1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
623 answers:
2016-11-07 07:12:35 UTC
If there was a different candidate, I'd definitely vote that way. I think Trump has no filter. He shoots himself in the foot with a lot of people. You can't directly make fun of someone like you're superior and then expect their vote. He grew up spoiled, always getting exactly what he wanted, and you can see this by his attitude. Do we really need someone like that, whose had no political experience, as the president? I don't think so.

Is Hillary the best option for president? If course she isn't. There were a few better options among both the democrat and republican parties. But she's the best option available, with an actual chance of winning the election. So, if I had to choose, I'd vote for Hillary?
2016-11-07 05:08:18 UTC
ARE Donald and Hillary both unfit to run the country?
2016-11-07 00:08:24 UTC
all politicians are unfit for office - George Washington warned the American people not to become involved with political parties - now look at the mess.

The Founding Fathers were more interested in a classical style of democracy than the kind which has emerged since the Revolution.

Politicians are only interested in one thing - remaining in office and will in many cases even change sides in order to achieve this goal in life.

Donald Trump is right in one respect - the system is crap (my word not his) and it needs change, big change.

Many issues should be dealt with by online voting - everyone gets a voter coder number - use it at the online voting link and it cannot be used again.

Already in Australia the people are using social media to ostracise politicians they do not like.

America needs a bit more Classical Greek democracy and a lot less fascism. No incumbent should ever be allowed to stand for office after three elections - they should instead be banned for up to ten years for holding any political office and not allowed to be aligned with any political party or movement thereof and etc.

Do it or die.
2016-11-08 02:15:32 UTC
never before has a candidate been so grossly unqualified to run a country. That wizard with a boot on his head that promised everyone a pony would be a better president than donald trump. All y'all saying what a good business man he was. It's not hard when your dad gave you literally everything and you didn't work for ****. Also, what kind of absolute idiot could bankrupt a casino. A place where all they do is suck thousands of dollars out of people. He's also completely unstable and everyone believes the garbage he spews because he's loud. All he says is "I'll do a thing" but he never says how because he's a ******* moron and he doesn't know how. He's just yelling. All of this plus how disgusting he is as a person is a good reason why we don't want this pumkin lookin orange *** ******** as a president. Hillary ain't great, but she ain't that bad either. The people who say that she's worse are the people who can afford to.
2016-11-06 21:11:11 UTC
Clinton is technically more qualified, she's got actual POLITICAL experience whereas Trump has experience in running a business, which is VASTLY different to running an ENTIRE COUNTRY. ESPECIALLY one as BIG as The United States.

But to answer your specific question, they are BOTH unfit to run The United States. Trump, because he's Racist, Sexist, a Sexual Predator, Anti-Feminist, Anti-Choice, and many other things. Clinton, because she's a Victim Blamer, she breached National Security with those emails, and her number 1 priority is Hillary Clinton.

NEITHER are an ideal choice
2016-11-08 18:22:26 UTC
I think that Donald Trump is unfit because he has no experience in politics at all, and he's really just a loud, opinionated person who thinks that even though he has no knowledge of politics that he can just run the whole country. Hillary is not a GOOD candidate but she is FIT. See, she is a politician. She was the secretary of state, so she knows politics, she knows what she is talking about. She may not be the ideal candidate but she is much more fit to be a president. I would prefer neither of the idiots to be president, but if one had to be then I would choose Hillary because at least she is in politics, while Donald Trump is a businessman. Well that's just my opinion.
2016-11-06 17:26:47 UTC
Trump: I don't know. He's been a successful businessman. He hasn't yet been given a chance in politics. I'm willing to give him a chance.

Hillary: yes. She has political experience, but it's not good experience. She repeated her poor judgement of voting for the Bush wars and destabilizing nations with Libya and Syria. Her only leadership experience is as Secretary of state...ask any of her supporters to name one good accomplishment she has achieved as Secretary of state. They NEVER seem up to come up with any! But I can name a lot of mistakes and negative things she's done as Secretary of state: intervening in Libya and aiding in removing a strong leader (gadaffi), destabilizing that nation, and now having ISIS capturing Libyan territory; intervening in Syria, which has prolonged the Syrian civil war, strengthened ISIS, and lead to the Syrian refugee crisis; increased tension with foreign nations like Russia and north Korea; etc.

Both may be bad, but trump is by far the better choice
2016-11-08 18:57:33 UTC
At this point, it really doesn't matter anymore. Either way, you guys are screwed. It will destroy the economy, your country relations and it will just prove how screwed up everyone really is. This is actually extremely disappointing. It's almost 2017. 2017 for crying out loud!!!! I thought we'd be more informed and up to date with our facts. As a Canadian, I'm legitimately bummed that either Trump OR Hillary made it THIS far. And I know, I have nothing to do with American politics. But it still disappoints me that ''the greatest country in the world'' has to pick between these two dumba$$es as the next President. Both of them promise great things without the doubt but they come with much more baggage that I, personally, think will do more bad than good. And it's actually really saddening because I'm sure that the United-States wouldn't have been the only country to be in this situation if others had similar issues. The world grew to be immoral and we lost our values.

It really sucks. America was supposed to be an epic country but this, really, is straight up a disappointment.

Good luck, guys. You're on your own.
2016-11-08 10:26:24 UTC
Yes, both are unfortunately unfit. Trump will hurt many people with his words and decisions in the long run. Also, does it make sense that we let him spend all our taxes on some damn wall that's not really going to change the amount of illegal immigrants that come into this country? There's always planes. It's also unfair for visiting Muslims to be denied entrance to the US just because of their religion and looks.

Hilary is just all show and talk. She is a puppet, and sticks with what the trend is. For example, she once was a racist herself towards blacks and opposed the idea of gay marriage, but now she's somehow all for it. She's just gonna be used by the people since she doesn't have the capability to make firm decisions. She just wants to appeal to whatever is "in."

But to choose between the two evils, Hillary is a lesser evil since she has actual experience in politics and more grounded than Trump. Trump is a horrible example to the newer generations.
Jon B
2016-11-06 18:56:46 UTC
It doesn't matter Wether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton are "unfit" or not because the powers that be are going to put in who "they" want to put in office...WHO are the powers that be? International banking cartel families (Rothschilds) New World Orders, Illuminati, Globalists (Rochafellers, DuPonts, Balshavics) THESE are the SUPER elites..they RULE the WORLD..they have the FINAL say...
2016-11-08 03:11:44 UTC
IS DONALD AND HILLARY both UNFIT TO RUN the not too difficult to answer for they can sell even a broken vacuum cleaner so they are good to go. That is politics.

but some will tell you story the other way around that look likes they knows politics, like this:

In my opinion, yes !!!!! Anyone who goes to the lengths that Hillary has to get elected is unfit. And Trump seems to have little control over his mouth. Hillary wants to continue the same crap Obama has, killing the middle class of this country. We are over taxed when you include government health care, have you noticed the FDA has dropped the ball when it comes to drug over site, have you heard our fearless leader or his minion Hillary say anything about that???? or the right to believe in God if you choose, did you know Obama cancelled the day of prayer for Christians, but, invited a large group of Muslims to the white house for their day of prayer???? Even if you don't believe, this is a disgrace, they could have been treated equal. We have a constitution, Hillary if you ad Obama don't like it MOVE, and do us all a favor. I'm sure your friends in Saudi Arabia would want their money back though.... And Trump learn self control your supposed to be an adult !!! If the world knew just how corrupt Hillary really is, they'd have even more to laugh about.... All I can add is if whoever wins does not work on fixing this country before opening it up to more crap, then I have no idea how we all will end up, it will not be good !!!!!!
2016-11-07 17:27:04 UTC
In my opinion, yes !!!!! Anyone who goes to the lengths that Hillary has to get elected is unfit. And Trump seems to have little control over his mouth. Hillary wants to continue the same crap Obama has, killing the middle class of this country. We are over taxed when you include government health care, have you noticed the FDA has dropped the ball when it comes to drug over site, have you heard our fearless leader or his minion Hillary say anything about that???? or the right to believe in God if you choose, did you know Obama cancelled the day of prayer for Christians, but, invited a large group of Muslims to the white house for their day of prayer???? Even if you don't believe, this is a disgrace, they could have been treated equal. We have a constitution, Hillary if you ad Obama don't like it MOVE, and do us all a favor. I'm sure your friends in Saudi Arabia would want their money back though.... And Trump learn self control your supposed to be an adult !!! If the world knew just how corrupt Hillary really is, they'd have even more to laugh about.... All I can add is if whoever wins does not work on fixing this country before opening it up to more crap, then I have no idea how we all will end up, it will not be good !!!!!!
2016-11-07 16:47:51 UTC
In my opinion, yes !!!!! Anyone who goes to the lengths that Hillary has to get elected is unfit. And Trump seems to have little control over his mouth. Hillary wants to continue the same crap Obama has, killing the middle class of this country. We are over taxed when you include government health care, have you noticed the FDA has dropped the ball when it comes to drug over site, have you heard our fearless leader or his minion Hillary say anything about that???? or the right to believe in God if you choose, did you know Obama cancelled the day of prayer for Christians, but, invited a large group of Muslims to the white house for their day of prayer???? Even if you don't believe, this is a disgrace, they could have been treated equal. We have a constitution, Hillary if you ad Obama don't like it MOVE, and do us all a favor. I'm sure your friends in Saudi Arabia would want their money back though.... And Trump learn self control your supposed to be an adult !!! If the world knew just how corrupt Hillary really is, they'd have even more to laugh about.... All I can add is if whoever wins does not work on fixing this country before opening it up to more crap, then I have no idea how we all will end up, it will not be good !!!!!!
2016-11-06 20:00:09 UTC
Hillary is a career criminal, traitor, and a liar, so yes, she should not even be allowed to run for president (she should be in prison). Trump BY FAR is more qualified to be president. The worst he can be accused of is being an obnoxious jerk, which to me is a breath of fresh air, in this P.C. 'don't offend me' environment. He is the first billionaire I have seen that talks like a construction worker and actually KNOWS the working class. What convinced me to be for Trump was when I watched him speaking at a hotel (that he built), in New York, and he went in to detail about how it was built, laying the concrete, etc. He KNOWS construction, and just doesn't sit in a ivory tower, Which i would hope he does with america. I also like the idea of both the Democrats AND Republicans petrified if he becomes president, because it will be no more 'politics as usual' in Washington. Time to 'drain the swamp'.
2016-11-07 20:39:10 UTC
Hillary is totally healthily unfit, morally compromised, and as per her civil service record a great failure waiting to happen.

Trump? Splendidly very endowed as a successful businessman to run the country as he would a very profitable conglomerate, cutting new favorable deals for all Americans to prosper from. A very credible Commander in Chief as already a proven experience has been running various businesses all at once and definitely a very presidential presence, we all can be proud of. Not an unhealthy and unstable old lady more ready for a peaceful retirement than to run a very vigorous great country with interminable problems needing immediate attention. It would have been better if also Trump had a few less years of age, but definitely he has to be the best choice to do the job for the love of our country, all the rest is really of no paramount importance as these glaring facts.
2016-11-08 15:32:57 UTC
Donald is definitely unfit. Hillary is fit for at least 4 years. It never ceases to amaze me how people can just say Hillary lies, Hillary will do what Obama did, she is a crook, etc., and yet they can't point to one thing that she has done. And Obama has given this country 8 years of prospersity, and not a soul that is familiar with our government can prove differently. It is so difficult to believe you can't see the obvious.
2016-11-08 08:29:31 UTC
Not an unhealthy and unstable old lady more ready for a peaceful retirement than to run a very vigorous great country with interminable problems needing immediate attention. It would have been better if also Trump had a few less years of age, but definitely he has to be the best choice to do the job for the love of our country, all the rest is really of no paramount importance as these glaring facts. Trump's making America great again. As time went on, when summer came and went, I saw his information via email and then, he gradually went unfit enough to run the country because of the video leaks and whatnot. We have terrible campaigns nowadays, soon to be history: in other words, they are valuably and principally
2016-11-08 15:19:52 UTC
No one truly knows if Donald Trump is fit to run for President or not because he's never held public office before.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand has proven she's unfit with her carelessness of handling emails, her being bribed by leaders of Islamic countries and the destruction of the Middle East with her Arab Spring and foreign policies when she was SOC.
2016-11-07 10:13:54 UTC
At first, I thought only Hillary was unfit to run, yet Trump's making America great again. As time went on, when summer came and went, I saw his information via email and then, he gradually went unfit enough to run the country because of the video leaks and whatnot. We have terrible campaigns nowadays, soon to be history: in other words, they are valuably and principally flawed really deeply in the end. I felt like there may be a small chance of the ever-growing third-party to run the nation.
2016-11-08 08:24:29 UTC
Donald is fit to run

The sexual assault allegations scuttles his campaign for a while but are unfounded. Is he a man, like 99% of us that think about sex with a woman all the time, YES, but is he fit to run? Yes. I promise he will not be getting BJ's in the Oval Office like a prior prez liberals so love, so why the angst with Trump? Sheesh.

