Does anyone else feel republicans constant bombard of attacks on Hilary Clinton to be getting extremely old?
2015-11-10 17:29:51 UTC
This is honestly annoying me with a passion! lol i just watched the minor GOP debate and everyone was somehow trying to blame Hilary Clinton for any and everything. Even things that she could never have done because she didn't have the power. Especially Chris Christie! Its just felt like as soon as Hilary announced shes running, republicans just all attacked her! Its so annoying!
166 answers:
2015-11-12 09:27:04 UTC
I'm never worried about Republicans attacking Hilary Clinton,actually if they weren't going after her then id be worried. Think about why they're attacking her,could it be because they simply hate her so much? Kinda maybe Could it be because of her stated policies? It's possible,but more than likely it's because she's the single most adept and able politician running for the presidency out of all candidates regardless of political party period. And Republicans know this .This morning entirely why all Republicans are gunning for her inpaticular. Hilary Clinton is and will be the candidate to beat and Republicans simply hate that. But what they hate the most is regardless of the GOPs continuously bashing her and commities,investigations she's still mainly unfazed and more undeterred,along with her poll numbers rising and the buffoonery going on within the Republican primaries and them tearing each other apart,whomever will be thier nominee will be trounced by HRC in the national.
2016-03-05 10:30:23 UTC
I'm never worried about Republicans attacking Hilary Clinton,actually if they weren't going after her then id be worried. Think about why they're attacking her,could it be because they simply hate her so much? Kinda maybe Could it be because of her stated policies? It's possible,but more than likely it's because she's the single most adept and able politician running for the presidency out of all candidates regardless of political party period. And Republicans know this .This morning entirely why all Republicans are gunning for her inpaticular. Hilary Clinton is and will be the candidate to beat and Republicans simply hate that. But what they hate the most is regardless of the GOPs continuously bashing her and commities,investigations she's still mainly unfazed and more undeterred,along with her poll numbers rising and the buffoonery going on within the Republican primaries and them tearing each other apart,whomever will be thier nominee will be trounced by HRC in the national.
2015-11-10 19:35:51 UTC
I'm never worried about Republicans attacking Hilary Clinton,actually if they weren't going after her then id be worried. Think about why they're attacking her,could it be because they simply hate her so much? Kinda maybe Could it be because of her stated policies? It's possible,but more than likely it's because she's the single most adept and able politician running for the presidency out of all candidates regardless of political party period. And Republicans know this .This morning entirely why all Republicans are gunning for her inpaticular. Hilary Clinton is and will be the candidate to beat and Republicans simply hate that. But what they hate the most is regardless of the GOPs continuously bashing her and commities,investigations she's still mainly unfazed and more undeterred,along with her poll numbers rising and the buffoonery going on within the Republican primaries and them tearing each other apart,whomever will be thier nominee will be trounced by HRC in the national.
2015-11-12 12:17:33 UTC
Well she is almost certain to be the Democratic nominee, so she is going to be attacked no matter what!

But what really makes me laugh is the hypocrisy of Republicans and the way they are whining about the unfairness of the media against ANY of their candidates, but moreover the candidates themselves, who are an even bigger bunch of whiners and cry babies than their supporters, if any of these a$$wipes showed even just one ounce of the grace and dignity that Obama has shown over the years in the face of such blistering accusations and lunatic theories that he has had to put with, then they might get a bit more respect!!!

And in the case of Hillary, can you even begin to imagine either Trump or Carson being grilled for eleven hours by a very hostile panel trying to nail their a$$ to the wall and keeping a fraction of the same composure???....Lol!

At the end of the day, thanks to the last Republican hearing, Hillary Clinton doesn't need our sympathy or our support, because as we all witnessed, she can rip any of these bozo's a brand new three bedroomed double wide a$$ before breakfast without even breaking a sweat!!!
Alan S
2015-11-11 22:57:25 UTC
It is old and very annoying, but they have no choice but to do that. I prefer Bernie Sanders, but most likely Hillary will be the nominee. No one who is not a religious freak or in the top 1% who is in their right mind would vote for any of these Republican clowns. Each one is worse than the other. I actually think Trump is the least bad because he doesn't mean what he says and is just doing it to rile up hatred to get Republican votes.

