Exactly how is Obummer going to accomplish any of his many Grandiose Promises ?
2008-06-06 09:18:10 UTC
Every day it seems that Obummer makes new sweeping gradiose promises about bring America into the promised land but he NEVER once has explained HOW he will accomplish these things ?

Exactly HOW will Barack fund & provide Universal Healthcare as he has promised ?

Exactly HOW will Barack stop the war in Iraq immediately as he has promised ?

Exactly HOW will Barack repair our Economy as he has promised ?

Exactly HOW will Barack deal with America's National Security concerns & threats through negotiations as he has promised ?

Day after Day Barack makes more & more promises yet he has NEVER once explained HOW he will be able to implement these promises ?

Does Barack intend to wave a magic wand & expect all of these problems to resolve themselves and all of these promises to materialize on their own ?

For over a year, Why has Barack glanced toward the Heavens, smiled & made promise after promise yet NEVER once offered any Concrete Plan in any speech ?
21 answers:
2008-06-06 11:44:07 UTC
He cannot keep all these promises, and he knows it. All he wants to do is get votes. If he has to get them with lies, then he intends just keep telling lies. He is not living in the same world as the rest of us. The DNC thinks all the dems that voted for hillary are going to get onboard with obama. I got a flash for them. At this point most people are very angry at the DNC and the media and know far too much about obama to support him. Even if hillary tells them too, not going to happen.
Mr. Agappae
2008-06-06 09:44:13 UTC
"Exactly HOW will Barack fund & provide Universal Healthcare as he has promised ?"

Obama will tax the citizens of the United States, and then tax them some more to advance his healthcare solution.


"Exactly HOW will Barack repair our Economy as he has promised ?"

He won't really do anything for the economy. He has already admited he has no plan for higher gas prices. But I wouldn't worry about that; the liberal media will make it seem better than ever. Isn't it funny how it automatically gets better when a Democrat is in office?


"Exactly HOW will Barack deal with America's National Security concerns & threats through negotiations as he has promised ?"

He will have a stern talking with them; then they'll have tea.


"Does Barack intend to wave a magic wand & expect all of these problems to resolve themselves and all of these promises to materialize on their own ?"

No, the American public will do that for him. All will just assume that everything will get better once the GOP is out of the white house. It doesn't matter if things actually get worse, so long as the illusion of prosperity and the false sense of peace is maintained.


"For over a year, Why has Barack glanced toward the Heavens, smiled & made promise after promise yet NEVER once offered any Concrete Plan in any speech ?"

It's all about hope in hype. Lofty rhetoric moves the hearts of the naive. Unfortunately, there are just enough naive to give Obama a great chance of winning the election.

2008-06-06 10:30:35 UTC
The same way most European nations do it; rise tax rates to 50-60%, cut military spending to the point you need a powerful ally to protect you, and hope like heck the economy grows with the pace of growth in the services people have just beome addicted to.
2008-06-06 09:48:25 UTC
Here is how Obama will pay for health care...According to Obama (during the first democratic debate):

Please remember I'm only paraphrasing here, but Four parties will pay for his health plan. The Federal government (1/4), the state governments (1/4), the "employers" (1/4), and the "employees" (1/4).

Who are the "employers"? Every business in the United States. Who are the "employees"? The hard working, tax paying citizens of the United States.

Where does the Federal government get its money? By raising taxes. Who pays those taxes? The "employers" and the "employees". Do you really think that the "employers" are going to dig into their profits to pay the taxes? No they'll just raise the prices of their goods and services to offset the cost of the higher taxes or ship jobs over seas to reduce their overhead. Where do the state governments get their money? By raising taxes. Who pays those taxes? The "employers" and the "employees". Do you really think that the "employers" are going to dig into their profits to pay the taxes? No they'll just raise the prices of their goods and services to offset the cost of the higher taxes or ship jobs over seas to reduce their overhead. Where do the "employers" get their money? By selling goods and services to "employees". So who will pay for Obama's "free" health care? The hard working, tax paying citizens of this country, that's who and they will pay 100% for "free" health care.

