Why can't OBAMA supporters, understand...........................................?
2008-10-27 18:24:14 UTC
.....why the ONLY reason why things were okay while Clinton was president were the following reasons:

1) REPUBLICANS had control of Congress and RESCUED the nation from ruin by keeping communist Clinton in check

2) The Internet became mainstream and this helped the economy and by the way, Al Gore did NOT invent the Internet

3) Hussein Obama's policies will BANKRUPT the economy

4) If you want to know what it's like when Democrats have COMPLETE control, check out the Carter administration

5) The best way to grow the economy is to limit regulation and to give tax breaks to rich people because when they do well, they have more money to give to their workers and they can hire more people

These facts are simple enough.

Why don't they get it?
57 answers:
Happy Bunny :-)
2008-10-27 18:29:07 UTC
why don't republicans understand that saying "Hussein" doesn't scare democrats.
2008-10-27 18:39:29 UTC
Things were not OK during Clinton's presidency, they were great.

1) Since the Congress has MORE power than the president.. I would say that Clinton kept the Congress in check.

2) True and too true. (What could he have been thinking?)

3) Not likely.

4) Look what Carter was handed by Tricky Dick (who abandoned the gold standard)

5) Trickle down Reaganomics did not work then and led to a recession, it will not work now, or ever

You are confusing speculation and conjecture with facts.

Facts can be proved.

Rush is a bad source of info.

Why don't the Repuglicans get it.

Why are the Dems so wrong about guns, dammit!?
2008-10-27 18:52:05 UTC
If you spent half of the amount of time reading books that you spend trolling on YA, perhaps you could learn to write a grammatically correct English sentence. After learning to write, perhaps you could assess the logic of your statements.

For instance, you say, "Things were okay while Clinton was president because Obama's policies will bankrupt the economy.

Things were okay while Clinton was president if you want to know what it's like when democrats have complete control, check out the Carter administration.

Things were okay while Clinton was president because the best way to grow the economy is to limit regulation and to give tax breaks to rich people because when they do well, they have more money to give to their workers and they can hire more people."

Now, analyze these statements. You will see they have nothing to do with one another.

Then, you state that these opinions are facts! Perhaps if you cited some sources, someone could take your statements seriously. Unfortunately, you sit at your computer and spout opinions in place of fact--And you don't even do it in a logical manner.

Here are some sources of well researched information. Try reading some of it!
Adam S
2008-10-27 18:34:42 UTC
I bet if this were about 2 men, neither one affiliated with any party, in fact there are no parties, a lot of this finger pointing and prejudice would be non-existent, to a certain degree. How can anyone tell if Obama's policies are truly going to bankrupt this country? Are you so enlightened as to the financial workings of our government? Come on! Seriously! If anyone was smart enough to know we would be in the financial situation we are today it would have never happened. There are so many variable that it's impossible to tell what is going to work and what isn't. In situations like this you need a leader that will make quick and sound decisions. The reason I vote for Barack is because I think he is the more elaborate thinking, the more diplomatic, and the more intelligent of the two choices. If you can't see that your blind. Republicans and democrats alike, both can be radical at times, no one is innocent. Again, push aside the party affiliation and look at the who is the stronger, more eloquent leader.

Bring on the thumbs down for a well thought out post. Haters.
2008-10-27 18:42:43 UTC
1. Clinton got enough through congress to recover the country from Daddy Bush.

2.Yes until the bottom dropped out in 99

3. I'm glad Shrub didn't bankrupt the country and lead us into a recession

4. You want to know what happens when Republicans are in complete control look at the Coolidge Administration (The Great Depression) Who got us out of it? FDR (Democrat)

5. Yes, let the banks run wild and do what they want. Wait, isn't that what happened to the economy as it is now?

Yep, it's all clear to me now that I have the facts. Republicans get us into trouble, and Democrats fix their mess
2008-10-27 18:33:58 UTC

1) Things weren't "okay" when Clinton was president, he just lied about everything ( social security surplus, that's not even possible).

2) The Internet is fine and useful....why are you even mentioning it in this question?

3) The economy is bankrupt. Seriously, it is. We're so deep in debt we can never get out...EVER.

4) Carter followed Ford and Nixon! He was just as screwed as whoever has to follow Bush!

5) We limited banking regulations and now there's no end to the problems in sight. And there are already tax breaks in place for the rich and I don't any economy growing.

