The United States is weighted down w/ many factors that prevent citizens from making simple choices.
Our feelings about slavery continue to this day. No matter which of the many sides of this issue one is on, it plays a large part in this particular election. Most other countries do not have this baggage to contend with. Persons of other than European descent are not regarded as being materially different from those who are.
We are being sandbagged by the extreme religious Right, the NRA and the gun issue, the fact that there are movements here that are so much more powerful than common sense.
We are not stupid. It is a very complex situation.
We also do not have the ability to vote directly for our national leaders. The Electoral College prevents the popular vote from having the weight it might have.
Our system of national government is "winner takes all", where some other countries' systems allow for the minority to have a meaningful role to play after elections are completed. This system produces sharp swings in political direction. It doesn't take very long at all for a different party President to change everything that a previous President has done.
We have one party that is determined to win at any cost, including circumventing the founding documents of our law.
We have another party that seems to be trying to "reach across the aisle" to work w/ the other party, never noticing that other party doesn't want to work w/ anybody else.
Our system of lobbiests permits organizations controlling vast sums of money to sway the performances of politicians, up to and including whether or not they can get elected.
There is a lot to decry in America.