Who wants to take off the gloves and bring it on against Vice President Sarah Palin?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Who wants to take off the gloves and bring it on against Vice President Sarah Palin?
65 answers:
2016-02-27 07:56:42 UTC
Ok, so she's a strong family woman with a high approval rating, and I'm thrilled that there will be a woman on as a VP candidate, but maybe the wrong woman. I personally believe she's pushing human/woman rights back a few decades... let a woman decide to do to her body what she wants. Also, who's to say that homosexuals should not have the same rights as everyone else? She's just way too conservative for my palate.
2014-11-01 15:51:40 UTC
ho has spent two years preventing a woman from being president, Now McCain has vividly demonstrated the difference. Sarah Palin is no Dick Cheney!

She wants to clean up Pork Barrel spending. That alone qualifies her by my standards. $Millions in farm subsidies are right now going to New York Penthouse executives that aren't even farmers, they own a vacant piece of land and claim they farm. Outrageous Pork Govt. giveaways! That's the D
2008-08-30 01:42:56 UTC
Gloves off...

1) Sorry but just because you've chosen to be a working mother doesn't qualify you for the 2nd most important position in the world. Especially when the guy that wants the #1 spot is close to kicking the bucket.

2) I'm a single parent, working full-time. My child has a learning disability, it takes quit a bit on my part to help him with his homework. She has a special needs child that is 4 months old, sorry but she is being very, very selfish. It was her decision to have the child, she should focus on him.

3) The state of Alaska's total population is just under 700,000. That is tiny compared to cities like LA, NY, and Chicago. They do NOT have drive by shootings, gangs, school shootings, meth labs in the burbs, immigration issues. What they do have is oil and greed.

4) Ongoing investigation, she fired the state dept of safety because he wouldn't fire her former brother-in-law. Taped phone calls and all, sorry but that's pretty straight forward evidence, hard to step around that pile.

5) Harriet Myers part II. They might as well asked Dana Carvey to bring back the church lady to run for the VP spot with McSame. Going back to #1 on my list she has 5 children and apparently wants to keep on breeding, well that's her choice. What choice will she let you have? None. Wake-up women, this is a snow-job. Your mother should have warned you about women like this...they never fart, they always laugh through their teeth, they keep tupperware organized and worst of all....they want you to do the same.
Sarah C
2008-08-30 14:20:06 UTC
Ok, so she's a strong family woman with a high approval rating, and I'm thrilled that there will be a woman on as a VP candidate, but maybe the wrong woman. I personally believe she's pushing human/woman rights back a few decades... let a woman decide to do to her body what she wants. Also, who's to say that homosexuals should not have the same rights as everyone else? She's just way too conservative for my palate.
2008-08-29 23:37:49 UTC
Attacks on Sarah Palin:

1.) She is ultra-conservative and feminists (especially feminist and loyal Hillary Clintonites) refuse to vote for her. The National Organization of Women are against the nomination of Sarah Palin because she is a woman who votes against women's rights in America (that is her record to date) which typically includes abortion even if the mother's life is endangered or the use of contraception.

2.) She simply does not have ANY real experience with her less than 2 years as Alaska's Governor and the rest of her experience is limited to small issues such as finding ways to create snow for a dog mushing contest. Therefore, the McCain has already taken the experience debate off the table with regards to Obama due to Palin's selection.

3.) Her position on the use of oil drilling is based upon the failed policies of the Bush administration in which the general idea is less foreign dependence upon oil (and more dependence upon oil produced by the big oil companies in the US). This doesn't deal with the problem of speculators who hoard oil to drive up the price of fuel (and the costs of everything else). She has no intent on providing for cleaner fuel or other alternative fuels.

4.) Many think tank policy and media outlets have concern over Palin's intelligence. They are unsure of her because McCain doesn't know her or her record very well.