The whole thing is that the Republicans can't win on the issues, because they're wrong on all of them. But a lot of people in this country are stupid. And their goal is to convince those stupid people who are not committed to either side to vote Republican. Their best way to do that is to scare people into not voting for the Democrat, make it like she's incompetent or dishonest. Amazing how the Republicans will hold endless hearings investigating the attack on Benghazi and trying to keep it in the news - an attack that killed 4 people - but the 9/11 attacks under George W. Bush that killed about 3,000 people aren't worthy of an investigation, and one was only done after public outcry by the victim's families, and that investigation was a sham.

The Democrats run on real issues that matter to people, like raising the minimum wage, making the rich pay their fair share in taxes, health care, public education, etc. The Republicans have to bring up issues like building a wall to protect us from the bad Mexicans, banning gay marriage and abortion, issues that will at least help them win the primary. These issues won't work as well in the general election. Most of us would like a solution to the immigration issue but realize that the real problem is that good jobs are being shipped overseas, not Mexicans taking low wage jobs that no one wants. Most of us believe in a woman's right to choose, and don't care what people do in their bedrooms and don't think that gay people getting married is going to mess up their own heterosexual marriages. So they have to bash Hillary and make her look bad in order to make themselves look better, because they can't win on any real issues. That, and doing everything possible to prevent the poor and minorities from voting.
2015-11-10 17:47:57 UTC
"After 7 years, the NYT can't unearth a college transcript, but they're sending reporters to Cuba to attack my dad?!" - Ted Cruz says it like it is

"I do not remember this level of scrutiny for one President Barack Obama when he was running. In fact I remember just the opposite. I remember people saying, ‘Oh we won’t really talk about that. We won’t talk about that relationship. Well, Frank Marshall Davis, well, we don’t want to talk about that. Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, well we don’t really know him. All the things that Jeremiah Wright was saying, oh, not a big problem." - Ben Carson tells it like it is

"Unfortunately, however, over the last 24 hours, we have also seen violence spread elsewhere. Some seek to justify this behavior as a response to inflammatory, despicable material posted on the Internet. As I said earlier today, the United States rejects both the content and the message of that video." - Hillary Clinton knowingly and intentionally lying to the American people and families of deceased Americans
2015-11-13 10:45:54 UTC
I think you can apply for free money from the government due to your feelings being hurt by the constant bombard of attacks on Hilary (sic) Clinton by Republicans. Call your federal benefits office ASAP. If there is not free money available for constant bombard of attacks, I'm sure Bernie Sanders will start a program for it. Bernie wants to give free money to anyone who has their feelings hurt for any reason. Listening to Bernie, you would think that the government has billions of dollars in bank accounts ready to hand out to everyone in need. Unfortunately, this is not true. The US Government borrows $2B per day just so it can pay its bills. I really don't know where Bernie is going to get all of that money. Does he?
Common Sense
2015-11-11 18:50:54 UTC
Welcome to the world of politics.

Listen here. The state of our nation is so much deeper than politics: democrats vs. republicans and vice verse. The slinging of harsh words between candidates is playground antics while the real issues are being unattended to.

The problem we are having is the degeneration of the human condition, all around. Blue or red, the problems are worldwide and quite frankly, frighten me. The issues we have are social issues, all actually created by greed. Greed is about people getting what they want, no matter the cost. That includes government agencies right down to the common criminal or the local town officials to the educators. The problem is that when citizens who are being taken advantage of, who speak up or begin to assert themselves, the greedy get going and no justice is satisfied.

Enough said. Anyone can attack anyone else at any time, because no one wants to take the accountability or the responsibility for anything.
2015-11-11 07:52:53 UTC
I absolutely positively hate Hillary. I will tell you why: this is the second time she has run for president, and this time, sure, she made it farther, but who the hell cares? Hillary is a liar, a fat wierdo, and one who does not know what she is talking about because her husband practically leads her! Sure, she worked her way up, but it doesn't mean she can walk into a restaurant, order something to eat, and talk to a few wealthy people about her campaign while Bernie Sanders is out there rallying 10000 people at a CAR GARAGE! Not to mention, if she becomes president, her husband would be running the country again, not her. Why? She doesn't know how to run a country. Leave it to the other candidates (Excluding Trump).
2015-11-14 08:54:40 UTC
I think seeing Mrs. Clinton's face and hearing the garbage that comes out of her mouth is getting extremely old. The Clintons are every bit as corrupt and are megalomaniacs equally delusional as our current "president". People with a conscience and a love for this country will continue to call bull when they see it (on both sides). Mrs. Clinton has a LOT of baggage, both as part of the Clinton presidency and from more recent years. As the most likely democratic candidate, she will be continually criticized by the other side, and rightly so. Based on her actions over the years, she definitely is not presidential material, yet she seems to believe she is entitled to it as if this were her God-given right. Delusional. Hypocritical. Very dangerously socialist. No, we will not stop criticizing her actions.
2015-11-11 15:49:26 UTC
Does anyone else feel democrats constant bombard of attacks on Donald Trump to be getting extremely old?
2015-11-12 18:27:00 UTC
Hilary Clinton is an easy target. She probably went as long as anyone without someone going against her.

