Why Do You Support Who You Support?
2008-04-12 23:22:05 UTC
(Sorry, but I want to narrow this down to Obama, Clinton, and Mccain)
I want to know why you support who you support, and why you think they'll do a better job then the other candidates. The challenge is I want reasons entirely based on the candidate's standing on the issues. No calling Hillary "Hitlary". No "Obama is the anti-christ". No "McCain is a war monger". I want you to discuss this purely based on our ccountry's issues such as (healthcare, abortion, the economy, immigration, foreign relations, and military policy) and the views the candidates have presented for such topics. No speculation or rumours.
I want to know if people really know what they're voting for.

(^sorry for the repetitiveness, but I wanted to get my point across)
Seventeen answers:
2008-04-13 00:12:54 UTC
Sorry for this, but I'm just not satisfied with the current three. I support another candidate, whether if he/she doesn't have a chance, but it's Ron Paul. He is the only man warning us to listen, and obey the Constitution because we are headed in the wrong direction of the country. He wants to bring back the troops home, protect our borders, at the same time, trade and communicate with the rest of the world. We can still remain a superpower by promoting peace, freedom, and prosperity. We can have low taxes, and save more cash by abolishing the IRS and the Federal Reserve. He was the only candidate to vote against banning firearms, against net neutrality, against big spending, and against the war. He is simply a Constitutionalist because he knows it is that exact document that can save us as a nation. Take care.
Kenji B.
2008-04-13 02:27:47 UTC
Ron Paul... I know you wanted to have this conversation about the 3 main choices, but none of them are worth the time. McCain wants to continue the occupation in Iraq; He has flip-flopped on numerous issues like the Bush tax cuts. Hilary is a compulsive liar and a fraud. I had a whole list of reasons why I disliked her on another question so when I find it I will post it as well. Lastly I do not believe that Obama can handle the position with very little experience. At least with Bill Richardson was a governor… that gave him a leg up on all of them.

I just wish people started to look at the facts Aquarius posted and you will realize that his appeal goes across the board.
2008-04-13 07:39:45 UTC
Ron Paul.

He is a strict Constitutionalist, not a globalist as all three of the others are, has walked the walk consistently in representing the interests of the individual for 30 years, and is the only one who understands the economy and would fight the hard fights to put it on a sound footing.

I object to limiting this question just as I do to the nonrepresentative voting system that makes the bad choices of two parties the exclusive electoral candidate field for all intents and purposes.

I expect that in November I will be voting against Thing 1 and Thing 2, whomever they are.
2008-04-12 23:29:56 UTC
I am voting Hillary because I feel that she is more qualified since she has held a senate seat for a while now and she has been in the white house which gives her a good idea of what is going on and how things should be done. Also, she has visited more places than the other candidates which should help her as far as immigration and foreign relations. I also think she will help the economy based on her relationship with other countries once trust is formed

As for Obama he is not qualified for the job he has barely had time to adjust to a senate position so he doesnt need to be thrown into the presidential seat
Mr. Taco
2008-04-12 23:34:29 UTC
Thank you. I appreciate your perspective on this. That said, sometimes there ARE legitimate political reasons for not voting for someone. I, for one, tend to vote out all incumbents. I feel that our government has become too corrupt, and the only way to fix this is to consistently vote people out of office until they come to the realization that the people won't vote for them if they don't make changes. Based on that, I consider McCain the incumbent, because it is his party that put Bush in office and allowed him to flush our country down the toilet the past eight years in regards to the War, economy, environment, education, and our international credibility. I won't reward that party with the White House. It is as simple as that.

That leaves me with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I support Barack Obama for his freshness. He has not been in office as long as Clinton of McCain, and is therefore less likely to share in the corruption as deeply as the others do. I respect him as a person, and that influences my vote. Frankly, I don't know what else to say. You want the issues, but the fact is that our politicians have proven over the past 30 years that they are incapable of following up on their campaign promises anyway. So what difference does it really make what Obama or Clinton say about the issues? How can I believe what they say? Even if you look up their alleged stances on the issues, and I have, there is no way of knowing what they are serious about, and what is merely being said to get them elected. Until the American people, who consistently vote over 90% of the time for incumbents in our government, start voting people OUT of office on a more consistent basis, I don't think the issues will ever be the primary mode for making a decision for a candidate in America.

In any case, when I did look, I found Clinton and Obama's issues to be relatively similar anyway. Anti-war, but will likely keep us there. No real plan for the economy. No real plan for immigration. I could care less about abortion. Both are pro-universal health care, which is one vote for them rather than McCain, but neither has provided an adequate explanation for how to pay for it, especially if we stay in the war. So there you go. So much for issues.

p.s. Notice you got ONE person, at least when I last checked, who mentioned any issues, and he may as well have just said "I'm a Republican, so I am voting for McCain." Again, so much for issues. It's party politics as usual.
2008-04-12 23:43:32 UTC
Ron Paul

Because of these

Ron Paul raised more money in one day than any other candidate in the history of the United States. Ron Paul gets more donations from the army than any other current candidate running for president. Ron Paul is the most popular on the internet. Preserve Net Neutrality! Its where free speech and free information on the truth exists!