All this points to her being a white, female "Clarence Thomas"....she is a token female coopted by McCain and Company to attract dissaffected (racist) white female, Clintonites. Again, why would any woman vote for another woman who doesn't have any strong intelligence or real experience for such a hefty job. Simple. Because she will be a puppet in the hands of the Republican male-dominated machinary...and that is a real insult to all women. It was designed to demean women's intelligence through the use of an obvious political trick.
2008-08-30 14:55:02 UTC
Hey sweetie I am with ya all the way, How jealous are the rest of them, or is it that just maybe, the libs may loose to this fresh face of a woman, who has the happiest way ot talking I have ever seen in a woman politician, and oh so eloquently!!, she puts the rest of those lib women to shame, She seems to be very feminine, yet strong on her convictions!! Lets wait and see, Of course the others will try to drag her thru the dirt, but I think she is tough and can take it, she may have a great comeback to any mud slinging!!!!
2008-08-30 14:19:09 UTC
It is wrong to attack Palin. This is the first time most people are even hearing about her. Palin is a strong conservative who has a lifetime NRA membership - loves hunting. Doesn't believe in global warming being the fault of pollution or industry or anything like that. She will protect the sanctity of marriage (as being between a man and woman only) and strongly defend the rights of the unborn. Palin is actually far more conservative than McCain, who, let's face it might not even live through his first term. Plus, Palin wasn't shy when it came to letting people know she's proud of being a strong woman when she called Hillary Clinton a whiner.
2008-08-29 18:33:10 UTC
First of all, it's vice presidential CANDIDATE Sarah Pulin.

I think that McCain chose Sarah Palin solely to get the votes of those undecided Hillary voters. You say she has proven excellence in executive leadership. I say she has next-to-zero experience in a town of 9,000 people, doesn't even know what the vice president does, and would not have the strength and resolve to stand up in foreign policies.

Just think about it; in the case of a Presidential death or assassination, the country would be in turmoil, perhaps on the brink of war. Would you rather have Joe Biden on the ticket, a politician who's ready to go and has experience, or have Sarah Pulin, an unproven newbie who would have to make some of the toughest decisions in her career. This isn't Alaska anymore. This is the United States of America.

True, Palin could turn out to be a natural leader. But taking on two politicians in her home state isn't enough to qualify as experience. Putting aside her gender, I do not believe that Palin has the backbone to become the Commander-in-Chief in the case of an emergency.
Grace A
2008-08-30 14:13:32 UTC
I am a Republican, a Christian, and a mother. I am extremely disappointed in Senator McCain and Sarah Palin. Mothers need to put the raising of their children first. This is especially true when you have a 4-month year old baby with down syndrome who really needs the attention and love only a mother can give. I am a mother, and I would never put my career ahead of my children -- no matter what job any person offered me.
Richard L C
2008-08-30 09:18:11 UTC
This thread demonstrates the genius of the Palin pick. Every liberal argument against her applies doubly to Obama! Plus the misogyny from the left is astounding for the "party of women". This is hilarious.

What the left is in such an absolute panic about is that Palin is authentic. A person of actual accomplishment. She makes Obama and Biden look starkly as what they are, creatures of politics who never held a real job in their lives. LOL, Biden has been a US senator since he was 29! Obama has been a do nothing politician since college.

I just hope she is strong enough to take the hate and bile the liberals will heap on her.
2008-08-29 14:20:27 UTC
Sarah Palin is brilliant and articulate and, in Alaska politics, is a breath of fresh air as an alternative to their corruption epitomized by Ted Stevens "Bridge to Nowhere", She Veto'd the "Bridge" Earmark.  Now Obama, who has spent two years preventing a woman from being president, Now McCain has vividly demonstrated the difference.  Sarah Palin is no Dick Cheney!

She wants to clean up Pork Barrel spending. That alone qualifies her by my standards. $Millions in farm subsidies are right now going to New York Penthouse executives that aren't even farmers, they own a vacant piece of land and claim they farm. Outrageous Pork Govt. giveaways! That's the Democratic corruption she will attack.
2008-08-29 14:15:27 UTC
I haven't seen a single attack against her policies yet. Just a bunch of idiots telling her to get back in the kitchen.

She has executive experience. She has high approval ratings. She has the right positions on energy and reform.
Beverly S
2008-08-29 14:20:43 UTC
Best move yet on McCains part. He hit it out of the park today.

Obama who??
Maureen L
2008-08-29 14:15:46 UTC
Excellent choice!

McCain/Palin 2008!
2008-08-29 14:15:42 UTC
I want to see Palin kick Pelosi's A**
2008-08-29 14:15:40 UTC
Palin rocks!