Hillary: Unfit. Corrupt. Addictive liar. Above the law. All this has been proven to be true.
2016-11-07 05:19:31 UTC
IMO, yes - but I believe this reflects the profound shift in the morals and ethics and epistemology as currently accepted by Americans and Europeans. Civility has been redefined to be applicable only in relation to peer group, epistemology has been redirected away from rationality to pure emotion/subjectivism, and morality has been dismissed as irrelevant and unnecessary (viewed primarily as a means of control). Based on these ideas, the CHARACTER of the candidate becomes irrelevant and only the emotional response counts. It would not surprise me at all if the next (who knows how many) presidents are even more flawed than these two are.

The choice is between a liar and career criminal and a 70 year old bully that still has the values of an 8 year-old bully. It is my personal opinion that Trump is more likely to take advice than Hillary - and that is where my vote is going. But my choice is NOT based on any conception that my choice is a good one - only on my conviction that someone who has been a criminal for 69 years is certain to continue in the same mode.
2016-11-06 19:04:21 UTC
IMHO Hillary is a rogue. Trump may or may not be a rogue. But I think the real point is that the US is split around 50/50 along ideological grounds. For example one side thinks lgbt should be 100% mainstream and the other side thinks it is immoral or sacreligious and they have a right to marginalize them. A photographer may not want to be forced to take pictures of a gay wedding. I consider myself center right. I think the left has a lot of good aspects but I think they they have pushed conservative people too far by forcing them to accept left leaning values or else be demonized. I don't know where this will lead to but unless the left is willing let the right live and think how they want, I would not even be surprised if some on the right took up arms and revolted. I am not saying I think that will happen, I am saying I would not be surprised if it happens.
2016-11-07 06:10:59 UTC
All previous arguments, attacks and stuff being said before put aside - only from what we've learned yesterday (that Trump has been put away from his Twitter account by his entourage to prevent him doing "bad things"),THEN TRUMP IS DEFINITELY THE MOST UNFIT ADULT TO RUN THE COUNTRY. Come on, it's like taking away a child's toy because he's grounded ... and within a few months you're telling me that this man is supposed to be a world leader ??? the entire world is laughing at Trump today (and so at the United States credibility ...for 2 day or for 4years ... we'll know that tomorrow)
2016-11-08 11:59:02 UTC
Donald Trump is very unfit to run the country. He has held no elective office and has an erratic temperament.

Hillary Clinton has held elective office, she knows how to deal with Congress and other parties. She's also familiar with the various heads of state. She is the most qualified.
2016-11-08 02:03:38 UTC
At first, I thought only Hillary was unfit to run, yet Trump's making America great again. As time went on, when summer came and went, I saw his information via email and then, he gradually went unfit enough to run the country because of the video leaks and whatnot. We have terrible campaigns nowadays, soon to be history: in other words, they are valuable and principally flawed really deeply in the end. I felt like there may be a small chance of the ever-growing third-party to run the nation..,
Jack rise
2016-11-07 15:42:14 UTC
Hillary clinton is fit to be president. If you actually look into the arguments against her you'll find that they are factually flawed. She's been cleared of charges twice now for her email scandal. In Benghazi, none of the security requests reached her, they all want to lower level officials in the state department.

Donald trump however, has been accused of rape dosens of time over last few years and had polocies that would literally destroy the world if implemented. He has said he wants more nuclear proliferation and he wants to destroy many international trade deals. He alsow wants to build a wall to keep out mexicans, wich is laughable to say the least. Oh and he thinks climate change is a hoax. Honestly, he's just and idiot and he's on the wrong side of every issue.
2016-11-07 06:45:15 UTC
The President doesn't RUN the country! Maybe all you smart people don't understand the American government.

There are 3 branches of government:

1. Legislative - makes laws.

2. Executive - enforces the laws.

3. Judicial - adjudicates between the application of the laws and the enforcement of the laws.

The "boss" of the Executive branch at the city level is the mayor.

The "boss" of the Executive branch at the state level is the governor.

The "boss" of the Executive branch at the federal level is the president.

They are each the "top cop" of the Executive branch. The job description of the President of the United States of America is: Commander in Chief of the military.

Are things a little more clear now?

The President doesn't make rules for Health Care, Congress does! The President doesn't raise or lower taxes, Congress does! The President doesn't give you welfare money, Congress does! The President doesn't raise the minimum wage, Congress does!

Vote better for Congress!
2016-11-07 12:15:38 UTC
Donald is definitely unfit because he only sees his profit and could care less of what happens to the country. Hillary is not unfit because she has experience, given she was the first lady and knows whats up.
2016-11-09 06:10:56 UTC
This is a personal opinion. I believe that Hillary will do the same thing Obama has done. Nothing useful. (In my opinion) As for Trump he MAY make the country better in CERTAIN ways, ways i can not describe because i can't think of them on the top of my head. Mostly like in-country problems. But when it comes to other problems he may screw up and make every other nation hate us. That's how i see it even though i do not follow along with politics. I've only heard what others have said.
Francis Ladores
2016-11-06 23:19:21 UTC

ARE Donald and Hillary both unfit to run the country?
2016-11-06 20:27:37 UTC
I think Hillary is unfit to run our country. She let 4 of our men die in Bengazi. She deleted important emails. She is a baby killer. Now Donald on the other hand will do a great job
Common Sense
2016-11-07 07:16:31 UTC
Neither have the moral or ethical qualifications to hold such a title as POTUS.

However, these are the two choices we have. 3rd Party votes are a waste of time and will not amount to anything worth talking about. We need actual votes for Hillary or Trump that count.

I never liked Hillary. She is a self serving witch and I don't even think she knows what she stands for because she keeps going back and forth with her views, therefore, she has shown us all that she is untrustworthy; regardless of her legal issues and wrong doings. Trump does not know enough about running a government. But, then again, the government that Hillary runs is not for the best interest of the American people anyway. Trump has a fresh look at the real problems that face our nation and he is willing to tackle them head on. Do I like his style? No. He seems to have womanizing aspects of his personality, but hell yes, we KNOW who Hillary is married to, a known womanizer........that Hillary is still married to. Not such a great role model for our youth, eh? Trump, inasmuch as I am not crazy about him, I think that in four years, he will leave the America better than Hillary will in four years.

I decided not to vote FOR either of them, but I am voting against one of them.
2016-11-07 22:48:44 UTC
Have you looked at Hillary's resume? She may be the most fit person to run any country in this world.

First Lady of Arkansas

First Lady of USA

2-Term US Senator

1-Term Secretary of State

Donald has been to the White House. That is is.
2016-11-07 03:20:17 UTC
All previous arguments, attacks and stuff being said before put aside - only from what we've learned yesterday (that Trump has been put away from his Twitter account by his entourage to prevent him doing "bad things"),THEN TRUMP IS DEFINITELY THE MOST UNFIT ADULT TO RUN THE COUNTRY. Come on, it's like taking away a child's toy because he's grounded ... and within a few months you're telling me that this man is supposed to be a world leader ??? the entire world is laughing at Trump today (and so at the United States credibility ...for 2 day or for 4years ... we'll know that tomorrow)
Terry C
2016-11-08 19:16:36 UTC
From my Opinion Donald Won't Win Hillary Clinton With Be the Next President
2016-11-07 10:31:08 UTC
Absolutely, regardless of what the majority of posters on here say. People can spam my answer with all the thumbs down that they want, but it doesn't change the truth: they are both unfit to be president, massive liars (just look at Politifact, Trump supporters), flipflops, con artists, and most probably in this together so that they can both get a benefit (Hillary can be president, Donald can become a famous reality television star again). But of course people think that they're running separately and don't realize how in bed with each other both parties are.

Yes, they're both unfit. And if you look at their policies on foreign and domestic policies and business (depending on the day, because they both flipflop so much that no one on here, regardless of how patriotic he or she claims to be, knows what either candidate REALLY wants), then both of them are VERY similar on MANY issues, despite trying to come off as POLAR OPPOSITES. They are EXTREMELY similar on MANY aspects, BOTH WANT TO LIMIT OUR FREEDOM EITHER WAY, and most importantly, THEY HAVE A LONG TRACK RECORD OF BEING FRIENDS! No one here finds it sketchy that Trump has supporter both the Clintons and Bushes in the past, the Bushes are backing her up this time, and Billary went to all three of Trump's weddings, including his most recent one with Melania? And that, up until last year when Trump started his campaign, HE CALLED BILL UP TO TELL HIM THAT HE PLANNED ON RUNNING?!

But whatever, there's no point in trying to get a point across to thickheaded people.

Yes, they're both massively unqualified, but no, they are NOT starkly different or polar opposites like the gullible Trump cult supporters on here, who treat him like he's a messiah handpicked by God (which is blasphemous, disgraceful, crass, and humorous all at once given that he has less knowledge, experience, and time with the Christian faith than Hillary ever did - just quiz either one on the Christian faith and you'll see how much Hillary Clinton outshines him), would have you believe.
2016-11-09 20:05:41 UTC
I think Donald is MORE fit to run the country than Hillary. Hillary honestly has been corrupt and lied to the whole nation since she started her campaign, the Clinton foundation and hiding away thousands of emails on her own personal server at HOME, believe it or not it IS a crime to do so. My relative works for the gov't and if he was ever caught doing something like that he can go to jail. but Why isn't Hillary in jail for what she did? Look at Martha Stewart, she went to prison for her actions too.

There is something interesting about Donald. I think Donald regrets what he did or said in the past regarding women, he's not perfect but his heart is in the right place.
2016-11-08 14:26:30 UTC
There is no question that both are unfit, Hillary has lied, the handling of her emails is a strong indication of how disorganize and careless she is. Both she and her husband have been using their political offices and influence to get donations to their foundation and enrich themselves. She is a border line criminal.

Trump runs his campaign like he wants to lose the election which he may well do. The things he has said about the minorities and women would automatically disqualify him. He is a lose cannon, and God only knows what he will do as president

2016-11-07 08:34:47 UTC
neither of them are the ideal candidate, and bother are power hungry.That being said, Clinton has experience in government while trump doesn t.Worse than that,Trump often says things he has no clue about and makes things up.Remember he sent investigators to Hawaii to uncover things about Obama and said they can t believe what they re finding, A lot of the time it's the opposite problem denying things he did say. We have him on tape saying things he later denied he said.Then their is the fact that he's a racist and a sexist.He doesn't understand that a country can't be run like a business and even if it could be despite his big talk he s not that great of a business man running things like companies and casinos into the ground.While Hilary is far from an angel in her personal life,she knows far more about politics than Trump.Trump reminds me a little of George W Bush and how he was sold to us.How did that work out?
2016-11-07 13:53:31 UTC
Both are less-than-ideal choices.

Back during the spring, the playing field was a whole lot larger and better.

Ben Carson is an example of that.

As I write this, we're are less than one day away from the election.

It's too late now.

If, after taking the Oath of Office, the next one makes one or many mistakes,

there's nothing left to do.

Mistakes include illegal acts.
2016-11-07 07:37:44 UTC
Donald is pissing 70 years old. He'll only be alive for another 20 years. No chance of him being President, he also will cause a big *** nuclear war or just cause world war 3. **** him. Hillary on the other hand, has just recently gone 69. She is an asshole too. Vladimir Putin can kiss Donald's ***. Donald and Vladimir are being little children with toys.

Vladimir: "I'm going to have my soldiers take you down America."

Donald: "I'm going to be a little ***** and send my soldiers too!"

**World war 3 begins**

**The entire world ends because of two men acting like children**

2016-11-07 19:00:24 UTC
In my opinion..Yes, I do believe that neither should be in office. I don't like either candidate for this election. Personally, I am a democrat but I can definitely respect a good republican candidate who knows what they are doing. Up til this point all this election has been is one big high school drama filled joke with nothing but bashing the other candidate in order to get the upper hand. Hilary is a traditional wishy-washy politician who at least has experience in running a country, however, I do not agree with all her policies and she has that email issue. She follows Obama way to much. Trump, on the other hand, is racist and his foreign affairs could use some work, not to mention the lack of filter and disrespect for other people other than himself. Neither should be in office, in fact, due to the fact that neither will serve this country justice I will probably vote for independent because I have no desire to see either in office.
2016-11-06 19:31:13 UTC

And the answer is no. Except for Trump.
2016-11-06 18:55:00 UTC

One i smore than the other but it doesn't take much > it's the rest of the politicians who are the WORST !
2016-11-08 23:55:34 UTC
Evan McMullin, a former CIA operative who launched an independent White House run on Monday, said Tuesday that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are “unfit” for the responsibilities they’re seeking.

