Does the childish Hillary name calling on here prove that the Right Wing is desperate?
AZ Bacon Product
2015-04-13 12:12:51 UTC
Does the childish Hillary name calling on here prove that the Right Wing is desperate?
129 answers:
2015-04-14 04:35:27 UTC
Wow childish name calling, guess you would know about that with the names that Bush was called.

Stick to facts and Hillary has deceived the American citizen for several decades now. She advocates rights yet takes money from individuals and nations that are against them. She cries about honesty yet destroys her E-mails. Whitewaters records conveniently destroyed. Maybe that was before your time.

Sorry America can do better, a lot better than Hillary Clinton. Now the problem is getting those that would do good by America to run.
2015-04-13 21:22:58 UTC
I don't know of any childish names for Hilary, then again I wouldn't call myself right wing.

I think running her as the prime Democrat is desperate. She's associated with 2 presidencies that democrats probably see as positive examples, but likewise examples that conservatives generally see as negative. She's got a shot at winning, but entirely based on the idea of being the first women president and the residual respect from her being the first lady. I'm sure all of her other exploits will be positively portrayed.
Philip H
2015-04-13 12:19:15 UTC
Is Hillary the Only Candidate Democrats can come up with?

Does it take a dishonest sexist woman to represent you people?

We need a good President not a person with massive character flaws and a history of deception to run for POTUS. You call the "Right Wing" childish? We call your entire Party BANKRUPT as regards standards and character.
2015-04-14 08:31:49 UTC
I remember Hillary saying something about peace, adults etc, I can't totally remember, I was in the post office @ Saint Stephens. To be honest, there is alot of racket surrounding her, I'm not surprised that she has a bit of a jab/jibe/lowblow at some people, because some people are fraking awful with zero listening power, zero respect, nothing but walking about as if they are the president. w.e. Other than that I haven't seen any footage.

I still think she'll get shot like JFK. Who cares? God cares. I'm cursed with stuff often. Mitt Romney is the best leader (but not in the Whitehouse), Barrack is the best museum for the Whitehouse. Therefore party within about 10 blocks of Mitt Romney. #Aup
2015-04-14 12:08:24 UTC
I see it here and on posts in yahoo news articles and especially in the reply's on others posts , they pick up some of the name calling from bizarre talk radio hosts, some from the far right just never mature past the age of 18 , desperate is one word to describe them but its a good place for them on the GOP side I certainly wouldn't want to be aliened with or be tied to a group that has less than neanderthal intellect that's associated with a large demographic portion of their party. I do know some decent Republicans but the far right seems to be shoving them towards being independents
2015-04-13 15:14:43 UTC
There is nothing remotely progressive about Hillary - her entire life is bound with self interest and not a care for anything or anyone else. Why all of a sudden make a speech appealing to the 'workers' for their support. Does she really think that the 'workers' are so foolish as to vote for her?

In real democracy there would be more than one candidate to choose from. So what happened to 'choice'?
2015-04-13 13:29:15 UTC
No they think its clever, it's slightly pathetic. Look at the time they've had with Obama's name. Some of their most creative thinking is over how to make fun of someones name.

Now, if they could put that creativity behind making the country better with a clear, sensible plan they might have a chance, but so far? Its all a version of trickle down which daily proves it doesn't work in the states that have Republican governors who all cut taxes and are suffering cutbacks in education and meeting their responsibilities in matters of paying agreed to pensions. And still they'll stick to it.
2015-04-13 16:05:45 UTC
Obviously. There are more democrats in the USA than Republicans. The president is more or less directly elected and the Democrats have generally won the popular vote since 1992. The GOP only win the house as they have ruthlessly gerrymandered the districts. The GOP also tends to win the Senate as they tend to win in a lot of small states while the Democrats tend to be in fewer big states.

But Demographics are on the side of progressives and liberals as it is harder and harder for the GOP to convince people to vote against their own best interests.
Texas Patriot
2015-04-13 12:15:27 UTC
To tell you the truth I hope Hillary is the only Democrat that runs in 2016. All the Clintons' past discretions are going to be revisited over and over again in the a you see on TV.
2015-04-17 07:15:20 UTC
Of course they are desperate. You only have to look at the severity by which they attack her already to realise that. At least Obama got into the White House before the personal attacks started. Republicans are scared to death that Hillary will win, as she most surely will, since there is not one worthy contender in the Republican camp that could hold a candle to her. Now wait for the massive thumbs down I'm going to get. But am I bothered? No, I'm not.
2015-04-15 08:52:35 UTC
Definitely. They know that Hillary has lots of experience in dealing with their witch hunts. They spent over a hundred million dollars investigating her husband and her: all they came up with was a stained dress. They are into their third investigation of Benghazi and it will come up with what the first two did: that there was no wrong doing on her part. All the right can do is call Hillary names and make ad hominem attacks. She is still very popular and will be the next President. The best candidate they have is Jeb Bush. We all know who would win another Clinton-Bush contest.
2015-04-14 21:58:09 UTC
Quite honestly, any name-calling toward Hillary Clinton is likely deserved and accurate. She will be an embarrassment (and already is) to the democratic party.