Goodbye Obama.
2008-08-29 14:15:48 UTC
You forgot to mention she has more executive experience than Osama i mean Obama
2008-08-29 14:15:39 UTC
I agree with you. You're going to get lots of comments about experience when they forget about their own presidential candidates expereince. democrats=the most narrow minded people you will EVER meet.
2008-08-29 14:15:32 UTC
I love watching the liberals squirm. Their insults towards a lovely lady like Sarah Palin is simply proof of their shear panic.
2008-08-29 14:21:05 UTC
I think she is FANTASTIC and just what John McCain needs to compliment his campaign. What is even funnier is that the Obama worshipers are saying how little experience she brings to the campaign but they fail to notice is that she has MORE experience than Obama., First she was a mayor then she became the governor and served on many .committees The only committee Obama served on was the one that William Ayers was on. Obama has NEVER run ANYTHING
2008-08-29 14:18:02 UTC
I heard she once wrestled a polar bear. Biden better be scared...then again, he might like being wrestled by a woman! A mooseburger eating female at that!
Doctor Music
2008-08-30 20:14:19 UTC
I think the only reason he chose her was because he though he could get Clinton supporters and other women.

And for those of you who think it's funny to "misspell" Obama's name? Yeah, it's a name, not a personality. If you want another decade of war than vote for McCain. If you want someone to lead then vote Obama.
John S
2008-08-31 15:12:39 UTC
She looks just a little to much like Karen Walker on Will and Grace for me. Hope she starts drinkin soon! Then it will really turn ugly!
2008-08-31 11:31:07 UTC
If McCain seriously wins this election by picking some chick to be his Vice President, then I'm going to be pissed.
2008-08-31 05:00:41 UTC
Is YOUR name sarah palin? lol, "strong woman", seriously? lol!

I'll give her kudos for assisting the Democrats win the 08 election! The corruption incident that you are all ignoring here will be released in hem...the state trooper who got b*tch slapped by her when she fired him for ticking off her sister...even w/out that incident, she's a total wrecking ball for McCain's chance, poor McCain, his own party must of not wanted him to win! Thank you sara palin!
2014-10-31 16:03:47 UTC
She wants to clean up Pork Barrel spending. That alone qualifies her by my standards. $Millions in farm subsidies are right now going to New York Penthouse executives that aren't even farmers, they own a vacant piece of land and claim they farm. Outrageous Pork Govt. giveaways! That's the Democratic corruption she will attack.

2008-08-31 02:28:56 UTC
In the debates,do you think Biden will get that tingling feeling running down his leg?
2008-08-30 15:30:52 UTC
Isn't it interesting to see just how fast the dems will pass over or try to destroy any woman and then make the claim that they are the party for women and is the PERFECT pick for McCain, and you can see it with all the hate filled rants from the left...Satan is really agitated right
2008-08-29 15:33:47 UTC
they will take "off the gloves" so to speak on Sarah Palin- that is the way politics, especially at this level, are done. I hope they do- this will only solidify her as a strong candidate who wont take any crap or bend because the wind of opinion has suddenly changed. A good hard challenge to her character and experience is necessary to demonstrate she is a great candidate who just happens to also be a woman.

I think she will meet this challenge and I look forward to cheering her on! McCain has shown that the Republican party can be progressive and change. I am so proud to be Republican today!!
2008-08-29 15:33:02 UTC
I love how the democrats come on here spewing exactly the predictable garbage that you could see coming a mile away. "She's being investigated by the FBI blah blah blah". Have you even read up on it? First of all, it's NOT the FBI, and second of all, she's said in an interview herself that she's looking forward to the investigation and has nothing to hide. How many politicians can say that about their personal life without worrying about skeletons in the closet? I can already tell you the next card you're going to see the dems playing: "She smokes marijuana." All cause she's admitted to trying marijuana when it was legal in Alaska, but said she didn't like it. How many politicians are you going to hear admitting that? Hmmmm......I seem to recall a certain democrat trying to deny such allegations by saying he "didn't inhale". Great way to sweep it under the mat there Bill.