“I think Americans ought to be able to vote for somebody that they’re excited about — somebody who they support, not somebody who they’re supporting just to oppose the other person,” Mr. McMullin said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Mr. McMullin said both major-party candidates are “unfit for the responsibilities they seek.”

He said Mrs. Clinton, the Democratic nominee, believes she’s “unaccountable” to the American people and “above the law.”

“As a former CIA officer, I deeply believe that Donald Trump harms the strength and prosperity of this country,” Mr. McMullin said of the GOP nominee.
2016-11-08 13:06:28 UTC
There is no one on earth that is fit to run any country. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are great examples of the downfall all nations have undergone.
2016-11-08 21:57:22 UTC
No i believe that both of them has a abilities to rule this country his backgrounds in business is a big plus how? Business is a life blood of economy, trump possibly help this country to boost businesses.In other hand hillary has a background of public service wich is very important to govern public laws, she is a smart girl the only problem i guess that make her down are bill clinton her own husband and she supporting obama administration,i believe hillary is not the one who need to be blame on Benghazi dont forget she is not the acting president that time,

But overall the one who deserve to win for me is trump.
2016-11-07 05:46:18 UTC
Trump is not fit Hillary is boarderine the difference is the Clinton team has an xpresident and plenty of experience.

Trump hast got the first idea of how to call for back up!

And he's too street proud to say hey guys I need help
2016-11-08 05:32:10 UTC
Hillary is more unfit to be President than Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump wants to get everyone working, even people with ADD/ADHD. Instead of pretending they still are the same people from middle school and high school and stereotyping them as bullies, Napster, and "Pain & Gain", they didn't tell them that most are harassed and scammed into illegal fraudulent contracts after high school and then harassed by their college graduates classmates and then job discriminated against. But they are taught by colleges to think less of them and to harass them, if they don't celebrate them going to college. Being discriminated from receiving a college degree or workshop programs to get a job. They are now the scale goats for evil people, Freemasons, Shriners, Frats, and Sororities, bad teachers and wealthy, abusive students, and step families.
2016-11-08 04:03:26 UTC
Hillary is just another run in the mill president to me. By that, I mean nothing special. Nothing about her sticks out. Is she going to fix the economy? Who wants another run in the mill president? I don't. Someone fix the economy. As for trump on the other hand, supposedly this guy thinks outside of the box. I like that. There have been some rumors that he wouldn't take president seriously if he got elected. But if i had to choose between what could just be rumors or having another run in the mill president, I have to choose trump. After all, they could just be rumors and Hillary hasn't got my attention. But thump impresses me.
2016-11-07 08:43:48 UTC
Yes they are, i mean come on people we can as a country can pick better Candidates to elect. They are Both unfit to run this country. Try voting for a third party Candidate. These two candidates are the worst people to run for President honestly.
2016-11-06 15:58:50 UTC
No unfit and unable is what Trump is. You may not like Hillary but she's perfectly well able to run the country, she has the experience, temperament and intelligence to do so.

Trump doesn't have the first idea.
2016-11-07 01:27:12 UTC
Hillary is definitely unfit as she is a criminal! Donald J Trump on the other hand will be fine!
2016-11-12 08:21:25 UTC
not an unhealthy and unstable old lady more ready for a peaceful retirement than to run a very vigorous awesome country with interminable problems needing immediate attention... it would have been better if also trump had a few less years of age, but definitely he has to be the proper choice to do the job for the love of our country, all the rest is really of no paramount importance as these glaring facts... trump's making america awesome again... as time went on, when summer came and went, i saw his information via email and then, he gradually went unfit enough to run the country 'cause of the video leaks and whatnot... we have terrible campaigns nowadays, soon to be history: in other words, they are valuably and principally
2016-11-08 16:19:37 UTC
Well lets see H. Clinton accepted free money from foreign powers & bribed the FDA & drug company's to look the other way & change all medicines ingredients to a slow death. The only person that can put America right is a business man & thats Donald J. Trump, since H. Clinton 4 years ago became a reborn Islam muslim. Mike
2016-11-07 05:11:47 UTC
Hopeful in a quick resignation from the winner of this Presidential election. Both candidates are better qualified to go to prison than the White House. I like Pence a lot, Kaine comes across as kind of a ninny, but far better than Clinton or Trump for that matter.
2016-11-07 09:49:54 UTC
Although some will disagree with me, especially supporters of Trump who seem incapable of see the significant areas of concern in both Trump's character and in his policies, if I had my preference, the election would have been postponed for a year, the conventions redone, and two new candidates chosen. Of the two present choices Hillary has a slight advantage based on her political experience. What Trump followers have trouble understanding is that the President must have a the ability to negotiate effectively with a variety of individuals, in a multitude of situations, and deal with a variety of interests, both foreign and domestic. Trump has, during his campaign, managed to insult many US allies and, if he continues along the same path, could very easily lose significant support within the world community. The ability to convince people to put your name on a building in no way equates to the ability to deal with other countries.

Whereas some people may find it refreshing to have someone that "speaks their mind" after listening to some of Trump's comments and conclusions that is the very thing that causes me concern. Trump has a history of personally attacking people he disagrees with, especially when they oppose something he wants. He is incapable of accepting the fact that he is not always right or that he does not know everything. I can see him tweeting negative comments about the leader of another country which would do nothing for US relations or to encourage them to work with the US. Trump has proven in business that he is virtually incapable of dealing with people who are not "yes men", he has lost significant money due to this, and I do not see any change as far as running a country.

Although Trump will have a cabinet to assist him again based on past experience, and on his many comments, it is unlikely that he will surround himself with anyone who will speak hard truth to him. His propensity for surrounding himself with yes men as I said previously suggests a cabinet of the same. While this does not mean that they will be untalented, they are more likely to agree with and support his ideas than look at the effects of them and recommend significant changes even if critically necessary. This is the reason Trump has suffered so many business failures, he takes his own advice over those of others even if they have significant experience in the field. Trump cannot comprehend of an area where his knowledge is not supreme and when his actions lead to failure he is always quick to blame others, he rarely if ever accepts responsibility for his actions.
2016-11-07 09:11:53 UTC
Yes, but Donald is the one of the two who's far more unfit.
2016-11-08 15:24:08 UTC
Hillary is unfit to run the country. Trump is unfit to having an opinion, because he'll start WWIII.
You Know . . .
2016-11-07 16:28:08 UTC
Absolutely both are unfit to run the Country! Both are the laughing stock of the history of this and any Presidential election ever run. We should be ashamed of ourselves for electing fist Hillary, a screeching, lying, pathetic democrat, and Trump, a narcissistic, misogynistic republican reality show loser.

SHAME ON YOU who voted these clowns into this global mess!
2016-11-09 06:47:22 UTC
Donald is unfit and unqualified. Hillary has decades of public service experience. She was Secretary of State. Don't you understand what a big deal that is?
2016-11-08 10:22:50 UTC
Yeah but Trump is better than Hillary. Hillary would drag the nation down more and is a criminal. Recall that she has been in the office for decades and knows the ins and outs, just look at the FBI investigation for instance.
2016-11-08 00:49:48 UTC
well yeah they both are but hillary is still a better choice to chose over Trump so i think hillary should run for it

Watch: 19 Horrible Things Donald Trump Said About Women
2016-11-08 09:54:24 UTC
No. because Donald and Hillary bout are fit to run the country
2016-11-07 05:08:42 UTC
Yes both Hillary and Donald are unfit to run as president of USA.

Hillary is a criminal and will do anything to get us killed or sell out to criminals that will do us harm.

Donald is a racist and rapist prick, he doesn't care about you or your family. He only cares about money

You vote for one of them your dead meat
2016-11-06 23:46:37 UTC
So ???

Obama has been unfit to the country for the last 8 years
Julia G
2016-11-07 08:56:15 UTC
SNL FTW "It is fascinating to see the double standard... i mean, just the mystery of what Hillary could be hiding in those deleted e-mails is somehow worse than what Trump has actually say. I bet Hillary's thinking, 'why'd i even throw those e-mails out?' That's like giving up weed for a job interview and losing that job to a crackhead"
2016-11-23 10:32:05 UTC
at first, i thought only hillary was unfit to run, yet trump's making america awesome again... as time went on, when summer came and went, i saw his information via email and then, he gradually went unfit enough to run the country 'cause of the video leaks and whatnot... we have terrible campaigns nowadays, soon to be history: in other words, they are valuably and principally flawed really deeply in the end... i felt like there may be a small chance of the ever-growing third-party to run the nation...
2016-11-07 13:18:40 UTC
You would beat Hillary in any election. YOU. But Trump is more than likely far more successful than all three of us; you, me, or her. She is the electrical generator that the Washington machine is counting on to plug into for the next many years. You know why they call it a 'machine'? Because, ever see flesh and blood go up against the moving parts of a massive, metal machine? Nothing made of flesh can stand up to it.
2016-11-07 02:54:06 UTC
Yes. Donald Trump is just plain rude and based on his behavior I wouldn't trust him running the country or with nuclear weapons. Clinton is a career criminal who is never trustable based on what she has done. When one of them wins, I'm going to throw up. I'm gonna cry, scream that I hate America 570 times, and consider petitioning to put Trump and Clinton in prison. We should change their names to Clownald the Racist Evil and Killary the SOS Evil. I hate all of em. We should keep Obama in office for 7 days and if nobody with political experience volunteers then Joe Biden shall be elected.
2016-11-07 17:58:48 UTC
Honestly they are both a good selection is some ways and they are both terrible is many other ways. Overall they are both unfit. He is very racist towards some races but would be the better choice to help America with taxes and healthcare. She is not as violent as him but wouldn't fix it like him. Honestly I don't like either. But there is nothing you can do about it sadly.
2016-11-08 14:18:49 UTC
are they? I don't know that Hillary is "unfit" as in not competent (which I will say about The Donald, he is incompetent), but whether she is honest enough to be president is definitely a major concern.
Kei Winchester
2016-11-08 23:40:28 UTC
Donald is an unfit bigot pedophile rapist pervert who treats the world like its beneath him. He is very vulgar and unprofessional, and basically Hitler. Better prepare for war when anyone says no if he wins... Hillary obviously isn't unfit dude....
poornakumar b
2016-11-07 12:30:28 UTC
There are better candidates though. But money power prevented them from showing up.

This time around, the Americans are given the narrowest of options that is unprecedented. It is unfortunate. Yet, I have a feeling that Hillary might improve. Yet again, it might be worse off & she may be prevented from exercising her options as there might be an opposition to a Female leading the nation.
2016-11-06 23:36:55 UTC
Yes. Donald Trump acts like a child who throws a tantrum. If he is elected he will kill us all. He's racist and sexist and wants to run the country backwards instead of forward. Hilary Clinton I haven't looked to much into her campaign. But I do know that she is against same sex marriage. In a modern world such as ours, I believe we need a president capable of fighting for the rights of all people. We need someone who is willing to move forward in time and not backwards. I think either one of these candidates will have us taking steps back in time instead in terms of slavery, racism, sexism, etc.
2016-11-07 13:53:04 UTC
2016-11-07 20:34:47 UTC
Not really. For nearly 20 years we have had no boss or leader. No one in charge in politics. Hillary is another immature little kid wanting a toy. Trump is more than fit to run a company and it obviously takes way, way less mind power to run the US because apparently no one has been. So it would be a nice change to have them have a boss for once who can DRAIN THE SWAMP!
2016-11-08 05:34:49 UTC
It depends on who you ask. On the one hand they both have scandals on their records. Donald's is his personal life while Hillary's is in the government. Each person considering to vote has to look at all the facts about each person and decide what they want in a president.
2016-11-07 08:00:31 UTC
Hillarly is LITERALLY unfit to be the leader of the free world. If she does become president, guess what? She's dead after the first year due to her medical problems. If we're gonna have a president, the LEAST we could do is elect someone who's going to live during the period.
Lacertosus Vir
2016-11-07 21:57:48 UTC
Not only do I say yes to your question, but I also say absolutely 100 percent HELL YES. Out of all of America, these were really the best 2 people we could come up with? I could probably go walk a couple blocks down the street and find someone more fit for the position.
2016-11-07 23:05:04 UTC
Depends how you define 'fit', Trump has never held a political platform in his life, with all of his business endeavours being unsuccessful despite his campaign being based on the pretense that he is a good businessman, while hillary is extremely experienced and educated in politics and democracy and has done great things for this country, making her the far more eligible candidate.
Donnie Brasco
2016-11-07 12:22:35 UTC
Both are unfit. Both are buffoons and liars banking on fear and identity politics to win. Neither are addressing the issues and are undeserving of our votes. If you're Conservative, you don't have to settle for Trump. You can have an actual Conservative with Independent candidate McMullin. If you're Libertarian, you don't have to play the lesser of two evils con-game hoping for lower taxes or civil liberties. You can have it all with Johnson. If you're Progressive like myself, look at Clinton's record! She appeals to the same corporatism and imperialism the Right elites appeals to. We can do better. If you're like me and supported Sanders in the primary, look at what Clinton and the DNC did to conspire against our candidate. Is this corrupt party deserving of our support? I don't think so. However, Dr. Stein and the Green Party is. And if some elite like Maher or Moore try to scare or shame you into voting for Clinton, do yourself a favor and tell them to go to hell.

