Gloves off...
1) Sorry but just because you've chosen to be a working mother doesn't qualify you for the 2nd most important position in the world. Especially when the guy that wants the #1 spot is close to kicking the bucket.
2) I'm a single parent, working full-time. My child has a learning disability, it takes quit a bit on my part to help him with his homework. She has a special needs child that is 4 months old, sorry but she is being very, very selfish. It was her decision to have the child, she should focus on him.
3) The state of Alaska's total population is just under 700,000. That is tiny compared to cities like LA, NY, and Chicago. They do NOT have drive by shootings, gangs, school shootings, meth labs in the burbs, immigration issues. What they do have is oil and greed.
4) Ongoing investigation, she fired the state dept of safety because he wouldn't fire her former brother-in-law. Taped phone calls and all, sorry but that's pretty straight forward evidence, hard to step around that pile.
5) Harriet Myers part II. They might as well asked Dana Carvey to bring back the church lady to run for the VP spot with McSame. Going back to #1 on my list she has 5 children and apparently wants to keep on breeding, well that's her choice. What choice will she let you have? None. Wake-up women, this is a snow-job. Your mother should have warned you about women like this...they never fart, they always laugh through their teeth, they keep tupperware organized and worst of all....they want you to do the same.