People, please. The question never said that Bush was running again for president. The question was, after what Bush has done, why would you vote REPUBLICAN - meaning, why vote for McCain-Palin, or ANY other REPUBLICAN out there. Folks are so ready to scream out that Bush isn't running that they don't even notice that's not the question.
I read the question because I was honestly curious as to how people can watch McCain's completely irrational behavior, his transition from a maverick into a puppet of the extreme right, how they can see the current economy created by the GOP, know that internationally, other countries don't see a reason not to torture people because now the US has decided it's fine to torture, how people can think it's okay that the Constitution has been violated in such a filthy way that our government is now free to spy on its own citizens, etc., etc., etc., ..... And STILL be not only willing to vote Republican - but actually committed to it, heart and soul.
Do you not like yourselves enough to fight back? OBAMA '08!