As someone who leans toward conservative values in many ways, I can safely say that all GOP candidates are going to shoot themselves in the head (politically speaking) before shooting down all their constituency. They always do. So, the democrats have a virtually free ticket to the White House. After all of President Obama's executive orders going by without a hitch, their next strategic move should be to place someone in the Oval Office that is actually extremely clever, someone who can actually further their agendas. Hillary can't even feasibly lie her way out of bad press over emails. She's laughable, pathetic. If you're going to elect a dem, do it right and get one that's clever enough to be a real politician.

And by real politician I mean sneaky, conniving, thrifty, and cunning. They all are. None of them (on either side) has values, just agendas.
2015-04-13 17:38:20 UTC
Desperate? Against Hillary? *tries "desperately" to contain laughter*

This is a joke question, right?

We don't need any "childish name calling" for Hillary. She can run on her own credentials and that will be enough. :D
2015-04-13 12:19:01 UTC
The left has been calling the Right childish names. The Right has been calling the left Childish names. BOTH ARE DESPERATE!
Mickey Mantle
2015-04-14 07:16:12 UTC
As opposed to Rand Paul, the plagerizer? As to Rubio, lets me take you in the new century (that is already 15 years old, and opened with a total disaster Republican administration)? Or Chris Christi, who is in a serious deficit in his own state? Or Walker with the same issues? Or Jeb Bush, that is disconnecting himself from any conflict of interest, how will he disconnect with his last name? Cruz, a Communist by his Dad and not even born in the USA, besides being a total "wacko" bird? Ben Carson, RIGHT? Oh well, you always have Donald Trump to fall back on to? ..........the next Republican President has not been born yet!
2015-04-13 12:14:52 UTC
Amazing how Liberal's can't remember anything beyond November of 2012 and see the political world through a straw.

You tell 'em big guy !! NEVER any name calling from the Left about Bush, Romney, McCain, R Paul, Rubio, Cruz, Walker..

Nope... never
Jake No Chat
2015-04-14 04:22:05 UTC
Both sides are desperate about winning at all costs, and both sides resort to childish name calling and distortions. Both parties fail when it comes to laying out details plans to turn things around, they just seem to attack others. Let's face it, the 2 major parties are in it for themselves and besides the votes they do not even understand how the average citizen feels about things.
2015-04-14 09:57:12 UTC
"To tell you the truth I hope Hillary is the only Democrat that runs in 2016. All the Clintons' past discretions are going to be revisited over and over again in the a you see on TV" is the new thing
2015-04-15 13:00:31 UTC
Nope. Not desperate. We've tolerated almost 8 years of a failing Obama.

We're baffled as to why someone would support Hilly with such a track record of scandal and "dropping the ball."
Special EPhex
2015-04-14 16:48:17 UTC
Would that also apply to the left wing when they call those on the right names? Or may be that has never happened in history, as the left is so perfect they are incapable of resorting to such behavior. Its so convenient when ideologues forget they often accuse the opposition of doing the very same things that their side does.
2015-04-13 22:19:01 UTC
Nope! Because the left wing did the same thing in 2008! Remember? Hell, since before Bush even was sworn in I've been hearing it from the left! Obama won in 2008 and 2012 and still hear it, actually.
2015-04-13 20:12:59 UTC
You mean as compared to the childish name-calling the mainstream left not just on yahoo answers, but across every news media except Fox and all throughout the Democrat Party and every comedy and all of entertainment did to Palin, Bush, Cain, Romney, and soon to be the next greatest threat to them, Dr. Carson?
2015-04-13 13:19:47 UTC
Just who in the world be afraid of a drool cup wearing hag. Who has never accomplished one

successful Governmental program in her entire life. Not even as Secy State did this twisted old wind bag

accomplish one bit of diplomacy that amounted to more then a supermarket opening in

