Convince me why I should vote for Mccain instead of Obama?
2008-10-30 14:55:46 UTC
Well I had an argument with my Government teacher (he is a 60 yr. Republican) he admitted that Mccain has no chance of becoming President but he keeps of repeating each day the phrase "I'm afraid of Barack Obama" and I asked him "Why do you keep saying that you are afraid of Obama?" and he mentioned that "Barack wants to bring all the troops back home which is bad because Communist and Terrorist will take over the Middle East and they are gonna aimed their bombs at the U.S.", of course he didn't mentioned that Barack actually wants to take the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afganistan where the terrorist really are.

He also mentioned that some time ago Obama admitted himself as being Muslim, which is bad cause Muslim and Christian don't go well together.

And that Obama refused to stand up for the Star-Spangled Banner "Anyone who does that shouldn't even be allowed in the U.S."
34 answers:
2008-11-02 01:36:19 UTC
their all lies, truly speaking Mccain is a 3rd bush term
2008-10-30 15:15:39 UTC
Stick to your convictions. The 2 things you brought up that your teacher told you are wrong.

It wasnt that Obama did not STAND for the Star Spangled Banner, one time he did not put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem. There is a difference. The other thing about being Muslim.... he did not admit to being a muslim, he said that as a younger man, he had studied different religions including muslim religion because of his family, but that he is and always has been a Christian. There is nothing wrong in studying religions around the world.

Obama did not say he would pull every single soldier out of the Middle East. He said he would end that war, slowly pull troops out, and you are right, put them in Afghanistan where they should be to fight terrorism. Bush took us to Iraq because of oil, not for anything else, and really put the snow job on the American people that we were fighting terroism there. Your teacher should not be forcing his Right Wing opinions on you. He should be stating both sides and let you decide. To heck with "McBush and Sarah Pain" who would follow Bushism!! It's the rich greedy elite that are afraid of thier taxes going up that are for MCCain and want to remain bullies of the world instead of being respected in the world the way we should be.

Stick to your convictions!!

I think Obama will be a refreshing change to the screwed up way Bush has run this country!
2008-10-30 15:04:44 UTC
The basics of his economic plan do not work. He will be raising taxes on all of us because he will let the current tax cuts expire, therefore we will be paying more. Raising taxed during a recession will bring on a depression. Ask Herbert Hoover.

He wants to socialize medicine which will bankrupt this country. He adds that 47 million people are uninsured but never mentions that a large amount of these people are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

He has lied about his ties to Bill Ayers and Jeremiah wright and changes his words whenever he is caught and challenged. He can call himself a Christian all he wants, but any true believer would not support abortion.

He has also stated that our children should learn to speak Spanish instead of the immigrants learning out language.

He is not a man of good judgment or honor. He has never served in the military and can't hole a candle to McCain when it comes to foreign policy which is still so very important.
Nilay J
2008-10-30 15:07:34 UTC
O.K. first of all let me start off by saying that America is a secular democratic nation and that its citizen should not be scared of another person due to its religion/color.

Now, muslim extremists are present and are operating/training not only in the Middle East, but in London, Africa (major operations), Pakistan, Indonesia, South America and other Asian countries. So saying that leaving Iraq will strengthen the extremists reasons to advocate an attack is irrational. There are more independent liberation movements in Iraq then Al qaeda terrorists.

Secondly, America has been an allie to pre-dominantly muslim countires like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, African countries, Russia (communist), China (communist) and they as you mentioned should hate America because it is pre-dominantly a Christian country.

Your last allegation, I am not aware of him not standing up for the star-spangled banner. If he didn't than people should ask him for a reason, before jumping to conclusions.
2008-10-30 15:16:12 UTC
Have you heard of Obama's past associations with marxist ideologues and terrorists? Not to mention that Obama is using a book called "Rules for Radicals" written by Saul Alinski a marxist as a plan for his campaign and his "Community Organizing." Alinski laid out a campaign for "Change and hope" and advocated creating a crisis if one doesn't exist to help your cause and pretending to be middle class then fomenting class warfare to attain power and then punish the middle class for having values contrary to the cause--Alinsky loathed the middle class because they usually dislike socialism and represent the majority in a democracy.

Obama, himself, expoused a similar ideology when he attacked the founders and the Constitution for limiting the the states power during a 2001 radio interview in defense of "Redistribution of Wealth." He even attacked the "Warren Court" the most liberal court in American history for not going far enough in removing the "chains" on government in order to initiate social and economic change. On top of all of that Obama will have a super majority of like minded people in Congress and he has no foreign policy experience or any executive experience at all. We are still paying for the last two times this happened in recent history( LBJ and Carter Administrations both of which were economic and interanational disasters and characterized by intrusive and inept governments).

Keep this in mind.