The dems are ACHING for any reason to put this woman down. Let it go. She has more morality, spirit, and a cleaner record then probably any of you crying foul-play on her. Or I guess you're absolutely perfect in every way? One minute you're gonna believe she "hates polar bears" or that she dismissed a commissioner to get even, but then turn around and protect your beloved Obama by saying his wife isn't racist or that he has nothing to do with his ex-preacher. I know those allegations are ridiculous.....just as your claims about Palin are absurd. So don't point the finger one way, then turn around and be oh so surprised when stupid claims are made against your beloved Obama.

Look at her approval ratings and see what she's done FOR the people. Show me any other politician that has that approval rating or has worked more selflessly for their people.....then we can talk. Obama can only TALK of change.....this woman has actually DONE it.
2008-08-31 02:53:11 UTC
The attacks against her from the left are so typically lame and feeble it is laughable. Hilarious even--------She kills wolves and bears, she shoots a gun, she used her downs syndrome baby as a political ploy, shes a bad bad mother she should of aborted that baby for its own good, she works for big oil, she fired a state trooper, her husband kills fish for a living, shes religious, shes governor of a state with 13 people and some caribou, she owns seven igloos !!! On and on and on and on we go bring it on ! We are all laughing at you while you scramble around with tongues wagging ! Got any more good jokes for us today ? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm we are waiting !
2008-08-29 22:20:22 UTC
I think she's great. To all the people who says she has no executive experience need to research what she did for Alaska and there economy in such a short time period. She's a strong woman and isn't going to take any crap from anyone who insults her or what she stands for. McCain/Palin 2008!
2008-08-30 12:42:27 UTC
Oh my goodness are you serious?

Absolutely not!

She has no experience in world politics. She is a right winged evangelical nut.

She is a member of Dominions church. The Dominionist's have a tendency among some conservative politically-active Christians, especially in the US, to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action — aiming either at a nation governed by Christians, or a nation governed by a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law. The use and application of this terminology is a matter of controversy.

She is so pro life that she wants to criminalize abortion, and even opposes most methods of birth control.

She is a woman that believes the government has the right to tell us what to do with our bodies. I'm very scared that there is a chance that if McCain were elected and something happened to him she would be the President. It is literally keeping me up at night.

She is also under investigation for Abuse of Power in Alaska. She had a member of her cabinet fired bc of wanting to out her ex brother in law from the State Troopers. Sooo trashy.

She was quoted on MSNBC saying, "What does a VP do?"

She's just not right for America.

Please before you vote be sure that you are informed.
2008-08-29 18:21:27 UTC
she's way too conservative

and she always has WAYY less experience than obama

this is just to get all those hilary voters

and people that only vote for her cause sh'es s "strong woman" need to look at hte actually issues


all those people saying osama oops obama

way not to be racist and look at the issues

we shouldn't be focusing on who they are as much as what they want to do
R. Trout
2008-08-29 17:34:20 UTC
Who is this Sarah Palin chick?
Vintage 181
2008-08-29 22:55:48 UTC
i think she's young, but strong, i think mccain/palin are the best dou for america, (i wasn't going to vote mccain till he brought in palin).
2008-08-30 20:28:07 UTC
Don't worry... Biden will handle her in the debate.
2008-08-29 16:26:40 UTC
i dont really give a **** who wins, i have lost all faith. i just want to stop spending half my salary on gas just to go to work and back home
2008-08-29 16:06:46 UTC
Sarah Palin did not fight a losing battle, so she is one better than Hilary already.
2008-08-29 15:13:47 UTC
I think we all know Superfries picked her to try and yank the stubborn hillary supporters away from Obama. His funeral either way. Think about it, there's a good chance he can croak due to natural causes while in office, and if he does.....she's gonna be leading America....think long and hard about that<<<

He lost ....I think Obama wins this election not clearly...not by a landslide, but by a larger margin then most would have thought.Just wait and see. knwo full well your party fcked up know just go hide in that dark hole you all crawled out of and let the Dems take the country back into prosperity. You had your chance and you blew it....big time.
2008-08-29 15:15:50 UTC
We're about to see another round of that infamous double standard that the democrats have a exclusive on.
Harry K
2008-08-29 15:12:06 UTC
Before attacking her, I would read up on her. She's no wilting violet. As one Alaska reporter put it, "the streets are littered with the bodies of those who opposed Sarah Palin". She's a tough cookie.

