taking away civil rights? It most certainly is not smaller government.

This country will never be socialist, because congress will never allow it. Most Democrats are not socialists.

Removing tax breaks for the wealthy is not socialism.

Here is a definition of socialism: Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and an egalitarian society characterized by equal opportunities for all individuals and a fair or egalitarian distribution of wealth.

Hmm. I don't see anything in Obama's plan even closely resembling this.
2009-01-11 14:42:06 UTC
Only because he pursues socialist policies. Socialism is where the government plays a larger role in its citizens' lives (government funded healthcare, more regulations, higher taxes, etc).
2009-01-11 14:48:57 UTC
He says he wants to redistribute wealth. That is the definition of socialism.
2009-01-11 16:33:35 UTC
They don't. They just need a conversation.
City of the blind
2009-01-11 14:53:53 UTC
He is pretty much a hybrid of all things. A spiderman if you will.
2009-01-11 14:40:18 UTC
Ask a Russian what it's like.

You are so naive it's embarrassing. Do you know what Socialism is?

What about redistribution of wealth? This is the process of taking money from people who earned it and giving it to people who didn';t earn it. Is this basic enough for you to figure out?

Everything Obama stands for is smacking with Socialism.
2009-01-11 19:15:55 UTC
because he is a s-o-c-a-l-i-s-t and wants raises your t-a-x-e-s
2009-01-11 14:42:31 UTC
Because his retarted tax share plan is practically communism, which, America, we all know leads to socialism, therefore he is a socialist.

He wants your pie so others can have more!
2009-01-11 14:41:25 UTC
"spread it around" - the very essence of socialism (from each, to each, blah blah blah until the people are broken and the country is ruined).
2009-01-11 14:41:05 UTC
because he is a liberal which is one step belo a socialist. Socialism calls for everyone to do an equall amount of work. But his supporters dont want to hear that they just want to get somthing for nothing. The true form of socialism is the best form of government
Pool of Blood
2009-01-11 14:50:46 UTC
Because he's black.

All whites think all blacks are on welfare.

All whites think welfare equals socialism.

Ergo, all whites think Obama is a socialist.
2009-01-11 14:41:52 UTC
they just dont understand what that word means
2009-01-11 14:41:24 UTC
Because they think Fox is a reliable news source.
2009-01-11 14:40:52 UTC
in a socialist gov. the government controls erything and thats exactly wut obama wants
Edward Cullen thinks your ugly
2009-01-11 14:40:08 UTC
there republicans

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