Conservatives don't "hate" Mr. Obama - they see through him, something Americans seem no longer able to do, and they disagree with his policies.
B.O. is one of my two U.S. Senators (thought he's been campaigning for Pres practically since he started "serving"), and believe me, he is NOT conservative at all. If you think he is, then he's got you where he wants you, with the wool pulled over your eyes. He's to the left of Hillary.
Clinton adopted the same strategy when he ran, stating time and time again that his whole intent was to rescue the middle class, and what did we get?
B.O. is an ambitious ladder climber, with ties to shady operators, and virtually no experience.
Read this article, long but good:
By the way, it's got nothing to do with race, but rather how he treats the issue (if only behind closed doors). I voted for Alan Keyes for President and for the Senate in the primaries. I'd also vote for Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Condi Rice, the list goes on.
Oh, how far we've fallen from the likes of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Reagan ... heck, even Kennedy.