I think she thought that she had free range with politics. She says anything she wants about other people and then skirts by the real issues. I would never want any harm to come to her or anyone else, but it's about time that people questioned the Queen of manipulation. I certainly wouldn't waste time trying to feel sad for her.
2015-11-11 16:33:58 UTC
Yes, Hilary Clinton to be getting extremely old.
2015-11-10 18:53:30 UTC
She is attacked because she is already the nominee as she claims to have already locked in the deoligates she needs to nominate her. Ironically Liberals had no problem bashing Bush, and Romney. The reality is Clinton has avoided answering all truths and being transparent in an investigation. The FBI will concluded that soon. If I was running I would attack her as well knowing she will be the nominee and is a person who deserves to be in prison not in the White House.
Jake No Chat
2015-11-11 16:48:04 UTC
Yes Hillary is extremely old. The attacks are fair game since they are against the apparent front runner of the opposition party. Let's face it, Hillary would be bad for the country, so attacks on her could do some good for the country. I would never vote for Donald Trump, and I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, both are liars, untrustworthy and they are just trying to satisfy their huge egos. They really do not care about the country, they feel entitled and will pander for votes and attention.
2015-11-12 08:28:12 UTC
What is getting really old is watching and listening to her lies..half truths .., and deceptive statements~~~all with a smile and that slow look around to get some feed-back on her(mis-leading) statement(s). ..same as when President Bush first started using the word " evil ", in his speeches , and pause--looking around with his eyes for acceptance . I -, do not have any trust at all in her words..., and wholly believe she is " bought and paid for ", by big money buying our elections. A vote for her is simply a vote against our Constitutional Rights , for she intends to do away with the people's Constitutional Right to bear arms, and has said as much in previous statements .

Also her " joke statements " about the Fema Camps being a " re-education camp"..,..., or was it a joke?--I don't think so--.

In fact --I believe and pretty well already know this is the Democrat's position also on our 2nd amendment take it away , if they can.

She will not get my vote , and hopefully others that I speak with about what she really represents, and not her portrayal.

Some people believe she should be in prison------, and that is my personal opinion as well.

Have a nice day.

2015-11-13 08:50:27 UTC
She has so much to be called to account for and a large majority of the media shields her from any criticism, especially right now while she is pitted against an eventual Republican nominee for president. The Republicans have no choice but to continue to investigate and repeat her many indiscretions and corruptions since the media is not willing to do so. The media is too busy digging into deep minutia (like Ben Carson's West Point story) on Republican candidates. The media bias is no longer even debatable.
2015-11-11 16:11:34 UTC
No because Hilary Clinton was herself incredibly negative towards Obama when fighting for the canditature during her previous attempts and secondly because there are legitmate questions regarding Hillary Clinton's conduct in her previous role as secretary of state.
2015-11-11 08:53:53 UTC
Sure they attacked Hillary. She has done plenty to be in jail or at least hiding out with other criminals.