"Government is an unfaithful servant and a tyrannical master." James Madison , fourth president and father of the US Constitution.
Dan H
2008-10-30 15:13:08 UTC
For get the Muslim crap because it does not matter. You do not have to fear a true Muslim. Just the Extremists who have distorted their religion.

The reason to vote for Mccain is that there are no questions about his devotion to his country. Few living people have given more than he has when he was tortured POW for all those years. He will defend us without question. You cannot be sure about Barrack if he were in that situation.

Second, his plan to freeze spending and cut taxes will lower the deficit and create jobs. This is the only way to get us through this downturn in the economy. It is the same thing you would do if you found your self in debt.
2008-10-30 15:17:42 UTC
Well, being a Barr supporter, I'm not going to tell you to vote for McCain, but I will give you some reasons to not support Obama.

First, Iraq. When listening to Obama, you really have to listen to his exact wording. He usually says he's going to take the "combat troops" out of Iraq. This is important, because his obamablueprintforchange.pdf says he's going to ensure the safety of Iraqis in and around Iraq. Of course, that's going to require troops...but they'll be called "peacekeeping troops" rather than "combat troops." So we'll still be in Iraq. He's not going to take the troops out.

He also wants to get the US involved in the Darfur conflict.

He wants a "civilian national security force", which will be "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military

He uses "truth squads" to stifle free speech

He supports the PATRIOT Act.

He supported the telecom immunity bill, which also gave law enforcement even more time to listen before requiring a warrant.

He's a gun grabber

He'll be bad for the economy

Clearly, a better question would be - why should anyone vote for Obama?
2008-10-30 15:10:44 UTC
It's sad but McCain Palin don't have much of a chance of winning.I'am very afraid of Obama as well for about the same reasons.McCain is a true American hero.He's an icon he is honest He don't try to build himself up to deceive the voters He has never had ties to questionable people like Obama has.I believe Obama brings a great danger with him.I hope he is exposed for his true self before the election.

McCain/Palin in 08 to take America back and a better America will follow

McCain/Palin America first in 08 Don't forget to vote.God bless America.

PS.Do you really beleive Obama sat in Wright's church for 20 years and never heard Wright's message about Goddamn America and didn't know Ayers or have ties to acorn? I may not be very smart but I can see through his bullshit.Obama is a salesman and the product is never as good as the salesman says it is.
True Patriot
2008-10-30 15:04:46 UTC
Why not vote for neither one? Vote 3rd party. There is probably a candidate that has similar views as yourself. I am voting Chuck Baldwin. He wants to bring the troops home as well and he also wants to stop policing the world.

I am not sure if the whole Star-Spangled Banner thing is true or not, but I do have to admit that when I see that, I do think that those people aren't very patriotic. It is like not being willing to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

I think that America has lost a bit of it's patriotism. (I am not saying Barack has, because I am unfamiliar with the story)
2008-10-30 15:07:50 UTC
Obama is a wolf in sheep skin / he has not told the American people what his actual agenda is - except the time in Ohio when he slipped to "Joe the Plumber" - That was not suppose to be heard by us - The only people that really know him are the radical people he spent time with. Wright is a bad person as is Risko, Ayers, Doren, Phleger, etc. Do you really believe that these are all just coincidences - that he has realtionships with all these people for years? His wife is also someone that is no fan of the U.S.

Let's face it these groups along with his socialist policies to take from one group who earns and give money to those who don't would sink any other politian. I mean Ralph Nadar has more credibility!
2008-10-30 15:04:01 UTC
Your teacher should read the truth about Obama and not believe the Fox News lies and hype. He is NOT muslim - he is Christian. He wants our troops out of Iraq and into Afghanistan & Pakistan to FIND OSAMA BIN LADEN, which is what they were supposed to be doing over there in the first place (until Bush's personal vendetta got in the way). He has of COURSE stood for the Star Spangled Banner (what a stupid comment) Basically your teacher is a dumbass close-minded Republican & you shouldn't listen to him.
Ultimate sweetness
2008-10-30 15:24:47 UTC
Don't listen to your teacher. My government teacher never told us who he was voting for or even what is party affiliation he was (even though we asked a million times). He objectively went over what each candidate stood for and gave us the opportunity to find out for ourselves what we can do to make our government better. In this way, he made me a better voter and a better person.

My advice to you: Don't listen to what anyone has to say on here or anywhere else. It's up to YOU to research and make your own decision about who you are going to vote for. When you step in that booth, it is your own heart and mind you should be voting with, not someone else's.

So no, I can't convince you why you should vote for McCain. My opinion doesn't matter, yours does.
Andrew L
2008-10-30 15:12:23 UTC
Your 60yr old government teacher is a typical idiot Republican who has bought into the stupidest reasons not to vote for Obama, like "Obama is a Muslim..." and other stupid talking points. He should not be teaching anyone anything, and especially not spread his political opinions to his students. You should report him to the school administration.

