What do you think about our President?
2014-03-25 22:22:39 UTC
I just want to know what the people of America think about our president, Barack Obama. I am a democrat, so I love Barack Obama, but I never really understood the Republican views and why they dislike him so. Basically I just want you guys to write your opinions :) thanks for answering!!! (doesn't just have to be republicans )
Thirteen answers:
2014-03-26 04:33:19 UTC
President Obama has done a great job, as evidenced by conservatives blocking his every move, and posting lies, nonsense, and insults.
2014-03-25 22:38:08 UTC
As a liberal, I'm happy about some of his policies and disappointed about others. I suppose I can say that about all and democrat. I appreciate his efforts on the economy and social issues, and I am disgusted that the Republican Party has been so divisive and has filibustered so much of what he wanted to do, and what the American people supported him doing. And, I'm disappointed that he is largely a moderate republican on other issues, like the Keystone XL pipeline that steals privately owned American land and forcibly hands it over to a foreign oil company. Liberals support private property rights. Republicans used to support it, but now demand that the keystone XL be approved, and I think Obama will cave to them. In general, democratic leaders typically try to find common ground and bipartisanship. Obama has tried just like the rest, but the extremist opposition has literally destroyed our credit rating and shut down the government and threatened to secede from the nation in their absolute refusal to find common ground with this president.

This has led to the American people being more frustrated and disappointed with the government, which many will blame on Obama, instead of the people who actually are to blame....who purposely stated that their entire goal was to oppose Obama at every single turn.....who threatened impeachment 2 months after Obama was in office......who kept up their ridiculous birther campaign for more than 4 years......who incessantly complain about the lack of jobs while filibustering or voting against every single jobs bill the president has offered.
Re Vera
2014-03-26 10:52:53 UTC
I think he's incompetent and narcissistic. Under his administration, partly due to reduced defense spending and Republicans forcing some drawbacks on spending, the overall budget is lower, but he's failed on almost every campaign promise save those regarding Iraq and Afghanistan.

The main business improvements resulting from the stimulus packages have been to big business and Wall Street. Ordinary people's retirement accounts and earnings are stagnant at best. YES, that is partially Republicans' fault, but Obama squandered his legislative honeymoon when he had a compliant House and Senate, and chose instead to pass the PPACA, which no one at the time had on their list of priorities.

He gave lipservice to bridging gaps and mending wounds, but he put insiders and campaign cronies in all of the shadow-czar positions and left both experienced Democrats and Republican opponents out in the cold. Racial tensions are worse, not better. He also promised to be open, but he's closing off press access, sealing White House records, and denying FOIA requests at a record-setting pace.

He promised a more free society and an end to the War on Terror, but Gitmo's still active, the NSA's power is growing, and Obama has killed over four times the number of people with drone strikes than Bush, often involving US citizens abroad. He has even openly discussed using drones against US citizens on US soil without due process.

His administration has lied about Benghazi, lied about Fast and Furious, lied about the IRS, lied about the NSA, and lied about the PPACA's effects. Obama and his supporters have no understanding of the phrase "the buck stops here." They pass the blame to whomever they can, picking scapegoats when they have to in order to get an obsequious media to fall back in line.

His vacations have cost US taxpayers BILLIONS going to tourist hotspots in Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. So much for fiscal discipline and tightening belts.

That being said, Republicans are not any better. If Republicans had their way, Conglomerates like Monsanto and Pfizer would own us all, body and soul, and we'd all be blithering idiots working as corporate drones.
2014-03-26 11:24:39 UTC
Has he in anyway brought people together? He actively encourages divisiveness, seeing oneself as a victim & selling yourself short. Obama doesn't inspire individuals to expect more of themselves or show them how to empower each other. When He talked to all the public school students at once he didn't hold the individual student accountable for their future. Obama didn't acknowledge that soon these Entitlement benefits will dry up, because the USA is broke. We can't keep giving ourselves comfort while sticking our children & grandchildren the bill. What we borrow doesn't create infrastructure that they will use to help pay off said debt.