If she didn't know her husband Bill (remember the proven liar) was cheating on her many times with many women (does rape come to mind) then why do you think she can size up other foreign leaders? Anyone that 'head in the sand" ( although I don't believe her cries of "I didn't know ) has no business being the leader of the US. Not only did she cover up his dalliances she was was leading the charge to demonize the women that Bill Clinton had abused.
2015-11-10 17:36:12 UTC
No No No No NO!!! Not NEARLY enough. The woman should be in prison, not running for president. Republicans (and everyone else too) should hammer and hammer until the Dept of Justice takes action against this criminal and traitor! The constant excuses and a$$ kissing by the main stream media should stop.
2015-11-11 13:04:56 UTC
It's called politics. Politicians bash each other. Hillary Clinton is not the right person to be president. Bernie is. Republicans just like Democrats have every right to attack each other, it's the first Amendment right.
2015-11-12 18:16:07 UTC
It was old 10 years ago. Hillary has done a lot to make our lives better no matter how hard she had to fight for it. That scares republicans and they are terrified that if she has enough power that when people have a better home life and their kids are better educated that we will all see who the republicans really are and what they have been doing to our country with our tax money. Right now only democrats have clear vision
2015-11-10 17:49:50 UTC
I only watched a little of that debate. What I heard were attacks on Pres. Obama, and yeah, I'm sick and tired of it, too. If they would have just answered the questions without the insanely repetitive negativity, then I might have listened to more. However, I'm not a Republican, and my brain is just wired to appreciate more positive ideals...maybe, yours is, too.
2015-11-11 23:09:57 UTC
Hilary herself is a joke. She stepped down from her old position because she literally couldn't to the job. Now she thinks she should be president? She is sneaky and there's over a million and 5 reasons why she should NOT be anywhere close to office.
2015-11-11 16:12:01 UTC
Well Hillary is extremely old as well. Some of the attacks are based on her long life in politics that some younger people missed
2015-11-11 20:34:38 UTC
It's a 2 way street. Republicans now, Democrats later. It's nothing but a bunch of mud slinging.
2015-11-11 15:33:44 UTC
Yes, the constant attacks on Hillary are getting old and tiresome but Americans have proven that when it comes to politics that they tend to throw common sense by the way side. An example, 0bama was elected not once but twice; now there is your proof, REGRESSION at it's lowest level.
2015-11-13 11:28:19 UTC
It's a democracy thing. The Republicans fear Hilary Clinton because they know she has a better than good chance of making it to the White House.

In a democracy we have to learn to agree to disagree.

We have a saying here in England - "Give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself" Thus Trump is already tied up in his own mouth load with more to come.

But remember, it's a democracy and both sides have right to say what they like, no matter how weak the argument. So, let the Republicans (metaphorically) hang themselves. Enjoy

Victory is almost certain.

Good luck in 2016

We'll all be watching here in UK.

as we do.
2015-11-12 10:08:23 UTC
Yes Hillary Clinton's ideas are getting extremely old & by looking at how those solutions have failed in the past why have her run?
2015-11-12 17:22:38 UTC
I'm a kid but I'm very political. I do find these attacks on Hilary Clinton to be very cold but it's business. Not personal life. Although I'm annoyed because it seems like they terry to hack her personal email to get her in trouble!!!!!
2015-11-12 06:10:32 UTC
Nope, there is so much material and so many ways to show what a lying sack of bovine defec@tion Hillary truly is. It could go on for years and never cover all the available material, in fact when she gets out of jail for treason there will still be untapped material showing how despicable she is.
2015-11-11 21:47:52 UTC
2015-11-11 07:36:07 UTC
Not nearly enough. The Benghazi Embassy repeatedly requested increased security. That was refused over, and over, and over, and as the boss Hillary is responsible for that. The ultimate result of refusing the requests for additional security was the death of the Americans. Hillary said, "what difference does it make," thereby saying it didn't matter at all. The liberals, by defending Hillary in this matter are saying, "so what," to the deaths of four Americans when it all could have been prevented had they cared anything at all for their welfare.

Folks, don't trust your security to the liberals. If your house is on fire they are likely to say, "what difference does it make," instead of calling the fire department.

2015-11-11 14:24:54 UTC
2015-11-12 05:17:16 UTC
2015-11-11 16:54:06 UTC
The bombardment need to persist to keep it fresh in the minds of the voters. What Hilary Clinton is evading is

perhaps the truth of her role/s in deceptions..Alas whilst it may be acceptable in politics to lie the public do not necessarily accept not condone her brhaviour.
2015-11-11 09:36:00 UTC
There is nothing positive to say about Hillary Clinton. Why would any intelligent person support an egocentric notorious liar?
2015-11-10 23:25:25 UTC
I am neither, I try to vote for the best candidate to fill the position. During a presidential debate this has become the norm. Hillary in my opinion, based on actual documented evidence has lied, made poor judgement calls, and shown a total disregard for the people she is supposed to represent. The only thing important to Hillary appears to be money and prestige.

