How is it that Obama made the "Bitter" Speech and His supporters Act Like Hillary "Did it to Him"
2008-04-16 12:50:16 UTC
I have never seen such a band of underhanded, smear artists in my life. You think you can exonerate Obama's bonehead statements that show his elitism, and bad judgment... and them convince people it's Hillary's fault ????

Does Obama think he can be in a race with McCain and Pull this smear routine... and still expect the press to let him off easy. Obama would be luck to get 38% in a race with McCain. Hillary can face McCain and Win.

Obama is by far the most NEGATIVE contender for President. No Contest!

Someone just said people think Hillary is a liar -- Good Job Smear Brigade. Because Obama is the Biggest liar I have ever seen in any campaign, bar none.

The reason he's gotten away with it is because he cried racism often and early like a shield and a weapon.

The Gig is UP. More and more people realize Obama is a fraud every day, and smearing Hillary with untrue statements, and trying to blame her for Obama's own mistakes just reaffirms that he is cowardly and underhanded.
24 answers:
2008-04-16 12:59:02 UTC
Obama supporters will do anything to defend their man.. That is how Jedi Mind tricks work.
2008-04-16 20:08:04 UTC
Can I get an A-M-E-N!?!

This is the hypocrisy that drove me away from Obama (who I was initially supporting). Running a clean campaign to him only means he hires out the dirty work...his campaign managers' tactics are the dirtiest of all.

I am still on both Obama's and Hillary's mailing lists. Every few days I get an email from one or the other and the comparison is shocking. Both are usually asking for money, but while Hillary's have always had a positive tone ('what a great win we had' or 'I really need your support to help change what I think is important'), Obama's emails are full of accusations about the Hillary campaign (links to pictures of Bill Clinton with Rev. Wright, claims of how her campaign is trying to 'bring down the whole process' fact I'd say 90% of them have a distinctly negative tone). The only time Hillary has referenced her opponent (indirectly or by name) is to cite his fundraising advantage and the need for more support.

Doesn't match what I hear in the media. Obama can criticize and everyone questions her integrity, but she criticizes and suddenly its a smear destined to bring down the whole party.

I don't think either of them are as pure as the driven snow...and I'm grown up enough to know that politics is a nasty business but this double standard pisses me off.
1 Sassy Rebel
2008-04-16 22:26:36 UTC
You know if Hillary had half the power attributed to her, she would probably be the only candidate still running because, she would have gotten rid of the competition by now.

But since she is human, she will make mistakes. The difference between her and Obama is that she admits and apologizes. He on the other hand blames someone else, never his fault.

I prefer someone who can admit a mistake, correct it and then get on with life.

Most of his supporters are so deep into drugs, their brains are fried. Or they have been so brainwashed, they will never see the light of day again. They blindly follow where he leads and he will lead them right off the cliff.
2008-04-17 00:42:54 UTC
Despite hysterical claims to the contrary, the latest poll from ABC/the Washington Post shows that of those voters who view the campaign to be negative, 52% blame Clinton, 14% blame Obama, while 34% say both or neither.
2008-04-16 20:44:00 UTC
They do this with everything. They blamed her for the Wright debacle as well. It's funny, but also really frustrating. I agree with Beanie up there. Though I have always been a supporter of HIllary, I initially thought he would be good in office as well. Now that he walks around with this holier than thou, self annointed savior attitude, I have been completely turned off. Especially since he is as bad as the rest of them.
Kenneth J
2008-04-17 03:41:16 UTC
Obama is cowardly and underhanded

He never take responsibility for any thing he has done

He has admitted to hatred toward America

He has changed since the Iowa carcass
2008-04-16 20:04:29 UTC
She knowingly took what he said and changed it around knowing that Americans fall for anything and will listen to anyone that has something bad to say about Obama.

She has tried to play Americans for fools ever since she started losing by lying and smearing. She is a smart woman and knew exactly what he meant in that statement. Then McCain tried to seize on it at the end also.

What a joke-Nothing changed in the polls because Obama supporters are smart enough to interpret the English language.
2008-04-16 20:32:25 UTC
...." The reason he's gotten away with it is because he cried racism often and early like a shield and a weapon."

