As one who lived through the times of Dr. King. You're completely wrong. i have seen this and it's a complete lie. You have taken a voter registration card to somehow say that Dr. King believes in the Republican agenda. he did not.
He started the civil Rights movement in 1958. since 1948, and the Dixiecrats of Strom Thurman, Jesse Helms, Trent Lott et all., the Republican Party has opposed the legit mate rights of black people.
this happened in 1948, when Hubert Humphrey gave a Civil Rights speech at the Democratic convention. Since then, the Republicans have been the anit-Civil Rights party. It was also about that time that the KKK change from Democrats to Republican, just like Helms and Thurman. On every civil rights bill, elderly bill, Women's rights bill they have been against. they were against social security in the 30's. FDR was a socialist to them.
what you are doing here is to twist history and spout foul rhetoric to try and make some point. the Republicans have won national election since 1968 by playing on racial fears, just like today. Willie Horton!? Reagan, welfare Queen, Law and Order under Nixon, all coded language for we are for white people and against blacks, women.elderly etc. Today, they are using the same coded language to say that Obama ain't like us. mcSame old thing, yes he's black.