Okay, now you have the facts.
Mister J
2008-10-27 18:32:36 UTC
Point by point:

1. You're wrong

2. We know Gore did not invent the internet. It was already in existence by the way before Clinton.

3. LOL. You should talk. Look at the MESS made by Bush and McCain's policies. We've got to try something and somebody else.

4. What about the first two years of Clinton? As for Republican controlling all branches, look at the first four years of Bush.

5. Reagan's trickle down theory was debunked ages ago. Didn't you get the memo?

These facts are simple enough. Vote for OBAMA and BIDEN.
2008-10-27 18:38:23 UTC
I JUST DON'T KNOW! I know so many people (and call many of these people friends...we simply agree not to talk about this because no matter what I say I am not going to change their minds on this and we all recognize that fact) who simply refuse to look at facts such as the the ones that you mentioned in your question (as well as other obvious and compelling evidence that this man is downright dangerously unAmerican [at least from what I can see]). These people would vote for a piece of dog excrement if it were running on the democratic ticket. They simply have no interest in voting for a Republican (or any other party) no matter what. There minds were made up that they were going to vote for the Democrat years ago.
2008-10-27 18:37:46 UTC
Clinton succeeded because he opposed Congress when it mattered and kept them from doing as much damage as they would have under a republican.

And we've been trying your "less regulation and taxes" panacea for some time now. That's what caused the current crisis.

You seem rather strident. Your "facts" aren't carrying the persuasive effect you think they should? Well yeah sure maybe everybody who disagrees with you is just inexplicably dumb.

You know, there is another possibility. Can you guess what that is?
2008-10-27 18:33:06 UTC
1.) And look at what good shape we're in after the 6 years of Republicans having complete control.

2.) The Internet put people out of work. Remember when the dot com bubble burst?

3.) The same way Capitalist Bush entered office with a budget surplus and now we're f'd.

4.) See #1.

5.) If only that's actually how it worked in reality. Rich people use their extra money to buy bigger homes and nicer cars. They reinvest... in themselves. And that's fine they have a right to do that. But don't tell me they give it to their workers. And sure they hire more people... in India because that's where they've outsourced an American's job.
Katie M
2008-10-27 18:32:51 UTC
why can't Mccain supporters understand ...that they have to get their news from more than one source ie something other than FOX News

Also it was clintons plan that made the economy so great no congress.

Look at what has happened in the last 8 years, or the last 8 days, the stock market crashed because of Bushs deregulation of the stock market not because of clintons regulation of it in the 90's...I dont see how anyone can support deregulation of the stock market if you are aware of what is happening RIGHT now...regulation is what got us out of the depression!

Also I work a part time minimum wage job, are you really going to try to convince me that if the head of the corporation I work for gets a giant tax break my salary will go above 8.00 an hour? Maybe you should get a job and see exactly how your trickle down theory works.
Fred K
2008-10-27 18:34:04 UTC
Yea I can see the Republicans Have done a wonderful job with this Country War over WMD Heck of a Job where are they we get Attacked and where do our Priorities Lie Searching For WMD Heck of a Job.the Best way to Grow The Economy is to Vote out The Republicans Trickle Don't work Just Ask Bush
2008-10-27 18:37:10 UTC
Okay you believe what you will but explain why with you republican president we are fighting a war that does not make sense? We are not going to go through a depression we are at the beginning stages of a depression under your republican president. And can please tell me and the rest of us when has trickle down economics worked for anyone but the wealthy? Making the rich richer is not he answer. If that line of thinking worked we would not be in the situation we are in. I am voting for the best candidate and his name is Barrack H. Obama and i approve this message.
2008-10-27 18:33:05 UTC
Yeah, and things were just spiffy during the first six years of the Bush Regime when the Republicans had "control" of congress.

Btw, the man's name is Barak Obama, and on January 20, 2009 he'll be Mr. President whether you like it or not. This country has gone into the dumper because of Bush. It's time for a major change, and it's coming.
let me be clear
2008-10-27 18:34:45 UTC
5) The best way to grow the economy is to limit regulation and to give tax breaks to rich people because when they do well, they have more money to give to their workers and they can hire more people

That I can't understand most of all. ...The more the people have the better off we all are not just the rice. We have to live as wel,l we have families to my friend ..see ya at the polls.
2008-10-27 18:35:01 UTC
Any rambling of any type from a fanatic is just that" noise". What you fail to see is that " WHO MADE YOU GOD" to know Absolutely that McCain is right. We can argue it both way, the same argument can be done for Obama and McCain. But because YOU SUPPORT McCain then you want the WORLD to view it your way. You had your 8 years, let us have the next 8.
2008-10-27 19:04:22 UTC
My question to you is what makes you think they don't get "it"? Perhaps Obama supporters do understand all that you say and have still made their choice. Just as you have. You're respected for your opinions and decisions. Obama supporters deserve the same respect.

