after what bush has done in the last 8 years, why would you still vote republican?
2008-10-15 09:10:46 UTC
after what bush has done in the last 8 years, why would you still vote republican?
37 answers:
2008-10-15 09:14:03 UTC
I wouldn't but others will because they are republican sheep. They will follow the leader right off the cliff into the ocean. Idiots.
2008-10-15 09:31:24 UTC
People, please. The question never said that Bush was running again for president. The question was, after what Bush has done, why would you vote REPUBLICAN - meaning, why vote for McCain-Palin, or ANY other REPUBLICAN out there. Folks are so ready to scream out that Bush isn't running that they don't even notice that's not the question.

I read the question because I was honestly curious as to how people can watch McCain's completely irrational behavior, his transition from a maverick into a puppet of the extreme right, how they can see the current economy created by the GOP, know that internationally, other countries don't see a reason not to torture people because now the US has decided it's fine to torture, how people can think it's okay that the Constitution has been violated in such a filthy way that our government is now free to spy on its own citizens, etc., etc., etc., ..... And STILL be not only willing to vote Republican - but actually committed to it, heart and soul.

Do you not like yourselves enough to fight back? OBAMA '08!
2008-10-15 09:41:30 UTC
They still chose to NOT see that Bush LIED us into Iraq to satisfy a vendetta (Saddam shooting at his daddy) saying that he was protecting us from terrorist while Osama Bin La Din is anywhere but Iraq. They chose to NOT see the cost of that asinine decision while it take the funds needed to go after the man who brought devastation to our own soil. Seven years later almost to the day of 911 our economy nose dives like one of those planes spinning out of control. McCain upheld this asinine adventure saying we would be in and out. BAD DECISION so much for the military expertise he wants us to think he has over anyone else. The money and the 7 years doesn't compare to the over 4,000 American lives lost to this BAD DECISION. Cheney has benefited immensely by this war as has other "they deserve to be rich because they furnish jobs" hypocrites. It's not that Pubs are against welfare. They are just against any welfare that doesn't benefit them.

This is why they still will vote Republicant.

Independent for


37.bill You are right Bush did have a lot thrown at him and his low intelligence made him not equipped to cope and yet the Pubs want to make experience one of their rally calls.

Pubs think that smears of alledged "voter fraud" will be what changes the outcome. IF IT WERE TRUE, I look at it as payback for the way Bush first stole his way into the White House with that last Florida voting fiasco and the ignorant for keeping him there 4 more years. I am voting FOR Obama and if McCain/Palin were running as a Democrat I would be voting for "anybody else".
2008-10-15 09:44:35 UTC
do you remember 9/11? do you remember all the hurricanes, tell me what president has had more to deal with than bush has. i don't particularly like bush, but you must admit, he has had a lot thrown on him

i might have voted for obama until all the voter fraud mess came up. its clear the democrats are trying to steal the election. i don't want anybody in power that thinks that o/k.-we need to get rid of nancy pelosi and harry reid. so i will do all i can to help throw them out. i am not so much voting republican as i am against these two nuts.
joe d
2008-10-15 09:18:01 UTC
Keep in mind, in the end, the president only has the power to either sign or not sign. Congress, when united in a majority has the only real power. Congress can overturn presidential vetoes and make amendments to the constitution that can outweigh any supreme court rulings.

The economy was great for 6 years under Bush. It has been tanking for the last 2 years. Gas prices were fine until about 2 years ago as well. Hmm, are we seeing a pattern ?

When did the democrats take control of congress ?
2008-10-15 09:24:11 UTC
I have never voted Republican. Not to say I would not in the future, but not this election and I doubt in 4 years. The Republicans run Idaho, and Idaho is not up to 'snuff' at the fault of the Rep. They have ran this state for decades, and have voted not to raise the minimum wage, keep state taxes high, is a Right to Work state, which is a hot ball of crap...Not to mention Larry "tap tap tap" Craig. Bill Sali and they rest of the crap. But of course not all Rep. here are bad.

I just can't name any...
2008-10-15 09:19:23 UTC
I'm a democrat.

But I am smart enough to know that not all Republicans are George W. Bush and his father.
2008-10-15 09:16:49 UTC
How exactly is Bush responsible for Katrina and Rita, the events of 9/11, the dot com collapse, the Enron and World Com scandals, the housing refinance fiascoes, etc.....etc.......??

The last 8 years or so have not been a walk in the park.
2008-10-15 09:20:02 UTC
Good God... McCain is not George W. Bush! I'd vote for Bush again and again rather than have a socialist OBAMA running this country.

