How can we encourage Pelosi, Conyers to back impeachment?
2007-08-13 10:33:59 UTC
Despite the fact that more than 50% of the U.S. wants the Cheney-Bush gang impeached for undermining the U.S. Constitution, key actors like Speaker of the House Pelosi and Chair of the House Judiciary Com., Conyers, still protect Cheney-Bush by enforcing "impeachment is off the table". What can we do to put the heat on Pelosi and Conyers to join the dozens of Representatives who have signed at least on House Res. calling for impeachment?
Also, how much does Iraq war mom Cynthia Sheehan's running against Pelosi help restore the Constitution?
21 answers:
The Oracle of Delphi
2007-08-13 10:43:45 UTC
It doesn't matter if every single person in the USA wanted Bush impeached. You actually have to have a reason to impeach him other than you don't like him. You know, a reason like committing perjury during grand jury testimony, kind of like what Bill Clinton did. Amazing as this may be, I actually agree with Pelosi and the lot in not wasting the time and money on an impeachment process that will go nowhere.
Mark A
2007-08-13 11:53:14 UTC
it's really very simple.

Provide proof that President Bush has been involved in an impeachable offense, and bring that evidence to the speaker. When you do get some proof of a crime, go for it.

Oh and as far as Mother Sheehan is concerned, her 15 minutes of fame was up quite a while ago. She is the true definition of a media whore.

Like the un-dead, she keeps coming back
2007-08-13 11:02:14 UTC
You have to have grounds for impeachment. Just because 50% of the nation wants it, means nothing. Could be 100% of the nation wants it, but still there are no real grounds.

Remember, President Bush didn't do anything that didn't have congressional signatures (both Republican and Democrat) authorizing him to move forward.

But you cannot impeach without grounds. Heck, I'd like to see some of the more Leftist congresspersons swing from a rope, but until there are grounds to justify hanging, not much can or should be done.
2007-08-13 11:25:22 UTC
Nancy Pelosi's latest congressional spending "earmark" was for a few million dollars to a bay area company to develop "novel biological weapons". Wow, nice job Nancy!

She won't impeach cause you'd have to prove that congress was duped deliberately. That means they'd have to show that the evidence was not available to them. Since only 5 senators read the intel briefings that might be hard to prove. The house is full of idiots on both side who will vote for any stupid thing. What, you though they were the best and brightest?

Sheehan is a callous botch. Her son chose to join the military and went to war knowing full well what he was doing. Now she's devalued his adult decision and made it all about her and her views. She deserves a swift kick. Her husband already kicked her to the curb. I'm sorry her son died. I thank him for his sacrifice. But his mom can't come to terms with his decision and her grief. Her campaign would be a complete joke except that San Fran may actually elect her. What a joke.
2007-08-13 10:54:37 UTC
There isn't any hard concrete proof of him breaking the law. It is all fueled hatred of democrats wanting back in power so badly they will go to any lengths to get it back. Which brings me to this: what is the point of impeaching him anyways? He has little over a year left in office anyways. By the time anything gets to court the 2008 elections will be already done with and a new President voted in. Good God! Think sensible for once instead of emotional. Might actually get some progress done. According to the Democratic point of views Clinton should be impeached too for allowing US getting attacked 5 times; WTC bombing of Feb. 1993, the Tarzanian and Kenyan U.S. Embassy bombings, Khobar Tower bombings, and the USS Cole bombing. Telling Saudi Arabia Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda isn't that big of a threat and just "looking for attention" after being attacked by them and having a chance to catch Bin Laden. Shutting down and cutting back on National Defense funding. His dealings with China with rocket technology and now China has a powerful missile program because Clinton sold that information to them. And pardoning all those criminals that ran along the lines of drug dealers, embezzlers, extortionists, fraud and con artists and some even national threats for the business dealings they get into. Oh, yeah, and the little Monica Lewinski scandal that everyone seems to remember but nothing else I put before that.