The TEA Party are attempting to protect the youth from our greed.
2014-03-26 08:04:27 UTC
I see many blaming the republicans for blocking him. What about the first two years when he had a super majority in both houses and could pass any POS bill he wanted? Ohhh... Yeah. ooops Wasn't supposed to remember that right? What did he do in the first two years besides that POS Obamacare bill? NOTHING!

The republicans have passed hundreds of bills that would provide jobs and help the people. What happened to them? REID SAT ON THEM and BLOCKED THEM! You blame republicans for being obstructionists but the reality is REID is the one stopping everything. He is playing a game by not passing anything and then blaming republicans.
2014-03-25 22:29:45 UTC
I used to be a Democrat until 2008 because Republican borrowing is deeply stupid. Now I have no party because Obama borrows like a Republican.

His heart's in the right place, unlike Paul Ryan. But he needs fiscal discipline.

The average federal taxpayer has payed over $3,000 each of the last four years in income tax that was used to pay interest on the Republican/Obama debt. That comes to over $13,000 out of YOUR pocket if you add those four years collecitively. And our interst payments will more than double if the recession ever ends because interest rates will go way up.
2014-03-26 02:44:44 UTC
Above average given the continued opposition he has faced since he first declared his candidacy.

Contrary to all of the obviously stereotyped, manufactured illusions we see daily here on YA, he, behaviorally, is pretty much a traditional moderate Republican with regard to his economic and military decisions. He appears to be somewhat to the "right" of such President's as Nixon, Ford, and even the REAL Reagan (not "Saint Reagan") and is, apparently, not very good at "negotiating" ... too "nice."
2014-03-25 22:57:40 UTC
Obama is not perfect. But between Republican party, Tea Party and Obama, I'd pick Obama.

However, if I pick between Democrat and Green Party, I'd pick a mix of those candidates.
Weasel McWeasel
2014-03-26 15:49:11 UTC
xpatinasia, said it very well.........

I only have to look at the repeated lies republicans tell about him, and their opposition to his every mouse know that Obama is doing a great job........and republicans can't stand it.......

because we all know what a freaking disaster Bush was.

They are afraid if they give Obama credit for ANYTHING........then they will have no chance for the White house in 2016.

Well, that's already true..........judging by the last two azz clown rodeoes they ran in 2008 and 2012-.

Obama is doing just fine.......has a lovely wife, and a great family. Anyone who can't see that, is blind........or perhaps just COLOR blind.
2014-03-25 22:45:58 UTC
As an independent somewhere in the middle, I find him quite disappointing. It's quite a pity that he's the BEST that either party could come up with the past two election cycles.
2014-03-25 22:47:59 UTC
clearly the worst ever. he endorses and commends a failed economic policy of radical marxism and believes somehow that the governemnt dictating hostile takeover of industry like auto, banking, insurance, and god forbid health care is right. from actions like turning down the keystone pipeline, passing on prosecution of the new black panthers, lying about benghazi, lying about fast and furious and so on, it would seem he cares little about anything but his own agenda. from illegal intrusions into egypt and libya and supporting the al qaeda rebels in syria, it would seem he knows little but how to lead from behind.

as far as republican views, actually they are quite simple. there is nothing wrong illegal or immoral about wanting to keep more of what you legitimately earn. its YOUR money, not the governments and you worked hard for it to feed and support your family. we dont want or need a government "nanny state" telling us what to buy and how to buy it (health insurance for example) what to read and say( nsa and irs scandals) or what to believe (appointment of known racist sotomayor and political activist kagan to the supreme court). we need an honest president and government ( lying about benghazi, lying about fast and furious and lying about obamacare). and we need to know our government truly has our best interests at heart(turning down the keystone pipeline, 55 days to respond to the bp oil spill, the infamous "spread the wealth comment" and so on.).

when you put together simple principles of freedom and compare them with the massive failures of obama and the stark reality of the cancerous effects of failed obama marxism, the results are quite chilling and speak volumes about the correct nature of the gop agenda.
2014-03-26 14:29:01 UTC
He's the most (wrongly) disrespected president ever

and the more conservatives lie about him the more i like him.

Growing up 'black' he's seen a lot of prejudice and mistreatment.

I think he's a lot more thick-skinned than any conservative will admit or realizes.
2014-03-25 22:26:59 UTC
A decent man trying to do a difficult job.

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