Stein/Baraka '16
2016-11-23 13:48:40 UTC
clinton is technically more qualified, she's got actual political experience whereas trump has experience in running a business, which is vastly different to running an entire country... especially one as big as the united states...

but to answer your specific question, they are both unfit to run the united states... trump, 'cause he's racist, sugarist, a sugarual predator, anti-feminist, anti-choice, and numerous other things... clinton, 'cause she's a victim blamer, she breached national security with those emails, and her number 1 priority is hillary clinton...

neither are an ideal choice
2016-11-08 01:04:35 UTC
Yes of course, but who else do we have? nobody. Whats more I have found this election to be like a Tom and Jerry cartoon, I have never seen anything like it. Get to the politics, and not all this back biting stuff. What a joke. Whoever wins this, they are going to be the most powerful person in the World, and it just mind boggling. I don't know who to vote for, or for that matter if it's worth voting at all.
2016-11-07 20:05:47 UTC
No one in this forum is qualified to determine whether either of them is unfit to run the country.

The job of President of the United States of America is not to "run the country". The job of President of the United States of America is to ensure that the laws are executed properly. As the head of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, the President is supposed to faithfully executed the laws that are passed by the Congress of the United States of America.

But you fart-knockers all want a king to "run the country". You have no concept of the lofty ideas expressed in the Constitution of the United States of America. Most of you are so steeped in Elitist malarkey, you miss the point of the Founding Documents. It's as though you can't fathom anything beyond your self-declared rights and your puny little lives; you can't see anything beyond you.

The phrase "unfit to run the country" is wrong on several levels. But primarily it's wrong because it attempts to thwart the stipulations in the U.S. Constitution. Here are the rules: Any U.S. Citizen who is a natural born Citizen (jus soli and jus sanguinis), who has attained to the age of 35 years, who has lived within the U.S.A. for the last 14 years, and who receives the majority of the electoral votes that have been fairly tabulated in accordance with the voting choices of the Citizens of the United States of America in each of their respective states is therewith qualified to be President of the United States of America.

The long & short of it, for those of you who hate the U.S.A. and its ways:

(1) Be a U.S. Citizen (jus soli & jus sanguinis)

(2) Be at least 35 years old

(3) Live here for the preceding 14 years

(4) Run for President of the United States of America

(5) Get the most votes



= = = = = = = = = = = =

To all you rats out there who think that you're better than anyone else and can determine that a candidate is unfit to be President, F.O.C.U.S. ! ! ! ! !
2016-11-08 10:44:37 UTC


IS is only to be used when one referring to ONE person or group, not multiple people or groups

2016-11-08 14:16:02 UTC
They're both not fit to run the country in fact is all politics when will people understand that is not the president that changes the country we do as a people !
2016-11-06 19:13:50 UTC
Hillary is much more than just unfit... she shouldn't be permitted to run for sewer cleaner in siberia... she is undoubtedly a criminal, a liar, ... sick sick perverted, blinded, evil hearted and minded perp... well deserving of legal and lawful execution ... then unfortunately if she doesn't get right with God she will spend eternity separated from God... HILLARY IS IT WORTH IT??? HELL NO GIRL... WAKE UP YOU WILL REGRET FOR EVER THE EVIL YOU HAVE DONE UNLESS YOU REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL... we are praying for you to see the LIGHT.
2016-11-06 19:39:25 UTC
Trump is probably unfit so that would qualify as a no. Clinton is fit but she will use email a lot. I'm confident she won't use a private server but I would guess would send several emails a day.
Mr. Interesting
2016-11-07 19:19:29 UTC
No. Hillary can certainly do the job. She will be predictable and more of the same crap we have been getting for more than eight years.

However, vote for Trump and there may BE NO FUTURE for our country and way of life.

Not saying Hillary is the answer, just saying, as often and emphatically as possible, that TRUMP IS NOT THE ANSWER.
2016-11-07 19:03:17 UTC
Both are unfit to be president of the U.S. I submit that is not our duty to vote. We are not voting for those fine young men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. We will be giving respect to candidates all across this land. So much blood. So little good in the "leaders" of this country in the last 40 years.
2016-11-06 20:37:02 UTC
Just Donald
2016-11-07 18:46:37 UTC
I'm not a fan of Donald Trump and never have been. By the way he treats other people. Even before the election or even the idea he was running. I disliked him, for MANY REASONS. I thought he was self centered, mean, rude, sexist, lacked morals and sympathy for others. Which are the qualities, that don't make up a good president. I considered him a cold hearted business man, back then and still do today. People call him sexist, racist, homophobic etc. Others say, it's all lies by Hilary and the media. Just to make him look bad. Taking the things he says out of context and using it against him. If only people realized the truth, you can't take everything out of context. The rest is true and came straight from his mouth. Donald has made sexist, discriminatory and racist comments. He sexually assulted women and has done many other horrible things. Like Trump University, which was just a scam to rob people. Yet, nobody investigated him! It’s obvious he can’t be trusted. People try and deny it, defend him and blame others. Because they hate Hillary and he's the only choice left. I've heard it from his mouth, on national debates. Racist against Mexicans, Sexist against women ( Rosie O' Donald) is a prime example. Trashing her on national TV. Yet he refused to apologize, FOR ANYTHING. Even when he called America dumb, saying were a dumping ground. Just because, we care about others and think everyone deserves a chance at a better life. Lacking the morals, to think before he speaks. Thinking just because he has power, he can say whatever he wants. No matter who it hurts!!! The NY times made a list, of all those people/places/things that he has insulted. It's sick and dispicible, that he treats others like that. Whats even more sick, is people support that type of behavior. Much less defend it, because of the first amendment. Which he uses as an excuse. He claims to want to "Make America Great Again." How can you make America great, when you're not a great person yourself? The only reason he one the primaries, was because he Bush'd it. He degraded and insulted his other apponints, untill he was the last canadate left. Ted Cruz was wonderful, well educated, eloquent and witty. Yet, he stood no chance! After Trump basically trashed the hell out of his campaign. Getting everyone to hate him and then vote trump. Trump calls people losers, stupid and pathetic. Which isn’t truthful or fact, it’s just insults. There’s a difference!! Then leaving Pence, to clean up the disastrous mess. The way the world is today, just look at youtube! Treating others this way, is normal. It’s encouraged and even praised. It’s scary as hell, that someone that messed up could run our country. The president should be a role model, with good morals and kindness in their heart. Donald Trump lacks all of those. I’ll NEVER understand, why anyone would vote for him. There’s a difference between, spreading lies just so you can win. And just stating the facts about your opponent. Trump has made so many false accusations about many people, including Hillary. Saying, she was the founder of ISIS and that OBAMA was from the Middle East. He will say anything he can, no matter what. As long as people are stupid enough to believe it. Just as a last ditch effort, to get as many votes as possible. Bragging how, he’s the only one who pursed that issue and won. The reason we didn’t pursue it, was because… WE KNEW IT WASN’T TRUE!!! WE didn’t need to, because it was false. Just like most republicans, he avoids the issues. He just insults and attacks his opponent. Thats shouldn’t be what politics is all about, It scares the hell out of me! A reality TV star could be president. Specially with someone like him. Who is big and fowl mouthed. In this day and age, you have to be careful what you say!! ! Trump is nothing but a short fuse and it’s scary!! Say one wrong thing, to a group of terrorists with machine guns. Then watch the U.S.A get shot, bomed or even worse! I’m voting Hilary, because trump scares me and thats not what a president should do. Make us live in fear!! Its sad, more people don’t realize that. If Trump becomes president, I’m moving to Canada.
2016-11-08 02:25:50 UTC
Do we Really have a Choice, Both of them are Nails on the Coffin, We have 2 Paths how American will be Led by, the Dictator, or the Evil Queen, take your pick Because Both Sanders & Obama are Not a Option !
el ease3
2016-11-07 05:16:08 UTC
I do believe that we are stuck between a rock and a hard place with the 2 choices we have.

I never voted and wanted this time to be my first but once I found out and saw what was going on.

I don't even know who to choose.

neither of them should be even considered for president and given so much power.

It's a terrible idea in and out.
2016-11-07 07:11:18 UTC
Hillary's "unfitness" is based on conspiracy theories and half truths. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing on her part.

Trump proves he is unfit every time he opens his mouth, with his constant attacks on blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, veterans, POWs, Gold Star families, the handicapped, women, etc.
daniel g
2016-11-08 09:29:01 UTC
Hardly matters, one of them will be commander in chief.

If Clinton wins, it is for her expertise in corruption and then won't remember.

Trump is a first class douche, But government is long overdue for an enema anyway.

Funny Oboblehead has done treasonous acts 7 times, and look what happened to Nixon in just one scandal.

AG Lynch is one to be tried for treason, she is the reason Clinton will get away with her crimes, and Comey? That wimp just kisses Lynches ***.

I was certain when an actor became prez our country was doomed, but the best CIC since Kennedy.

Obamas legacy is the worst,most destructive prez in US history. Only Clinton could beat that.
2016-11-11 03:59:49 UTC
Hillary doubtless unfit
2016-11-07 12:17:28 UTC
Many people I talk with agree with me that its hard to believe that in this country of over 300 million people that these are the best candidates we can come up with.

To me it shows two things....just how undemocratic and corrupt are political system has become since we are really being given a false choice to choose from, a choice between bad and worse. Also, it shows just the idiocy that is rampant among the American people, as our politics have become like reality TV.
2016-11-09 14:24:24 UTC
Yes, because Hillary deleted more than 1000 emails about the congress and Trump speaks his mind but doesn't say the correct things he has to say.
2016-11-08 06:50:15 UTC
Clinton is an experienced, dedicated and disciplined politician, fit to be President of the USA.

Trump is a self-centered bully and Puting admirer. Trump is a danger for the 'free world'.
2016-11-07 16:33:43 UTC
They're not Unfit to be president, they're both qualified it's just they both have done horrible things. Trump is rude and obnoxious, Hillary just lies. All I know is I'm Moving to Canada... RIP America 2016
2016-11-06 21:43:24 UTC
I think both are definitely unfit. Hilary is just pretty much in this for the tittle of president. And idk why Trump is in this. It's not like they actually get a lot of choice in anything. The president is pretty much just the figure for all things political and is basically the fall guy for anything the government screws up.
2016-11-07 14:48:10 UTC
Since George W.... we have been bombarded with nothing but fighting amongst ourselves, blaming, lying, wars, and nothing good has happened for the people.....WE the people of the government. We own the government not them.....we say what, why and whom.....instead they raise their internal salaries, live high on the hog and treat the people like trash.

Really, we don't need another semester of their inward fighting and getting nothing done to save this country.

They send out scouts to rev up racism and other ugly feeling between the races to throw us off their scent while they bask in parties, fine goods, vacations, the best of foods, all in the name of government....bull!

Enough they need to do the job of taking the best of care of this country for all our needs at all times and to stop passing the buck!!!!
2016-11-08 17:14:50 UTC
Yes but Donald Trump just won
2016-11-07 01:07:53 UTC
If it weren't for Benghazi, I'd say Clinton is more qualified; but due to Benghazi, she scares the s h i t out of me, considering I might at some point, join the USMC. Why didn't she evacuate the Americans in Benghazi when everybody else evacuated? Trump is also more qualified because he cares about all Americans, not just his own party, like Clinton.
2016-11-08 15:54:48 UTC
Gary Johnson 2016
2016-11-09 10:45:19 UTC
Toronto recently had a mayor who sounded just like Donald Trump sounds, and when he was accused of violating his oath of office, he said that he didn't read it, so he didn't know he was doing wrong so what he did didn't count.

I think your president will sing the same song. And we will all be singing the blues.

As for Hillary, she married the lead tenor.
2016-11-07 01:33:49 UTC
If you believe that GHW Bush, B Clinton, Bush2 or Obama were fit to be president and want to continue their policies then Hitlary is fit, if you want real change then Trump is fit! Compared to the people that have held that office in the past both could just as bad or even a little better.
2016-11-07 10:02:59 UTC
No, trump is unfit for President, unfit as a businessman, unfit as a leader, unfit as a father, unfit as a son, unfit as a human!
2016-11-07 09:24:54 UTC
Does the President run the country?

I don't think so!