Now what Bush did. . . He finally had the guts to go to war with the terrorists who attacked us for the 6th time, and last time since, I might add. We have not been attacked since 2001. It is now past 2007 shortly coming up to 2008 in four months. He went to war with Iraq, yes, and because of trying to fight a politically correct war it is had to get progress. We did find WMDs in Iraq, over 300 cases of Saryn gas containers; but like Democrats do they complained and said that wasn't what we were talking about. Because it seems all they want is another act of destruction to happen to "prove" that they had WMDs. The reason we didn't find more was because of NY Times Newspaper always showing the Iraq strategy delaying our takeover of the country. Those delays gave Saddam enough time to ship the vast majority of the WMDs anywhere since he had many leaders on a payroll and as helpful allies. Syria, Lebanon, Russia, or Cuba to name a few he could have had help in shipping them all out of. And the other problem I have with Bush is his lack of Immigration policy regarding the illegal immigrants. Beyond that I don't see what he did that even compared to the likes of Clinton's doings. Let alone being illegal and needing to be impeached.
2007-08-13 10:42:20 UTC
Good drink some more cool aid and read more far left websites you freaking idiot. Bush will not be impeached because the sane folks don't want that. If the lib Congress keeps on pushing this conspiracy theory crap Republicans will easily win back the Whitehouse and regain the House and Senate in 08'. The people want results. Not witch hunts dumbazz....
2007-08-13 10:56:12 UTC
?? How to encourage Pelosi and Conyers to begin impeachment procedings????

I wish all the questions were this simple to answer !!!!!! In politics, the process is called "CONTRIBUTIONS" , If the same act /s were to be performed in the public / private sector, that process is called "BRIBES"!!!!!

ALL IT TAKES IS MONEY !!!!!!!!!!! With enough ""CONTRIBUTIONS FROM A LOBBIST"" Pelosi and Conyers will begin impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson and Hillary Rodham Clinton, for allowing OSAMA BEN LADIN to live(1998) and plan(2000-2001), and direct (2001) the 911 TERRORIST ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Uncle Wil
2007-08-13 10:41:14 UTC
To those who think there has been no crime, my condolences.

I have come to think that Pelosi got bought by the power brokers the minute that became necessary. There will be no help from her. She's a California style republidem.

I would really love to see an accurate accounting of the number of people who've petitioned for this impeachment. It's got to be extraordinarily high. I have Republican friends who've signed on... and nearly every democrat I know has.

I'm guessing there's a good three million names among those various petitions.
2016-12-15 18:50:32 UTC
i think of she does not % to tension our u . s . to circulate by yet another impeachment trial like we basically did. especially whilst she observed how partisan the vote casting replaced into for impeachment (partisan basically approximately to the T) I additionally think of she realizes that it could be somewhat an challenge and with troops on the floor under the "course" of bush, she is widely used with it could positioned them in harms way. ultimately, I dont think of they are able to impeach. You gotta teach purpose and thats the single element thats basically approximately impossible to teach if the protection has funds. i recognize you probably did not % the final answer, yet i think of its a mix of motives. And Pelosi in no way ran on an impeachment cost ticket.
Toledo Engineer
2007-08-13 10:45:57 UTC
Ok...first, he needs to have done something illegal, not just morally wrong, in order to impeach him. As far as I know W is still safe.

Second, the procedings alone would carry into the next presidency, so its just a bit too late for that.
2007-08-13 10:39:20 UTC
Can not do, dem lack the numbers to impeach, however ,if they do, they dems and reps are together in the oil looting of Iraq, remember these post, if dems get the white house, they will never get out of iraq until all looks like vietnam again.
2007-08-13 10:42:22 UTC
People can want Bush impeached until they turn purple, but until and unless he actually commits a verifiable impeachable offense, it won't happen.
2007-08-13 10:39:27 UTC
When will liberals finally get it, that they been duped. Pelosi is staying out of prison by a wing and a prayer. She doesn't want to go down this road. This goes for many of the crooked democrat leaders in congress. Are all liberals this dumb?
2007-08-13 10:38:00 UTC
Right, let us waste some more time on impeaching bush which would accomplish nothing!
2007-08-13 10:47:35 UTC
I agree. Pelosi should be impeached and tried for treason.
aj's girl
2007-08-13 10:41:22 UTC
The election is coming soon enough. I am looking forward to getting rid of this administration, but I believe that there are many more important things congress could be getting done.
2007-08-13 10:41:22 UTC
undermining the constitution..I disagree..there is an election next year..please remember to vote
2007-08-13 11:15:14 UTC
To start with show them where it is located in the dictionary and have them read what the word means maybe they will comprehend its meaning.
The emperor has no clothes
2007-08-13 10:39:45 UTC
If you'll give me your address, I'd be happy to mail you a copy of the Constitution. Of course you'd have to promise me you'd actually read it.

He has to have committed a crime you....'progressive'. Sorry, if I call you anything else, Yahoo will blackball me.
2007-08-13 10:37:21 UTC
How bout finding some REAL evidence of law breaking.. No proof..
2007-08-13 10:37:30 UTC
A good swift kick in the butt might work.... :)

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