Bosnia. Where by the way she was allegedly under fire from the dreaded Bosnian Sniper.
2015-04-14 20:34:15 UTC
Hillary has a lot of baggage. I think there has rightly been a lot of criticism of her but I have not seen much in the way of name calling. I do not believe the right to be desperate, I believe that is firmly the Democrat side as they will be really up against it after 8 years of Obama and all his domestic and foreign policy failures, institutional corruption, scandals and lawlessness. Republicans have nothing to fear from Hillary her own record will destroy her. They should count on going up against some one like Warren who will get the nod.
jack f
2015-04-14 17:17:04 UTC
Why the loaded question? You claim "childish name calling" as if that were a fact. Thats called a loaded question, and obviously you are looking for an answer that agrees with your single minded thinking. You won't get it from me, I think the only thing childish is your loaded question.
2015-04-14 10:54:20 UTC
The right wing is desperate and frightened. They filled their diapers when Mrs. Clinton announced she was running. They know she can't be beaten because she represents all of the groups that Republicans loathe and antagonize: women, minorities, gays, and the working class.
2016-03-13 04:36:08 UTC
I still think she'll get shot like JFK. Who cares? God cares. I'm cursed with stuff often. Mitt Romney is the best leader (but not in the Whitehouse), Barrack is the best museum for the Whitehouse. Therefore party within about 10 blocks of Mitt Romney. #Aup
2015-04-13 12:18:56 UTC
It proves Hillary has alot to criticize and that the Democrat's potential candidates are so thin that they can single in on her.
Mark J
2015-04-14 16:28:53 UTC
I have seen plenty of childish name calling from the left and the right. I don't think it's desperation. I think it's closed-minded partisanship.
2015-04-13 12:19:12 UTC
I don't call Hillary anything she hasn't proven herself to be. She's a liar, a power-hungry despot of no accomplishments or competency. Her tenure as SoS was a disaster for the US.
Rise of Iron
2015-04-13 12:15:45 UTC
You have a picture of Sheriff Joe Arpaio with a pig snout and ears as your photo...and you seriously ask this question. That's just plain astonishing. It's like logic and rational thought somehow completely escaped you. Is that by accident, or did you have to work hard to remove all traces of it?
2015-04-14 09:58:22 UTC
No No No...Not at all. Keep in mind that everyone on Y/A (except me) is a mere amateur. The Bilderbergers have already decided that the next president of the United States is going to be Mitt Romney. Remember you heard it from me first.
2015-04-18 01:32:25 UTC
As a Cons I say Pleeeeeeeeeeease run Hillary!!!

I will vote for her in the Pimary, then Walker in the General..
2015-04-13 12:14:17 UTC
Lol. Hillary IS right wing. Do Hillary supporters really know this little about her???? You should really consider actually looking into her and her history. She is the EXACT thing that modern Democrats and liberals claim to hate, and yet she's their front-runner lol!!
2015-04-15 07:24:45 UTC
Childish name calling is the more decent and respectable side of US politics. Most of it is outright libel and slander. I don't think politicians credit the general public with enough intelligence to talk policy (assuming either side has a policy).
2015-04-13 12:17:37 UTC
You would be scared lib if you had the intelligence. With Hillary being your only canidate, you have thrown all your cards behind a choice the could hardly be called legitimate or worthy.
2015-04-14 05:47:21 UTC
She is a diversion to the real candidate they will bring in later. Hate on hillary now and the complaints about the future candidate will look like whining in their eyes. It is all a farce.
2015-04-13 12:16:24 UTC
We are terrified of a 70 year old woman with absolutely no accomplishments.

Your only hope is the the Republicans run Jeb Bush. He does not have a lot of accomplishments either but he was not married to Bill and he is not a woman.
2015-04-13 20:37:31 UTC
Funny, I thought the political left was hitting hard on the political right. Oh well, my bad.... To answer your question, Hillary is corrupt like any politician and cannot be trusted.
2015-04-14 01:43:57 UTC
Yes. The GOP hasn't been able to come up with attractive planks for a platform for decades. Not that many want to be slaves/serfs of the 1% and their bum-boys.
2015-04-13 20:20:44 UTC
If Hillary becomes the Democrat candidate it assures a conservative victory. Go, Hillary, go!
2015-04-14 04:56:56 UTC
We don't need any "childish name calling" for Hillary. She can run on her own credentials and that will be enough.
2015-04-13 12:17:06 UTC
What name calling? I haven't seen it.