2008-10-15 09:19:01 UTC
Change is not always good.

In Obama's case change will definitely be bad for me.

His new tax laws will cause 401K accounts to lose another 10 percent and as a recent retiree I don't want to see that happen.

All of you democrats with your hands out with no personal wealth probably think that Obama will give you money but you are wrong again.
2008-10-15 09:18:58 UTC
good question. mccain and palin in my opinion would ruin this country and **** it up even more than it is right now.... although i do go against obama a little bit because he is black i can get over that because he is much more fit to run this country than mccain also think if obama died or got killed, joe biden is a lot more capable of handling the presidency than sara palin...
samantha r
2008-10-18 05:23:56 UTC
McCain isnt Bush you blockhead!
carolina s
2008-10-15 09:18:05 UTC
for one reason Bush couldnt do nothing without congress.and who has the most seats in congress..guess who ...if you said dem's you right ..a president can veto a bill but if congress dont approve they can vote it down..its congress who has the last vote dont believe me wait till you idiots get obama in office .then dont cry over spilled milk
J. P.
2008-10-15 09:17:46 UTC
maybe because were only have way threw still need bash iran,syria,lower yemen and then africa somalia,sudan,and lets just shake up Qaddafi one more time
2008-10-15 09:16:39 UTC
um....let's see. He's liberated two countries, made us safe from terrorist attacks, and up until after the democrats took over, we had a good economy. So it's because of what he has done that will make me vote republican. I blame today's economy on democrats, their programs, and their lack of foresight, and extreme corruptness.
2008-10-15 09:16:08 UTC
You are bent on changing the constitution to discriminate against gays and end freedom of choice. There is no other logical reason to do so.
2008-10-15 09:15:32 UTC
If Ron Paul was running.
2008-10-15 09:21:34 UTC
Because less taxes, less spending and less government is the only way to boost our economy and balance the budget.

How will Obama create jobs by increasing taxes and making it more expensive to do business?
2008-10-15 09:16:39 UTC
Because Obama is proposing worse things than McCain. You don't raise taxes in a recession, especially taxes on businesses... you know, the people that HIRE other people and set the prices for your groceries, gas, and clothes.
2008-10-15 09:16:16 UTC
Because McCain is the better choice. Please, give me a year by year list of the bad things Bush has done, starting with 2001.
2008-10-15 09:15:38 UTC
Please place more blame on the Democrat controlled house and senate....they are far more responsible for the economic, social and military policies than the office of the president.....

The executive branch only has veto power....get your facts straight....

And I will sooner vote republican again than vote for a terrorists associate (Ayers) and socialist.
Lawyer X
2008-10-15 09:15:15 UTC
I had the same question in 2004, given what he had done in his first 4 years. And John McCain has voted with Bush over 90% of the time. Some people are just slow learners.
2008-10-15 09:20:46 UTC
last i heard, bush isn't running for president
2008-10-15 09:15:29 UTC
I am a republican but will we voting for 3rd party candidates this november unlike my brain washed, brain dead fellow republicans who will vote for mccain even though they don't really like him...because its for the party.
2008-10-15 09:14:18 UTC
If you stopped voting for a party based on one President the DNC would have been laid to rest after Carter
2008-10-15 09:14:03 UTC
Some bonehaads just can't seem to understand that McCain is not George Bush.
2008-10-15 09:13:41 UTC
Because Bush turned out NOT to be A Republican. Just as BO is not a Democrat but a Socialist.
2008-10-15 09:15:28 UTC
/ Because some people are still ignorant - to the fact that...


This is between Obama and McCain (who is not Bush, people).

Obama has you brainwashed.

McCain/Palin 2008
2008-10-15 09:13:31 UTC
To retain some semblance of the Bill of Rights.
2008-10-15 09:14:11 UTC
Because Bush isn't running, and he's not a racist.
2008-10-15 09:14:00 UTC
Bush isn't running this time.
2008-10-15 09:13:33 UTC
Let me put it to you this way. I would much rather vote for George W. Bush AGAIN than to have a Socialist running the country.
2008-10-15 09:14:12 UTC
No kidding huh.

The answers to this should be interesting. If you get any from the crazy McCain crew. They are all lost in la-la land.
2008-10-15 09:15:38 UTC
thats why im for OBAMA.
2008-10-15 09:14:33 UTC
because they are really stubborn, it has nothing to do with the person they just refuse to vote democrat.
2008-10-15 09:14:25 UTC
I will never vote Republican again --- never.
November Rain
2008-10-15 09:13:09 UTC
Because some people are just ignorant.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.