Who in your opinion won the presidential debate? Who is winning the Vice Presidential debate?
2008-10-02 18:18:45 UTC
Obama or McCain? Biden or Palin? Who in your opinion got / is getting the better of the other in these two integral debates? I am not asking which campaign people are voting for. Putting that aside, who do people honestly feel won / is winning these debates?

I say "is winning" because the Biden / Palin debate is on t.v. right now! Go watch!
33 answers:
2008-10-02 22:06:43 UTC
The first debate was won by Obama. He kept his composure and stuck to the issues that matter to the public. Senator Biden won the VP debate because he actually answered the questions and could also combat anything that was thrown in his direction. Whenever the debate took a turn that Palin wasn't prepared for, she would avoid the question and go back to talking about an earlier subject. I was also not impressed with her constant mention of Alaska. Being Governor of a state with a tiny population does not really amount to much on the grand scale. This was evident in her comments to "shout out" to the 3rd graders at a school, her continual use of the parrot word "Maverick", her reference to "Soccer moms" and the "Joe six" pack comment.

I was pleased when Biden finally called her out on the Maverick stance that the McCain party is taking. It is an utter lie and even if it were not a lie, being a Maverick is not necessarily a good thing. Bush could be touted as a Maverick. He went against Nato and we see how much good that did. He has gone against what is popular opinion and beliefs. In turn, he has become one of the most hated Presidents in United States History and has driven our country into the ground.

Maverick = Loose cannon
2008-10-03 13:02:02 UTC
I'm independent this year, but I vote for Democrats most of my honesty, I was VERY impressed by Palin's speech yesterday because she looked into the future rather then to blame blame and blame like Biden.

After when Biden kept talking about the past and kept blaming about George Bush, I lost confidence in him that he'll change America. But In the other hand, Biden did do a good job on the health issues...but the war..noooooo..coming from my brother, who's serving in the army in Iraq somewhere, he said that his plan will ACTUALLY kill more troops and crisis..Obamas and Bidens plan on fighting this war is just plain DANGEROUS.

I don't know about you but I'm actually starting to lean on over to the republican side, for the 1st time, but right now I'm independent. We'll see how the other debates go.
2008-10-03 05:38:03 UTC
Thanks for the question I got in a bit late as I watched the whole debate and then found this in the morning but,

Most of these answers are beating around the bush as well. I do have to agree with the one answer that said there were not any real knock outs, but I will try and point out a couple of things I noticed.

Biden, while staying a little more on the task of answering the questions from the moderater, did do quite a bit of skirting around the issues that Palin challenged him on. He could not offer any substance to counter Palins points about tax increases (the 94 times Obama had a chance to vote on taxes - 94 tax increases) and Energy independance. He did change quite a bit of his stances from previous statements and the primary debates, and he now admitted to agree with Palin on some points that I thought they had differences on such as Gay marriage. Biden also tried unsuccessfully to connect the McCain/Palin ticket to Bush/Cheney administration. I think the only substance he could offer was a reference to McCains voting record that seemed like a gross exageration. On that one I would be interested in seeing some documentation on it.

Palin on the other hand, while she had a great presentation, and was overflowing with confidence, did skirt around a couple of the questions from the moderator. I liked her specific answers to the Energy Crisis and her stance against dictators around the Globe, that you have to have some preconditions met to even talk to some of these people unlike Biden who seemed to indicate an Obama/Biden administration would be soft on terrorist states.

I also think Palins point about putting a team in the white house that has a record of getting things done, working with bipartisianship, and true reform, was unanswered by Biden. while Palin answered well Bidens charge that McCain/Palin would be the same as Bush/Cheney. She pointed out what everyone knows, that McCain has always ruffled feathers in his own party.

Overall I definitely would call Palin the winner in this debate.
2008-10-03 15:34:29 UTC
If you listened closely, you can tell that Palin used bigger and fancier words than Biden, and to people who can't follow what she's saying she seems to not be answering directly. She is more knowledgeable than Biden, and I personally liked her pointing out certain people "soccer moms" and such, she has experience is places that not many politicians have. Although she did avoid a few questions, she has more plans and ideas than Biden, who blamed people and just tried to win over the public with his sympathy and "plans". To anyone who is clueless about the economy and government, the Democrats plans sound amazing. Yet the Obama plans take away our freedom and Obama seems to think that the government should take care of the people; but we can take care of ourselves.