Based on those facts I would be unlikely to vote for her, but once we are in the booth those left standing after all the name calling in both directions is who we are left to make choice on.

When the time comes I will read as much as I can from, on the record sources and defiantly not just because a candidate said it, or the horrible news networks that report, their beliefs and not the news said it.

If you don't like the name calling at this point change the channel, don't read it, or listen to it. It is just part of the process at this point, and has been for years, in both directions.
2015-11-12 14:46:22 UTC
Democrats only have 2 people running. And in a race everyone gets on everyone elses case by the time it's time to vote, so get used to it. If it's annoying then turn off the tv and radio and stay out of YA till the election is over.

If it's annoying at all perhaps you need to take a look at her record.
2015-11-12 09:18:16 UTC
Hillary is getting extremely old, she's probably had more face lifts than Joan Rivers by now.
2015-11-12 20:53:51 UTC
No. Hillary Clinton is obviously going to win the democrat nomination. So they are all collectively targeting her to convince the American public that anyone is better than Clinton.
2015-11-10 23:21:24 UTC
I'm kinda a repblican and I'm tired of hearing about it it's like people just want it to be what they it to be so bad that even though we been through this like 8 or 9 times and wasted millions of your tax dollars we are still trying to make something out of nothing
2015-11-10 20:47:19 UTC
Well we certainly don't want to annoy you. Tell you what, how about putting yourself in the position of the parents whose children were in the Benghazi Embassy when they were being murdered and slaughtered after they had notified Hillary many times prior to their demise. Put yourself in the position of the parents who have to bury their children, young men and young women. Imagine this being you as a parent hearing that Hillary refused to do anything prior to the Terrorists attacks...Still want to blame us?
2015-11-11 02:23:57 UTC
She is a liar and she would be a horrible president.The only reason a lot of people will vote for her is because she is a woman.Is Hillary Clinton the best we can do? If the answer is yes then this country is sad.It would be embarrassing to have her as president. The woman would be in jail if she was someone else.Hillary deserves the attacks she gets because she plans to destroy america and the dumb democrats intend to help her do it.
2015-11-11 12:22:20 UTC
I agree. I am educated enough to have my own opinion about H Clinton. What I want to know is what the candidates ideas and plans are. Why should you be president, not why the other guy should not.
2015-11-11 22:18:22 UTC
Hell Yea!! They constantly disagree with whatever Obama does, regardless if they would agree with it or not. Republicans are so extremely partizan. It doesnt matter what Obama or Hillary does, they are against it. Regardless of if they would agree to it or not if they didnt know who was doing it.
2015-11-12 04:59:42 UTC
The only thing old is the democratic candidate and the same old promises they make Freebies for anyone stupid enough to vote for them Quit your whining and get ready for a good old fashioned butt whooping in 2016
2015-11-11 07:52:22 UTC
Just like liberals keep attacking Sarah Palin.
2015-11-14 07:48:30 UTC
They are going after her cause she will be the next president....And the Republicans know it...this whole thing about the E-Mails and testifiin in front of congress is a political movement buy the Republicans..
2015-11-11 06:07:35 UTC
2015-11-13 10:00:48 UTC
Sure , it's not like Republicans have the brains to know you don't peak a year before it matters. It gets tired and boring and no one is even listening when it really maters.
2015-11-10 19:05:48 UTC
The benghazi scandal is all they have, funny how they didn't go after Bush for ignoring warnings of 9/11 or starting the unnecessary Iraq war which lead to the death of not four, but THOUSANDS of Americans.

😢 😮
2015-11-10 19:33:42 UTC
Dont you think she deserves it, since all she did was take a tour of other countries on us tax payers for 4 years & did'nt know to keep her emails separate from hackers. Mike
2015-11-11 19:48:21 UTC
I'm curious as to what they are going to say if Bernie Sanders wins the primary because they keep talking about "when it's me vs. Hilary".
2015-11-11 20:26:25 UTC
The idea for most is to find any bit of evidence, no matter the size, to contradict the credibility of any of their opponents. While so many are focused on this, the problems that truly matter are not being attended to. With that being said, I don't think very many of them are thinking clearly...
2015-11-13 07:46:04 UTC
It's called politics. Every country does it.
2015-11-11 11:22:21 UTC
Nobody likes Hillary
2015-11-10 20:14:44 UTC
Clinton has screwed herself with the lies and foolishness she has done...she needs to Repub to attack her...her own stupidity is enough.