You can read up on her with the links to local Alaska media coverage of the announcement in the special Sarah Palin section on the front page of, including a link to the Anchorage newspaper's biography of her.
2008-08-29 15:30:23 UTC
She's a 1st term governor. If McCain is running on experience, it's going to be more difficult for him to attack Obama & Biden who have far more experience than Palin.
2008-08-29 15:25:09 UTC
I agree! The media especially did not waste any time going after her. They love to refer to this supposed investigation of her by the Alaskan legislature (which I believe is politically motivated) as well as her pro-life stance (even "walking the walk" when she gave birth to her child even knowing it was diagnosed with Downs syndrome while in the womb).

Sarah is what I like to call the "anti-Hillary."
Michael P
2008-08-29 14:36:03 UTC
She's fantastic. If they try to attack her one of two things will happen. A. She will tear them apart and eat their lunch or

B. They'll say something stupid and look like morons for attacking such a nice woman.

I'd imagine a little of both/or a lot of both.

Can't wait to see her & Biden go at it!!!!!!

I saw some liberal on the internet complaining that she LET HER CHILD LIVE with down syndrome. Absolutely disgusting comment by an angry/jealous/scared Lib.
2008-08-29 15:48:44 UTC
This was a piss poor choice. Palin is not going to steal the women vote from Obama with these sob stories about her retarded baby and prom queen smile. Biden is a tough man. Try losing your wife and newborn! McCain is a natural born idoit who is going to ride Bushes coat tail on policies. Hes made this very clear. Think things are bad now. Let that old redneck into office and watch! Obama is going to unite this country, he is going to pave the road to smooth relations with the international community and put an end to the capitalistic mind set! We are the answer and Obama sees this. McCain sees his legacy and thats it. Palin is a joke!
2008-08-29 14:26:00 UTC
I think she is awesome!! She may not have as much time in office, but she was a mayor and a governor - that runs a lot more than a senator!! Besides, she clearly has more talent than Obama or Biden. I'm really excited about it. I think she can appeal to both sides if people actually look at what she's done and what she can do. Not that libs will try - they'll probably just listen to the baseless attacks. Shame.
2008-08-29 14:37:38 UTC
Those who 'bring it on' against this lovely woman just simply have no idea what she is all about, and what she stands for. She is a marvelous choice for VP !!
2008-08-29 14:35:44 UTC
Sarah will destroy Joe in a VP debate. She means change. He's the same old Washington insider.

Soccer/hockey moms unite!
2008-08-29 19:32:36 UTC
I think it's an excellent choice..just short of hilary herself (wouldn't that have been a jaw dropper)....the only position I'm kinda iffy on her with is her stance on gays. I don't mind that she is against gay marriage but I'm not so sure it requires and amendment.

I also heard that she is against civil unions and I disagree with that as well. But as far as everything else, yeh

she rocks.
2008-08-29 17:23:04 UTC
I think it was an excellent choice. Articulate and Moral woman who isn't afraid to stand up to corporations.

I noticed one line from Obama's speech that almost made me choke. Referring to McCain-- When someone doesn't have a record to stand on they attack the other person. When did Obama geta record to stand on. he has been running for President ever since he took the office of Senator. When he was state senator most of his votes were neither yes or no but "present" this man stands for nothing except tryiong to feed his own ego and thinks himself the next John Kennedy.... Senator Obama,,, You are no John Kennedy!
2008-08-29 14:15:29 UTC
lmao Joe Biden get's the unfortunate task
2008-08-29 17:25:23 UTC
Well, like everything else, we are all entitled to our opinion. However, I think it is a smart choice and my vote goes to McCain/Palin.

Also, all you thumb downers - this is an opinion poll - if you don't like the question or the opinons expressed - move onto something else.

And I can just see them coming now before I even hit submit.


Southern Gal
2008-08-29 15:13:46 UTC
I love how dems. are talking about her 'experience', saying she doesn't have enough to lead the country.

