wish we could, but we're stuck with Cameron, the Tory bastards and their Liberal poodles until 2014... and the galling thing is, even if we got the Tories out we'd only get the bloody Labour Party back in and they were as useful as a chocolate teapot last time, so bloody right-wing they might just as well have been Tories...
isn't the moral of the story "don't vote, it only encourages them"?
EDIT - interesting, just read the rest of your question and it's about the American elections, so I'm in the wrong country... just check this is Yahoo Answers Great Britain and Ireland, as I'm sure that's where I came in...
I wish you luck there. Can't be much fun living in a country where all the parties are right-wing and conservative and whoever you vote for, your wellbeing and welfare and best interests are ignored because you simply don't count, next to the big business and vested interests that bankrolled the winning campaign and want something in return. And America is *worse* than Britain in that respect... Obama and the Democrats might be less right-wing and obnoxious than the Republicans, just as Tony Blair was slightly less right-wing than Thatcher and the Tories. But in both cases, only just...