Was it inappropriate for Gov. Schwarzenegger to make derogatory comments about Barack Obama's physique?
2008-10-31 16:25:21 UTC
He called Barack Obama scrawny and in need of doing some serious leg presses and arm curls.

Such verbiage is meant to imply that Barack is weak because of his physical appearance.

I find that so fascinating because in his next sentence he called John McCain--solid as a rock. Now John McCain is a 72 years-old geriatric, disheveled, and terribly bitter man. McCain has attempted suicide multiple times, suffered from serious mental depression (and some might argue that he still does), and continues to sudffer from some permanent physical disabilities-- McCain cannot lift his arms over his head or tie his own shoes.

We only need to remember how McCain looked on the stage yesterday calling out for Joe the Plumber. McCain looked so foolish, confused, and really geriatric when he learned about Joe's absence. I would think that a military man, solid as a rock, would run a better, more organized campaign. However, that simply is not the case.

Additionally, when McCain's aides bad-mouthed Sara Palin by calling her a 'Wackjob' and a 'Diva', McCain should have stood firmly by his running mate and fired those aides. Of course, such intermittent glimpses do reveal how McCain might behave in the Oval Office-- and that is a good thing for undecided voters.
49 answers:
2008-10-31 16:28:12 UTC
Yes, he is the governator.
2008-11-01 09:19:38 UTC
Yes, it was indeed inappropriate, even as a joke!

And I agree with your statement:

We only need to remember how McCain looked on the stage yesterday calling out for Joe the Plumber. McCain looked so foolish, confused, and really geriatric when he learned about Joe's absence. I would think that a military man, solid as a rock, would run a better, more organized campaign. However, that simply is not the case.

Additionally, when McCain's aides bad-mouthed Sara Palin by calling her a 'Wackjob' and a 'Diva', McCain should have stood firmly by his running mate and fired those aides. Of course, such intermittent glimpses do reveal how McCain might behave in the Oval Office-- and that is a good thing for undecided voters.
Feldwebel Schultz
2008-10-31 18:22:24 UTC
Arnold is just another third rate half-a s s e d imitiation of an "actor",

an Austro-Nazi maggot with no real marketable skills who pumped iron and took steroids until he looked the way he wanted.

In short, he's a typical Californian: a total fraud.

Who gives a fadunga what he thinks? I suspect the simple cretin is not capable of actual thought.

Actors should stay the hell out of politics, and concentrate on macrame and being spanked, which they seem to be capable of handling. And many thanks to you pathetic, simpleton, moron losers

who keep bringing up that fiction about the birth certificate every time you get a chance. Can you slime buckets not READ?

Go talk to Arnold der Kreep, and bring your idiot a s s fantasies, bozos.

Racist puke buckets!!!!
2008-10-31 16:49:07 UTC
Wow, a short question and a long political statement, you seemed to have worked very hard to denigrate John McCain for his age and physical condition with out being un PC but your true feelings come through strong and hard, a republican has criticized Obama and your on the attack, but smart enough not to get deleted from YA. You mention age because he is obviously older than Obama, but d a m n, to mention the guy can't raise his arms above his head is childish and insensitive. He was tortured as a prisoner of war for over five years, you have your arms broken repeatedly and see how high you can raise them 30 years later.

Oh and bluntly Barack is scrawny, does that change his ability or inability to be president? No! but Obamites will look for any and every avenue to attack McCain and golly Obama is not running a dirty campaign, he is letting his brain washed blind sheep do it for him.
2008-10-31 16:33:14 UTC
I'm guessing it was a feeble attempt at humor.

You must remember that Arnold calls other politicians "girly-men" for disagreeing with him.

McCain will get no surge in California for Arnold's appearance. In California Arnold has about the same approval rating as President Bush. He's considered a joke at this point.

I find it interesting that Senator McCain can only attract C-list celebrities to his rallies.
2008-10-31 16:35:59 UTC
Schwarzenegger was speaking from his brain pumped up on steriods. His head is humongous and full of rocks.

