2012-01-18 10:14:27 UTC
I completely understand the feelings of the Scottish electorate and appreciate that the Union was something that was forced on them and, therefore, welcome the chance for them to actually vote on this matter. I hope they will vote to stay in the UK, but would prefer a simple YES/NO vote rather than 'cherry picking' from the so called, devo-max option.
It is worth mentioning that this is simply not just a matter between Scotland and England, but will affect the people of Wales, Northern Ireland and England too. Perhaps they should also have a democratic chance to vote on this momentous matter and express their own views.
The history of The Union is long and varied and the Northern Irish, perhaps more so, than the Scottish, should be offered the chance of f reunification with The Republic, remaining in The Union or becoming independent? After all the vast majority of the protestants in Northern Ireland are of Scottish descent. If Alex Salmond is successful in creating an independent Scotland he will be divorcing himself from the Scottish Irish too.
This would leave Britain in the unenviable position of managing an area of of the UK who's fractious people are neither Welsh nor English, but who are biologically mainly Irish and Scottish!