As far as the potential of being a good President,

Nether are as good as McCain, Romney or President Obama
2016-11-08 16:19:36 UTC
If it's a human, it's unfit to run the country.
2016-11-06 20:42:49 UTC
In my opinion, yes. Hillary is a bit careless and the whole way she presents herself is unprofessional and laughable. She's sort of like the technology-challenged Grandma who does her best to connect with the rest of the world but totally sucks at it. Trump on the other hand, is a racist sexist homophobic moron. HE presents himself as a massive douche in front of millions of people, so I can only imagine how big of a jerk he is behind closed doors. I don't like either of them.
2016-11-07 12:48:48 UTC

Hillary=Lesser of two evils
2016-11-08 14:09:02 UTC
2016-11-06 19:49:57 UTC
Trump is fine. Hillary is unfit though. She's a criminal
2016-11-06 20:53:06 UTC
Hillary is unfit
2016-11-07 08:27:36 UTC
If you were to be tested for English you'd be unfit to be in the country
2016-11-08 12:42:19 UTC
They are both bad but I would say that hillary is worse cause of the abortions, the people she had killed and covered up, and just so many more. And all trump has done is just say that women just throw themselves at him. We'll if your famous, of course that's going to happen! So for Trump I vote!!!!
2016-11-07 11:09:24 UTC
if hillary wins, russia is putting war on us. if trump wins, mexico and a bunch of other arbaic countries are putting war on us. So yes, they're definitely unfit.
2016-11-09 11:30:11 UTC
I'll say both are unfit to run the country. But I'll take the one with experience anyday
Winter is Coming
2016-11-07 09:59:12 UTC
I read up a little about Clinton's email thing, and I honestly don't see why so many people are overreacting. She's kinda stupid, and doesn't care about National Security, but at least... well honestly I don't much care. One of them will win and lead the US and world to ruin. If you don't like either of them vote for that third guy I've heard about that doesn't seem to care about even trying lol.
2016-11-07 09:25:58 UTC
Vladimir Putin had to be taken urgently to a hospital, he laughed so much watching the Trump/Clinton Circus that he ran out of breath and had a heart failure. Unfortunately for America, he is back home, downing some vodkas while watching TV.
2016-11-07 22:07:23 UTC
Humanity was not designed with the capacity to govern itself. Therefore, both Clinton, Trump, Obama, Bush -- any and every man, woman and child who ever lived, or will live are all unfit to rule.
2016-11-08 10:47:52 UTC
That is hard to answer for many reasons.

Where do i start?

DT is like an ordinary Joe Smoe like myself, so it would be like me running for president. You know fair rights for all without anyone receiving special treatment, equal low taxes for everyone including the rich, more job opportunities for everyone ensuring everyone gets a job fairly through fair opportunity, as well as actually writting down all our coubtries problems and fixing them one problem at a time like the problem in Flint MI with the water being toxic(that would be the first problem i would fix if i were president-sadly i am poor).

His only problem different than me is he may try to nuke ISIS and he is in all reality looking out for himself, but ironically his problems are also our problems with political correctness and microagressions. Taking out those two settings let alone will bring back common sense over this nonsense with young mellials being trigger sensitive.
2016-11-09 07:24:31 UTC
Donald is unfit. Hillary is not
2016-11-07 15:46:33 UTC
2016-11-10 16:56:12 UTC
Clinton is a common theif.Trumph is vulgar.Had I controll of the USA neither would have been in the primaries,but they actually had little competition. The people wanted to take control back from career polititians.Terumph was the only outsider which was electable.Perhaps we will get desirable hope and change.
2016-11-06 21:28:45 UTC
Honestly I don't support either especially trump so yes both are unfit
2016-11-07 20:17:52 UTC
2016-11-08 18:16:26 UTC
Actually, yes, they are both unfit.. Hillary even more because she is a liar, thief, and likely complicit in murder. Donald because he is no statesman.
2016-11-08 10:07:18 UTC
I am a democrat and find Hillary to be unfit... we need some one who hasn't been around politics their whole life's and doesn't want to build bridges with terrorists
2016-11-08 18:19:56 UTC
My answer might seem a bit more generic, but here goes. I think that even right now, the powers that be should be searching for the Best of the Best of Americans, so that regardless which side they represent, they have the morals that we all wish could be in a president: a good, moral person, who can see things objectively; get along well in negotiations; be strong but gentle; know how to deal with serious, pressing matters in America, from public safety to employment; as well as be someone that we're proud to call our president (meaning no philandering!)

Answer my question, please?
2016-11-07 08:38:57 UTC
I'm just cracking up at how the US has somehow managed out of stupidity or by some hypnotic force to get Trump and Clinton as front-runners for this election, LMAO!!
2016-11-08 13:19:43 UTC
2016-11-08 10:34:05 UTC
2016-11-08 11:42:59 UTC
Yes! Like letting two children run the country
2016-11-08 21:35:20 UTC
2016-11-08 19:59:59 UTC
Hey guys
2016-11-08 13:26:42 UTC
Eh, presidents are just for publicity. They have no more power than the rest of the people in the government, it's not like they're king or something, so if they wanna do something dumb its got to go through a lot of people first so tbh it doesn't matter
2016-11-06 18:54:07 UTC
No, Donald Trump is unfit.
2016-11-09 22:46:14 UTC
Hillary Is unfit but trump isn't he's going to make America great again
2016-11-06 19:09:02 UTC
I am deciding between Gary Johnson and Rand Paul. Trump would be better than hillary though
2016-11-08 22:30:22 UTC
Hilary was more than qualified. But welcome to a country where we think some know it all reality TV star somehow understands what running a country is like!!! I fear what the first six months alone will be as Trump learns he just can't be emperor of America. When Congress and Senate defy him. He can't just fire them. When a judge tells him his law is unconstitutional he just can't sue them.
2016-11-08 13:31:56 UTC
Both are not perfect candidates. I believe Hillary has bad health due to her past. Trump has better health but lacks good temperament sometimes. I guess we will see what happens on Election Day.
2016-11-07 00:13:26 UTC
2016-11-07 15:43:40 UTC
2016-11-07 14:46:50 UTC
Trump has been running his own business since he was young.

Hillary hasn't run anything. She's just a former first lady, and without her husbands last name, she wouldn't even be a serious candidate.
2016-11-07 21:14:51 UTC
2016-11-09 05:58:23 UTC
2016-11-06 19:57:58 UTC
I'd rather take Obama for another term. Either way the president is a puppet who can't do anything unless the senate agrees. Better to have someone good be americas figurehead than dumb and dumber.
2016-11-10 17:54:35 UTC
2016-11-10 09:45:24 UTC
2016-11-07 22:04:32 UTC
Hillary is all of the above!!! There is no other competition out there for her. You think the Obamas would back her if she is corrupt? She's focused, experienced, smart, 1st lady experience, governors wife experience, senator experience, Secretary of State,etc. let me not get into all of the accolades she has from college. Watch her documentary. She's fab👍🏽
2016-11-07 17:04:37 UTC
2016-11-08 13:05:17 UTC
2016-11-08 10:04:11 UTC
2016-11-09 01:00:38 UTC
Realistically, if just for this topic alone, then yes. "Traits" alone, can tell you the morales of a person, as well as their decision making, which is tied to their morales and motives. We all could go on days, of listing the bad traits of each person, but one word to sum up all,"crooked". Lastly, this election, just shows you how "foolish" and "granted" that a lot of Americans are (well over 40%, also referring to when Hillary and Trump were not the two main runners up.) We are so quick to point fingers at both of the the runners, but "WE" the people, VOTED FOR THEM, in the beginning or at the end. "Who's fault is it really"? Words of wisdom.
2016-11-06 18:05:25 UTC
No, only Hillary is unfit
2016-11-08 12:57:12 UTC
That depends on opinion. The president doesn't really run the country anyway. It's the house and senate that run the country.
2016-11-08 08:12:23 UTC
They both suck, and i'm tired of all the hyperbole about how one is much better than the other. One isn't really better that the other. I think Trump is more likely to make a colossal mistake but i'm not voting.
2016-11-07 14:24:03 UTC
In a word Yes. Personally I wouldn't trust either of them to run a kindergarten let alone a country.
2016-11-07 16:19:43 UTC
Donald likes everyone he loves everyone who likes to vote even girls I was so shocked and happy to hear that at first after all these ******* crazy *** **** rumors going around he wuld be better to help Obama and he's kids in the debate hiliary did not wear a flag pin at all and he did think about that..
2016-11-07 18:10:56 UTC
Donald is, Hillary isn't
2016-11-08 06:53:48 UTC
Dont get why people think trump is good at running a business

trump is only good at making money for trump

How many businesses has he run that have gone bankrupt?

its the same one 4 times

so what happens

he files for chapter 11 -

the company keeps running, but gets restructured

BUT its debts get written off

So it just keep doing the same thing

all the time Trump pays himself LOADS from the company

and THATS somebody who is good at running a business?

It aint top me

its somebody who is good at looking after themselves and dont give a f//k about running a "good" business"
2016-11-07 18:11:17 UTC
Donald's alright. He's kind of an arrogant son of a b*tch, but he's better than having a criminal as president.
marghoob s
2016-11-07 11:42:59 UTC
When finally they are the only candidates in field you have to select lesser evil and with past experience that can be Hillary not Trump.
2016-11-07 15:16:20 UTC
2016-11-07 12:43:07 UTC
2016-11-08 18:50:10 UTC
They "is" not unfit to run the country

The ARE unfit to run the country though
2016-11-06 22:09:32 UTC
Only Donald.
Natalia V
2016-11-08 12:26:52 UTC
2016-11-08 12:25:31 UTC
2016-11-07 16:49:49 UTC
That's up to you
Linda R
2016-11-07 07:56:58 UTC
Hillary is ABSOLUTELY physically and mentally unfit to be president of anything.

Even though Trump is a businessman.............he's much more prepared to president than any other presidential candidate. Trump has been the ONLY presidential candidate who LISTENS to the American voters...the ONLY one! GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-07 14:38:48 UTC
In my opinion, yes. But I still think Hillary is slightly better than Trump
2016-11-08 13:11:30 UTC
donald is more unfit, he wants to create world war 3
2016-11-07 04:54:29 UTC
Though I support Trump. I do believe they both are very unfit for office.
2016-11-07 14:58:58 UTC
That the president doesn't really run the country. Regardless of who gets elected Life Will Go On. We'll all have our jobs will all have our health. We'll have our house we live in.
2016-11-08 15:51:55 UTC
I'm sick of this election all I seen is two people I don't know getting slated hard by people so they both a couple of wronguns what's wrong with Obama ...I'm British u can have Ronald MacDonald for all I care just decide already
2016-11-06 18:06:39 UTC
There both bad but if I had to pick I would choose Trump because atleast he hasn't killed anyone like Hillary who left soldiers to die in Benghazi
2016-11-07 06:47:39 UTC
Hillary pls
2016-11-08 08:27:39 UTC
Yup thats true. One spews HATE and the other LIES like a rug. So there ya have it. I have conservative beliefs on many levels but there are TIMES I agree with the democrats. Look at Bernie though, they cut his throat and now he is left with NO OTHER CHOICE than to be supportive of the same people that DID that to him. Abandon his party by hating on them or being true to his belief system. Piss poor choice. Same as the two of them ( Trump & Clinton)
Ya girl
2016-11-08 08:33:56 UTC
2016-11-08 11:38:37 UTC
We know Hillary is unfit.
2016-11-07 05:14:04 UTC
2016-11-08 07:29:58 UTC
2016-11-06 22:31:23 UTC
2016-11-07 23:54:46 UTC
No. Only one is a loser and

WE THE PEOPLE take that

responsibility by voting. Or,

reader can decline to do so,

to qualify as an unfit citizen.
2016-11-07 13:50:06 UTC
Ross Perot put Slick Willy in office; I vote now to keep out people that will damage the American Experiment and Character created by small government - personal respect & responsibility for ones future!
2016-11-07 05:45:26 UTC
There is no one who is more fit to run the country than Hillary. There is no one who is less fit than Pincocchio J Chump to run America.
2016-11-07 10:55:58 UTC
2016-11-07 18:51:48 UTC
Both are but i would rather see Trump win than Hillary the Hitler Clinton
2016-11-07 19:13:33 UTC
No. Just Hillary. She is evil. Trump will have advisors who he will listen to. Clinton, on the other hand is far too arrogant and megalomaniacal to listen to anyone. She will lead the country to total ruin.
2016-11-06 18:06:07 UTC
Both are weak and out of shape to even run on a treadmill. What makes you think they can run around the country?
2016-11-07 18:06:38 UTC
Yeah. Cause to me by how Trumph talks he would work better as a lawyer or something similar with pound tone in it. And by Clinton's plans, big % chance of a WWlll. Which I know nobody wants.
2016-11-11 17:56:27 UTC
Not Donald trump
2016-11-06 21:12:45 UTC
Jim Bob
2016-11-08 12:27:41 UTC
In my opinion yes, but I think Trump is less dangerous after I researched some horrible facts about the Clintons.
2016-11-06 19:36:00 UTC
Hillary sure is. She has been a failure in most aspects of her life. Was a terrible wife, attorney, first woman, and Secretary of State. She belongs in a circus.
2016-11-07 11:01:54 UTC
Donald Trump is since his ideas are warped, on the other hand Clinton isn't.
2016-11-07 19:51:10 UTC
They're both lying *********, but Hillary is the lesser of the two evils.
2016-11-08 07:20:21 UTC
Both unfit. Disastrous.
2016-11-07 10:49:37 UTC
Mir Quasem
2016-11-07 20:46:04 UTC
Donald is totally unfit for his lunatic attitude.
Kitty 2
2016-11-07 08:44:52 UTC
Yes they are both unfit and that's why I am not voting.
2016-11-07 04:51:45 UTC
Just Trump is unfit
2016-11-08 09:40:07 UTC
Only Donald is UNFIT.
2016-11-07 08:17:08 UTC
Clinton yes