Ron Paul.

1. He actually speaks the truth. Unlike those other candidates who say what the public wants to hear, the "typical politicians , this one actually informs us of our problems and provides logical solutions to how to solve them. Would a corrupted politician after money and power actually want an educated public?

2. He has a 20 year Conservative by the Constitution honest record to back him up.

Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record:

He has never voted to raise taxes.

He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.

He has never voted to raise congressional pay.

He has never taken a government-paid junket.

He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.

He voted against regulating the Internet.

He voted against the Iraq war.

He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.

He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.

Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.

3. He has made many accomplishments including passing the bill to abolish the Federal Reserve.

4. He is not paid or owned by anyone in the government. How come? Because he voted agaisnt funding Iraq. That means he doesn't get moeny off the war. He is for people not money or power.

5. He is constantly marginalized by the media. That proves that the media is dishonest and is doing something dishonest and Ron Paul speaks the truth that they don't want us to know. What he does is he educates the public of our problems which the media tries to not point out. He provides solutions that is great for the people and not good for the media's money or power. He is against everything the government is for and that is less liberty, more spending, more government, more control, more wars, and higher taxes.

"Yes, more people should listen. A rarity, a man of principle, integrity and high values running for president, exactly what America needs in this day and age."

-John, West Virginia.

"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxes and over-regulated and over-run by beurocrats. The founders would be ashamed of us from what we're putting up with.

As a matter of fact, if we look at every single problem we're facing today, its because of the lack of respect to the constitution." -Ron Paul
david t
2008-04-13 00:11:01 UTC
Gun issues rate pretty high on my give a crap meter, as well as national security and the economy. I don't feel that heath care is a right (just like eat'n, if you can't aford it, get a ****'n job, or a better job!!!), I also don't think that our goverment needs to play a bigger role in my daily life. Keep the nation safe, my road paved, and outlaws in jail (if the jail gets too full, hang some of'm!) other than that Uncle Sam needs to leave me alone. Yep you guessed it,,,,,,, McCain is my man, he ain't the one I'd of hand picked but John Wayne is dead, he will have to do.

Hate away, I am used to it.

Glenn M
2008-04-12 23:29:18 UTC
McCain supporter because:

Economy: I prefer lower taxes, and less social welfare programs. I dont believe our economy could survive what Clinton or Obama would do to it.

Supreme court justices: he would appoint conservative ones that will, hopefully, not be activist justices.

Foreign Policy: Wants to "win" and finish the war in Iraq. Will take a tough stance against Iran and other countries that repeatedly taunt and will in the future be able to credibly threaten our country. I dont believe Obama has the experience to credibly deal in foreign policy.

How will people possibly vote a thumb down for giving my logical reasoning based on my beliefs, i have answered the question, as asked. Grow up if you cant handle the fact that not everyone supports the same candidate you do.

Edit: Mr Taco, Thanks for being honest and logical in your post btw, Hard to find in here...

What do you mean?

I may as well have said

I'm a Republican, so I am voting for McCain." Again, so much for issues. It's party politics as usual.

That a slam or are you talking about reaction to my post?

I am a Republican, many people dont like that but there are reasons for my beliefs, and those reasons coincide more often with the Rep. platform. If I thought Obama or Clinton were going to do those things, in a heartbeat id jump ship but they aren't
2008-04-12 23:46:11 UTC
Honestly, I think Obama is running on his own and Hillary is running on Bills name.

Obama has better views on things then Hillary, such as health care.

I will take Obama as our next president before another Clinton or Bush for the safety and motivation of the country.
2008-04-13 01:35:53 UTC
Because I have the democratic freedom to choose whichever candidate or party I like!
2008-04-12 23:34:30 UTC
Obama and if you don't know why you haven't been listening or you're Rich!Everything is fine to you!Looking forward to 100 year war.Get Packed "Draft" is coming! Have a nice trip!

Courtesy McCain & Hillary!

Obama 2008!

Ebony & Ivory President!
2008-04-12 23:29:49 UTC
I support hillary because i'v noticed her husband is very nice and doesn't like wars.I'm from syria and when america hated syria the most at that time he went to visit our country and it was very friendly,i think he'll be good with all the countries around the world
2008-04-12 23:28:51 UTC
I don't view this campaign as some immature popularity contest, therefore, I support Hillary Clinton because I know she is perfectly qualified to get the job done.

I will never vote for Obama, he represents a direct conflict to the values and beliefs that make this country worth defending.
2008-04-12 23:25:44 UTC
Obama, because he is the best we got on any ticket without a Clinton or a McCain on it.
2008-04-13 00:03:07 UTC

coming from the senate && being a former first lady she knows what its going to take she already has first hand experience
amber s
2008-04-13 00:12:48 UTC
I dislike Obama, for his lack of experience.

I like McCain because of his stance on the war.

