Appalling, isn't it? I, for one, and I am sure I am not alone, find this abrogation, or potential abrogation of the Constitution a willful and mindful cowardice by the Establishment, and I mean nearly every one there is in the country. The MSM is on the Obamanation's side, the DNC doesn't want to look like the cheats they are, and nobody else wants to touch it, and risk all the blacks rising up and claiming racism. Again. In the meanwhile, We the People are getting the shaft, and I do not believe that we ought to stand still for it. Even if you are proBama, you ought to want this question settled, rather than to have this pall over your choice. Unless, of course, you're too stupid to see what kind of nasty precedent this sets. If the Constitution fails us, the country is doomed, and you obots along with all the rest of us.
I can well understand GW's reluctance to mix in, but somebody has got to cowboy up for the people of the USA, and I will be beyond grateful to whoever will. There is no way this shysterism ought to be tolerated, and particularly not by those sworn to 'uphold the Constitution,' even if it never specified who was supposed to check on the candidate's eligibility.