Trump nooooo
2016-11-07 08:48:52 UTC
Trump is certainly unfit. Clinton is less unfit.
2016-11-07 19:10:01 UTC
Yes! The U.S. is also unfit to be called a nation anymore.
2016-11-08 18:17:10 UTC
yes and qualified candidates that are not dems for repubs are not even known. Is that democracy in action? To be forced to vote for a douche or a turd sandwich? I did not vote this time and will not ever again until a real patriot runs.
2016-11-07 18:15:40 UTC
Yes, it's like House of Card.
2016-11-07 16:50:54 UTC
Yes, because Clinton wants to go to war with Syria even though war is never necessary and Trump is an amateur who never intended to become president but now since he made it to the final round, now he s going to try, and that shows that he does not have pride for the US.
2016-11-07 18:30:27 UTC
There are plenty of reasons not to vote for either one. No matter who wins, there will be a woman-groper in the White House. Bill and The Weenie disgrace their wives, but Huma has the good sense to call herself "estranged."
2016-11-09 02:49:07 UTC
Yes but I'd prefer Hilary over trump
2016-11-08 14:04:35 UTC
No. Hillary is, Donald Trump is not.
2016-11-09 14:36:18 UTC
No, Trump and Hillary are not even remotely on the same scale
24/7 blazer
2016-11-08 11:46:43 UTC
I think it's clear to most of America we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Clinton being the rock, and Trump being the hard place.
The Troll
2016-11-07 17:47:44 UTC
You're unfit for grammar
2016-11-06 18:46:33 UTC
Donald has a business mind.Donald is for America.Donald will surround himself with the right ppl & listen to them.
2016-11-07 12:19:00 UTC
Both are unfit to run.squat
2016-11-08 13:52:51 UTC
"ARE DONALD AND HILLARY both UNFIT TO RUN the country", Is what you meant to say.
2016-11-08 15:12:42 UTC
2016-11-07 21:30:34 UTC
Yes but just the difference between the surpreme court appointiees is enough for me to go Trump
2016-11-07 13:02:54 UTC
Donald Trump would make a great American president
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-11-08 11:41:51 UTC
Neither one if fit, the reason I voted for TRUMP is, he is going to keep the damned leaches out of our country, they will not be able to LEACH off the legals working attention, go to FACEBOOK, check it out..!!!

I am wondering why in the hell would anyone vote for Hilary, she is going to screw us like you would not believe, who else is going to feed all those people, not to mention their medical needs, and they keep breeding, knowing damned well there are no jobs, so they are going to take what they can from us!!!! Your medical premiums are going to skyrocket, them, they pay NOTHING!!!!! For those of you that thinks you are not going to pay for a Dr. or hospital stay, you had better pay attention to that one also...that bill will follow you the rest of you life, you will never be able to buy a thing, do you think those leaches worry about you, NO, piss on you, they don't care where the money came from so long as they get it, Hilary will see to it they will get it!!!!! So you vote for her, don't whine in a few months, you did it to yourself!!!
Steven S
2016-11-07 01:55:46 UTC
This has been the most worthless campaigning by both parties I can remember. Niether are tempermentally fit for the job. The only loser in this election will be America.
2016-11-07 11:12:20 UTC
2016-11-08 00:26:42 UTC
Yes a bigot and a feminist worst options by far in the history of presidency
2016-11-06 20:55:05 UTC
I would agree with that. Career politicians are the worst representatives of the

average American.

A rich spoiled, racist also has not much of a connection to the average man as well.
2016-11-08 08:59:13 UTC
Trump is totally unfit to run your country. God help us all if that crazy bastard gets in.
2016-11-08 13:30:33 UTC
ARE they? Yes, but then again it's hard to control the country with so many citizens and immigrants.
2016-11-09 06:08:32 UTC
Donald will do fine because he has TV experience and is accustomed to memorizing catch lines as if he were thinking on the fly.

"It's going to be really great, just you wait, it'll be wonderful."
2016-11-09 13:09:09 UTC
Hillary sucks. Trump sucks. We narrowed it down to these retards. Why are we barely upset about the results?
2016-11-08 10:08:06 UTC
Hillary is donald isnt
2016-11-11 16:43:02 UTC
Yes, they are BOTH unfit. I've been saying this for MANY months.
2016-11-06 16:14:27 UTC
Ted Cruz vs Martin O'Malley would've been more ideal.
2016-11-09 12:29:06 UTC
Yes. In 2012 i voted democrat. In 2016 i was planning on voted republican but when i found out trump was the candidate, i decided not to vote at all.
2016-11-08 15:09:10 UTC
2016-11-08 03:02:40 UTC
Just Donald stump.
2016-11-07 20:09:03 UTC
Yes either one of them is gona start World War 3
2016-11-07 08:00:11 UTC
No .People already know that "who unfit and fit to run the country"
2016-11-07 14:17:47 UTC
Yes. Both have major problems. Trump is definitely worse though
2016-11-09 01:54:20 UTC
Yes. Donald might get elimated though, I'm just saying.
2016-11-09 12:10:47 UTC
2016-11-08 12:04:18 UTC
YEA... there both morons, but Hillary Clinton is a "dangerous" moron, Donald Trump is just a moron
2016-11-10 18:00:45 UTC
I would vote for Clinton over Trump because she has political experience, she is for the people, she cares about equality. I am democratic. I believe in all her policies. So I would vote for Clinton. NEVER would I voted for Trump. I would pick a "liar" over a racist, uneducated man anyday.
2016-11-08 02:49:03 UTC
I think trump should win. He has friends that are black and is not racist he's just trying to help his country not by NOT getting rid of blacks, BY by getting rid of immigrants.i personally think to have someone rule American who is down to earth, speaks his mind, knows how to control America (etc..) is the the best thing for everyone :)
2016-11-08 02:58:30 UTC
It's like a really bad episode from "The Twilight Zone". See picture.
2016-11-08 08:25:05 UTC
Unfortunately, America have been lumbered with two people nobody really likes. Don't America have any genuinely charismatic politicians anymore?
2016-11-07 15:03:31 UTC
Trump has been endorsed by 55 top Generals and senior staff officers.
2016-11-08 15:35:23 UTC
Yep, I totally agree with that. They are both unfit.
2016-11-08 12:42:00 UTC
Trump is fit to run the country
2016-11-07 07:03:10 UTC
He is but Clinton isn't good either. Vote for the least worst. You Americans need better candidates!😂
2016-11-07 05:00:28 UTC
Just Trump
2016-11-08 07:07:28 UTC
Hilary is a criminal, Donald is nuts, they cant charge her because she knows too many secrets of organized killings. Both are not fit. You read it here, she will try and start a war against Russia, to please her masters.

I repeat, she will wage war on Russia. You watch!
2016-11-07 18:19:50 UTC
Both are crazy BUT have you even seen their opinions on issues?! That's the most important factor. Just take the quiz on , THEN see which is better.
2016-11-12 06:19:07 UTC
NO Just Hillary!
2016-11-07 08:23:04 UTC
they both have the necessary requirements for the job or they wouldn't be running for the office

being 'fit' for it now that demands clarification as to what 'fit' is, obviously each has made such statements about the other but that is their interpretation of 'fit' and is not necessarily yours or my definition of 'fit'
2016-11-07 09:37:28 UTC
2016-11-07 19:44:26 UTC
Yes,but one is a proven lair,racist and will do anything for power.

As will be proven on election day.

The other has less experience in corruption though.
2016-11-08 21:38:11 UTC
Political crook vs private business crook, I'd say they'd both fit right in.
2016-11-08 09:43:46 UTC
Donald is fit. Neither are great but he is the lesser of two evils
2016-11-08 05:09:25 UTC
Hillary a lady while UK a strong person.terrorist will not control cream face.
2016-11-08 03:03:31 UTC
2016-11-08 13:55:29 UTC
Screw Trump and Hilary but Hilary isn't a Hitler like Trump
2016-11-07 15:54:51 UTC
You should all vote for me! I'd make a legend out of your country, even though I'm british 😌
2016-11-06 19:04:05 UTC
At this point, I'm not sure if anyone is fit to run the country.
2016-11-06 21:30:09 UTC
2016-11-07 16:10:25 UTC
2016-11-08 03:22:42 UTC
Yes that's why am voting for a third-party candidate
2016-11-08 18:02:49 UTC
2016-11-07 17:07:43 UTC
Vote Stein.
2016-11-06 15:56:13 UTC
Yes. Both should be arrested and kicked out of the country.
2016-11-07 21:04:23 UTC
2016-11-07 15:08:43 UTC
All politicians are criminals that just have never been caught. So to answer your question; both are unfit.
2016-11-11 04:48:17 UTC
trump is without a doubt unfit. you dont just run a country without having ANY political experience.

if hillary is unfit, idk. she has the experience but did made too many mistakes to prove worthy.
2016-11-07 07:00:18 UTC
Hillary is over qualified. Trump is not.
2016-11-08 06:06:06 UTC
well both of them are indeed unfit to run because they are very old and don't seem to work out alot :/
2016-11-07 11:18:08 UTC
The only one who is fit to run this country and the whole world for that matter is Jesus Christ himself
2016-11-09 07:37:11 UTC
Yes but Trump the lesser of two eivils.
2016-11-07 16:42:21 UTC
Hillary the criminal, definitely, Donald not so much.
Guru Hank
2016-11-09 06:04:15 UTC
YOU BETCHA! - But Hillary was particularly unfit to also try and rule mine, so we had to fix your election.
2016-11-07 14:33:44 UTC
While I don't like either candidate, Clinton at least has political experience
Variable 46
2016-11-07 13:18:31 UTC
Yes. I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I don't care if he hasn't a snowball's chance...
2016-11-08 10:19:29 UTC
hillary isnt my first choice but she is not unfit to be president
2016-11-07 05:44:26 UTC

Yes one is a war hawk fishy globalist, the other is a clueless ambitious racist nationalist.

Both are lame and people will be damned. I can feel war is coming. Not good
2016-11-08 17:16:38 UTC
No, only Hillary. She's a known criminal.
2016-11-08 11:40:48 UTC
yes trump is a great business man but president.. really? and Hilary you know its great shes a woman but she seems to be a huge lier and overall they've both got a ton of dirt on them.
2016-11-08 19:32:15 UTC
Donald is not anywhere close to fit enough... ...but Hillary might be fit for it.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2016-11-11 16:53:15 UTC
You, my friend are spot on. I "threw" my vote away by voting for Gary Johnson because neither Clinton nor Trump gave me any reason to vote for them, and a whole lot of reasons not to.
2016-11-07 14:40:18 UTC
Yes and a prime example of how rigged your system really is. and also how stupid the average american actually is I sorry if you feel offended but that is just how it is the world is laughing
2016-11-07 16:48:13 UTC
Clinton is fit to be President..Trump don't even come close to being fit.Being a billionaire don't make him fit to be President, and everything he talks about is NOT realistic.
2016-11-07 20:39:50 UTC
Yes but if we had to vote I would say donald.
2016-11-08 11:57:27 UTC
No! Trump the best! He will bring America to it's feet again! Don't judge me, I live in UK anyway!*

* I still support trump
2016-11-07 11:52:07 UTC
Yes, they are both unfit and I will not be voting for either one of them. I am voting for McMullin.
2016-11-07 06:26:24 UTC
They both suck but hillary is worse then trump, the socialist c*nt
2016-11-06 21:02:53 UTC
Do you ever wonder what your opinion of her would be if the right-wing media hadn't spent 30 years lying about her and making up fake scandals?
2016-11-06 15:55:41 UTC
I am not voting. donald way too extreme. hillary very crooked. we need somebody different to run.
2016-11-09 22:59:05 UTC
No. I like Donald trump and that is who I voted for.
2016-11-09 13:21:14 UTC
Yes. They are both absolutely disgraceful. That is one of the many, many reasons I voted for Jill Stein.
2016-11-10 07:50:24 UTC
2016-11-07 16:29:40 UTC
Donald is not unfit.
2016-11-08 14:09:59 UTC
Yes both are
2016-11-08 18:51:30 UTC
After all those politicians that are eligible to run for the presidency, only these two? Come on...
2016-11-08 15:23:24 UTC
2016-11-06 19:24:57 UTC
yes they are both "unfit" but don't fret for there is a Master Plan okay
2016-11-08 14:20:39 UTC
2016-11-07 06:35:07 UTC
Only sane candidate is Dr. Jill Stein.
2016-11-07 14:22:00 UTC
It's all subjective, but the people seem to not like either candidate.
2016-11-07 18:47:30 UTC
Yes, neither fits to run the country.
old fart
2016-11-12 06:46:12 UTC
Just Hillary is.
2016-11-07 15:11:49 UTC
Divided nation perfect breading ground for terrorism and Islamic and Christian fundamentalists

isis must love it blowing all nations to smittering
Hi I'm a person
2016-11-07 20:07:56 UTC
2016-11-08 06:51:59 UTC
My dog can run the country better than these two
2016-11-07 09:43:01 UTC
Obama was unfit and he still won.
David Clarke
2016-11-10 09:54:07 UTC
donold trump unfit
2016-11-07 18:18:49 UTC
2016-11-07 14:22:12 UTC
No ,Hillary is the only untrustworthy one.Donald is a very good candidate.
Shvan Mohamed
2016-11-08 12:44:42 UTC
well, USA has a long term politics for running USA. so there is no difference between Trump and CLINTON... ONLY pentagon has a major role in USA and knows what to do..
2016-11-11 02:10:53 UTC
I don't know too much about politics but from my opinion yes.