I find it hysterical that she had more experience than Hussein Obama
2008-08-29 14:56:39 UTC
"Strong woman candidate.." Really?!?!?! The one argument republicans had against Barack Obama that held any water at all was his lack of McCain picks someone with LESS experience? She's been governor for less than two years! She's the former mayor of a town of 9,000 people in Alaska, a state that has a lower population than most major cities...and now she's a heartbeat away from being president if McCain bites it. "She has proven excellence in executive leadership..." I know republicans don't have much to hope for in this election cycle but is it really worth lying to yourselves?

McCain accused Obama of putting politics before his country. Now McCain picked an inexperienced, female candidate to try to woo discontent Hillary Clinton voters. Who is putting politics first now? And to pick such an inexperienced woman in order to try to woo Hillary voters is a huge slap in their faces. You really think they are going to overlook how much of a right wing, religious nut she is and vote for her just because she's a woman? They are smarter than that.

This pick is going to backfire in McCain's face...but he had to do this because the 5% chance that it works is the ONLY chance he has. I know that none of you, no matter how jaded by your right wing views you are, think that she is prepared to be president. McCain just put the whole country in jeopardy.

You like her because she's a "beautiful lady and a mother?" What does that have to do with being qualified to be the default leader of the free world? I wouldn't offer it to the women in the cubicles around me at work just because they are's that for bringing it on? What sophomoric arguments you radical right wingers always so weakly offer! Oh, and by the way...she's going to have to debate Joe Biden who has 25 years of foreign policy experience and has done as much for women as anyone else in government. Do your research before making yourself look ridiculous.
2008-08-29 14:53:45 UTC
i could see why he picked a female vp....but c'mon.....this is SO hypocritical of republicans saying that obama is inexperienced .... to pick a vp that has pretty much NO experience in a state of alaska??? i know this pick will blow up in the republicans faces because its a desperate move and most voters will see that.... anybody who supports this woman for being the next in line president but doesnt support obama for his "lack of experience" is the biggest hypocrite in the world

i as a democrat welcome this choice because it will help us ...especially when biden tears her up in the debates...

i guess this pick isnt too surprising ......look who the past republicans picked for vp the last few elections....cheney, quayle, bush....that's a laughable bunch

i know i will be getting a million thumbs down for this answer but sometimes people are scared to hear the truth
2008-08-29 14:19:40 UTC
right now obama is home, crying..he thought people would worship him..but the bounce never came..instead he got hit with today's news.

Sarah Palin..the bomb throwers are in overdrive trying to attack her..

i love it bo lost today...and we all know it
2008-08-29 14:31:38 UTC
haha how bout the fact that she tries to portray some badass feminist image by being a member of the National Rifle Association and Feminist for Life...well let me tell you, no feminist I know if for laws over womens' bodies. And how about the fact that she opposed putting polar bears on the endangered species list...sounds like she's a real animal lover...She says she receptive to gay people and even has "gay friends" but is a die hard conservative...find it hard to believe that those two mix.

She is simply a ploy on McCains part to sway the disgruntled Hillary supporters to vote Republican....LONG LIVE DEMOCRACY

2008-08-29 14:17:24 UTC
Why is it that McCain has only met her twice in his political career? Why is Palan being investigated by the FBI? Why does Palan lack foreign relations experience? Too little and too much tarnished to be a heartbeat from the Presidency. She's no Hillary Clinton!
2008-08-29 14:18:48 UTC
She's currently under investigation for allegedly firing a public safety commissioner because he refused to fire a trooper who had divorced a member of her family.
2008-08-29 14:18:42 UTC
"Experienced" in what-childbirth? Come on people the woman has no business being vice president, not at this early stage of her political career. I sure hope McCain asked her when's the last time she visted with troops in Iraq (thats NEVER). This is a poor choice atleast give the Dems someone to worry about (ie. Mitt Romney, Joe Liberman) but this Palin woman who most of the country never knew existed until today; GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!

2008-08-29 14:16:38 UTC
She is not be Vice President and McCain won't be President This will only add more Fuel to Obama and Biden's Fire Theirs No Way that will be the White House, 4 More Years of the Last 8 Years, we don't need that.
2008-08-29 14:16:26 UTC
She simply isn't qualified. Been nothing personal
2008-08-29 14:14:28 UTC
I could name 10 better female candidates than Palin.
2008-08-29 14:14:27 UTC
I'm voting for Baldwin.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.