Mostly, I've seen people calling attention to Hillary's many errors of judgement (to put it charitably), but no name calling.
2015-04-14 07:12:02 UTC
Hillary and the democrats are desperate and pathetic.
2015-04-13 12:14:20 UTC
2015-04-13 12:27:07 UTC
No. it merely shows that they will do or say anything they can to ensure the election of whichever inadequate candidate is put up against the inadequate H. Clinton.

huge problem is the foolishness of the voters in the excited states. they confuse rhetoric, bafflegab and makinstuffup with leadership..
2015-04-13 12:22:58 UTC
Forget it. TeaTards are just like that. Kind of like a cross b'tween Autism and Tourette's Syndrome.
2015-04-14 19:40:36 UTC
Only Democrat
2015-04-14 10:13:08 UTC
2015-04-14 15:10:37 UTC
Accusing the right of name calling is really absurd. Racist, hater, homophobe, misogynist, etc. did not come from the right. Only out of the unformed brain of indoctrinated youth. You would have loved Chairman Mao, and followed his extermination of those who disagreed with his regime with glee....
2015-04-13 12:48:45 UTC
No we're just gleeful that its OUR TURN to do it! Do you think they will let Hillary keep her sarcophagus if she's elected? No wonder she had to hire a VAN! Whose her running mate going to be? Brendan Frasier? HAHAHAHAHA
2015-04-14 20:13:49 UTC
2015-04-13 21:22:40 UTC
Ask Mrs. BHO and V. Jarrett what their favorite nickname is for Skillary Binton...and both are left wing Demogogs...WOW!
2015-04-16 10:44:18 UTC
The truth hurts.

When democrats speak their mind,. it's freedom of speech.

When conservatives speak their mind, it's childish, hate speech, or racism.
2015-04-13 19:02:44 UTC
No... It proves that nobody likes the Old lying Hag

Isn't She just lovely... Ha Ha
2015-04-13 12:14:14 UTC
Why yes it does. Please don't run Hillary says the Republicans. Oh You democrats running a queen.

The democrats are the party of gays and muslims. Way to go
2015-04-14 10:16:30 UTC
No, but your question proves you are a pathetic kool-aid drinker. That dishonest and sexist woman is pretty nasty, maybe even nastier than the current vermin
2015-04-14 09:52:41 UTC
The males that feel the need to trash talk any women are almost always effeminate 'boys' who will never really be men.
2015-04-13 15:16:59 UTC
says the twit who cannot mention the last Presidents name without some childish misspelling!
2015-04-13 19:52:16 UTC
I would be nervous and scared if not for all this ammo stored in my house. :)

The WORLD will not survive four years of Hillary. **** it might not even survive 19 more months of Barack!
2015-04-13 15:47:41 UTC
No stupid liberals, your confidence wil be broken soon with a com presidente next. the liberal Obama days are done. hillary cant run shes a war criminal now who wants death camps
2015-04-13 21:05:48 UTC
We're not desperate. We're pragmatists.
2015-04-13 12:26:45 UTC
No, your asking of such a juvenile question seems to show your concern that she might not get the nod and you need to convince the undecided, uninformed voters of your position.
2015-04-13 12:16:21 UTC
The only one calling names are anonymous posters. Usually liberal trash pretending to be Republicans.
2015-04-13 12:14:55 UTC
What does this say about the lefts attack a on walker, Cruz, bush, Rubio, Christie, Romney etc.??
2015-04-14 20:37:20 UTC
left wing or right wing whoever controls the house and senate will be causing gridlock as just recently happened.
2015-04-14 20:20:35 UTC
NO! The right wing calls them as they see them!
2015-04-15 08:20:09 UTC
both wings are now desperate to go back to a 2 party system instead of this one party mess we now have.
2015-04-13 12:14:46 UTC
Yeah, because the left wing NEVER does that right?
2015-04-15 18:09:42 UTC
Well u libs would know look at all the childish names you called Palin !!!
2015-04-14 07:41:03 UTC
Whatever names they call her,she has earned them. The democratic party is destroying our nation and they want to make sure they finish the job.
2015-04-13 12:37:26 UTC
No most are just making a point she is a liar that has been proven so she is running an is fair game.
2015-04-13 12:15:45 UTC
Hahahaha - nutless republicans are terrified of women - but mostly they need to parrot the lies currently being fed to them by FOX.
2015-04-13 20:29:25 UTC
The Republican Party, the party of billionaires, their shills and the suckers who vote against their own interests.
2015-04-13 12:17:08 UTC
2015-04-13 12:17:39 UTC
No I have voted democrat for years and I think she is not a good candidate either. She has way to many what ifs...
2015-04-13 12:16:41 UTC
So THAT's what we're supposed to make of names like "Mittens". Point taken.
Alana C
2015-04-15 09:47:54 UTC
2015-04-15 14:51:20 UTC
No. Just that some people are immature, regardless of the political association.
2015-04-13 12:15:06 UTC
That's just stupid to not see your own retarded fellows spewing vile lies about all right wing candidates.
2015-04-13 12:45:34 UTC
Desperate? You mean like liberal reactions to the name "Ted Cruz"?
2015-04-13 14:34:49 UTC
whose childishly calling out her name? and who will the libs childishly call out when a GOP candidate is named? Because it goes both ways, dude.
Obama really sucks
2015-04-14 09:38:05 UTC
guess you would know about that with the names that Bush was called and the village idiot bumper stickers