One would have to be a complete moron to vote for that woman.....they will be just a female , white Obama !!!
2015-11-12 21:46:22 UTC
2015-11-12 06:05:05 UTC
What Daryll Bullock said
2015-11-12 17:46:10 UTC
If hilary shiton wins I'm moving very very far from here
2015-11-12 11:52:57 UTC
She spent her entire time as my Senator blaming George Bush. It's funny.
2015-11-13 08:07:03 UTC
There aren't many intelligent or morally good people who would vote for Hillary
2015-11-13 23:48:45 UTC
Because over 90% of republicans are retards. Dislike this comment all you want, im still right.
2015-11-11 10:47:16 UTC
Dirty-politics has been played for as long as they're have been elections. You thought 2016 would be any different?
2015-11-11 02:39:17 UTC
It's not like they have anything positive to offer. Anyway, get used to it. It'll be the same thing, 24/7, so long as she's in office.
2015-11-13 03:03:09 UTC
Its not politically correct to tell Dinosaurs what constitutes extremely old.
2015-11-11 10:34:47 UTC
They been attacking hillary bengazo for years and still got nothing but incoherent lies Darrell issa is a fraud
2015-11-12 17:49:11 UTC
2015-11-12 11:42:22 UTC
well when you have as many scandals as she has like having a overseas slush fund, keeping confidential emails on a private server and covering up deaths of Americans what do you except?
2015-11-14 11:57:56 UTC
It's the way politics are done these days. You might as well get used to it because it will only get worse.
2015-11-11 13:27:47 UTC
Because Democrats are hard of hearing and demented they need to be told the facts several times before it sinks in.
2015-11-10 18:20:42 UTC
I do agree....but look how popular Bush Bashing basically got Obama elected. In fact, its still his go to card 8 years later
2015-11-11 21:11:39 UTC
It's annoying that her crooked A just keeps running.
2015-11-10 17:30:43 UTC
So Hillary isn't supposed to be questioned
2015-11-11 11:42:41 UTC
She's supposedly the opposing candidate, moron. Do you want them to praise her? If she ends up in prison, as she should, are you going to jump off a cliff or something?
2015-11-13 03:13:11 UTC
Republicans do this to every Democrat. It s politics.
2015-11-11 03:02:13 UTC
2015-11-10 17:41:26 UTC
If Hillary can't take it, then she needs to get out. Either way, Hillary will lose.

2015-11-11 13:53:23 UTC
2015-11-10 19:49:15 UTC
What else would you expect? They're practicing for the real campaign and searching for something that they think will work.
2015-11-11 21:16:10 UTC
It's because they have nothing to say about how they would run things better. Instead, they divert the attention by attacking the competition who they most fear to loose tagainst
2015-11-10 23:03:41 UTC
Your question: "Does anyone else feel republicans constant bombard of attacks on Hilary Clinton to be getting extremely old? This is honestly annoying me with a passion! lol i just watched the minor GOP debate and everyone was somehow trying to blame Hilary Clinton for any and everything. Even things that she could never have done because she didn't have the power. Especially Chris Christie! Its just felt like as soon as Hilary announced shes running, republicans just all attacked her! Its so annoying!"

So do you get paid to post political celebrity worship? The election is not a video infotainment event. The outcome of corrupt political hacks in government has been a major disaster for the U.S. electorate. Your attempt to divert attention from real-world issues to a celebrity popularity contest is noted.

What would you care if other people are overly attached to a professional political hack of your choosing?

I can only guess that you are paid to write the sort of appeal above. But I could be wrong. Maybe you actually admire the political hack at issue. What readers and viewers learn from the Hillary Clinton cult propaganda is vastly different from what Hillary Clinton has been doing all her political career.

I will elucidate with just one relatively recent chain of events, although there is much more.

Please memorize this nuclear physics fact:

Uranium is the stuff from which plutonium 239, the main ingredient of nuclear fission bombs, is made. Nuclear fission bombs are used to initiate the more powerful nuclear fusion bombs.


It should mean a lot to you after reading this post.

