Crime takes place all the time in every State and it affects all our lives even if we are not the victims of a specific crime.
However, I fail to see the connection between the behavior of the two bullies you mention and our national Presidential election. Perhaps you could provide the relevance?
Just think about it. Somebody sold drugs in Florida today. Someody killed somebody in Pennsylvania today. Somebody robbed a bank in Idaho today. Now please explain how those crimes have something to do with the election.
Regarding Senator Obama's stand on fighting crime, you should know Senator Obama is a strong proponent of tougher measures to fight crime and provide more resources to local law enforcement officers. He is particularly concerned about the growing problem of methamphetamine.
Senator Obama cosponsored the Combat Meth Act, which provides more money for fighting methamphetamine (meth), tightens controls on the sale of meth ingredients, and provides assistance to the children of meth abusers.
Senator Obama has been a strong supporter of efforts to increase funding and support for local law enforcement. He supported the reauthorization of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program.
Senator Obama cosponsored Dru's Law which creates a nationwide sex offender database and requires greater monitoring of sex offenders upon their release from prison. The bill passed the Senate in July of 2005. This legislation was incorporated into a larger bill, the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act.
He also cosponsored the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.
Senator Obama is a cosponsor of the KIDS Act.
Senator Obama cosponsored the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.
Again, please make clear the specific connection between those badly behaved girls and Senators Obama and McCainn.