The real answer is, if you value the original intent of government, which is to protect individual rights, including the right to obtain, keep, use, and dispose of your property as YOU see fit - not as the government sees fit - then you will not vote for Obama. But if you feel it is the government's duty to be involved in this decision, and you feel like it's your duty to sacrifice for the good of people who need help, you'll vote for Obama.
2008-10-30 15:03:35 UTC
Your teacher said that because he doesn't want to see change in the White House by an intelligent man that is doing what is right. And all of those negative comments are nothing but false information.

Barack Obama & Joe Biden 2008
2008-10-30 15:02:19 UTC
You should tell your teacher to stop campaigning and teach. It is unfortunate that he would take advantage of his position of influence to try to push a partisan ideology, and to spread false information. Obama is not a Muslim, and the fact that he would say that the possiblity that Obama is a Muslim is some sort of a bad thing. A reason not to vote for him is disgusting. Truth be told, I believe your teacher has crossed a serious line.

At any rate, I would not try to convince you to vote for McCain. In my opinion you are already making the right choice.
Spock (rhp)
2008-10-30 15:04:24 UTC
since you aren't paying taxes or working yet, Obama's economic policies have little effect on you.

however -- should you want to get a job anytime in the next few years, maybe you should vote for lower taxes and a better economy -- which is McCain.
2008-10-30 15:00:49 UTC
I do not think you should vote at all. Why? The electoral votes determine the presidency not your vote, your mother's vote, your dad's vote, or even my vote or all the blacks that think if they rally together we'll finally get a black president. The only thing that matters is how the electoral voters cast the ballot and unless you're one of them, you're just giving justification to the Government for not allowing Americans to control the Government as they have rights to based upon the Constitution.
2008-10-30 15:00:04 UTC
Look at what Obama has done:

He talks about hope. This is what Obama has done along with the dem's. Since he is no good at fixing his home town and state let's give him a shot at all the state's





















What he says and what he has done do not match you do the math!
Agent Smith
2008-10-30 15:00:49 UTC
Your teacher is wise.

Obama just does not have the experience.

He said so last night - that he will mess up the job.

That will cost more lives and more money and may start a revolution!

Ayers in an anarchist.

Is that what people want? Anarchy???
2008-10-30 14:59:40 UTC
Simple Root to all of this:

McCain wants to keep America and increase its values.

Obama wants to change American and create a new country.

Have you asked what type of "Change" he wants you to believe in? it is undefined and will be so defined by whatever he does as being the great "change".

Intelligent Dems for McCain!
2008-10-30 14:59:59 UTC
Can't think of one reason, well unless you like Bush... Obama is Christian, his father was muslim. Who cares... Not all muslims are bad muslims.. just the terrorists, which are in a catagory of their own.
amor para ti
2008-10-30 15:00:35 UTC
I completely agree with you.

Vote for McCain for national security.

He will stand up for this nation.
2008-10-30 14:59:10 UTC
LOL He is Not the man you think he is not even an American Citizen go figure. Community organizer mentality
Rose S
2008-10-30 15:00:40 UTC
No, because you shouldn't vote for McCain instead of Obama.
2008-10-30 14:59:06 UTC
Because George W Bush has been a successful President and you want to carry on his economic policies. John McCain in essence is George W Bush.
2008-10-30 14:58:44 UTC
Many Obama supporters believe Obama?

....and that he has convinced you of his honesty. Well-well-well.

Apparently a prominent Obama supporter then has a different story....

"I never was in Bill Ayers house, he was just someone who lived in my neighborhood" --------B. Obama - throughout primary and general election campaigns.......


“I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.” When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,” Warren wrote on her blog in 2005. “They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.” ----- > Dr. Quentin Young - Chicago Physician

)))))))))) Convinced now? ((((((((((((

Simple word's called "honesty" to the people.
2008-10-30 14:59:58 UTC
I don't try and convince anyone because its impossible to convince and change minds

so vote whomever you wish too

its your choice
2008-10-30 15:03:43 UTC
I can't. You shouldn't. Please tell your instructor that if he votes based on fear he is surrendering to terrorism, then ask him why he does not want a raise and a tax cut.
2008-10-30 14:58:59 UTC
If you don't know by now, you're a lost cause.
2008-10-30 14:59:12 UTC
Your teacher needs to stop watching Fox News.
Jeff A
2008-10-30 14:59:55 UTC
Your teacher is a jerk for forcing you to listen to his opinion when he should be teaching. Report him to the principal.
Markeith M
2008-10-30 14:58:45 UTC
You shouldn't vote for McCain in the first place.
2008-10-30 14:58:11 UTC
Haha. You shouldn't!

Obama/Biden 08!
2008-10-30 14:59:08 UTC
No friggin way am I gonna do that.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.