Why does A.C.O.R.N. get $5 billion in the stimulus package?!?
Bob S
2009-02-11 07:46:10 UTC
Barrack HUSSEIN Obama used to be a "Community Organizer" for ACORN, recruiting and training their 'registration specialists' . . .
ACORN was caught red-handed committing voter-registration fraud on a very large scale, and in many cities, where they actually have b een trying to track down some of these fraudulent registrations, tens of thousands of registrations were tracked to vacant lots, abandoned buildings, business offices, schools, gas stations and so on.
ACORN was extremely supportive of Obama during the election and did not even offer a hint of the impartiality of a public-interest organization. Is there any wonder how ACORN just happens to be the recipient of so much of our tax money?
23 answers:
Bill in Kansas
2009-02-11 07:51:02 UTC
The Porkulus Bill is nothing but democrats paying off all of thier buddies who have helped to get them elected

look at some of this garbage they have shoved into this bill:

• $1 billion for Amtrak (which hasn’t turned a profit in 40 years)

• $50 Million for The National Endowment for the Arts

• $400 million for global-warming

• $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects

• $650 million for digital TV conversion coupons

• $600 million for the Federal Government to buy new hybrid cars

• $7 billion for modernizing federal buildings and facilities

• $81 billion for Medicaid

• $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits

• $20 billion for food stamps

• $83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax

• $252 billion is for income-transfer payments

• $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film

• $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker

• $448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters

• $248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters

• $400 million for the Centers for Disease Control to screen and prevent STD's

• $1.4 billion for rural waste disposal programs

• $125 million for the Washington sewer system

• $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion

• $75 million for "smoking cessation activities."

• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges

• $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction

• $500 million for state and local fire stations

• $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings

• $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service

• $412 million for CDC buildings and property

• $160 million for volunteers at the Corporation for National Community Service

• $200 million for reseeding the grass on the National Mall
2009-02-11 08:27:26 UTC
Because....Community Organizer = Obama

Because....Community Organizer = Acorn
2009-02-11 08:18:17 UTC
They do not directly. They would have to compete with other similarly structured agencies for the funds. The POTENTIAL for them to receive funds was couched in Congress"ese" so that they could sneak around the American people. Much like the entries that slipped in Daschles socialization of the health care system. Of course that idiot wrote a book saying the the way to dupe the American people about socialized medicine was to "slip" it into a budget bill so no one would notice and it would not be subject to transparency, debate, hearing and negotiation. And that little slime bucket, tax fraud did it even it he did get his sorry butt out of the running for HHS director.
Been there, done that.
2009-02-11 07:54:57 UTC
These registrations where done by many people that Acorn hired to go out and register people. They had to reach a certain quota, in order to get paid. So, they made up names and addresses, Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboys etc. But there was no fraud on Acorn, as these people obviously did not show up to vote.

Have you read the stimulous? I have, and there is no mention of Acorn in it.

Did you also know that Acorn registers Republicans too? Ha didn't think so.
John H
2009-02-12 11:33:08 UTC
Before you start spewing information from factcheck and annenberg as scripture, I suggest you take some time rummaging through and researching their 'about' information. Just because you agree with someone's bias doesn't make them any more correct than you.
2009-02-11 07:50:30 UTC
ACORN is not getting $5billion.

there is money in the package targeted to community service organizations. But this money will be held up for open bid.

Yes ACORN may bid for some of this money but no they are not guaranteed those funds.

This is from

Does the stimulus bill include a $5.2 billion payoff for ACORN?

I would appreciate having look into whether ACORN will receive $5.23 billion from the Obama stimulus package under the guise of “stabilizing neighborhoods.” I have been bombarded by e-mails from an acquaintance about this. What can you find about this? Thank you.

A: The bill does include funds for which ACORN would be eligible to compete - against hundreds of other groups. But most is for a housing rehabilitation program ACORN says it never applied for in the past and won't in the future.

For the past two weeks, Republicans have been raising a new charge against a familiar enemy, claiming that the Democrats' stimulus bill includes as much as $5.2 billion in "goodies" for the Association of Community Organization for Reform Now (ACORN). Last fall, Republicans accused ACORN of "massive voter fraud," a claim which we said was exaggerated. The group has since become a favorite target of Republicans, so it understandably raises a few hackles when House Republican leader John Boehner's Web site proclaims that the bill provides "a taxpayer-funded bonanza" for ACORN. And Republican Sen. David Vitter goes even further, telling Newsmax TV that the provisions amount to "a political payoff." Also, the National Republican Trust PAC has taken up the issue in fundraising pitches. But these claims are wildly exaggerated and rely upon faulty logic.

There is more to the article, I suggest you read it.

You have been given inaccurate information.

Actually Obama wasn't the chairman of the Annenberg foundation. He sat on a committee for a specific grant program based in Chicago, in 1993. Far from Chairman of the entire foundation.

