The Porkulus Bill is nothing but democrats paying off all of thier buddies who have helped to get them elected
look at some of this garbage they have shoved into this bill:
• $1 billion for Amtrak (which hasn’t turned a profit in 40 years)
• $50 Million for The National Endowment for the Arts
• $400 million for global-warming
• $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects
• $650 million for digital TV conversion coupons
• $600 million for the Federal Government to buy new hybrid cars
• $7 billion for modernizing federal buildings and facilities
• $81 billion for Medicaid
• $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits
• $20 billion for food stamps
• $83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax
• $252 billion is for income-transfer payments
• $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film
• $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker
• $448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters
• $248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters
• $400 million for the Centers for Disease Control to screen and prevent STD's
• $1.4 billion for rural waste disposal programs
• $125 million for the Washington sewer system
• $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion
• $75 million for "smoking cessation activities."
• $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges
• $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction
• $500 million for state and local fire stations
• $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings
• $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service
• $412 million for CDC buildings and property
• $160 million for volunteers at the Corporation for National Community Service
• $200 million for reseeding the grass on the National Mall