I think he's incompetent and narcissistic. Under his administration, partly due to reduced defense spending and Republicans forcing some drawbacks on spending, the overall budget is lower, but he's failed on almost every campaign promise save those regarding Iraq and Afghanistan.
The main business improvements resulting from the stimulus packages have been to big business and Wall Street. Ordinary people's retirement accounts and earnings are stagnant at best. YES, that is partially Republicans' fault, but Obama squandered his legislative honeymoon when he had a compliant House and Senate, and chose instead to pass the PPACA, which no one at the time had on their list of priorities.
He gave lipservice to bridging gaps and mending wounds, but he put insiders and campaign cronies in all of the shadow-czar positions and left both experienced Democrats and Republican opponents out in the cold. Racial tensions are worse, not better. He also promised to be open, but he's closing off press access, sealing White House records, and denying FOIA requests at a record-setting pace.
He promised a more free society and an end to the War on Terror, but Gitmo's still active, the NSA's power is growing, and Obama has killed over four times the number of people with drone strikes than Bush, often involving US citizens abroad. He has even openly discussed using drones against US citizens on US soil without due process.
His administration has lied about Benghazi, lied about Fast and Furious, lied about the IRS, lied about the NSA, and lied about the PPACA's effects. Obama and his supporters have no understanding of the phrase "the buck stops here." They pass the blame to whomever they can, picking scapegoats when they have to in order to get an obsequious media to fall back in line.
His vacations have cost US taxpayers BILLIONS going to tourist hotspots in Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard. So much for fiscal discipline and tightening belts.
That being said, Republicans are not any better. If Republicans had their way, Conglomerates like Monsanto and Pfizer would own us all, body and soul, and we'd all be blithering idiots working as corporate drones.