I don't know about the rest of his campaign promises...I quit listening to the man a long time ago. What I do know is that not even Congress will be able to handle that much change. He will never get them to cooperate with everything he promises.

All of you Obamabots are welcome to answer my question...

I want to know
Another Voice
2008-06-06 09:48:02 UTC
He HAS offered concrete plans! Haven't you been listening? But these are just PLANS, and they are subject to modifications.

Barack Obama is going to try to get everybody to work together in order to solve our problems - he is not going to ignore problems the way Bush does and say that they don't exist. He is not going to attempt to dictate policy the way Bush does. He is going to listen to everybody else's input, which is something Bush has never done. (OK, he did listen to Karl Rove, but he never listened to the people of the country.)

The greatest thing about Barack Obama is that he LISTENS. He does not try to silence the opposition - he welcomes opposing views and tries to understand where they're coming from. He is always looking for the win-win solution.

He is not promising Pie in the Sky, as some of you are saying. He is merely stating his current position and is proposing solutions to problems. After he is elected, he will work with representatives of both parties and he will solicit advice from people outside the Congress in order to find plausible solutions to out problems.

He never expected that everything will be resolved by waving a magic wand!
King Ciege
2008-06-06 09:33:55 UTC
Don't just listen to the speeches, go to the website sometime. Are we supposed to live in a world were we don't expect to be able to do anything progressive? Should we aim low just because we think we can't do it. I bet you had grandiose dreams growing up. Nobody was mad at your for having them. We are supposed to have the fighting spirit, no matter how tall the order. I don't think we were to supposed to win the Revolutionary War but hey we did. I don't know about you, but I'm not the type of guy who says, hey we might as well get ready for $7.00 a gallon gas because there is no way we can bring it down. There is nothing wrong with optimism, you should try it. That's why underdogs don't just lay down for the favorite. I'm sure that 99.999% with a standard deviation of about 0.0000001 of people thought the New England Patriots were a lock for the Super Bowl. Had New York thought the same way, they wouldn't have played the game. If you don't like his policies, I guess that's fine, but I think I can live with grandiose (or as you put it gradiose) because it can't get as bad as "W" has made it. You can say it's the democratic congress, but they just got in, and have not passed any significant legislation that has put us in this mess.
2016-11-15 12:43:35 UTC
sure wish Changey is: The Obaminator admits now his marketing campaign grants have been purely a team of smoke and mirrors. tell the individuals what they elect to take heed to get their vote and as quickly as in place of work do the precise opposite. OBAMA: nicely, uh, I, the -- the -- astonishing now i'm centred on a rather heavy raise this is making specific that we get that reinvestment, uh, and restoration equipment in place. OBAMA: every physique interior the country is going to might desire to sacrifice something, settle for substitute for the greater beneficial stable. OBAMA: everybody's going to might desire to provide. every physique's going to might desire to have some skin interior the sport. OBAMA: it extremely is greater challenging than i think of a appropriate style of people under -- uh -- understand.
2008-06-06 10:26:00 UTC
He would pay for things by taxing the stuffing out of every taxpayer! I've heard him indicate that $60k is "rich" - BS! $60k is barely middle class!

What they need to do is fix the "Alternative Minimum Tax" that was originally designed to affect the rich. However AMT is hitting the middle class more and more!
2008-06-06 09:55:41 UTC
It should be noted, first, that all of the challenges listed were either not solved by a Republican administration, or created by a Republican administration - all while having control of both houses in Congress.

Have you ever looked for one minute at the amount of money YOU and the rest of America is spending on Iraq, because of a Republican administration?

Those monies, that are wrapped up in exorbitant no bid - cost plus contracts, awarded uncontested to the likes of Republican run corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Blackwater, etc., are wasteful in that these privatized industries were once performed and completed by the military...for a FRACTION of the costs charged today to tax payers by these war profiteers. Worse, they aren't held accountable for jobs and constructions not completed. Its called the FLEECING of America. Or criminal thievery...treason...or murder even, the way I see it.