Here's your big chance to provide some documented quotes FROM HIM... no one else. He did this "often" according to you, so it should be easy to find some things Obama has said or done to show he is a racist.

I'm waiting.
2008-04-16 21:22:35 UTC
.people accused Hillary for being desperate and trying to cash in on a non-issue, for her own political gain....I have not heard you mention anything about Hillary's flat out lying about her Bosnia Trip.....or her many scandals example; white water scandal, rose law firm scandal, travel gate scandal, renting out the Lincoln bedroom for her own profit scandal, tampering with evidence during the Vince Foster death scandal, many fund raising scandals, or the fact that she stays with her husband with his history of sexually assaulting young women for more than 30 years quite consistently

and as for the bitter think the media should start reminding the working class of what Hillary said of them in 1995
Sounds Painful
2008-04-16 20:02:06 UTC
I think the "bitter" speech was the most truthful thing that any candidate has said during this ENTIRE race. YES, black people are still bitter about things that were done to their race. YES, white people are bitter because they feel like they are being blamed for stuff their ancestors did.

But I also think that everyone in this election is so sneaky and underhanded you never know if you are being lied to or not. It's hard to tell what moves are power plays and which moves are honesty.
2008-04-16 19:54:46 UTC
That is their defense mechanism. Every time he puts his foot in his mouth and people react, they say that the Hillary campaign is perpetuating said reaction. They are mindless sheep.
2008-04-16 20:00:52 UTC
This sort or response is fairly typical of those that live within racial subjugations.

It's never their fault's always someone else's fault.

Like those "bitter, gun loving, religious, anti immigrant" holigans up in the Penns. out back. They just "did it to themselves" it's not the governments fault!
2008-04-16 23:31:43 UTC
This is history in the making.
2008-04-16 20:04:21 UTC
Ok...lets step back into reality my friend.

Bosnia...Obama did no ad, made little or no comments. The MEDIA blasted did his surrogates. Obama though...said nothing. Why? Because he's smart enough not to pour salt on an open wound and LOOK BAD.

Clinton POUNCED (and Im not exxagerating) POUNCED on the Obama statement and started emailing it all over creation, tearing out her prepared speech to ADD IN the mention of the comment and yapping about how upset PA is about it. The Result: she LOOKED BAD. Whose fault is that? Hers for overplaying her silly hand. Obama said it but she looked desperate going on and on about it. So it backfired on her. Obama's fault? No..hers.

All this other stuff you said...smear brigade...what ARE you talking about. Obama doesnt have to smear Clinton...she makes UP her own goo and steps in it.
American Made
2008-04-16 20:00:11 UTC
It's easier for them to lay the blame on her than to think that their master did anything wrong.
2008-04-16 19:55:48 UTC
Hillary Clinton is running an honest and up-front campaign, I love her style and grace.
2008-04-16 19:55:44 UTC
I agree, my two younger brothers...

one voted Obama, one did not, he is 23 years old...

He is not voting yet, he changed his mind about Obama... and he says if Hillary loses, he is voting McCain.

As for me, I will vote Hillary or McCain.
2008-04-16 19:56:25 UTC
it's not really obama (but, he did put his foot in his mouth that time)

it's his Supporters !

basic Karl Rove tricks - let your supporters do your dirty work for your

obama supporters use that tactic very well.
2008-04-16 19:57:32 UTC
I dont think that Hillary did anything to him
2008-04-16 19:54:13 UTC
They're deranged and their brains are fried from chanting "change" and "hope".
2008-04-16 19:57:21 UTC
I'm gonna go ahead and guess that all you heard of his comment was the soundbite played on loop by Faux News. You probably didn't listen to the true meaning behind it.
2008-04-16 19:56:15 UTC
because Obama is a bitter racist anti-American!
2008-04-16 19:55:35 UTC
No one in the race is as poliarizing as Hillary. She has less of a shot at beating McCain.

Most Obama supporters I know totally agreed with his comments about ignorant bible thumping gun nuts. The only ones offended were the bible thumping gun nuts, but they aren't voting democrat anyway - despite being unemployed due to republican greed and incompetence.
2008-04-16 19:54:52 UTC
Obama is running the most positive campaign I have ever seen. I can't think of an example of anything underhanded about it.

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