John McCain is not solid as a rock, he looks like the pillsbury dough boy.
2008-10-31 16:32:52 UTC
I am just glad McCain picked Palin and not Arnold.
2008-10-31 16:31:13 UTC
McCain is hurt from being a P.O.W. for alomst 6 years,while defending America. Even though I watched Arnold say it, and it made me giggle a little,I see how its not cool because if ppl were talking about McCain's problems it wouldnt be funny,moreso because he really IS hurt.

If anything that's weak, is Obama's way for change.......

Besides he could use some Hydroxycut lol.
2008-11-01 11:52:35 UTC
Schwarzenegger was not Republican enough until yesterday. Yesterday he became more Republican than McCain himself.
2008-10-31 16:30:30 UTC
Well because Arnold is a Republican and is buff as hell! Not only gotta realize this is the same guy that said "there are loop holes so big that I could drive my hummer through it" in his debate for governor! And don't forget he's married to a Kennedy!
2008-10-31 16:30:47 UTC
It was entirely appropriate. Arnold makes lots of "girly-man" jokes. And, you have to admit, Obama is pretty feminine.

How funny it is that Democrats are so offended by the slightest joke, but it's perfectly OK for Republicans to be constantly mocked in the media.
2008-10-31 16:44:30 UTC
It may be Freudian. Arnold cannot be President because he is not a native born American. Obama lost his Federal Court Citizenship Challenge months ago (Federal Court Rule 36, failure to provide proof of citizenship within 30 days), and as an illegal immigrant, can no longer be a Senator, much less be sworn in as President! No more voting, either. Yet he steams onward toward the Presidency! And scoffs at Rule Of Law! And seeks to dismantle entire Amendments to the Constitution/ Bill of Rights! His economic plans are pure Socialism! Certainly all this rubs Arnold the wrong way. Details of the "lost" court case at , and scroll down to the second article.
2008-10-31 16:37:47 UTC
And what have libs said about Gov. Palin?

This is a bunch of bull you're giving us!

Let's deal in fact, shall we?

Where is your proof John tried to commit suicide?

The fact is, you know Obama can't win fair and square. He has to cheat and lie and his supporters have to do the same to get their girlie-man elected. Obama is disgusting!

Long time Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis mentored the young Barack Obama.

What kind of influence did Davis have on Obama?

HONOLULU, Hawaii – The late Marxist activist Frank Marshall Davis, frequently accompanied by young Barack Obama and his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham, sold marijuana and cocaine from a "Chicago style" hot dog cart Davis operated near his home on Kuhio Avenue in Waikiki in the early 1970s, WND has established.

A credible source, a well-known resident of Honolulu who spoke at length with WND on condition he not be named, disclosed that Davis was the source of drugs consumed by Obama. Davis was also the author of an autobiographical novel boasting of "swinging" and sex with minors, a copy of which WND obtained from Andrew Walden, a resident of Hilo on the island of Hawaii and publisher of the Hawaii Free Press.
2008-10-31 16:34:59 UTC
Remember, Arnold comes from good Austrian Nazi stock. Charm is not their long suit. McCain has made one bad decision after another in this campaign and bringing that drip into the mix just underscores his lack of judgment
2008-10-31 16:35:10 UTC
Inappropiate is, Arnold Schwarzenegger = Governer
Kimberly C
2008-10-31 16:31:36 UTC
Derogatory and inappropriate? Yes. Lasting harm? No. At best we take it as a joke, at worse we wonder why Arnold cares so much about Senator Obama's physique and ignore it.