The Department of Justice has become an organ of political control. Notice that failure to obey Obama was punished:

"Obama defended his decision to use his executive powers to change the nation’s immigration laws and reestablish diplomatic ties with Cuba... Obama’s decision to reiterate the threat face-to-face is notable because the proposal enjoys significant support from Democrats, especially one of its lead authors, Sen. Robert Menendez (N.J.)... Obama ‘was very firm and so was Menendez but it was not heated or contentious’... "

by Ed O’Keefe, 16 January 2015, The Washington Post


"Sen. Bob Menendez, the son of Cuban immigrants who rose to become one of the highest-ranking Hispanic members of Congress, was indicted on corruption charges Wednesday."

by ERIC TUCKER and SEAN CARLIN, 1 April 2015, Associated Press


But treason was not:

"The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.... several months later... donated $31.3 million to Mr. Clinton’s foundation."

by JO BECKER and MIKE McINTIRE, 23 April 2015, The New York Times


"At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family... As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons..."

by JO BECKER and MIKE McINTIRE, 23 April 2014, The New York Times


That should be a vital concern to U.S. citizens. It is not a joke. This is the real world. There is much more; she is mired in corruption and has obviously sold out our national security to foreign adversaries. This is not a sitcom. The adverse consequences are obvious.

The only people who would dismiss such concerns are people who profit from it, either in cash or in a global military advantage against the United States. That would include the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
2015-11-10 17:54:10 UTC
I would rather vote for a decent black man over a shrill old white woman.
2015-11-10 23:39:09 UTC
2015-11-11 08:08:21 UTC
2015-11-13 02:40:51 UTC
No! And the FBI needs to further investigate her for lying about her use of Classified Information. Send her to prison where she belongs!!!
2015-11-10 21:20:20 UTC
No. She should be in jail for the email server scandal. She is under FBI investigation. She is not fit to be president
2015-11-10 17:30:44 UTC
Hillary is a magnet for criticism not because people like her.
2015-11-11 11:42:04 UTC
Because she's a female
You Need Me!
2015-11-10 21:45:18 UTC
No. Some things never get old. Kicking liars is one of them.
2015-11-14 16:23:57 UTC
LMAO. No,,Obama blamed Bush for 4 years..
2015-11-10 20:33:21 UTC
All I know is most have made up their minds at this point and very few can be changed
2015-11-11 20:59:16 UTC
Yep, ppl like you will gladly ignore issues, that's why you loved by the candidates.
2015-11-11 08:47:42 UTC
HILLARY is getting to be "extremely old" !! Who wants an old B*l*T*C*H running the country that FARTS constantly and needs to wear DEPEND ADULT DIAPERS when in public !!!
2015-11-13 03:09:24 UTC
You haven't seen anything yet! Wait til next year!
2015-11-12 19:22:27 UTC
No I can't say that I do.. , but I do think Hillary is getting old..
2015-11-11 15:41:57 UTC
The thing is the Republicans KNOW they are going to lose !!! So they're trying to put as much sh*t as possible on their opposition !!!
2015-11-10 19:39:05 UTC
Welcome to elections. This is one reason why we have them. Hillary is the GOP's main rival, so of course she's their #1 target. Whoever wins the Republican nomination will be her main target.
2015-11-11 10:08:11 UTC
No older than Hillary doing the exact same thing.
2015-11-11 00:53:47 UTC
I don't know how long before the end but not too far off.
2015-11-12 01:50:07 UTC
No because I WILL BOT VOTE FOR HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is NOT fit for the job and the dems do a good job at bashing the GOP!!!!!!!!!! I am voting Republican all the way because I feel its the only right way to vote! Besides Obama has destroyed this country and I lost my job because of him!!!!!!!!!
2015-11-11 17:54:40 UTC
I enjoy it, Hillary's trash and unqualified.
2015-11-10 20:23:58 UTC
Hilary does it to them
2015-11-10 22:21:28 UTC
Hilary did illegal stuff and she shouldn't have gotten away with it...sorry Hilary but I have to protect my country..
Big Guy 360
2015-11-13 14:33:38 UTC
Yes, I am tired of it. I just wish she would tell the truth so they could put her in Jail where she belongs!
2015-11-11 11:12:53 UTC
hillary clinton could walk across a stage ; hand in hand with the devil. she will probably be our next president. sad.
2015-11-10 20:56:27 UTC



