I'd like to ask if you can explain in easy to understand language,how on earth we got into such a financial mess, how you as a Govt would deal with this ongoing crisis,if elected.
Would you look into spending on things that are sapping this country of cash,when we need it more so than at any other time since the 1930's.
Does it not concern you that the London Stock Exchange is foreign owned, and why did you have nothing to say when this occurred?
Would you also halt the privatisation of the NHS (by stealth) that Labour seem to be getting away with,which was the Old American model, a model that saw the people on lower incomes die earlier than those who could afford insurance and private procedures.
What Justification is there for ANY Doctor to opt into non-geographic telephone numbering thus making it cost an arm and a leg to call for medical help for the most vulnerable in our society?
A local Doctors surgery costing the same as it does to call London (if one was in Scotland) is plain greed,who is getting these revenues-how is it even legal?
What will you do to reduce the 70 mile round trip to see a Doctor,who does not have immediate access to a patients notes because they work for a private company-and has flown in from Europe (already knackered) in an emergency ,5pm-9am M-F & all weekends and Bank Holidays (happening right now in my ward)
People have already died as a direct result of this practise.
Further mistakes with clinical judgement for an overtired Clinician in an unfamiliar Country with different drug names and dosage regimens is going to carry on.
How will you stop this?
How on earth do you think you can turn this country around if you were elected.?
And also just where and when will Britain stop selling everything we once were proud of to the highest bidder,would you intervene in situations where boardroom greed took away from British sense of identity.
What is left that is British owned in Britain?
(Apart from a handful of luxury brands,no one needs in reality)
Do you feel proud to be British or will you continue to allow Britain to be "owned" by the highest foreign bidder-along with their agenda and influence in the workplace- changing our identity and values(by force).
What will you do to regenerate British Business?
There's a growing apathetic attitude I see at work and socially of "well there's not much we can do about it is there?"
Does a vote for ANY Party mean what it did 30 years ago.
Will what you promise on be delivered?
If so, will you be prepared to answer to the people if you do not deliver?