Once again Hillary Doesn't stand by her decisions?
2008-02-14 10:08:34 UTC
She supported and signed an agreement to boycott Florida and Michigan. Now she doesn't support it.....

Obviously we all know about her flip flopping on the war and now she's flip flopping again on a boycott she once supported.... Why did she support the boycott against Florida and michigan and Now she doesnt?

Can anyone agree that this is just another example that she Doesn't have Good Judgment?
31 answers:
fairly smart
2008-02-14 10:15:14 UTC
How is it you know just a bit of the story, & not all the story, so you *obviously* know what is happening, even though you know only a very little?? If you don't know, or have a link to the whole story, I can't agree to disagree with you!
2008-02-14 18:36:42 UTC
Fact: The DNC banned campaigning but not fund-raising in the state of Florida. Edwards, Hillary, and Obama all did some fund raising in the state.

Fact: Hillary Clinton did not campaign in Florida. She flew the night that AFTER the polls closed to thank her supporters..but did not campaign. No signs, no speeches, no commercials, nothing.

Fact: Barack Obama did campaign in Florida. If I, as a Florida voter, wasn't supposed to be influenced by any campaign, then his multiple commercials shown on CNN sure crossed that line.

I can't speak to the Michigan situation and I sure don't have a solution for how to restore a voice to all of us who've been left out in any fair way....but don't claim things on this or any forum that are just not true. It's not good for our country and it just makes you look silly.
2008-02-14 18:31:57 UTC
She realized she made some people mad, so she took it back so then she makes good with both sides of the issue.

She does this all the time, she did it when she was talking about giving illegal immigrants licenses. She made that comment just so she'd get the Hispanic vote because as soon as she said it, everybody was telling everybody and the word got around. Then, she took it back so she could save face on the issue.

I wonder if she is going to have a meltdown if Obama gets the, get all whiggy and stuff on tv and maybe even cry.
leif c
2008-02-14 18:25:19 UTC

Hillary did flip flop on the war she was in the white house with Bill for eight years they had the same information as George Jr she voted for the war but hoping that George Jr would screw it up so bad so she can turn around and say look how bad of job he has done she just did it for political reasons. She changes her mind as often as the polls change only Say's things that others all ready thought of. Also she states she has 35 years experience out of seven right? well if she has 35 years why not run in 2004 so that way she can save us from having to deal with George Jr for another four years? Well because she at that time knew she only had 3 years Experience. She just needs to go retire somewhere go away save us from another four or eight years with another Clinton or a Bush no more.
2008-02-14 18:15:06 UTC
She did not flip flop on the war. When you change your mind based on new information that is called being SMART and adaptable. Idiots like George W. can not learn from anything. If you watched Collin Powell give his arguments for the build up of weapons of mass destruction on the floor of congress (which I did) you would have thought getting rid of Saddam was a good idea. It came out later that Collin was screwed by the Bushies and given bad information. Once the truth came out, almost everyone was against the war. I have family in Iraq and I support our kids 100%...they have no choice but to be in that hellhole. I support the troops and hate the war and want them home NOW!
2008-02-14 18:12:26 UTC
She signed an agreement not to campaign in Florida Obama also signed. Check your facts before asking a question. The DNC boycotted the 2 states delegates
2008-02-14 18:26:10 UTC
Wow this is a shock too you? The Clinton's have made a freaking living on lies and your just figuring this out now? Standing by something what the hell is that (in the Clinton's minds)? Good judgment and Billary are you kidding! I would like the Billary supporters to take a good long hard look at who they endorse and what she stands for? No ethics, morals and no clue what the hell she is doing. Good luck Billary supporters go to the Alamo to hear her next speech of conceding the nomination of the democratic party's nomination for president!
2008-02-14 18:39:14 UTC
Hillary and Bill are getting desperate. It's funny to watch what they will say and do to steal the election from Barack Obama.

I figure Bill would like to kill him if he could.
Sherilynne B
2008-02-14 18:24:45 UTC
No this was not bad judgment on her part, it was an opportunity to cheat. She SAID she wouldn't campaign but she did and was the only one to do so, so of course she got all the votes. Now she is saying it isn't fair to the PEOPLE that their vote didn't count. Well if the votes WERE going to count everybody would have campaigned there and Hilly wouldn't have been the winner anyway. She lies cheats and steals every chance she gets, is this who you want for your Senator New York?
Heidi 4
2008-02-14 18:17:01 UTC
When Hillary signed this agreement she felt totally confident that she had the election in the bag. Therefore she did not feel she needed Florida or Michigan. She was right on the band wagon to 'punish' these states for not going along with Florida and Michigans' rules.

