Are you already sick of attack ads?
2006-09-15 16:40:10 UTC
Why doesn't anyone (Democrate,Republican,or any of them) just tell us what their platform is? Do you care what one canditate has to say about another?
Ten answers:
2006-09-15 16:49:25 UTC
Got to love election years. They get worse as it goes along. no one is up front about why they want to be in office. It gets old really quick at least to me. I have no want or need to see the ads they dont make me decide who to vote for conciencous voters can find out information about the candidates without the ad BS.,
2016-12-18 16:00:27 UTC
What on the whole bothers me is people who verify Christianity as their faith, declare this is the fulfillment of Judaism, are unquestionably particular the Bible grew to become into written with the help of God almighty, understand wihtout doubting tha the Earth is youthful and Adam and Eve street to church on brontosaurs till now the Noahic Flood, and yet have in actuality studied none of those subject concerns, no longer plenty as even study the Jewish address meant Messianic prophecies and despite if in actuality Jesus relatively fulfills any, who no longer in user-friendly terms wager their own lives on their unmerited ideals, yet arrogantly insist all of us ought to do likewise or we are demonic and evil and to be perpetually condemned.
2006-09-16 03:32:03 UTC
I feel attack ads keep a lot of folks from voting.Attack ads make it hard to choose between the two so voters get disgusted with the whole process-and that's so sad.
2006-09-15 16:48:58 UTC
i agree with that statement. also, what canditates say about another candidate is not a big deal to me. criticism deals with candidates a lot. I just have to deal with it and make my own choices about which candidate to vote for
2006-09-15 16:46:58 UTC
Yep. Jim Talent in Missouri needs to shut his lying mouth. For him to claim that he's not up Bush's buttocks is a joke...esp. when he voted with him 90+% of the time. Rock on Claire.
2006-09-15 16:44:51 UTC
To tell the truth, I'm sick of them as soon as they start. I think that most of the ones that do that do not make a good candidate.
2006-09-16 08:10:15 UTC
Yes. And the Republicans seem to be better at it.
Made in America
2006-09-15 19:53:11 UTC
You are so on target. No one talks about issues or beliefs but are more concerned about bashing the other guy.
tina m
2006-09-15 16:42:38 UTC
I agree!

I hate elections, because they bombard us with that BS!
2006-09-16 00:41:45 UTC
who cares about america!

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