2015-11-11 04:21:23 UTC
Ever just sit here and think, damn, there's some really ****** up people on this earth ?
2015-11-16 15:04:55 UTC
Not at all, I pray for the day Hillary is arrested and sent to prison for her crimes.
2015-11-10 18:26:40 UTC
if she was careless enough to use a non secured email address for classified emails, then what other mistake would she make as leader of the US?
2015-11-10 17:32:07 UTC
I got sick of that about 20 years ago.
2015-11-12 12:11:05 UTC
2015-11-11 08:08:34 UTC
Never gets old.
2015-11-12 20:30:56 UTC
2015-11-10 18:00:03 UTC
If you support Hillary, what would you know of honesty?
2015-11-13 04:32:23 UTC
Throw enough of them and drop enough of them. One is bound to hit home.

And then Ding Dong the witch is dead.
2015-11-11 13:50:59 UTC
2015-11-11 04:28:04 UTC
most definitely it is getting extremely old
2015-11-12 12:14:22 UTC
2015-11-13 14:12:47 UTC
not as extremely old as Hillary is
2015-11-12 09:53:14 UTC
2015-11-12 03:51:59 UTC
They attack Hillary Clinton because she is a C - U - N - T.
Mao Bidden
2015-11-10 17:30:33 UTC
No, I find the velvet glove treatment of her by the media sickening. LOL
2015-11-11 15:03:30 UTC
yes she is getting old
2015-11-11 12:39:35 UTC
No not at all .Hillary belongs in prison and NOW!
2015-11-11 15:26:41 UTC
well, its true hellary is a b*tch and whoever votes for her is either insane or doesnt give a f*ck about our country
2015-11-13 02:53:20 UTC
2015-11-10 23:42:13 UTC
i have no idea because nobody care anything at all about his future, he better finds out what is going on.
Warren T
2015-11-15 06:24:05 UTC
2015-11-11 17:55:38 UTC
2015-11-11 16:17:49 UTC
2015-11-12 20:46:17 UTC
yes, i do feel -- not 'extremely', though! (it's Politics!)
2015-11-12 14:21:58 UTC
I don't know
2015-11-12 13:58:26 UTC
But she is extremely old.
2015-11-10 17:47:02 UTC
We will stop bombing Hillary when she stops lying.
2015-11-11 15:30:55 UTC
who cares. FEEL THE BERN. Sanders 2016
2015-11-12 11:59:16 UTC
gets old
Wu LongDi
2015-11-11 21:11:50 UTC
Not as old as Hillary's dirty lies.
2015-11-10 19:15:08 UTC
I don't know
2015-11-13 09:55:41 UTC
Hillary is gay with Huma.
2015-11-11 01:25:38 UTC
you sound like a low info or a commie socialist heathen one or the other
2015-11-12 18:24:30 UTC
We never tire of emails!
2015-11-10 18:09:50 UTC
She kind of brings it on herself.
2015-11-11 05:44:40 UTC
I think it is the democrats ignoring hillarys LIES and CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR that is getting really old.
2015-11-11 05:39:28 UTC
No, I think it goes back and forth.
2015-11-10 18:09:36 UTC
it is getting old
2015-11-13 17:43:56 UTC
It's never enough when it comes to Rodham. BOMBS AWAY!!!!!~!~!~
2015-11-12 08:31:05 UTC
it doesnt annoy you that she is a blatant liar! ,,,,wow you have little morals huh?
2015-11-10 18:26:04 UTC
2015-11-10 21:50:14 UTC
2015-11-10 21:13:39 UTC
Shut up you ugly ****.
2015-11-11 07:56:50 UTC
You know dat!
2015-11-11 09:02:55 UTC
Yes, I do.
2015-11-11 05:43:41 UTC
Republicans suck
2015-11-12 21:52:43 UTC
2015-11-12 15:39:21 UTC
2015-11-10 19:17:34 UTC
2015-11-10 20:46:23 UTC
2015-11-12 14:28:15 UTC
yeah pretty much
2015-11-12 10:28:27 UTC
Well,what else do they have???
2015-11-11 11:25:19 UTC
2015-11-11 14:57:25 UTC
no she should be in prison!
2015-11-11 06:08:47 UTC
2015-11-14 21:52:16 UTC
2015-11-11 15:58:15 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.