One's a racist and against minorities and the other is a criminal.
Aloof F8
2016-11-07 09:32:20 UTC
Yes. All currently elected politicians deserve to be voted out as well.
2016-11-08 11:57:50 UTC
Nope just crooked Clinton
2016-11-06 22:14:36 UTC
I wouldn't trust either of them, but then I wouldn't want to be run under Trump either
2016-11-07 16:17:07 UTC
2016-11-06 19:12:13 UTC
Who is fit and where the hell are they all cause this is truly bullsh't and the country is way beyond pissed and stressed about this whole election.
2016-11-07 17:17:32 UTC
Yes. They both suck so bad we need to rethink primary rules, corruption laws. Our whole way of life. I mean we've allowed the two party system to divide us with lies including "right wing conspiracy" and "left wing socialist agenda"
2016-11-07 22:09:33 UTC
Definitely because this country will still have problem no matter who wins the election
2016-11-09 16:32:06 UTC
Hilary should've won the election last night.
2016-11-07 22:07:02 UTC
The rust belt will remain. So democracy hasn't worked.
2016-11-08 11:08:23 UTC
I think the pair of them are barely suited to anything but being Circus Clowns.
2016-11-08 12:12:50 UTC
It's a bit late to be thinking on those terms , one of them WILL replace Obama today !
2016-11-06 15:57:07 UTC
THE USA WILL GO INTO extreme debt based on both of their tax plans.
2016-11-09 06:11:58 UTC
Doug Freyburger
2016-11-08 10:37:55 UTC
Vote freedom first. Vote against the two party system.
2016-11-07 19:39:41 UTC
Trump doesn't even pay his taxes. Imagine how unfit he is.
2016-11-10 16:48:02 UTC
2016-11-10 01:39:15 UTC
2016-11-09 06:12:36 UTC
Well, they say don't judge until you really know them, media lies, Most Evil Devil In America. it might not lie all the time but I've heard of it happening.
2016-11-07 19:00:56 UTC
2016-11-08 14:16:23 UTC
2016-11-08 02:19:51 UTC
2016-11-12 17:08:10 UTC
YES,I wish Bernie Sanders was elected
2016-11-07 15:16:39 UTC
Hillary is more experienced, so I believe she would be the best one.
2016-11-09 17:04:32 UTC
2016-11-08 14:07:56 UTC
2016-11-09 04:59:30 UTC
2016-11-06 22:22:31 UTC
2016-11-08 17:19:02 UTC
Gary Johnson for lyfe!
2016-11-08 13:02:41 UTC
Yes .. both are unfit at all.
2016-11-06 16:37:32 UTC
Hillary is fit to be president and she will do a great job.
2016-11-07 05:24:46 UTC
I think so both are not good for president post. if I have to choose both of them, I will vote for Clinton
2016-11-08 09:56:09 UTC
Trump for president
2016-11-07 18:55:39 UTC
Yes. I can't believe this is what we ended up with.
2016-11-08 09:55:09 UTC
2016-11-07 14:12:56 UTC
Trump is unfit, Clinton is not.
2016-11-07 19:54:06 UTC
I think Trump is for sure, Clinton knows the ropes.
2016-11-07 16:42:34 UTC
I think so, I'm voting for Prince EA from youtube.
2016-11-07 07:26:35 UTC
2016-11-07 15:34:24 UTC
Unfit? They look like they are in their prime, are you kidding me.
2016-11-06 15:57:44 UTC
Hillary IS politically experienced. Most politicians are "political" some are criminal but not her.
2016-11-06 15:57:54 UTC
we NEED SOMEONE TO make the usa better off. not corrupt and very rich people. both of them will further harm the middle class
2016-11-07 15:47:51 UTC
I'm only here because I wanna ask a question but I cant
2016-11-07 19:28:37 UTC
Yes, the only good thing is that one has more political experience.
2016-11-06 18:19:14 UTC
Only Trump.
Smokies Hiker
2016-11-09 14:29:05 UTC
They're just as qualified as the sitting president we have now.
2016-11-07 17:51:39 UTC
One of the two of them will become our next President, so my opinion about them doesn't really matter.
2016-11-08 07:40:10 UTC
Can't say but i think Trump is the best
2016-11-08 16:04:31 UTC
so basically


Trump - Build a wall HE IS A JERK

Bernie - no one really knows who he is

2016-11-07 07:18:53 UTC
Wow you did not think about that 2years ago when they started running for the president job
2016-11-09 10:46:01 UTC
Yes, but Trump is way worse
2016-11-07 23:54:39 UTC
No. Hilarys philandering husband is unfit to be in the WHITEHOUSE!!!
2016-11-07 10:17:05 UTC
My little sister could run this country better.
2016-11-07 15:20:28 UTC
Yes. I hope 2022 will bring better options.
2016-11-08 09:12:39 UTC
Yes they both are
2016-11-07 19:02:40 UTC
vote 4 pedro
2016-11-08 18:07:58 UTC
They are in good shape to run for President.
Das Boot
2016-11-11 21:40:48 UTC
Your English teachers are saddened by your complete lack of grammar.
2016-11-08 20:26:29 UTC
They are litteraly two irrespomsible teenagers that you have to lock in your matches in a vaukt so they dont burn down your house
2016-11-07 19:32:30 UTC
YES INDEED. Rather have Kanye Honestly.
2016-11-07 03:17:52 UTC
Hillary is more capable
2016-11-08 05:13:08 UTC
Which one of them will push Education?

ARE they both unfit.......
2016-11-08 04:53:18 UTC
Yes, especially trump.
2016-11-07 14:18:38 UTC
yeah they are but trump might be the fresh person that democracy needs because clinton just more of the same crap
2016-11-07 18:40:40 UTC
2016-11-10 12:46:17 UTC
Trump is fit and the President.
2016-11-08 18:15:57 UTC
Ea sports were in the game
2016-11-11 18:56:57 UTC
is that would be are so you are unfit fir the English language
2016-11-08 15:45:48 UTC
Are, not is.


Are neither.. dropping the 'both'

Hows the song go ?...You say tomato and I say it correctly....
2016-11-06 21:04:17 UTC
Clinton for sure. Trump. Far better to govern then she.
2016-11-08 13:42:11 UTC
2016-11-07 22:32:55 UTC
It is very possible! Either way the American people lose. Farewell to freedom!
2016-11-06 22:37:46 UTC
Yes. But we might as well pick the lesser of two evils..
2016-11-07 14:24:44 UTC
Yep, #Don'tVote2016
2016-11-08 13:37:28 UTC
Yes we have a racist idiot and a manipulative woman who might be the spawn of Satan
2016-11-07 16:26:08 UTC
2016-11-10 22:29:19 UTC
Yes dude, this is the worst election ever.
paris love
2016-11-08 18:57:06 UTC
Yes they are
2016-11-09 06:09:00 UTC
Yes! Obama all the way!
2016-11-07 16:11:46 UTC
True, that. It's like picking which turd you want landing in your punch bowl. Both are crappy.
2016-11-08 03:42:41 UTC
Yes, both of them!
2016-11-09 11:38:52 UTC
They both suck, but Trump is much worse than you cant even imagine. Stupid voters, LOL
2016-11-08 16:12:05 UTC
Youvare never too old but trump is not qualified
2016-11-08 15:23:33 UTC
2016-11-08 10:16:46 UTC
They both are fit to run. Not well though.
2016-11-08 18:27:08 UTC
You can say that, we're choosing between a douche and a turd.
2016-11-08 19:13:14 UTC
2016-11-07 19:03:22 UTC
Duck yes.
2016-11-09 15:23:57 UTC
Yeah, I'm just done even caring at this point though.
2016-11-07 20:52:13 UTC
2016-11-08 13:46:31 UTC
they are both super unstable to run the country,

lol god bless america
2016-11-10 22:28:13 UTC
Nathan H
2016-11-08 15:05:34 UTC
Both are
2016-11-06 23:51:47 UTC
Is your english be bad?

2016-11-08 09:38:40 UTC
Let's hope not, because one of them will certainly be elected today.
2016-11-09 08:56:39 UTC
2016-11-09 04:11:49 UTC
2016-11-09 00:53:21 UTC
Diana M
2016-11-11 19:03:01 UTC
Yes they are but americans still led them that far anyways.
2016-11-08 22:38:44 UTC
donald is fit to be president
2016-11-06 22:50:31 UTC
2016-11-07 03:41:40 UTC
2016-11-08 23:59:10 UTC
I believe so; as they're both corrupt - in their own way.
2016-11-10 11:02:34 UTC
2016-11-10 09:55:43 UTC
They both suck but Trump is a better candidate.
2016-11-07 06:22:09 UTC
I think you are unfit to run, fatty...
2016-11-08 00:56:45 UTC
Yes. And I don t feel like writing an essay about why. I know, you know, we all know. What do we have to argue about?
2016-11-08 13:25:41 UTC
Yes - can't trust either
2016-11-07 15:42:07 UTC
2016-11-09 14:52:08 UTC
2016-11-07 21:05:17 UTC
Not as much with Trump
2016-11-07 15:30:36 UTC
2016-11-07 14:04:08 UTC
2016-11-08 03:46:41 UTC
Trump is, Hillary is not.
2016-11-11 06:03:20 UTC
Donald has money.
2016-11-07 18:52:54 UTC
Yes. I dont think I need to elaborate.
2016-11-08 11:49:57 UTC
2016-11-07 23:44:21 UTC
2016-11-07 18:35:23 UTC
2016-11-07 05:56:26 UTC
2016-11-09 08:41:02 UTC
Who knows?
2016-11-09 04:04:44 UTC
The people have spoken. Trump is fit to lead. TRUMP TRIUMPH!
Bela B
2016-11-07 18:20:20 UTC
Both suck. Johnson 2016.
2016-11-06 21:37:25 UTC
Both are pretty bad but what else could we do
2016-11-11 14:00:22 UTC
NEWS FLASH BOTH TRUMP AND HILLARY ARE RETARDS!!!! (that a good enough answer?!?!?!) XD
2016-11-07 09:28:44 UTC
you better rethink that hard trump will start ww3 with his big mouth

watch and you dumpy want him inn fools fools
2016-11-08 20:41:40 UTC
Can't trust either
2016-11-06 22:37:38 UTC
Yup. Both are terrible.
2016-11-07 07:56:26 UTC
We can only point to ourselves as to how the two got where they are
2016-11-08 14:23:44 UTC
sadly yes
2016-11-07 16:21:17 UTC
Lies are everywhere. We need a revolution not a banker puppet.
2016-11-07 23:38:16 UTC
No idea. I am poor and weak in political subject.
2016-11-08 07:32:52 UTC
You mean "are" they both unfit....brush up on your language skills.....
2016-11-07 05:41:41 UTC
No,Trump is the best candidate.
2016-11-07 14:45:41 UTC
They both are
2016-11-08 08:25:50 UTC
2016-11-08 10:11:56 UTC
It doesn't matter anymore. American people have made their choice
2016-11-07 00:03:45 UTC
Its a PRANK. OBAMA is gonna extend his presidential term.
2016-11-08 21:46:31 UTC