At least that's my opinion, anyway.
2008-10-03 15:32:49 UTC
Biden won- Palin did not answer the questions, and then she starts talking about something completely off topic
Kat fish
2008-10-03 10:23:41 UTC
Biden was all about the facts. Palin was all about propaganda and a lot of blah blah, blah. Biden actually answered the questions and was more confident. On the other hand, watching Palin reminded me to those Proactive or colon cleanser infomercials, pure senseless manipulative BS.
Pearly Sweetcake
2008-10-03 02:49:34 UTC
Biden won - Palin lost.

Palin didn't play by the rules. She flat out told Gwen that she wasn't going to answer the questions the way she wanted her to. This told me that: 1. That meant her answers were rehearsed. 2. Biden seemed to be the one to get the questions first which gave Palin time to think of her cue lines. 3. She still was unable to answer the questions. 4. When asked a question, she went off to talk about something completely off track. 5. She attacked Joe Biden. He didn't attack her I believe that if he did people would feel sorry for her. I noticed Palin's love for the American people is fake. Her reaction when Joe talked about the loss of his wife and kids was heart-felt -- she was cold! She had no reaction. She just went on to talk about how John Mc Cain is a "maverick". If I were her, I would have said something like "Joe, I'm sorry for your loss", or something along those lines. John Mc Cain is not a maverick and neither is she. I also noticed that she wants more power as a vice president. Because she abused her power as a governor (Troopergate) I am concerned that she wants more power as VP. I believe she would abuse that power too. John Mc Cain's has no credibility and does not use good judgment. He certainly chose the wrong running mate. I cannot trust Mc Cain- Palin.

My assessment- Palin crashed and burned because she did poorly even though she heard the questions first but still didn't answer them. Her crash wasn't as obvious as when she was interviewed by Katy Curic as it was more of a suble crash during the debate. She had the time to rehearse and site answers and she had the chance to talk after Joe- she still crashed.

I was impressed with the knowledge and experience Joe Biden. I would have liked Joe to talk more about healthcare issues because the Mc Cain-Palin plan is very poor. The Obama-Biden plan is more thought out and much more sensible. Obama has a blue print plan of all the issues on his website. If you take the time just to read them, you would understand that his plans will work.

Biden won - Palin lost.

Obama/Biden 2008
Diamond~ I <3 my Son
2008-10-03 05:49:01 UTC
Joe Biden all the way. Palins answer for everything was I run Alaska which is a energy producing state blah blah blah. she sounds like the mom off of Bobbys World
2008-10-02 22:08:16 UTC
wow are you guys serious? Palin was the one going off course and going back to old questions from time to time. She skipped question number 2...She didn't know how to answer it. The Republicans just told her what to say when they mentioned a certain topic but that was it. She didnt go in dept on the question. Joe Biden did a good job on stating facts about the questions and actually answering them instead of avoiding them.

Biden won hands down.
mike j
2008-10-02 20:24:43 UTC
It was clearly a very tight debate. Of course no way anyone can say, Palin did not exceed expectations. She did stumble a couple of times though and sometimes beated around the bush instead of answering the question. Biden performed exactly how everyone said he would perform. Though he did seem to focus on mcCain a little bit more. I didn't see any knockouts, of course everyone watches the fight for a big as it stands I say it was a draw leaning towards biden.
2008-10-03 00:19:39 UTC
While Sarah Palin was charming, her responses lacked substance and she didn't really answer certain questions. Joe Biden on the other hand, was a lot more convincing, so I'd have to say Biden won.
2008-10-02 23:25:39 UTC
(I would like yo throw in that I'm typing this up on a phone so please excuse any typos or anything. Thanks!)

So we all know that Palin does have a history of beating around the bush and turning questions around so that she can answer them. Tonight I turned on the tv thinking that maybe she WOULD do a good job today. That maybe she would know how to answer the questions given to her instead of going off on a different subject. This was not the case at ALL!