It didn't work so in typical Clinton fashion she wants to change the rules in the middle of the game.

Havn't we all dealt with people who have tried to play this game.

Hillary's word is as invalid as a dead fish. She has no integrity.
♥♥The Queen Has Spoken♥♥
2008-02-14 18:13:14 UTC
If I understand that issue correctly it wasn't that Hillary was boycotting those state but rather the states Dems refusing to allow them to campaign there because of the party moving up the Demo primary.
Jokah C
2008-02-14 18:20:21 UTC
Hillary is an opportunist who lie, cheat, slander, and kill (yes, I said it - everyone knows it); she has been indicted in a federal courtroom twice, and escaped because she happened to have the trials moved to courts presided by judges who were appointed by her husband.

I can't believe the moral platitudes of this country are so bankrupt so many imbeciles think this woman actually gives a damn about them. She's in it for herself and she'll leave this country in the throes of helplessness because too many people never took an economics class. She doesn't have anything left in the Social Security fund to "balance the budget," Bill stole everything in the cookie jar and Bush finished off the crumbs. We're all screwed.
2008-02-14 18:17:20 UTC
I am guessing that those in Florida and Michigan are having the problem, not Hillary. She is running an up-front honest and honorable campaign based on the issues.
Jean f
2008-02-14 18:36:40 UTC
Your eyes must be brown because you are full of it... God I hope you are smart enough not to vote. But the way you sound I am sure I will have to cancel your vote...
Sweet And Sour
2008-02-14 18:34:52 UTC
Well, every woman I know has changes her mind all of the time, me included. I think being female has got something to do with it. I don't even know why I answered this question, I'm someone that doesn't vote, doesn't care yet doesn't complain about how things are.
2008-02-14 18:14:11 UTC
She cant be trusted and its not fair to John Edwards or Barack Obama that Hillary wants to not abide by the rules or pledges set-forth. If she can't run her campaign, campaign staff or its budget; with all the White House experience; how will she be a better President than Bush? Desperation is the tell-tell sign when cheating prevails.
2008-02-14 18:15:01 UTC
She's not honorable at all. That's why Obama makes her look bad. She a demoness.

Obama signed the pledge and said he wouldn't go there. And he didn't.

Hillary on the other hand, flew down there after the FL "win" to make a victory speech in an effort to mislead the voters from remaining primary states.

She is so calculating and I'm so glad it didn't work.

The best way to divide the Democratic party is to make the FL and MI delegates count. Not only will they lose the November Election, they will lose MILLIONS of VOTERS for future elections, and worse, the faith of their voters.

Hillary better accept her fate and try to win FAIRLY.
2008-02-14 18:13:54 UTC
You clearly illustrate the problem with regressives/conservatives.

You can't comprehend someone realizing a position is wrong, and changing it. You would rather 'stay the course' no matter how damaging and dangerous and proven wrong your position is

Its why the republican party has painted itself into a corner
2008-02-14 18:21:25 UTC
Obama is hopeing the race card gets him the big chair. anyone not voting for him will be racist
2008-02-14 18:19:27 UTC
This is not all true b4 making an argument, one must have all the facts straight. You really should read the whole story.
2008-02-14 18:11:40 UTC
Hillary says that she is a better candidate than Obama because conservatives are to racist to vote for Obama, I like how she plays the race card.
Jason K
2008-02-14 18:11:21 UTC
what politician does? I like obama but politicians arent the most dignified bunch of people
2008-02-14 18:18:27 UTC
I voted for Obama. STAND FOR CHANGE! wow that's corny for me to say.
2008-02-14 18:11:51 UTC
She can't be trusted. The Clinton machine already had their 8 years. let someone else have a chance, they can't be any worse than Bush.
Lettie D
2008-02-14 18:16:36 UTC
I knew she didn't have good judgement when she voted to invade Iraq. And she refuses to apologize for that. Go figure!
2008-02-14 18:13:10 UTC
True. But you can't say that Hillary doesn't STAND BY HER MAN ( LOL)
Fiddy Kong
2008-02-14 18:13:10 UTC
obama does stand for his position right

all he does is vote present

the only position he has is say change
2008-02-14 18:19:18 UTC
shes sad that shes loosing and she wants their delagetes becuse shes a sore loser and should quite.
2008-02-14 18:12:55 UTC
hillary wants you to vote for her so that there isnt a black president. do you think she hates black people?
2008-02-14 18:11:16 UTC
i agree on that one...thats why I went for abama
2008-02-14 10:18:45 UTC
She has no character.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.