2016-11-08 05:26:53 UTC
2016-11-07 21:51:55 UTC
Both unfit? BINGO!!!
2016-11-07 14:56:42 UTC
I honestly believe that if "none of the above" were on the ballot...."none of the above" would get elected.
2016-11-07 20:11:26 UTC
any answer that doesn't involve yes to this question is the wrong answer to this question
2016-11-09 06:10:34 UTC
Old timer
2016-11-08 12:07:16 UTC
No trump is god in human form
2016-11-08 01:38:56 UTC
Just two old people fighting.
postal p
2016-11-07 16:09:10 UTC
A lot of people would agree with you.
2016-11-07 15:20:03 UTC
Yep my homie
2016-11-08 03:51:35 UTC
We could if done better lol to late now
2016-11-08 12:07:26 UTC
Well, at least they are relatively literate and use proper grammar.
2016-11-06 18:05:41 UTC
Yes, but these are the choices we made for ourselves.
2016-11-08 13:07:17 UTC
Yeah I think so
Michel Michelin
2016-11-08 11:49:29 UTC
Of course. America is screwed. :p
2016-11-07 04:36:45 UTC
Trump made me rich; he can do the same for you.
2016-11-07 15:36:21 UTC
Together, yes.
2016-11-08 15:44:54 UTC
Honestly, in my opinion, yes.
2016-11-06 19:38:52 UTC
2016-11-08 10:47:19 UTC
Yes are you Americans all blind or something
2016-11-07 20:37:05 UTC
only donald cuz he grabs his daughter by the pussycat
2016-11-07 04:04:06 UTC
No they are great leaders and an inspiration to us all!
2016-11-08 03:03:16 UTC
trump is but not hillary
2016-11-08 21:55:38 UTC
Unfit or not, here he is!
2016-11-08 16:15:22 UTC
American sizes are different.You can't fit them so often!
2016-11-06 15:56:21 UTC
both are so bad. THE US WILL BE HURT if either one win
2016-11-09 11:44:15 UTC
You're half right
2016-11-08 12:38:38 UTC
Unfit and fat
2016-11-09 01:21:00 UTC
they would run rings around Obama, both not them,,
2016-11-07 12:28:48 UTC
2016-11-07 05:43:58 UTC
Only time will tell.
2016-11-10 07:57:14 UTC
Did you go to school?
2016-11-08 15:54:13 UTC
They both have there flaws
2016-11-08 15:30:41 UTC
Yes but we have to pick one and trump is 1010 times better vote trump please
2016-11-07 06:43:39 UTC
I think were screwed either way
2016-11-08 22:03:53 UTC
just wait few hour you will finely result for next p...
2016-11-09 12:12:42 UTC
Is you unfit to know when to use "are" rather than "is"?
2016-11-07 13:54:37 UTC
yes both are and they scare me
Crispy Oreo Cookie
2016-11-08 01:07:53 UTC
Crooks/Criminals aren't
2016-11-09 20:18:22 UTC
No thx
2016-11-10 03:26:34 UTC
2016-11-07 18:34:23 UTC
no. i feel that the world is going to end
2016-11-07 09:54:10 UTC
obama wins
2016-11-09 10:35:14 UTC
yeah both of them
2016-11-07 19:22:19 UTC
yes of course honestly I think we are SCREWED
2016-11-07 04:02:59 UTC
In reality they both are sick
2016-11-07 14:47:15 UTC
London Man
2016-11-08 02:47:37 UTC
Yes ( from the UK)
2016-11-09 08:19:47 UTC
uhuh huh
2016-11-08 04:53:56 UTC
one of them must rule
2016-11-07 17:40:46 UTC
Who are they???
2016-11-10 03:26:44 UTC
fay v
2016-11-07 05:20:24 UTC
most likely.. yes.
2016-11-09 04:44:05 UTC
Thank you voters, now Hitler is back
2016-11-07 16:30:36 UTC
yeah third party
2016-11-09 07:08:15 UTC
Of course they are.
2016-11-07 04:32:57 UTC
2016-11-07 21:24:55 UTC
2016-11-06 22:39:40 UTC
2016-11-11 12:45:14 UTC
who is
2016-11-07 18:34:49 UTC
They are more fit than your grammar.
2016-11-11 00:19:23 UTC
2016-11-07 10:41:14 UTC
yes but this country too retarded too realize that.
2016-11-08 15:56:47 UTC
it really depends on opinion
2016-11-07 10:43:18 UTC
2016-11-06 20:34:20 UTC
yes...especially trump
2016-11-09 17:27:07 UTC
Moscow Mitch
2016-11-07 16:50:33 UTC
No they isn't.
2016-11-07 15:33:11 UTC
Your question: "IS DONALD AND HILLARY both UNFIT TO RUN the country?"

"Are", matey. Vote for Araktsu.

The President of the United States does not "RUN the country".

In theory we have a representative democracy not a dictatorship.

In reality we have an elected and appointed government that represents the major sponsors of the careers of the elected and appointed political hacks who get elected as President and Congress or appointed as Supreme Court Justices.

To wit, despite this:

“The largest famine in human history took place in China during 1959-61 … Although drought was a contributory factor, this was largely a manmade catastrophe for which Mao Zedong bears the greatest responsibility … We will never know the precise number of casualties, but the best demographic reconstructions indicate about 30 million dead ", British Medical Journal, December 18, 1999


And this:

“The crackdown that initiated on June 3–4 [1989] became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre … The Chinese government … has prohibited all forms of discussion or remembrance of the events since. Due to the lack of information from China, many aspects of the events remain unknown or unconfirmed. Estimates of the death toll range from a few hundred to the thousands.”


We got this:

"In [George W.] Bush’s Words: ‘Join Together in Making China a Normal Trading Partner’... ‘From the start of this campaign, I have defined some sharp disagreements with the Clinton-Gore administration. But today I want to address an important area of agreement... The issue is whether to extend normal trade relations to China on a permanent basis. This vote is one step in the process of drawing China into the world trading system... For the people of China, it holds out the hope of more open contact with the world of freedom... Our greatest export is freedom. The people of China stand ready to receive it. The demand has never been greater.’"

The New York Times, 18 May 2000


And still do:

"China’s Xi promises better investment climate as Boeing announces China plant... Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday his country planned to greatly reduce restrictions on foreign investment, as Boeing announced plans for an aircraft finishing center in China, its first outside the United States [1]... Boeing’s long-expected move into manufacturing in low-cost China followed its news of a big order for some 300 planes from China, valued at about $38 billion at list prices."

by Michael Martina and Eric M. Johnson, 23 September 2015, Reuters


Clearly this particular document was not a high priority for our elected government:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” -- Preamble to the U.S. Constitution

Similarly, this also was virtually ignored:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” -- First Amendment to the Constitution

To wit:

"No, I don’t know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God." – George H.W. Bush, former President. August 27, 1987


"... I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2014, as a National Day of Prayer.”


"Scalia dismisses concept of religious neutrality in speech… ... [Antonin Scalia] told the audience at Archbishop Rummel High School that there is "no place" in the country's constitutional traditions for the idea that the state must be neutral between religion and its absence. "To tell you the truth there is no place for that in our constitutional tradition. Where did that come from?" he said. "To be sure, you can't favor one denomination over another but can't favor religion over non-religion?"

by REBECCA SANTANA, 2 January 2016, Associated Press



[1] Obviously that is not true that Boeing's current offshore construction deal with China is not "its first outside the United States" since Boeing previously sold McDonnell Douglas to China under similar circumstances:

"The Cox Report: Chapter 10... Manufacturing Processes… In April 1995, the U.S. Government learned from McDonnell Douglas [then owned by Boeing Corporation] that six of the licensed machine tools had been diverted to a factory in Nanchang known to manufacture military aircraft and cruise missile components... concerns that the PRC could use the McDonnell Douglas [then part of Boeing] five-axis machine tools for unauthorized purposes, particularly to develop quieter submarines. Since the PRC wishes to enhance its power projection capabilities and is making efforts to strengthen its naval forces, the five-axis machine tools could easily be diverted for projects that would achieve that goal."

The Washington Post, 25 May 1999

2016-11-07 12:47:55 UTC
2016-11-07 17:36:07 UTC
both are bad
2016-11-08 19:46:38 UTC
Yes both suck!
2016-11-06 20:35:00 UTC
Yes, they are.
2016-11-07 16:00:21 UTC
I think you have a point.
2016-11-07 17:51:34 UTC
Yes! NIETHER should win !
2016-11-08 18:02:31 UTC

plain and simple as that.
2016-11-07 18:40:43 UTC
OH Yes. lol
Amna Malik
2016-11-11 15:42:08 UTC
only trump
2016-11-06 22:10:50 UTC
Are they? Yes, they are.
2016-11-08 19:58:51 UTC
2016-11-07 18:20:33 UTC
fix ur grammar bro its are* not is
2016-11-09 16:09:02 UTC
You nailed it
2016-11-08 01:22:17 UTC
You too, with your grammar.
2016-11-08 19:09:32 UTC


2016-11-08 10:07:06 UTC
I think so
2016-11-06 18:53:05 UTC
there questionable at best
2016-11-08 04:47:32 UTC
a president doesn't run the country

please don't vote since you think that
2016-11-08 20:07:48 UTC
Yes *****
2016-11-07 13:37:23 UTC
2016-11-09 06:15:30 UTC
2016-11-07 04:12:57 UTC
2016-11-07 21:34:21 UTC
Of course they are, but I am not.
2016-11-08 10:36:45 UTC
they are both retards
2016-11-07 23:03:20 UTC
2016-11-07 05:42:31 UTC
2016-11-07 23:17:29 UTC
2016-11-07 23:03:36 UTC
I am not sure
2016-11-06 19:52:56 UTC
No both are dumb
2016-11-08 07:23:42 UTC
2016-11-10 04:42:35 UTC
2016-11-09 15:47:29 UTC
2016-11-09 01:58:22 UTC
jason w
2016-11-08 10:13:02 UTC
2016-11-07 19:17:43 UTC
2016-11-06 19:12:14 UTC
2016-11-08 10:17:20 UTC
2016-11-08 21:55:15 UTC
they can change the agenda.
2016-11-07 18:28:02 UTC
2016-11-07 17:46:13 UTC
**** ya
2016-11-08 03:30:26 UTC
Clinton is best...
2016-11-08 15:19:46 UTC
2016-11-07 09:33:21 UTC
trump is
2016-11-08 09:57:49 UTC
don't know
2016-11-09 12:32:43 UTC
I do not know.
2016-11-07 19:10:14 UTC
2016-11-07 16:33:26 UTC

Polar Bear
2016-11-07 06:13:14 UTC
She s not.
2016-11-06 22:44:52 UTC
yes......jeff bush was better
2016-11-06 15:55:43 UTC
2016-11-09 07:13:36 UTC
Sure are.
2016-11-10 15:48:41 UTC
2016-11-06 17:37:46 UTC
they both suck
2016-11-07 05:38:30 UTC
Are they ? U tell Me ?
2016-11-08 16:26:54 UTC
they are both criminals
2016-11-09 19:19:46 UTC
2016-11-09 02:06:25 UTC
2016-11-07 07:22:47 UTC
2016-11-08 16:50:16 UTC
green boy
2016-11-07 18:50:53 UTC
2016-11-08 14:46:24 UTC
2016-11-07 07:37:03 UTC
2016-11-07 11:21:27 UTC
hell yeah
2016-11-09 15:55:38 UTC
2016-11-08 10:15:02 UTC
dumb trump
Tad Dubious
2016-11-09 12:28:00 UTC
2016-11-07 15:18:51 UTC
there both *****
2016-11-08 14:14:04 UTC
You mean "Are .....
2016-11-07 13:57:41 UTC
Yea you got it!!!!!!!!!
someone who cares
2016-11-10 17:50:18 UTC
Actually I think they would trash this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-11-07 20:16:19 UTC
yeh :/
2016-11-06 22:09:51 UTC
2016-11-07 20:36:01 UTC
2016-11-07 18:57:26 UTC
sure, why not?
I have a question
2016-11-07 17:32:05 UTC
As Hell!!!!
2016-11-07 23:07:59 UTC
2016-11-11 11:34:21 UTC
2016-11-11 11:22:05 UTC
2016-11-13 03:41:39 UTC
"is" should be "are"
2016-11-06 20:11:29 UTC
TRUMP *****!!!
2016-11-07 20:44:36 UTC
2016-11-07 18:09:29 UTC
2016-11-07 19:38:07 UTC
2016-11-07 12:20:53 UTC
2016-11-08 18:10:37 UTC
2016-11-08 11:23:57 UTC
2016-11-07 23:32:44 UTC
2016-11-07 16:04:49 UTC
2016-11-06 17:27:29 UTC
2016-11-08 06:44:35 UTC
I'm gay. Please kill me
2016-11-07 20:42:05 UTC
2016-11-08 21:10:54 UTC
2016-11-08 03:45:19 UTC
2016-11-06 19:43:34 UTC
2016-11-06 18:58:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.