We're not voting based on a push up contest. I rather have a scrawny intelligent president than someone who's been put through the mill over and over again with little to say but to attack, make false claims and insight hatred.
2008-10-31 16:32:04 UTC
It's a good thing he didn't make fun of Barak's ears. He's really sensitive about his ears. For God's sake don't say anything about his funny looking ears.
2008-10-31 16:30:57 UTC
I believe he was speaking metaphorically. John McCain, as a Republican, is more to Schwarzenegger's political liking. Obama, as a borderline socialist, is weak ideologically.
爪丹尺I丹れ< Mona Lisa >
2008-10-31 16:33:10 UTC
okay, you go be tortured every day for 5 years then go tie your shoes.
Revolution of Truth
2008-10-31 16:33:44 UTC
yeah it was off. but men is arnold funny. lol whenever he talks you just have to laugh. he's an american hero in my view.
2008-10-31 16:32:42 UTC
I seriously hope Arnold didn't stoop that low. I excused him for smoking pot and slapping women on the behind, citing his youth as one of the reasons he behaved that way. I would like to think that my Governor is more of a state official than a near sixty year old jock.
2008-10-31 16:32:04 UTC
yes. and Biraq is not weak because of his scrawny legs, he's weak because of his feeble mind.
2008-10-31 16:29:04 UTC
He was probably making a joke. People take things waaaaaaaaay too seriously.
2008-10-31 16:30:08 UTC
I'm sure the "civilian police force" will carry Arnold away for his BLASPHEMOUS comments twords Lord Obama.

Big deal....
2008-10-31 16:38:42 UTC
I think he should have just goofed on his enormous ears, kinda like dumbo's.
2008-10-31 16:29:02 UTC
Well Arnold has to let off steam someplace. At home he most likely is the underdog.
2008-10-31 16:29:01 UTC
Obama is kind of skinny . lolol

When McCain was his age he would have walked circles around him after one punch .
2008-10-31 16:32:05 UTC
I've seen pics of Ah-nuld in swimtrunks...can you say "man boobs"?

Talk about living in glass houses!
2008-10-31 16:38:07 UTC
barry hussein obama is a WEAK little man that can't even stop SMOKING?
2008-10-31 16:30:38 UTC
2008-10-31 16:29:00 UTC
I agree, he should have compared experience so noone could argue with him
2008-10-31 16:41:22 UTC
don't listen to those desperate comments from the future losers... i really don't know why arnold is in politics.. another empty head like palin and mccain.. AND TO THOSE WHO ARE JEALOUS ...........OBAMA REMINDS ME OF A WOMAN.. REMINDS ME OF ME.. REMINDS ME I AM A WOMAN.. HE IS SEXY.. ELOQUENT...SMART.. ATTRACTIVE......WHEN HE TAKES OVER AND KICKS BUSH OUT I WILL APPLY FOR INTERNSHIP IKE MONICA LEWENSKI DID...MMMMMM....MMMMMM...MMMMM
2008-10-31 16:30:15 UTC
Obama is a girly man! He needs to (claps) be pump up!
Mary Alice_1979
2008-10-31 16:30:48 UTC
I agree with you. But Gov. Schwarzenegger is not an American. He shouldn't even be governor, everyone ran the year he won, including an ex porn star.
2008-10-31 16:30:00 UTC
I don't expect the Republicans to change. They're the dirtiest campaigners.
2008-10-31 16:29:51 UTC
Is Schwarzenegger even a citizen? He needs to terminate his mouth !
2008-10-31 16:28:32 UTC

Truth hurts.
2008-10-31 16:27:43 UTC
He wants to PUMP him up!
2008-10-31 16:29:00 UTC
Seeing as how the governator took steroids.............
2008-10-31 16:28:52 UTC
Obama's physique is better than Arnold's. Have you seen him without cothes lately? Arnold was inapropriate
2008-10-31 16:28:00 UTC
Arnold should be thankful to be here in America, America has been good to him...
2008-10-31 16:27:59 UTC
Arnold's words will affect very few. I watched him with amusement.
2008-10-31 16:27:55 UTC
Obama does make me think of a woman...
Cutie Pie 2
2008-10-31 16:27:54 UTC
I think you would too if you were built like Arnold.
2008-10-31 16:27:51 UTC
He's The Terminator... the man can do no wrong.
2008-10-31 16:27:49 UTC
Sometimes the truth hurts.
2008-10-31 16:27:28 UTC
GOPers mistake PERSONAL attacks for POLICY attacks. They're just that "off" when it comes to those sort of things.
2008-10-31 16:28:39 UTC
oh quit bitchin, you really take that serious?

you obama supporters are uptight when they talk about your lord
2008-10-31 16:27:17 UTC
Well.....Obama is a girly man!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.