To me, it seemed like everything she said was rehearsed. I mean don't get me wrong she is very good at how she talks but nothing she said had to do with what she was asked! Like she only rehearsed what she said and said it when she felt it fit with the question.

I really like Joe Biden though. I thought he was well spoken and answered the questions great.

This is just my opinion of how I felt the debate go today.
2016-10-05 08:58:45 UTC
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U.S.A. girl
2008-10-04 09:37:47 UTC
Palin Palin Palin. Are you hearing this Biden guy! He wants to raise our taxes, and refuses to let us to do our own drilling! Obama and Biden have no idea how to run our country and our military! BEING GOOD AT CRITICIZING AND HAVING CHARISMA IS NOT ENOUGH! MCAIN PALIN 08. our country cant afford another screw up!
2008-10-02 22:22:41 UTC
OK i did not watch the entire debate...but i must admit Joe must have done much better then Palin. She seem to have not taken this debate serious...i started laughing when she said "Shout out to the third grade teachers" (her mom, dad, and maybe her entire family)...COME ON! does she not know this was a very important debate and not a radio station making shout outs??..she is such an idiot!! JOE has to be the winner not that ignorant!
2008-10-03 15:27:19 UTC
i think Joe Biedin won. sarah palin is not ready to be a vice president. she lacks the experience.
2008-10-03 17:33:17 UTC
The GOP doesn't want Palin doin' any more TV talk shows, like the"TODAY show, or "60 Minutes" --- because these appearances will show just how POLITICALLY STUPID SHE IS .


Or As Ralph Nader Said ----

" AMERICANS DESERVE BETTER " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-10-02 19:55:25 UTC
Although Palin is an excellent speaker, she does not answer the questions in a debate. She makes a nice presentation, but she does not have substance.

Biden gave detailed answers to the questions and refuted Palin answers.

Palin is likeable, but so was Bush.

We need expertise because we are in a crisis because of Bush.
2008-10-02 22:42:53 UTC
Biden mopped the floor with Palin. I really tried to give her a chance and listen to what she had to say. And it was NOTHING!
2008-10-02 23:11:30 UTC
I think Palin was more to the point and Biden just bad mouthed McCain
2008-10-02 19:00:17 UTC
Joe Biden is completely destroying Palin. Palin is simply dancing around all the questions. Biden is bringing in facts and rebutting everything Palin says
2008-10-02 19:20:58 UTC
At first I think Palin then Biden for a while, now Palin again. I think it's important to vote in an administration that can mobilize and get things done.... not just someone who talks and talks about doing something or rhetoric.... I'm a democrat, but must say I'm going with AmeriCAIN all the way -- As Palin was pointing out small businesses would suffer for tax cuts and I thnk McCain/Palin will ensure energy independents, less fraudulant gov practices, smaller gov't and health insurance based on the market not on gov't -- do we really want to have another gov't program? Keep an open mind to Palin.
2008-10-02 20:42:14 UTC
I am a Liberal.

Overall it was even. However, Palin dodged a few questions that she had no clue on how to answer.....

However, I honestly did not really pay that much attention to the substance of her answers to the fact that she had a pretty face and was pleasing to the eyes.
2008-10-02 19:40:33 UTC
palin has the IQ of a child...... biden is well educated
2008-10-02 21:06:35 UTC
Sarah Palin is winning thus far...... Biden has no clue what he is saying, he is getting side tracked.......
2008-10-02 18:22:35 UTC
I didn't watch the presidential debate, but I think both VP candidates are doing okay
2008-10-02 20:20:04 UTC
Palin won hands down. Joe needs to learn his history. Joe is a good politician which really means he is good at faking it.

(registered Independant here)
2008-10-02 20:00:41 UTC
I'm kind of a big deal.
2008-10-02 18:24:54 UTC
Darn right Moose! I agree. I may still have to hunt you down and shoot you tho.
2008-10-02 18:23:00 UTC
So far Palin. Joe gets off track too easy.
some girl
2008-10-02 18:22:35 UTC
no one really "wins" the debates, but palin looks like a complete moron. biden is destroying her
2008-10-02 19:29:13 UTC
Joe Biden

Palin is only answering the questions she can answer....
James the Just
2008-10-02 18:22:15 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.