I dislike Hillary because Universal Healthcare is a horrible idea. I work in Healthcare and can tell you it will work just like Social Security, and we all know it is bankrupt. It will cost us.

I dislike Obama, because he will pull our troops no matter what.

I like McCain because he has years of actual politial experience.

I dislike Obama, because he is has no experience. then the experience his claims, is work others did, and handed to him. It was done to make him look like he had accomplishments when he doesn't. He claims to have foriegn experience, which is solely based on living in another country as a small boy.

I dislike Clinton because she flip flopped on the war issue. (which is fine) but claimed it was cuz she was lied to. If you change because you are going with public opinion just say it. Don't claim you were lied to. I mean is it that easy to lie to a Senator. What else can we get you to do?

I like McCain, because he actually has military experience which is important for a president, before he decides on military matters and possibly the fates of others.

I dislike Obama, simply because he seems to say blacks can be racist to whites because they have a "right to be bitter."

I dislike Hillary, because she has been caught in several times over discribing events that did not actually occur as she said they did.

I dislike Obama, because he admitted in his book he used drugs. He may have implied he even sold them too. He said blacks gather in tribes and he noted that whites are the enemy.

i dislike Obama, because he is obviously crooked,with his connections to the Chicago politial machine, and direct links to Tony Rezko and their realestate dealing together after he said he really didn't know him. LIE.

I like McCain because his stance on improving the economy.

I dislike Obama & Hillary, because they put Universal Helathcare in front of the economy.

I dislike Obama, because I think he is dishonest in regards to his beliefs. He was a muslim into his 30s, he does not salute the flag but says he is patriotic, and doesn't say the national anthem. He never actually says what his plan specifically is. He tells his people to only discuss there emotions for OBamas entrance into the race, and not real issues. DOES HE HAVE A PLAN?

I dislike Obama, because he seems to continue to try to make Clinton look like she practices dirty politics when he does the exact same thing.

I mean Obama, purposefully interrupted a Clinton TV speech with his own speech knowing it would block her. Tradition dictates they wait for the other to finish. DId he do it on purpose or not knowledable to know better? Obama, also recently had his people start giving out Dave Mathews Band tickets ,at the same college, at the same time, as Bill Clinton was giving a speech there. No coincidence right?

I dislike Obama, because he says Clinton is trying to rewrite the rules. Why should Florida and Michigan vote be thrown out. Sure Hillary would profit, but who really knew the dem race would ever be this close. I think OBama suggesting Hillary should step down is a disrespectful joke. He doesn't even have enough votes to win and neither does she. Obama, was the first to point our how racist Ferraro's comments were and had her drummed of the campaign, but he gave ol rev wright a free pass.

I dislike Clinton because she takes dirty campaign money.

I dislike McCain because he is bad and tell jokes.

I dislike Obama, guz everyone talks about how great and inspirational he is. Yet, if you actually listen to what he says...he says nothing. He talks in generalities, seems to have to create his answer rather than what he believes. He will tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He talks about "change""Value""honest, &integrity" but hides from actually telling his plan. He ducks real issues, becuase he figures on every issue one side will dislike him.

.....And I hate the fact that all three of them (Obama, Clinton, and Mccain) all seem to be giving the Illegal aliens a free pass into our country. They are a serious serious problem that most people cannot comprehend. We need to stop worry about the voting block and do the right thing.

We need someone who will fix all these lawsuits. malpractice lawsuits are what really drives healthcare prices. Do you really believe a 5min doctor visit should cost $175? They charge so much because of their insurance which keeps going up. Universal healthcare does not fix any of that. How is it these politicians can come up with new things to argue about when they haven't fixed the last one.

As far as politians, it is not like one is the greatest. McCain, is probably the best of the three .He has the most experience, a solid military record, not these obvious links to corruption like Clinton and Obama.

Obama, is the furthest left of all of them. Clinton, is liberal too, but not as much as Obama. I think he will lose some Dem vote simply because he is too radical. But if he is selected he will certainly pick a conserative running mate to make himself look more middle of the road.

McCain is even a bit more liberal than what conservatives are used to. BUt maybe this is a good thing. With the poor chooses on the Dem side, maybe the Reps need someone who is a bit more liberal to move the party forward. Not as liberal as OBama, who would take your paycheck and give it to someone not wanting to work, but maybe McCain can bring the party more to the middle where minorities, and nonreligious people can find benefits the republican political party.

We need someone who will take a tough stand on economics. Make the USA a powerhouse in the global scale, not give Mexico a bunch of free money like Clinton and then Nafta. Put some serious muscle into dealing with China. If they want to play on the same field as us, they need to clean up their act. There is no reason why the USA can not financially compete with these other countries who keep trying to undercut us. We need to find out how they can do this and address it. And if it is because of the artificial reasons, such as working conditions, market accessablities, etc. Then we need to even out the field. Help manufactures here get out of some of the conditions which cause them to be non competitive. Unions and red tape are an example.
2008-04-12 23:51:03 UTC
yes I do

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.