By the way, how can a reasonable discussion occur, when questions are in the form of statements, and any facts from any source are automatically refuted as being lies? How do you know for sure that your "truths" aren't "lies" and my "lies" aren't "truths"?
2009-02-11 08:45:55 UTC
ACORN gets out the votes for the Democrats
2009-02-11 08:04:20 UTC
They weren't caugh "red handed" doing anything, Rush.

They themselves reported to the government that some of their employees had been making up addresses and names to get out of walking door to door.

And I highly doubt any money for Acorn is in this bill - source?

That's it!
2009-02-11 08:42:48 UTC
Obama ranked # 2 on the lobbyist's payroll while he was a Senator,only Chris Dodd was paid more,John McCain was #62. I think obie can expect lots of people calling in favors now,he took the payoffs ,now they want payback.
2009-02-11 07:53:43 UTC
They don't. Read up. 5 billion goes to CDBG funds. ACORN can apply for these funds just like any other organization. But will probably get about the same percentage as they did under Bush (if not less).

Is this really worse than Bush-Chaney giving billions to their ex-employers or companies?
2016-10-02 11:41:53 UTC
it extremely is a ineffective-severe concern. No the FBI won't remedy this earlier the election and it extremely isn't the 1st time it befell. it is not correct that "this is probable in basic terms a small sort". Voter fraud is a criminal offense and with an intensive election it concerns. in case you think of approximately it, it extremely is an exceedingly annoying factor of seize. they're in basic terms catching the painfully obtrusive examples of voter fraud. the stable factor is they're zeroing in in this and beginning off to seize the fewer obtrusive situations of voter fraud like a single person registering assorted cases. human beings purely don't get the actuality of ways severe it extremely is. a interior of sight radio station the place I stay who helps Obama to the max had considered one of their visitors on the teach say that he replaced into going to sign in as many cases as he ought to to verify Obama gets in workplace. despite if or no longer he replaced into severe (which he never pronounced), and he probable wasn't it replaced into undeniable ignorant. Listeners who don't have the effortless-experience might think of it extremely is a competent theory, attempt it, and then get convicted of a criminal offense. it extremely is looking after your listeners isn't it? the actuality that Obama has contributed funds in direction of this business enterprise is extremely undesirable information and particular won't do him any stable. Many will look previous it on the grounds that they're so caught up in his circulate. i understand i would not prefer to be linked with this business enterprise if i replaced into working. there have been situations the place they have paid those with cigarettes and different centers to get them to hitch to vote. whilst i do no longer that for the time of itself is a criminal, doing it to get them to vote one way or yet another is. severe stuff and a real project. do no longer dare think of it is not. sure, this business enterprise is obviously affiliated and helps the left.
2009-02-11 07:53:11 UTC
Because Obama is from Chicago, and this is how Chicago politics operate. The poster above me is right: it is their reward for helping Obama.

Do not be surprised when ACORN offices officially start accepting applications for government employment.
Angela Q
2009-02-11 08:04:16 UTC
They're not. It's a lie, just like that fake CBO report that Republicans were quoting from to "prove" the plan would not work, when they actually made the whole thing up. ∠°)
2009-02-11 07:59:09 UTC
Bill in Kansas deserves the BA, He has shown the numbers, He has

presented the case for not voting for this debacle, These numbers do

not lie. They are what we need to know, VOTE NO on this giant pay

back to the left wing organizations that helped buy Obama the election,
2009-02-11 07:57:51 UTC
Doesn't your employer always profit from your work?
2009-02-11 07:49:47 UTC
They DON'T. Any source? Didn't think so.

You're LYING.

Why are you such a pathetic LIAR?


(from the more emotionally intelligent answerer below:

This is from

Does the stimulus bill include a $5.2 billion payoff for ACORN?

I would appreciate having look into whether ACORN will receive $5.23 billion from the Obama stimulus package under the guise of “stabilizing neighborhoods.” I have been bombarded by e-mails from an acquaintance about this. What can you find about this? Thank you.

A: The bill does include funds for which ACORN would be eligible to compete - against hundreds of other groups. But most is for a housing rehabilitation program ACORN says it never applied for in the past and won't in the future.

Get out of my pocket!
2009-02-11 07:51:28 UTC
Part of it goes into his account i would bet America on it. Oh wait I can't bet America, we have been sold to China.
Shovel Ready
2009-02-11 07:49:44 UTC
Because the stimulus package is really a social agenda trojan horse.
2009-02-11 07:52:39 UTC
It is their reward for helping Obama.
2009-02-11 07:51:14 UTC
he won the election. so get over it.

by you capitalizing his middle name shows your elementary school yard antics. and only someone who doesn't have a valid argument would use it....cause it's all they got.
2009-02-11 07:49:58 UTC
Obama owes them his Presidency.
Kwanzaa Baby
2009-02-11 07:59:03 UTC
P. A. Y. B. A. C. K.
Hater Police
2009-02-11 07:50:26 UTC
They don't. That's why you have no cited support for your bogus claims.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.