When the Democrats stop promoting the CRA.
When the Democrats stop blocking Republican efforts to regulate Fannie and Freddy like they did in:
2003 with the White House
2004 with Congress
2005 with McCain
2006 with the Senate
Get your facts straight pal. Clinton gleefully signed the 1999 bill you guys point to. Dodd, Schumer and EVEN BIDEN voted for it. LOL
Geez, can you even name the bill? LOL
That's what I thought. It was the Grahmm-Leach-Bliley bill. Clinton loved it because it repealed the Glass-Steagal act of 1933 and made it possible for Clinton's CRA "community service" warriors to bring even more unqualified home buyers to unwilling, but CRA regulated banks for loans they likely wouldn't pay back.
Deregulation that Biden, Obama, Clinton, Dodd, Schumer, Barny "the dope" Frank and other libbies can believe in.
EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A LOOK AT "POOLPLAYERS" VIDEO BELOW. It follows the history correctly, and at warp speed!
Then look here for documentation by time-stamp. Interesting stuff! http://sbvor.blogspot.com/2008/09/burning-down-house-substantiations.html
Robinson Cruz:
Homeownership for everyone is a lofty and reasonable goal if approached correctly. Since you pointed to the White House web site's transcript of the RNC speech in 2004, let me point you back to the White House web site for a clear look at what President Bush thinks of homeownership done incorrectly: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2008/09/20080919-15.html