Provided Obama has a Democratic controlled House and Senate, these Republican errors CAN and WILL be fixed. Already, the new policy of the Democrats is to not take bribe money from lobbyists. This should send shivers down the spines of the corporate elites and the Republicans because it says to the American people, no longer will Democrats be beholden to corporations that harm Americans. Shiver because that is how the Republican party is lobbyists and big energy and big war profiteers.

Barack has never said he'll stop the war "immediately". He has stated he will begin bringing troops home immediately. The colossal errors created by the Bush Administration will require some time to correct in Iraq. But it is indeed time to shift responsibility to the people of Iraq, and bring the bulk of our service people home within a year.

Those monies wrapped up in Iraq will go a long way in supporting healthcare here. Because you're already providing it to Iraqis, so why not to your own people?

Obama will repair our economy, slowly, by incentives and tax breaks to companies who keep their work in the U.S., and incentives and tax breaks to companies and manufacturers who come to America to set up shop, and to Americans who want to CREATE more jobs. Shifting the tax burden from the middle class working people to the millionaires will also help the economy in that more middle class people, having more money from less taxes and better pay, will have more to contribute into the economy.

By keeping a leash on American energy corporations who practice dirty business in hostile regions such as the Middle East, as well as curbing arms deals with hostile countries - and instead, giving aid for food, medical supplies, education, etc., will go farther in creating peace and stabalizing these regions than cheating them out of their money and resources, and threatening to throw bombs at them.

If you really pay attention and listen to what he has said, ad nauseum, and turn off your state run media, you will begin to understand that Obama represents the people, and the people support him in taking back our government.

Please, get onboard.

Obama '08
2008-06-06 09:31:38 UTC
tax ta tax tax tax. Here's his tax plan. Basically socialist, free enterprise destroying, class warfare baiting CRAP.

Raise income taxes on wealthiest and their capital gains and dividends taxes. Raise corporate taxes. $80 billion in tax breaks mainly for poor workers and elderly, including tripling Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credit for larger families. Eliminate tax-filing requirement for older workers making under $50,000. A mortgage-interest credit could be used by lower-income homeowners who do not take the mortgage interest deduction because they do not itemize their taxes.
2008-06-06 09:33:36 UTC
you know what that is what exactly I am thinking and wonder has any of his supporters ever think throughly before casting their votes. yes. I always heard the word :"change" but never heard how exactly he wants to change.

that's why I rather not to vote at all.
2008-06-06 09:27:24 UTC
Your questions and observations have taken you to the next step of making a conscious and intelligent decision on who to vote for.
2008-06-06 09:26:19 UTC
Obama doesn't realize that the power of the president is limited. Maybe he thinks he's running for the position of dictator.
2008-06-06 09:28:08 UTC
He won't, he's just saying that so people would vote for him, and also his "change", just exactly what is he going to change and how?
2008-06-06 09:26:37 UTC
We are going to work together to make these things happen. It is not going to happen with a magic wand. But the first step is to recognizing that we need to work together to solve these problems, rather than attacking anyone else who has an idea.
2008-06-06 09:25:13 UTC
lol thats easy, he will just tax the hell out of the middle class untill there isnt one.
Are you serious?
2008-06-06 09:39:24 UTC
Let's get in the whitehouse first, okay.
pastor of muppets
2008-06-06 09:26:20 UTC
1. go to his website.

2. click on issues.

3. read his ideas.

4. Comprehend and analyze those ideas.

5. you're not as clever as you think you are (Obummer).
2008-06-06 09:22:36 UTC
Elections are about broad themes (remember "Morning in America"?) not picayune details. Are you trying to bait Obama into boring the American people into voting for McBush?
Bong Hits 4 Jesus
2008-06-06 09:23:01 UTC
I agree with you. We, as a people, should remain hopeless and pessimistic.
2008-06-06 09:22:33 UTC
he will use the bush way, but he'll sound better doing it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.