What is the Counsel of Forign Relations? And why should it be important to you as you vote this November...?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What is the Counsel of Forign Relations? And why should it be important to you as you vote this November...?
Twelve answers:
2008-04-14 20:05:58 UTC
Yes, it's sad. So many naive people believing there are differences among candidates. Thank God for internet, the only way to find truth besides NEXUS magazine.
2008-04-14 20:04:54 UTC
Interesting, thanks.
2008-04-14 20:01:26 UTC
Yes I have read many things on this kinda interesting the press has been awfull quite about it kinda like all the dirt on Obama
Darlene C
2008-04-14 20:38:18 UTC
You are absolutely right. I started investigating the government back in June of 2006. I read an article by Jerome Corsi about the NAFTA super highway and the SPP. I actually read the SPP on June 16th of that year. By July 1st, all access to read it was removed. It was the best written document I have read coming from the government since the Constitution. Anyone with a legitimate high school diploma could have read it with ease and virtually no chance of misunderstanding. The North American Union section was tucked into the latter half of the document. In the security impact statement under the NAU section is a sentence that really made me angry. It stated:, "The militaries of all three countries will fall under the control of the NAU." This one sentence officially ends the Constitution. There is no doubt that the CFR and Trilateral Commission, both of which are backing the SPP and NAU, are committing treason against the Constitution. The problem is that the CFR has over 5,000 members alone. There is no way that this country would survive through the trials of this many traitors.

We have already passed up our last chance to stop them peacefully. That was the election and Ron Paul was the only candidate with economic sense and the know how to stop them. Now we are left with only one option and it is the most destructive. But it is also the one choice that is capable of addressing our debt issue with China.
Free To Be Me
2008-04-14 20:18:00 UTC
Thanks for the thought-provoking information.

There is a grandiose school of thought that claims that "the world" is a great place, and the nation is petty and self-serving. It makes little sense, but people who disagree are demonized. Patriotism has been ridiculed, and named as the source of wars and terror. I fear for my freedoms and everything that is dear to me if these globalists prevail.

James Madison(?) said that once liberty is lost, only blood will bring it back.
2008-04-14 20:55:45 UTC
Big Thanks for the information.

Last summer, when I first started backing Ron Paul, a person in my group sent me this link:

{snip}" Seven American presidents have addressed the Council, two while still in office – Bill Clinton and George W. Bush." {unsnip}

They used to have a list of members posted, and if you check out the list of companies and compare them to the contributions received from the 3 front running candidates, you will see that they are all supported by CFR money,,,except Dr. Ron Paul.

Lets add the dots together:

1. CFR wants to expand worldwide!

2. CFR companies promote outsource-ing, which has caused wide spread unemployment in the USA.

3. Some members promote environmentalism which destroys jobs, and the development of natural resources, making Americans dependent on imports.

Ron Paul understands these problems and offers "Hope" for America.

Thank you for the question.

2008-04-14 21:07:11 UTC
The CFR aint what it used to be.

A friend of mine was actually offered a job at the CFR.

When it was first started by a group of bankers and lawyers it was much more shadowy than it is today.

At that time, the government had no clue what was going on in the world so they let the internationalists and bankers advise them. Today, the CFR only hopes to advise them.
2008-04-14 20:40:56 UTC
Oh, the Council on Foreign Relations... where to begin?

Let me start by saying this: If you are not a fan of what George W. Bush has done with his time in office, your grievances are not rightfully placed with him, or the GOP. Bush has clearly been taking his marching orders directly from the Council on Foreign Relations, as his actions have been a reflection of THEIR Machiavellian globalist agenda.

Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Chertoff, Rice, Gates, Petraeus, Powell... all CFR members. Bush is a pawn for the CFR.

If you are not a fan of what Bill Clinton did with his time in office, once again, your problem is not with his agenda, or the Democrats' agenda. He, too, was acting on behalf of the CFR. Unlike Bush, Clinton is, himself, a ranking inner-circle CFR member, as well as a member of the elite Bilderberg group, who are so secretive that they don't even have a proper name. (The term "Bilderberg" comes from the name of the hotel in the Netherlands where they are said to have first met.)

I could tell you what the CFR's agenda is, but instead of taking my word for it, why don't you read over some of these quotes from members of the CFR itself. They are more than happy to tell you what they are all about, because they know that they control the media, and by extension, America's entire view of reality.

And the reason it's important to be aware of this as you vote in November is simply that people need to understand what the CFR is before they will understand why voting for the lesser of 2 evils just isn't good enough. Americans have been fooled into thinking there's 2 parties when there's really only 1 (when it comes to the issues that really matter).


Actually, I should correct some of your details. To my knowledge, Kucinich and Gravel are also not CFR members.

As for Obama, I'm not sure if he himself is a member, but his wife certainly is, as his advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski is one of the nastiest individuals in recent history... comparable to Kissinger in his shrewd coldness and disregard for human life.

CFR or not, Obama is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
2016-10-05 04:37:52 UTC
Immigration is my priority. i hit upon it complicated to have faith that congress won't flow in this concern and not something would be achieved on it till a clean President & Congress are sworn in in January of 2009. the priority is purely getting worse on a daily basis.
2008-04-15 00:48:17 UTC
Very good question, and already well answered above by yourself, Oishi, Darlene C and Beesting.

A few things to add:

There is a very good reason why OBAMA, CLINTON & McCAIN are quiet about their associations with CFR - that is ELECTABILITY.

The short answer "What is CFR" – plain and simple – they are economic and political GLOBALISTS.

IF you wish to get an sense of what CFR is really all about, go and research David Rockefeller's involvement with CFR and Trilateral Commission and consider these statements:

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. … If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

- David Rockefeller, “Memoirs”, 2002

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

- David Rockefeller, June 5, 1991, Bilderberger meeting in Baden Baden, Germany

That should give you a good feel for the CFR.

(If you don't have time to research Rockefeller, here's a video that will give you the general idea of where he fits in the CFR picture

Wikipedia offers a concise definition:

"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an nonpartisan foreign policy membership organization founded in 1921 and based at 58 East 68th Street ... with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Through its membership, meetings, and studies, it has been called THE MOST POWERFUL AGENT OF UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY outside the State Department." (capitalization added for emphasis)

The operative words in that link are: "it has been called THE MOST POWERFUL AGENT OF UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY foreign policy outside the State Department…". That is, I believe, a GROSS under-statement. It would be more accurate to say that the CFR "DICTATES" foreign policy to the government.

You could go to CFR's web site to see what it CLAIMS to be

But to get the skinny quickly, you skip the CFR propaganda, watch this educational You Tube clip:

"The CFR controls American media" -

and have more time available for your own research.

I would also add that there is a critical CFR Agenda item voters must consider in 2008 – that is NORTH AMERICAN UNION.

The government is implementing CFR's NAU agenda in stealth mode, right before our very eyes. If people don't wake up soon, it WILL happen .. it is not a myth. The evidence is readily available for anyone wishes to find it.

That topic (NAU) warrants its own question. Hopefully someone asks the question tomorrow because time is running out very quickly.
Libris Fidelis
2008-04-14 20:25:58 UTC
What's wrong with the European Union? They may one day become what our USA lies about being: a Democracy!

By the way, "being", you knew about Democracy Now! (by Amy Goodman), As It Happens (by Carol Off and Barbara Budd out of Toronto / CBC), and Alternative Radio ?????
2008-04-14 20:07:24 UTC
It's a great subject. However, did you just raise the question just to show how much you know about it?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.