2015-04-14 01:42:16 UTC
lmfao...rofl...fofl....I TRULY HOPE SHE WILL RUN. the easiest opponent to run against is one who is truly corrupt. I wouldn't dream of getting in the way of an easy conservative win. why would I result to name calling when simply using her record of failure is miles and miles and miles more effective.
2015-04-13 12:13:41 UTC
No, what it shows is that the left is desperate their only viable candidate is "damaged goods". LOL
2015-04-15 12:44:17 UTC
I have never called her anything . And let's face it her fat *** opens her up for plenty of names
2015-04-13 12:14:47 UTC
they know they don't stand a chance against her. It's proactive sour grapes!
2015-04-15 12:53:11 UTC
Well i think you should never call people names but i think a lair is a lair .
2015-04-13 14:12:37 UTC
You know what they say about the shoe being on the other foot. LOL
2015-04-14 11:12:54 UTC
People will always give names to famous people. ESPECIALLY politicians
2015-04-13 16:17:54 UTC
Our forefathers, those who framed the constitution, are on record accusing each other of child abuse, drug use, drunkenness, and every other crime. Get it?
2015-04-13 13:27:28 UTC
....says the desperate left-wingers who denigrate and LIE about every Republican candidate.
2015-04-13 13:20:48 UTC
No, it is an apt representation of their usual "Fair & Balanced" approach.
2015-04-15 20:27:37 UTC
2015-04-15 20:03:14 UTC
2015-04-14 16:09:20 UTC
No, that Elizabeth Warren is worried?
2015-04-13 13:34:19 UTC
Simply put, yes. Best luck.
Patriot !
2015-04-15 03:55:08 UTC proves that your question is the perfect example as to why the National Political "symbol" for the Liberal, "dummy-crat" Party is... a JACKASS !
2015-04-15 16:37:19 UTC
any comment on presidential candidates at this point in time is premature , worthless , and defines ones IQ.
2015-04-14 17:06:11 UTC
nobody's perfect
2015-04-13 12:18:41 UTC
It proves they've already lost... and they know it, too.
2015-04-13 12:16:34 UTC
It seems that way, because they not not come up with any real facts.
2015-04-13 13:50:40 UTC

good for billy stuff
What Me Worry?
2015-04-15 06:02:54 UTC
H is for Hipocrite
2015-04-13 12:16:21 UTC
Nah, we just like you thin-skinned pansies to get your panties in a bunch.
Tad Dubious
2015-04-17 09:21:32 UTC
No, AZ, it is just the regular, run o' the mill mud slinging. Nothing to see here, folk; please move along.
2015-04-14 07:13:37 UTC
This is nonsense. Bad question.
2015-04-13 21:45:31 UTC
of course she cars about those people a lot
2015-04-13 12:14:34 UTC
Both sides do it. It is pathetic and crude.
2015-04-14 22:22:56 UTC
sounds like it
2015-04-15 19:13:53 UTC
I hope she becomes to president of MERICA.
2015-04-13 12:14:49 UTC can dish, but can't take?

2015-04-15 04:54:00 UTC
keep taking the valium.
2015-04-13 18:46:13 UTC
They are children. Dumb ones too.
2015-04-15 01:00:12 UTC
depends. Each to their own.
2015-04-14 06:13:22 UTC
only if you can see russia from your backyard.
Ken Milby
2015-04-15 13:22:43 UTC
Hmm, do ya think ?
2015-04-14 12:00:06 UTC
IT does not
2015-04-15 04:53:13 UTC
2015-04-14 10:50:17 UTC
yes, it does. THUMBS UP BABY!
2015-04-13 19:10:46 UTC
Are you serious?
2015-04-15 20:39:40 UTC
2015-04-15 20:39:20 UTC
"What difference does it matter now?"
2015-04-15 13:23:49 UTC
Actually, its the other way around. Please pay attention to reality.
2015-04-14 14:21:29 UTC
2015-04-14 09:22:24 UTC
2015-04-13 22:35:59 UTC
2015-04-14 15:23:10 UTC
no. it is not true.
2015-04-17 10:00:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.