Even calling him as you have in number 3 is your choice. Its accepted as your opinion. That's what makes these United States a democracy and everyone is respected for their opinion.

Bottom line. You've made your case but what you have to accept is that Obama supports have made their choice. Take it or leave it, they believe their candidate is the better candidate. Just as you believe yours is. Welcome to democracy! Its what our fore fathers fought for! Freedom of choice -- for all!
2008-10-27 18:30:50 UTC
Why can't the remaining Republican supporters understand the last EIGHT years??

These last EIGHT years will serve as a constant reminder why not to vote Republican in future elections (just like youre quoting Carter from30 years ago - we'll still be quoting Bush in 2040)
2008-10-27 18:35:24 UTC
i dont know about u but i pay a crap load of money in health insurance and my coverage is really bad. if i have to pay taxes on health insurance i wont be able to afford it all among many americans who r already in this position. i have a baby on the way so if retards like u end up getting mccain in office u can tell my child that he couln't have his shots or any medical care because the president made it so that i cant afford it. that would be helpful thanks.
jay jay...
2008-10-27 18:33:03 UTC
1) your wrong about clinton, honey...clinton wasn't communist...and republicans are too religious...

2) Duh, everyone knows Al Gore didn't invent the internet.

3) BARACK Hussein Obama...why do people take his middle name about of context...itsvery traditional of a name...

4) If you want to question a republic control...look at the Iraq War...a war on oil...look at gay rights or should i say lack thereof...look at the bailout crisis....


these facts are simple enough to contradict your facts.

Why don't YOU get it??????????
2008-10-27 18:32:13 UTC
1. false.

2. he never said he did - he came up with the phrase information highway

3. bush has taken a surplus and return it with the largest deficit

4. nonsense

5. rich hire landscapers, nanny, drivers, etc who are not american citizens. they do not offer a health plan, retirement benefits or vacation. if you need a job that doesn't provide any future, just knock on the door of any contributors to the rnp.
2008-10-27 18:28:16 UTC
The rubber stamp congress from 2006-2006 with Bush nearly destroyed us.

Obama/Biden '08
2008-10-27 18:31:00 UTC
and why can't mccain supporters........

understand that it's the republicans fault that we are into this mess....

so its time for change....

you want a man like mccain, who had all the power in the world to pick a reasonable vice president to be president.

That was the easiest thing he had to chose and he blew it.

He picked a dumb woman who has no experience with anything.

how smart is he!!!!
2008-10-27 19:00:10 UTC
YES! its good to hear Obama hasn't brainwashed everyone in this country!! He will only make this country worse! you are exactly right! VOTE MCCAIN/PALIN!!!!!
2008-10-27 18:29:31 UTC
You failed to tell us why it was ok during the Bush administration. Oh yeah - it wasn't ok.

Why don't republicans understand if you put more money into the average Joe's hand, he will spend it. Creating more wealth for the wealthy. The wealthy got wealthy by hoarding, not spending.
2008-10-27 18:29:29 UTC
They are brainwashed with the snake oil sales pitch of "hope and change" from Obama

There are many things about America that SHOULDN'T be changed, but Hussein sure does want to change the whole idea of America.

The fact that Hussein couldn't even pass a background check (due to his shady connections, shady deals, and terrorist ties) to be a janitor for the FBI means he should be NOWHERE NEAR the White House.
Jeff in Dallas
2008-10-27 18:28:43 UTC
Clinton was communist? Clinton was a moderate democrat and the best president we have had in most of our adult lifetimes.

Can you say "BALANCED BUDGET" I know republicans have nno idea what that is.
2008-10-27 18:27:06 UTC
america is already bankrupt, and take a history lesson,carter PURPOSELY implemented the recession in order to off-set the rise of inflation,he may not have been popular,but he did the right thing.unlike bush whos recession has been caused by irresponsible tax cuts and spending like a liberal on crack,the same thing mccain wants to continue doing.
truth 4u
2008-10-27 18:30:33 UTC
Obama supporters do not take time to look into the facts. This election the Obama supporters will vote for what is said, with out seeing the lies.

After reading the first answer, I need to add that they can’t understand, because they lack intelligence.
2008-10-27 18:29:10 UTC
i agree :]

and most of the people that just try to ignore the fact that you are making a good point are just stuck on rooting for obama(which is fine because everyone is entitled to their opinion) but we are going to have some dissappointed people when obama makes our country's problems worse

MCCAIN IS NOT GOING TO BE ANOTHER BUSH! i'm sick of people saying that! he has a different plan and he will help our country. we were in debt waaaay before bush became prez
2008-10-27 18:30:38 UTC
I my experience, liberals tend to vote with their heart. They vote on things based on how the world SHOULD be. If only it was! It's no fun to really think your way through a problem and do the thing that doesn't sound nice and pretty. But it's logic. It's the way the world ACTUALLY works.
2008-10-27 18:28:11 UTC
Obama would be the best President for this country, period. You should have thought of this when your party was ruining the country.
2008-10-27 18:30:24 UTC
you say that these are fact but you show nothing to back them up

i can say that its a fact that McCain drinks the blood of babies and bathes in virgin blood to stay young ....but with no back up its meaningless
2008-10-27 18:28:17 UTC
I believe you have answered your own question. Nothing you have stated is a fact.

We refuse to listen to lies, smears, and fear-mongering. We know that he is the best choice for our country.

2008-10-27 18:30:54 UTC
yayyyyyyyy OBAMA!!!!!! =] come on you cannot NOT like Obama. you know Obama vs. McCain, obama is better .. maybe if there was someone else but there isnt soo GO OBAMA!
Obama Mama0128
2008-10-27 18:29:21 UTC
I can tell that you are going to be very unhappy when Obama becomes President, so why dont you just move . .?
2008-10-27 18:28:16 UTC
Don't you mcain supporters know that mcain is just another george bush?
Һסρε 2ӨӨ8
2008-10-27 18:27:13 UTC
Why don't you get that each and every eligible voter is ABLE to cast their OWN vote how they see fit? You vote how you want, and i'll vote how I want.

Gee, are you anti political freedom or what?
2008-10-27 18:26:31 UTC


The most powerful economic engine in the world is the American economy.

The Republicans seem to comprehend that.

But, the most powerful component of that engine is the American consumer – responsible for 70% of that economy.

Yet, the Republicans seem not to get the connection between that fact, and the fact that CONSUMERS ARE THE VERY PEOPLE THEY CONSISTENTLY WORK AGAINST!

They say they are for smaller government.

But, what they mean is that they are for smaller government interference in BUSINESS.

They don’t want consumer protection measures, or any kind of government oversight.

So, a business can be negligent in manufacturing a product and a consumer can be injured. That consumer won’t have universal health coverage; the republicans don’t want them to have that. The injured consumer can’t afford the lost income from time off work, much less the expensive medical procedures they need, but when they sue to be compensated for this disaster, the republicans call that a FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT, and have taken measures to minimize financial damages TO THE BUSINESS!



2008-10-27 18:27:54 UTC
regulation will keep the repubs. from taking at will,
2008-10-27 18:27:19 UTC
I stopped reading after you said "communist Clinton"

completely retarded.
2008-10-27 18:27:27 UTC
Did you miss the short bus again??
2008-10-27 18:29:07 UTC
All true statements.... vote McCain/Palin!!!
Rose S
2008-10-27 18:27:21 UTC
2008-10-27 18:30:56 UTC
Dem's are hurting, plain & simple.

McCain '08.
2008-10-27 18:27:59 UTC
Your illogic fascinates me, tell me more.
2008-10-27 18:27:28 UTC
They don't want to admit that they are wrong, thats what makes them Liberals.
i'm not mike
2008-10-27 18:27:01 UTC
Obama is looking for change, and that's change for our economy that's in a crisis.
2008-10-27 18:27:39 UTC
Because they do not think for themselves?
Mock You
2008-10-27 18:27:18 UTC
Because Barry is cool and he talks good......(this is sarcastic, btw)
2008-10-27 18:27:17 UTC
probably cause you're wrong
2008-10-27 18:26:59 UTC
it's not a fact if it hasn't happened yet
2008-10-27 18:27:17 UTC
cause they all been drinking that koolaid again
2008-10-27 18:27:12 UTC
2008-10-27 18:27:02 UTC
I am a Republican. I support Obama because we need a new view.
Stop Ranting
2008-10-27 18:26:56 UTC
They don't know and they don't care. They go on feelings.
2008-10-27 18:26:57 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.